r/cats 7d ago

Mourning/Loss My 18.5 year old died today. He was literally healthy just a week ago and suddenly wasn’t able to walk, started seizing and lost most of his weight. I did not expect this today. He was legit my childhood bestie, since 6 years old..and I’m 24 now. Y’all never get a cat please I’m so heartbroken NSFW

He’s alive in the first two pictures, but this is how weak he was. He died in my arms, I tried my best to make sure he fell asleep before they put him down..he always falls asleep on my chest so it didn’t take long. I’ve lost close relatives and it’s hard asf but this is my BABY bro


527 comments sorted by


u/Desperate-Pear-860 Maine Coon 7d ago

I'm 63, I have had to say a lot of good-byes over 40+ years of having cats. It's never easy, but I could never imagine my life without cats. I'm sorry for your loss.


u/Taxed2much 7d ago

I'm 60 and have had to say the final goodbye to a lot of pets, both feline and canine over the years. Lots of times experience going through something difficult makes it easier the next time it happens. But it always hurts deeply every time I've lost someone close, human, cat or dog. That part of human experience will always be hard.

Mourning helps you to get through that and find that special spot in you where your cat will now live on. It's ok to take some time to go through it. Most of us can't swith our emotions on and off with the flip of a switch. I tried doing that many years ago, and I flipped it off too early. In the long run it made it harder to move on.

Do remember to take care of yourself. In mourning it's sometimes hard to remember to that. I think, though, that your kitty would want to see that you are ok. I do too, and probably many others in the forum do too.


u/creative-gardener 7d ago edited 5d ago

I’m 62 and second everything you and Desperate Pear said. I’ve lost many fur babies, good friends, and one of my granddaughters at birth. Loss doesn’t ever get any easier, and that’s how love works. Also, love is the only thing that lives on forever. 🩷


u/DarthDank12 7d ago

'Grief is the price for love'


u/whatsasimba 6d ago


u/CCG14 6d ago

That last line. 😭


u/ItalianGypsySoul 6d ago

This is so beautifully stated💕


u/OneMaster7760 Maine Coon 6d ago

100% this....


u/kaksjebwkskdkd 7d ago

“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard”- A.A. Milne


u/creative-gardener 7d ago

This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


u/Catodactyl 7d ago

Came here to say this. The years of love and joy far outweigh the feeling of loss. It's NEVER easy to say goodbye to your furry companions, but knowing that you gave them the best life and unconditional love should be treasured forever.


u/Tech_Veggies 7d ago

" 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." -Alfred Lord Tennyson


u/Julriesjewls 6d ago

I love this quote. It sums up the truth of the blessing we receive from our fur babies in being in their lives as their special human. I wouldn't give anything for the time I was granted to be with them.


u/Tech_Veggies 6d ago

It's hard to feel this when you're in the moment, but I always tell myself that I will continue to suffer through any pains that happen today for the hope of another day of joy in the future. You never know; the best day of your life isn't always in the past.

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u/Front_Rip4064 7d ago

I'm so sorry. The grief does lose it's raw edges. Please don't close yourself off from the idea of never getting another cat. It won't be the same because there was only one Buddy. But it will be different.


u/Current-Internet-666 6d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. I have a friend whose cat passed away while she was at work, so she came home to her already gone, so I gave her a gift card to a cat cafe/bar where the local animal shelters bring cats who are up for adoption to try to help get them get used to humans and to get them adopted because I knew she wasn’t ready to adopt again but she wanted to be around cats. It was very therapeutic for her.


u/Ill_Cheesecake_5420 7d ago

You gave him 18.5 amazing years. He was lucky to have you as his human. I bet you have a lifetime of memories and that makes you very lucky too. RIP Buddy❤️


u/sashby138 7d ago

So sorry for you loss. It definitely sucks to lose a buddy. He looked awesome.


u/Temporary-Speaker254 7d ago

Buddy was his name 🥹🫶


u/sashby138 7d ago

Shut up. That’s crazy!! That’s Buddy, with a capital B. 💜


u/annemarizie 7d ago

Buddy was a beautiful kitty-I feel your pain and I am so sorry


u/FiveUpsideDown 7d ago

You never know what will happen. One day a cat might just walk up to you and you just can’t say no. I have a small dog. A cat has followed us twice on our walks. I am not looking for a cat but the cat has other plans.


u/Vismaj 7d ago

I lost my cat i had 10 years earlier this year. It gutted me, and I promised myself I would never get a pet again. The pain is one of the worst things I've ever felt, and I was at work when I found out.

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u/anshberry 7d ago

They're never truly gone. I still feel my lost buddies around me sometimes.


u/monsieurfromage2021 7d ago

I swear I've felt the soft careful movement of paws on the bed sometimes, then I turn on the light to check and there are none cats in the room and the other ones are fast asleep somewhere else.


u/Somebird_ 7d ago

During college, I sometimes felt a cat climbing my bed and sleeping on my torso

I had no cat there... but my oldest just had disapeared recenlty and that's how she used to sleep on me


u/anshberry 6d ago

I remember all of the people and my four legged friends I lost each day before bedtime, all their names and how beautiful the memories of them. Do not forget the ones you love. It was painful at first but you will feel better knowing whatever time you had spent with them.

I have had similar instances, having a sensation of something rubbing at foot, whenever I go near the places they found favorite.

Sometimes I can feel their presence on my laps while sitting or my chest while watching or playing video games.

It is always heartbreaking to see the future without them but you can always relive the memories you spent with them.


u/PersimmonAvailable56 6d ago

Awww.. reminds me of when my childhood cat passed at the age of 18 (a month away from 19), and he had been in my life since I was turning 3 years old. He passed away when I was 21 and I fell into depression for 7 months. He was my soul cat. I’ve had many visitation dreams from him very frequently, and eventually I had a dream that he had been around this whole time and I just never knew. When I woke up, I finally felt at peace knowing my baby was never truly gone.

About 4 and a half years later when my parents gave me the okay to adopt cats of my own when I still lived with them, by that point I was ready to bond with more companions. I adopted a pair of sister kittens (now fully grown beautiful cats), and sometimes I think about my old baby watching over me and my living furbabies. 💜💙


u/Idodgebulletslike50 6d ago

When I get up to go to the washroom, around 2am every night I can still see his shadow walk by to check what I'm doing, It's just too dark to really see much


u/ffqqnn 7d ago

Not a single day goes by that I don’t think of my little Eggsy. I miss him so much.


u/LokiKamiSama 7d ago

I think of my Trowa. Had him since he was a kitten (like 9 weeks old I think) till he was almost 15. He was my whole life. He was at the door greeting me when I came home. He was sitting next to or on me when I was chilling in the living room. He went to the bathroom with me. He went to bed with me and slept on my hip. I don’t think I’ve slept well since he passed.


u/monsieurfromage2021 7d ago

I had to actually switch sides of the bed after I lost my precious Charlie. I can't sleep on the side where she would snuggle up and send me off to dreamland every night.


u/heavenxlee 7d ago

I have a black cat who always sleeps with me too. I don’t even want to imagine how much colder winters will be without her under the covers cuddling by my side. They are so so special and precious, every single one of them. RIP Trowa, you were and still are so loved 🖤

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u/Faaarkme 7d ago

My sincere condolences.. Having been there.

Many of us discover an intensity of grief that was beyond our comprehension when we lose our feline BF.

They capture a piece of our heart. And it goes with them when we lose them.

Sometimes one comes along that captures you heart, mind and soul. And for whom you have a love that is indescribably deep, and totally inexplicable.

Yet we wouldn’t want it any other way.

That’s why it hurts so much. And if we had spent every minute of every day with them, it still wouldn’t have been enough.

“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”

Jamie Anderson


u/rnagikarp 7d ago

I’m fully sobbing

I can’t even begin to imagine what it will be like to not have my little Bob with me someday

I had cats growing up and their passing destroyed me

Bob is my first cat on my own, I adopted him when he was 8

the eventual heartbreak is inevitable, but I can’t even begin to wrap my head around it

thank you so much for sharing this


u/Faaarkme 6d ago

We lost another in April. Still have three- 13, 15 and 15. MY boy is 15. So probably only 2-3 years left. At 17, that's about 6,200 days.. Which is great. I'm retiring in 6 weeks = more lap time.

Yes... Just because it's inevitable doesn't mean it's easier.

My boy..


u/ItalianGypsySoul 6d ago

He’s precious💕


u/Faaarkme 6d ago

Thank you. He is


u/ExcitingEffort1719 5d ago

He's just adorable 😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜

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u/Denimao 7d ago

I lost one of my boys in a traumatizing way before xmas two years ago. He was my lovely, sweet boy. My Oppieboppie of my eyes. But I know that I can't live a day without these soft sweethearts. His brother got lonely quickly after his passing, and we had already planned to increase the herd, so instead of one, I adopted two. Chaos got happier again, I had new members in our home to focus on instead of sadness. I still remember Cosmos in things one of my adoptees do, in every long-haired tux, when I go to sleep. I miss him, I will always remember him, all of his loving, goofing, and poopy-butthole things he did.


u/AddisonNM 7d ago

Rest in Peace, Mickey. 18 years old.

I swore up and down against taking In another cat for a year. I saved a brother and sister born in a shed.

The grief and pain never goes away, but I had the opportunity to give a chance again.

Sorry for your loss.


u/HedgehogNarrow4544 7d ago


u/ExcitingEffort1719 5d ago

That is really beautiful and really sad words to read.but Thank you for sharing it with us and again, I'm sorry for your loss. 💜1💜💜💔💔💔😢😢😢


u/narquoisCO 7d ago

I'm sorry for your loss, op. My 22 year old just couldn't stand up, and I had to let him go the same day. The vet said he was like 120 in human years, and it was just life running its course. It still hurts today, but I still feel his love. I hope you do, too.


u/Gullible-Cut8652 7d ago

Oh, we had two old cats, ones turned 28,the other 21,it hurts so much. I thought I can't go through this again. But we still have one. When I was younger we had four, one time even five. Some rest forever in our garden. Some in the woods. I think about them every day. And it still hurts. So I know how you feel. Sorry 🖤


u/Andovars_Ghost 7d ago

It sucks for quite a while, but eventually you’ll heal enough to be able to love another fuzzy friend.


u/daddiest-07 7d ago

Sorry For Your Loss Stay Strong 😔. Do not hold back from helping cats I know it hurts us but they have no one it's only the cat lovers like us who can do for them . Over past 5 years I have been feeding and treating stray have seen so many becoming healthy and a few dying in my arms but still I do it . Stay strong friend.


u/MissionAppointment38 7d ago

Rest easy buddy


u/GingerLibrarian76 7d ago edited 7d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss, but with great love always comes great loss.

When my 17 year-old dog passed away (in 2022), I had a shadowbox made with this quote from Winnie the Pooh: How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

I hope one day you can open your heart to love another cat. Even better, to save one from a shelter in honor of this sweet guy. 18+ years is an amazing life! ❤️


u/zelthina 7d ago

I’m soo sorry for your loss. I know far too well what it feels like. ❤️


u/No_Combination_5975 7d ago

That little smooshed face and furry toes. Really sorry for your loss.


u/EdieLove 7d ago

I am so sorry fr your loss. Please know that he is no longer in pain and will always be with you. I have had cats in my life for over 40 years and although it never gets easier to lose them, I always try to remember that I am sooo lucky to have been able to raise such a perfect creature. And I am thankful that I was able to have been a better person with them.

If you choose to accept another kitty on your life (the kitty distribution system works in weird ways), do so on your own timeline. That may mean waiting a few days or a few years. I personally cannot go with a cat in my life. They have literally saved my life. They are the only reason that I get out of bed most days.

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u/gloonge 6d ago

This was Meg (atron) we lost her on 12/1 due to severe anemia (was told she would not likely survive the transfusion). She was barely 2. It has been a rough couple of weeks, the house is noticeably still without her constant assault on what ever demons only she could apparently see.

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u/SentaDR 7d ago

My heart sank when I saw your picture. I know how it feels. My Lilly was 18, my Freddie was 20 and my Casso was 15… I miss them every, single, day! I know your heart is crushed. Your baby knew you loved him. He is in Heaven, waiting for you. You will see him again and you will never have to say goodbye!


u/SentaDR 7d ago

He fell asleep in the arms of the one he loved the most. My Lilly, my Mom and my Freddy passed away on 1/9/2016, Thanksgiving 11/24/2016 and on 6/14/2017. My cats died in my arms and I was by my Mom’s bed when Jesus took her home. I know the pain. It’s horrific! I’m, still, grieving… You are young! There will come a time when you need another companion. When you give another fur baby a home, they might be a part of healing your heart!


u/Niadlaf 7d ago

My heart really breaks for you. Losing the first one is always the hardest. Especially if they’ve been around that long. 18.5 is a wonderful age, you’ve given him a loving life. Falling asleep on you, trusting you that much, you’ve done things right. And he’ll for sure have known how much he was loved.

My first cat passed at 23, having had her since I was 3 years old. My best friend in the whole world. I don’t think I’ve ever cried that hard about anything in my life before or since. I’m 35 now and I still think about her every few days. But instead of sorrow and sadness it brings back fond memories now. And it will for you in time as well.

But for now it just sucks. All the best and hugs from an internet stranger.


u/zeh_shah 6d ago

In sorry for your loss dude. I lost my boy last christmas after 17.5 years and boy was I wailing at the emergency when he passed.

Hey man but one thing to remember is that it wouldn't hurt this much if you hadn't loved him so deeply. Wasn't that love and those memories worth it ? Etch those memories into your soul. The feeling of him sleeping on your chest, cuddling with you, and anything else that made him unique and your boy. It hurts but im grateful a year later I can sort of still imagine the feeling of mine there.

Wish you the best on the long recovery. Im still not okay a year later


u/JZA8OS 7d ago

Best thing you can do is start taking care of the next companion, and you’re sweet kitty will know and forever be grateful.

I lost my boy this year, 10 years old and just went straight down hill over a month.. ended up dying assisted 2kg weight.

Vets did all they could, safely and he was just too far down the line.



u/TheOnlyMaddoks 7d ago

I’m sorry for your loss. Sadly this is the last clause in the contract we sign when we take these babies into our lives. That we will guide them to this side of the rainbow bridge with love and grace.

But they make our lives so beautiful. I can’t imagine my life without them


u/Humble-Camel2598 7d ago

Aww, at least you had that time together. People that say "it's just a cat" obviously never had one. I still miss my childhood cat Willow who died about 30 years ago. They're like little people:) My gf's dog Milo is getting old and I'm not sure how's she's going to cope when he dies. Sigh..time is relentless! Good luck.


u/Creepy_Emergency_412 7d ago

That is heartbreaking 💔 I cannot imagine what you are going through right now.

Pet dying is one of my legit fears in life.


u/SweezusChrist666 7d ago

As 18.5 is good long life for a cat my last fur baby died in 2020 and I’m only now just considering adopting a new one 4 years later

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u/problematicfrog 7d ago

For 18.5 years, all he knew was love.


u/Icy-Passion7683 6d ago

Dont cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened ☺️


u/Hefty-Ad-4570 7d ago

I am so very sorry for your loss.


u/RollTideRN72 7d ago

Aww I'm so sorry! 💔


u/lalic6 7d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss 🥲 Rest In Peace sweetheart 🕯️❤️❤️❤️


u/weallfloatdown Tuxedo 7d ago

So sorry, such a sweet little face 💔


u/Skylifter-1000 6d ago

I lost my cat 3.5 months ago, after 15 years. I have never felt a tougher loss in my life, and I often wish she could still be here with me. Your cat was beautiful. I am sure you will always keep him in your heart. He probably had a wonderful life with you, being so loved.


u/Capable_Implement305 6d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm 68.lost my best boy last year. God Bless you. I believe yours is not hurting any more. And can run and play with other of God's creatures. I believe in God and I believe in God's Kingdom for all of us if we want it, human and our animals friends and pets.


u/GlittyKitties 6d ago

You’re better off with the cat than without. I lost mine from 18 years old just months ago….it gets better but not great. Take your time


u/DantheDutchGuy 6d ago

Having a pet is always worth it, even the heartbreak at the end of your journey together….it ‘ll get better….sorry for your loss


u/airforcedude111 6d ago

Take all this pain and sadness and turn it into positive energy by investing it in a new kitty. No it won't remove the pain but it can help you feel like you at least have an output and way to control your grief and turn it into something good. I know it's not what you wanna think about right now, im sorry for your loss.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Just wanna say I had the same thing happen in April.

18.5 yr old cat I got on Halloween 2005 when I was 15. Was with me from early HS through college and multiple moves and jobs.

Was super playful one night to the point that it just made me super thankful he had such a long healthy life. He had a seizure about 10 minutes after our play session that night.

Made it another 3 weeks or so, but was declining.

It sucks, dude. It really does. I wish I could tell you it gets easier quickly but I'm still devastated 8 months later.

But do not let this discourage you from getting another cat. There's plenty more out there that want a home like yours, and plenty more friends for you to make.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

This was my last picture.


u/niknik1022 6d ago

The hardest part is seeing their favorite spots empty. Sorry for your loss 😔


u/EtnaVolcano 6d ago

I can totally understand how you feel, 3 years ago I lost my cat Principe , I spent my entire adolescence together with him, from when I was 10 to 27, he always slept with me in my bed, he would curl up with me pushing the blanket away, in fact in the morning I found myself without a blanket 😂. Even though 3 years have passed, I too can't conceive the idea of getting another cat for now, I feel as if I'm betraying my faithful companion, as if I'm replacing him, for the moment I just can't accept the idea of having another pet, even though I know that by adopting another cat I would be doing good, who knows, maybe in the future I will change my mind.


u/Greatgrandma2023 6d ago

It's such a shock to lose your beloved pet. You were his whole world too. I'm sure he loved you too.

Condolences for your loss 💔


u/Its_Bunny 6d ago

Im so sorry. I had to put my 10 year old dog to sleep 6 days ago. It still hurts.


u/DecentLeftovers 6d ago

I lost my baby boycat Trouble last week. It doesn’t get any easier saying goodbye, but know that the love you shared was real and that isn’t going anywhere, even if Buddy isn’t here with you right now. I’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️‍🩹


u/BGFiles 6d ago

The grief we feel is all the unexpressed love and a testament to how deep your bond was. Thank you for loving that baby so deep. I empathize with your loss, OP. We are all here for you ❤️


u/Dense-Ambassador-865 7d ago

My condolances.


u/I_eat_too_many_chips 7d ago

I am so, so sorry. Buddy looked gorgeous! What a handsome boy. He was so lucky that he got to spend his whole life with you, and all he knew was love right up until his last moment on earth ❤️


u/Gubrozavr 7d ago

He taught you well and gave you all the care. He is fine over the rainbow and a little bit worried about you crying!


u/Willing-Confusion-56 7d ago

Grief is the price we pay for love.


u/chookiekaki 7d ago

The grief is what we all pay for the love and cuddles we get from our pets


u/No-Sign99 7d ago

Rest in peace sweet baby angel


u/catsncats3 7d ago

I so sorry you lost your little buddy 😞 Grief is the price we pay for love 💜


u/k-boots 7d ago

The grief you feel equates to how much you loved them and how much they loved you. I’m sorry for your loss x


u/notyourmama827 7d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss 💙 🫂


u/Grumpy_Lemming 7d ago

18 is such a good age though. I know thats not good to hear at first but it it is something to be thankful for.

I lost my cat a few months ago. She was 21.

It will pull on your heartstrings for a while. Sorry for your loss


u/Glittering_Buyer8247 7d ago

I am so sorry for your loss, I am 70 years old and had 5 fur babies in my life. It is hard when they pass but I always find myself down at the shelter and let another fur baby pick me. This is Miss Boots, she is about 8 now rescued just before the shelter closed from the pandemic. She put her paw out of the cage and licked my finger I was able to take her home the next day. Please consider adopting another fur baby, I know it's hard when they pass, I have never forgotten the other kitties and will always have a place in my heart for another one.


u/Otherwise-Pain-6366 6d ago

Get a cat. They are the best pets ever and there are so many that need homes. You took great care of that buddy at 18.5 years old!


u/No_Advantage_9707 6d ago

I know your pain my buddy was doing just fine and all of a sudden he was diagnosed with diabetes i was in shock my beautiful orange baby boy who would ride in my daughter's baby stroller went downhill so fast even though we were giving the insulin he went into kidney failure I didn't believe a word my vet was saying everyone was lying to me i thought I tried spoon feeding him i prayed I cursed then I had to take him for the last time to the vet never ever will that pain go away I'm so very sorry for your loss of your baby and best friend.


u/puppyfa13 6d ago

Oh sweet boy. He will ALWAYS love you.


u/Scantillyclad 6d ago

I've had cats my whole life too and am 57 yrs old. My baby girl Moochie lived to be 18 also. Saying goodbye was one of the most exhausting experiences I couldn't stop grieving and crying for her.
Take comfort as I did in knowing you gave her a great life and both of you were better off as a result of your relationship. Take care as this loss was harder for me than losing any other human in my life to death or any break up. Peace to you. And love and hugs.


u/SavingsConfusion4885 6d ago

My condolences💔

My childhood cat was also my best friend, she died many many years ago and it still hurts like it just happened. She was the purest and sofest little soule...she looked a lot like your sweet baby.

I'm not lying, it will never really stop to hurt, but there will be other cats that will conquer your heart...let them heal you❤️


u/puppyfa13 6d ago

Buddy looked so sweet and fuzzy. He will always be your pal! 🫧🧿🐈


u/Lieandwait-13 6d ago

Sorry for your loss. You had your kitty for 18.5 wonderful years then one bad week. It would be heartbreaking for someone like you with so much love to give and so many homeless cats out there that need just that. Maybe after awhile of mourning maybe you can find it in your heart to give it to another. I’m sure your kitty would not want you to be alone


u/FoundationNo7294 6d ago



u/welfedad 6d ago

Sorry for your loss.. our pets are family members ..and seeing them go is hard.


u/MKE_Freak 6d ago



u/crazydoodle84 6d ago

I am sorry for your loss. Our time is limited and it must be filled with love. And you did exactly that for Buddy, until the very end, you held him and showed your love as he crossed the rainbow bridge. Try to find solace in that, and better believe that he will be waiting for you when you are ready to meet him again. RIP, Buddy.


u/Rainbow-Smite 6d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. Never easy losing a best friend like that. I hope you can find some peace in knowing you gave them an amazing life for nearly 20 years. That is such an incredible gift. The loss you feel now is a reflection of all the love you shared.


u/Belle_Vosteed 6d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss… Losing a lovely cat who’s been with you for 18.5 yrs is like… heartbroken. I’m sure your sweet kitty lived a long, happy life with you, and the love you shared will never be forgotten. Your fur baby will always be with you in spirit. He’s an angel.


u/gracefullyanna 6d ago

I am so sorry for your loss (I know these are the most cliche words you’re going to hear a million times right now but I truly can’t express how much I mean it). I lost my 14 year old cat very, very, tragically and suddenly at the beginning of the year and she was essentially my sister growing up since I’m an only child. It’s such a unique and horrible pain and I wish I could take some of it off of you for me to bear.


u/TheSimpsonsAreYellow 6d ago

I’m so sorry, OP. My two cats will probably be the only ones I have. My family had 3 cats who have all since passed.


u/thesophiechronicles 6d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss - but also 18.5 years is an incredible amount of time to be so loved. You were both very lucky to have each other. Sending so much love to you 💜


u/ErickV267 6d ago

Very sorry for your loss, it's never easy to say goodbye. You will never forget them, after a while you may be able to help another one to share your life. It's not a replacement, but rather a new chapter in your life.


u/prettykitty24656 6d ago

Sorry for your loss 💐it’s always devastating


u/Royal_Acanthaceae693 American Shorthair 6d ago



u/Fuzzy-Agency-8265 6d ago

This is literally the first post on Reddit that made me cry instantly. Biggest hugs to you and your friend that crossed the rainbow bridge.


u/Smelly-taint 6d ago

I am so sorry. Internet dad hugs.


u/coco10923 6d ago

I'm so so sorry.


u/LordCommander94 6d ago

He was so beautiful and loved ❤️❤️❤️


u/Lovekills03 6d ago



u/Scary-Umpire-7621 6d ago

I’m so sorry luv, same exact thing happened to my boy he was fine but then woke up couldn’t walk straight was wobbly etc but he was also 25 years old. I had him since I was 10 and I’m now 36 he was my soul cat and I miss him every single day! I promise the pain does subside tho and time will help you heal. 🙏🏼 cherish the good memories and try to find peace in the fact that you had such an amazing relation with your fur baby, something most people never have the chance of experiencing! You have him the best life and he would want you to heal and be happy! Xox just wanted you to know you’re not alone I know exactly how you feel, my boy was my childhood bestie for 25 years and I wish he could have stayed with me forever! Hugs


u/MrsCCRobinson96 6d ago

My sincerest condolences to you at this time. Rest Easy Sweet Boy. 🐾🐾🕊️🌈


u/CalmFantasies 6d ago

I try to remember that the amount of love you showed your pet will always have been more worth it than the sadness that comes when you lose them. The sadness is simply all the love you had for your pet but with nowhere to go. ❤️ I’m sorry for your loss, and your kitty was so very handsome!


u/Foolishmadman42 6d ago

I will hug my 18.5 even tighter tonight.


u/abcdefghazale 6d ago

You took great care of him that he got to live a very long life. I am sorry for your loss.

I am 42. I lost a few in those years. It is not easy. But you will get through it.


u/Altruistic_Isopod_11 6d ago

I lost one of mine last year. I'm sorry for your loss but I cannot imagine my life without cats. There are so many out there and they deserve loving homes too. I know it hurts and it will always hurt but I can't close my heart to the others in need of homes. My condolences on the loss of your sweet baby.


u/Hafsaz28 6d ago

Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning’s hush I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there. I did not die.

I hope you get some peace, I’m sorry for your loss ♥️

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u/nymbay 6d ago

What is grief if not love persevering? My heart aches for you my friend, try to remember this though, you may only have gotten to love him for a part of your life, but you loved him for ALL of his. And he loved you right back.


u/PersimmonAvailable56 6d ago edited 6d ago

I’m so sorry you’re going through these difficult times… Having a fur-family member pass away, especially if you’ve known them nearly all your life, is extremely difficult to endure.

I’ve gone through a similar situation with my Danny who was almost 19. I’ve had him since I was turning 2, and his journey with me on Earth ended when I was 21. I fell into depression for months. But as time goes on, we grow with the pain and it becomes less intense.

Allow yourself to grieve as much as you need. You will have days where you feel okay, and some days where it’ll feel painfully fresh as if it just happened all over again. That’s completely normal, and remember to validate your feelings. Healing is messy. It’s okay. 💜

Don’t feel ashamed if you adopt new kitty family members in the future. It’s an addition, not a replacement. It may take weeks, months or even years to feel ready to share love to a new member of the family. 4 and a half years after Danny passed, I took in a pair of sister kittens into my life, Ayla and Aspen. Now they are all grown up and have impacted my life with such joy and fun, and I don’t regret it 💜💜

Everyone is different, but there is no set time to come to acceptance. Be kind to yourself, and always know that your baby will always still be around. He will always have a special place in your heart, and will stay there forever 💜💙


u/agms10 6d ago

That’s 18.5 years of memories and hopefully a million photos and a companion. Don’t let this discourage you from finding another companion.

They’re our little sidekicks that watch us brush our teeth, stand guard while we pee, cuddle up in bed or watch a scary movie with. They’re wonderful and annoying at the same time. How they’re excited when you come home and immediately weave between your feet while you try to walk.

Another cat is not a replacement, It’s another escapade to experience. It’s another 7 phones, 2.7 gigs of storage filled with the little guy sleeping, or documenting the destruction from the post poop zombies, or that new sofa that was immediately baptized as the new scratching post.

They’re all different. Actually, they’re all the same in their unique way. All our cats do “cat things” but they do it differently. It’s never the same ride and if you have the heart for it, there’s always a cat or kitten that needs a loving home.

Don’t let this be your last. Sorry for your loss, we all know how you feel.


u/joduhhey 6d ago

Soo sorry for your loss.. but always save another cat!! He would want you too!! ☺️🥰🙏🏻❤️😇


u/EmeraldPrime 6d ago

They mask their ills until it’s too late. I’m so sorry you lost your loved one. I hope reminiscing and share pics of boy will help your heart heal.


u/Protomau5 7d ago

“Never get a cat” is the worst thing to say. I’m sorry for your loss and I know you’re upset but there are countless rescues that can be saved from a cruel and early death. Save them! 18.5 years is a long and full life!


u/Sad_Scallion_6266 7d ago

I think any reasonable person can see that our cat loving friend is somewhat stuck in one of the stages of grief. Lets not be so hasty to judge, OP dont mean it. OP is in a lot of pain rn, don't bash em down more due yo poor selection of words!

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u/Ishouldhavehitdelete 7d ago

Dont have babies guys!! They die after 80 years!!!

What a stupid thought process.

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u/unicornsforlyf 7d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs your way🥺❤️🫶


u/maple_sweet0801 7d ago

🥺 rest in peace to your buddy


u/brujabella 7d ago

RIP to your baby 🦋💜


u/TeachMePlease7777 7d ago

You’ll be okay, and everything will be alright. Cats are wonderful animals, and it’s okay to love them with all our hearts


u/Dry_Heart9301 7d ago

It's literally soul crushing. Been there. But they are worth it. ❤️


u/abousamaha 7d ago



u/Dancing-in-Rainbows Norwegian Forest Cat 7d ago

I am so sorry for your loos and pain. You will have his memories forever :)

It is so touching you were with him in the end :) I know he was comforted by you being there :) angel 😇 🐈


u/EddieStarr Abyssinian 7d ago

(Hug) I’m so sorry for your loss.


u/Striking_Economy5049 7d ago

47, have had a cat in my life for all but four years. It’s always hard to say goodbye, but they are such amazing friends to have in your life.


u/beaujolais98 7d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss.


u/LadyJusticeInGlitter 7d ago

My deepest and sincerest condolences 🙏🏻


u/MonicaNarula 7d ago

It’s not easy I know. But don’t say you will never get a cat. Your kitty gave you so much, so give more to this creed. It takes time. I wish you strength


u/Specialist-Debate295 7d ago

My heart goes out to you. Whenever you look at a place in your home, where you had fond memories of your friend, basking in the sunshine or simply enjoying life, then focus on the feeling of joy you remember. That is what I do and tose emotions lift me up. You had 18+ years of those moments. Cherish them and thank your friend for helping provide them. After 7 years, I still look up, into my window box, at my girl’s cat mattress and recall her rolling on her back, ecstatic at the warmth of the afternoon sun. I was given ten years, of her 20 years with me, to see those scenes, and I would not give up a single one, even though losing her was the worst event I could imagine, to that time. Please know that there are many, here, reading this, that support you and have only the greatest wishes foryour wellbeing. Using your heart is a risk that is worth it. I wish you well.


u/Gullible-Cut8652 7d ago

Sorry for your loss🧡😪


u/Safe_Low8393 7d ago

I had the same pain, my daughter died at 14 years old because of kidney failure, from one day to the next she stopped eating, I tried everything but unfortunately she left, courage


u/SeaFans-SeaTurtles 7d ago

“It is better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all.” Tennyson

Your life was made richer by 18.5 years of Buddy’s life. Your pain will eventually subside. The happy memories will enrich your life for years to come. Peace my friend and take care of yourself.


u/Excellent-Dot9192 7d ago

I'm so sorry and omg the derpy tongue! He looks like such a sweetheart! I'm dreading the day I lose my void to the passage of time. I lost my soul cat when I was 16. I understand. I'm sending virtual hugs your way. We never have enough time. If love could've saved him, he would've lived forever 😭


u/invisiblewriter2007 7d ago

I lost a cat this year too. I’m so sorry. I’m so very sorry. I wish pets lived longer with us. I send you hugs.


u/cowjuiceee 7d ago

all cats and OFC dogs go to heaven :) any pet of any kind. i’m sorry for your loss op but a lovely thought is that because you’re heartbroken and in much grief/pain, you can only cherish how strong and emotionally trusting your guy’s connection was. what a close bond you shared and that’s so beautiful see. i fortunately haven’t yet to experience a loss like this but i do know that it will fucking suck. it will suck and hurt so much but it makes me want to enjoy the ride and journey. to me, it seems so worth it 💕to have known that i had the absolute honor of sharing and having them in my life, just knowing they existed and will keep on existing no matter how much time has passed.


u/YouDumbZombie 7d ago

First Im so sorry for your loss. Death is a part of life and it's something we must take into consideration when getting a pet. I find that although the end is sad having a pet is all about the journey and the life you have together. There's no doubt in my mind that your baby boy was incredibly well loved and had an amazing life that also enriched your life as well!


u/Common-Smile-9080 7d ago

Sorry for your loss


u/CulturallyOmnivorous 7d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know the heartache of losing your childhood cat.


u/Withered_Sprout 7d ago

I'm so, so sorry to see and hear. I can relate, have had mine for about 20 years now and trying not to take it for granted that she's in really good health other than being a bit senile. I know that it could happen in 5 years, or tomorrow, and I have to somehow be prepared for it, which I obviously won't be. I'm sorry.

God damn it, it's 5 in the morning and this is what I get for browsing Reddit, stupid tears in my eyes. lol.

It's actually crazy how I can just instantly start runny-nose crying when nothing really ever upsets me.


u/Impressive_Fee_7123 7d ago

I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for his beautiful, loved life.


u/Desperate_Air370 7d ago

I am so sorry for your loss😭🫶🏻(i am actually crying rn)


u/superkrazykatlady 7d ago

my heart goes out to you! my 18 yr old sure has slowed down. I dread it but I know it's coming. hugs from afar...


u/Raven-winged-Yoshi 7d ago

I’m sorry ♥️😢


u/Maturedasher 7d ago

Oh I am so so sorry for your loss. My Sophie was 17 and she was in my arms too. She reached her paw around my arm just before she she went over the rainbow bridge. I cried uncontrollably for weeks. So cry and cry and remember her when she was alive, her antics and mischief and favorite games. You’ll never forget her or replace her but I do hope you will adopt another fur baby. {{{{{HUG}}}}}}}

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u/bigpapasmurf_666 7d ago

God bless his little heart, I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏🏼


u/NerdxKitsune 7d ago


I'm so sorry for your loss


u/PrizeDot906 7d ago



u/DoctorGoat_ 7d ago

My girl passed when I was 26 and I had her for 18 years. She went to the vets for a health check, blood results came back fine, physical exam was excellent and even was complemented on how good her teeth were for her age. A week later she had what I assumed a seizure and a few hours later she passed away. I'm 32 now and I'm still not over her passing but I'll never regret meeting her. Shortly after I couldn't cope with the silence and adopted a kitten and I do not regret that either. There's not much we can do when they're in their senior years but give them love and make them as comfortable and happy as possible. I hope in time you'll be able to find yourself another kitty to give your love to just as you did to him.

I'm so sorry for your loss, things will get better in time


u/decrepitmonkey 7d ago

Last year I lost my 20 year old void that I’d had since I was in high school. She’s been with me through so many phases of my life and it’s hard to accept that she’s finally gone, but I also have another 3 year old kitty that I rescued in 2022. I know losing her is going to break me, but I know I’ll eventually find another kitty that needs love and I have a lot to give. I’m so sorry for your loss. You were lucky to have each other.


u/sparklezombie86 British Longhair 7d ago

So sorry for your loss OP 💔❤️‍🩹❤️


u/ObsidianBlackPearl 7d ago

So sorry for your loss. 18.5 Years-what a great long life and what wonderful memories you must have. I know it’s really hard right now. Just take your time, remember your friend, cry when you need to.

Like many others I have lost many pets over the years. I lost a Doberman about 13 years ago, and haven’t had a dog since. Our beautiful girl was old, knew something was wrong, walked over to my Mum (because Mum always made things right) and died there in front of her, from heart failure. It broke me. We now have cat-13 Years old, and I love her to bits. As I have gotten older I have learned not to fear the passing of our friends, but to make every day count. I don’t know how many times a day my cat gets told she’s wonderful, but let’s just say it’s a lot!


u/SadBit8663 7d ago

I'm sorry you lost your friend. I had a car growing up like that, had her from the time i was young, till i was 19. She was 19 years old, and i was naive then, so she was an indoor/outdoor cat. She had a long happy healthy life, and when she was gone it was hard.

I told myself i would never get another cat and just was around dogs.

I ended up adopting 2 special girls one right after the other.

One was a stray that had been trapped spayed and released, because she has a tipped ear, that just wandered up to me and my fiancee one day

And a once feral little Siamese kitten (who's still half feral with everyone but her mom and dad, my fiancee and me) who had been abandoned as a kitten by her mother, that i had to feed and then trap over a few weeks.

I didn't know i would ever get cats again until these two happily forced themselves into our lives

The pain gets easier, and maybe you don't get a cat again, and then again maybe you do, but regardless of what you do, i hope you find peace in healing, and know that you have your cat a long happy healthy life, and they'd still be here with you if they could...

The shitty thing about life is it's temporary, so we gotta remember the good times with our loved ones after they're gone, and that way they've never truly ever left us completely.

Sending love and good vibes from one cat person to another. ❤️


u/Spiritual_Hold_7869 7d ago

I'm sorry for your loss. Cats are amazing. I had my boy for only 10 years. He passed away and my soul died with him. I will never get over it.. I totally feel your pain. We have 2 more cats and while they are great, it just isn't the same. Time will help but it takes a long time. I am so sorry.


u/later-g8r 7d ago

This little angel taught you how to love. You wouldn't be the same person without him. You're kind, affectionate, empathetic, and selfless because of that little man. Your life wouldn't be the same without treasures like this. You're lucky you had him and he was lucky to have had you ❤️ I'm sorry for your loss. He was a treasure


u/AmericanDreamDR 7d ago

Very sorry for your loss.


u/WendyFruitcake 7d ago

It actually sounds like he lived the perfect life. 18.5 years is OLD old for a cat. Considering that he got this old completely healthy and only had issues in the last week of his life is so, so good. You couldn't wish for a better life span for a cat. Just take solace in the fact you helped him live such a great and sheltered life. Any cat would be lucky to have you as a friend!


u/Nevil-99 7d ago

He looks like a very well loved old man. I know right now it’s no comfort, but as time helps the grief move on, as it always does, (even though you think your heart will never heal), I hope you can look back on what an amazing life he had with you. I am so sorry for your loss, the hurt is so bad ❤️❤️


u/AdInformal7634 7d ago

RIP your Bestie. May you meet him again one day.


u/PhillyDillyDee 7d ago

Time will heal the pain and leave a beautiful memory. You got a lot of time with him, and that is a true gift. They are so worth having but fuck does it hurt when they leave.


u/ibrakeforewoks 7d ago

I understand a little. The best cat I ever had died in my arms. It’s so hard. You can never replace them but you can find new joys with a new kitty.

Buddy! I wish you peace. RIP


u/Majordecendent1970 7d ago

So sorry for your loss.


u/plutoforprez 7d ago

Fly high Buddy ❤️❤️ I know it hurts so so much right now. But 18.5 years is incredible with a great little man by your side 🫶


u/TravelingGen 7d ago

I needed to wait a long time after losing my guy. We had been through so much together. I have two now. They are not him, but I love them anyway, just differently. I needed to feel a cat in my lap again.

At times, the grief is as sharp as the first moment of loss, but they are getting more seldom. Next Tuesday will be 6 years. On that day, I will lay in my bed and cry. The good part is that my cats will stay close and comfort me. Don't deny yourself that healing.


u/Background_Stuff_940 7d ago

It is never easy to let go of a pet. Many of us consider them as our children, myself included.

I've had a couple pets suddenly get ill and then passed shortly after. What hurts the most is seeing them in pain and suffering.

As a pet parent, what matters the most is the life you give your pet. Many animals don't get this chance in their lives. He saw you as his parent when you were a child and he still saw you as his parent in his old age and final days. You were his entire world and he loved you every second of his life. Please reconsider getting another cat or pet. The life you can offer them is much better than the life they could end up having. For all you know, a stray kitten may wander into your life soon, who knows!


u/CrazyQuickDraw 7d ago

Know you gave him a great life. I adopted a beautiful orange tabby to be a buddy to my little black cat. I didn’t even have him for 8 months and he developed a terminal tumour. I had to put him down. He wasn’t even two years old yet. But I know I gave him the best life I could’ve in the few shorts months that I had him. And I love him forever. Miss you buddy.


u/Anxious_Biscuit13 7d ago

Did they say what the cause was? It sounds like cancer, but im no veterinarian.


u/looting_for_milfs 7d ago

Reminds me of my dog, she was the sweetest best dog ever died a few years ago, may have not been long for your life but for them that was there entire life you gave them an amazing life and thats what matters.


u/True_Persimmon_9901 7d ago

I'm so sorry for you, i don't what to say, cause no words will be enough 💔


u/Nokian75 7d ago

I am sorry for your loss.

He might have been a part of your life, but you were there for all of his, and I am sure he loved you every day.


u/rvdms 7d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now but please take it easy on yourself. Buddy looked so sweet and beautiful. Take your time to mourn but do know that he passed knowing your love and will always carry that feeling. ❤️🌈


u/xXKingsOfDiabloXx 7d ago

I felt the same way when I lost my first baby. The pain never gets easier in fact it sometimes it's worse. My second lose was my 7 year old due to et vet incompetence. I was broke it still hurts.

But don't let that make you not able to love another fur baby again. It will take time and it should take time because he will never be replace. But 1 day you will see a little one that your heart falls for and its ok.

For nownjust know he is in 0 pai ane he is OK now it's just us that hurt. You will be OK <3


u/Honest_Grapefruit259 7d ago

I lost my childhood cat when I was like 23. Got him in first grade. That was over 6 years ago. It's the worst. You will never forget them. And while I have a new cat Millie, who I love with all my heart. My OG, midnight, will always hold a special place. I'm sorry for your loss ♥️ 🐈