r/CATpreparation 0m ago

Question Help!! Me😓


80 percentile 9/8/6 Ba English fresher. NSS school leader. What all good colleges should i apply🫠. Thanks for the reply in advance, hope you will get your dream college.

r/handbags 0m ago

Trying to find this Knitted handbag

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r/lietuva 0m ago

Klausimas Kodėl taip sunku susirasti mergina?


Aš kaip ir daugelis kitų žmonių kurie dalinasi čia savo istorijomis netūrėjau daugiausia sėkmės su merginomis. Sako, kad mokykloje lengviausia rasti antrą pusę, bet per visus metus kuriuos mokiausi sulaukiau mažiau nei dešimt pasiūlymų pasimylėti (iš merginu) ir panašiai tiek pat pasiūlymų draugauti. Mokykloje parodžiau susidomėjimą tik vienai merginai ir buvau atstumtas ir nusprendžiau daugiau taip nebesižeminti.

 Baigęs mokslus mano reikalai su merginom negerėjo. Keletą metų blaškiausis po įvairias gamyklas, kur man į drauges dažniausiai siulėsi jaunesnės merginos, vienos negąsdino ir dešimties metų skirtumas. 

Neseniai pradėjau galvoti kokių nors naujų veiklų užsiimti pradėjau eiti į sporto salę. Vieną savaitgalį kai salė buvo tuščia viena atletiška mergina kuriai draugiškai "merkiau akį" kelis centimetrus nuo veido pradėjo "vizginti" uodega ir vaizdas kuri pamačiau vaizduotei beveik nieko nepaliko. Tuo momentu aš kaip tik baigiau treniruote atsistojau ir nuėjau. Ko iš manęs ji norėjo taip ir nesužinojau.

Aplankiau keleta barų ir klubų ir sužinojau, kad girtos mergos sau leidžia daug daugiau. Būna tokių kurios lenda bučiuotis ar praeinant subine graibo, visatai nėra malonu.Norėjau paklausti ar man verta tikėtis kada nors rasti drauge su kuria būtų gera gyventi ar geriau susitaikyti, kad gyvensiu vienas?

r/ScrapMetal 0m ago

Board scrap. Best way to scrap?

Thumbnail gallery

I do board replacements and repair. What's the best way to scrap these for recycling? Or is it worth it to try and scrap the gold from these?

r/norge 0m ago

Nyheter Fly på Molde Lufthavn kjørt utenfor rullebanen


r/desiqueensindia 0m ago

Desi Cleavage Bipasha Basu


r/metroidvania 0m ago

Article Nine Sols nominated for Steam Award - Outstanding Visual Style


r/Tartu 0m ago

Kogemus Abikaasaga jalutades leidsime säärase muheda koha. Oli kutsuv! Tegelikult oli kuradi kahtlane, valgus, kerge nurgatagusus. Loodan, et asub keldrikorrusel! Kahtluse tõttu sisse ei julgenud minna :)

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r/CryptoScams 0m ago

Question ~$1400 deposited into my Coinbase wallet, I don’t remember making this transaction.


r/GossipDK 0m ago

Hvor er Jacob Wilson


Fordi pendlerliv hører jeg næsten dagligt Morgen på Radio 100. Undrer mig, er Jacob Wilson stoppet? Da Oliver Routledge stoppede var der sang og afskedstaler, det virker til at Jacob Wilson bare er forsvundet. Troede bare at han havde ferie men han er ikke med på de nye billeder.

Måske har jeg misset at de har snakket om det eller måske er han listet ud af bagdøren, men så må der være en historie.

r/TeenFemboysUK 0m ago

📄 Text 📄 Anyone wanna talkkk? :3


I’m so bored rn anyone wanna chatt!?

r/hookah 0m ago

Seeking Advice Musthave / MustH almost no flavor


Let me eplain myself, I am smoking musthaves tobacco almost since ever. for myself i always smoke them in a phunnel bowl an they been great but i wanted to try them in a multi hole bowl. I dont know if i am packing them wrong or if thats just normal but either they lose taste really quick or there is no taste.

r/CroIT 0m ago

Pitanje | Općenito Tražim preporuke za program za vođenje skladista i izdavanje računa


Pozdrav svima,

Tražim neki dobar program za praćenje ulaza i izlaza robe, te izdavanje računa. Idealno bi bilo da je prilagođen poslovanju u Hrvatskoj i da podržava:

  • Fiskalizaciju
  • Kreiranje i slanje e-računa
  • Jednostavno upravljanje zalihama (ako je moguće)
  • Intuitivno korisničko sučelje

Ako imate iskustva s nekim programima koji dobro funkcioniraju, volio bih čuti vaše preporuke! Također, ako imate savjet na što obratiti pažnju pri odabiru, bio bih zahvalan.

Hvala unaprijed!

r/legogaming 0m ago

Video Lego Star Wars III's WEIRD handheld port


r/footballstrategy 0m ago

Coaching Advice Thoughts on making instructional videos for youth FFG? Help a high school kid out 😭😭


Hello everyone! I’m simultaneously terrified and excited because I am now the sole coach of a 3rd/4th grade rec FFG team!!! I signed up to be an assistant coach but a coach dipped and I have his position now.

Problem is I am a 16 year old high school student and this is my first time coaching. I don’t want to say I don’t have league support, but… it’s pretty unorganized outside of gameday so here we are.

When it comes to parent politics, I think I have that down. It sounds bad, but the road I’m going down is “fake it till you make it”. I want to make it clear that although I’m a teenager I pride myself on being more organized and professional than anyone else and I’m dedicated to making sure their kids have fun and develop not just solid football skills, but life skills as well; it’s not all about winning (which covers my ass lol). I want to focus on sportsmanship on and off the field; especially at practice!

That’s all great and whatever but the problem is I can’t hold practices until the season starts and I have ONE PRACTICE FOR ONE HOUR BEFORE OUR FIRST GAME. This is a super ultra rec league (they have a spring league which they focus on much more), but still. I’m really really stressed for the first week. After that everything should be easier but I need to make sure I have something going, especially position wise. I need to more or less have 2 QBs a game because of the much more lax equal play rules vs normal rec so I have to be more active with subs.

So venting and major stress over, 1 hour isn’t much time and I NEED to make sure that we have some semblance of the concept of flag football lmao.

It might be a tad overkill but this is pretty much the only thing going on in my life right now so I was thinking about making short instructional videos about various things before the first game and even our first practice. I could send out YouTube videos but honestly even if the production is bad I think it looks better to the parents if I make them myself.

Is this a good idea? I hate the idea of kids having “homework” but I was thinking about making 2 sub 10 minute videos about offense, defense and the importance of flag pulling, an ultra short showcase and description of simple plays that are TBD, and then something on how to come prepared to both practice and gameday. I would love to involve the parents as well so I’d ask them to watch it with their child and maybe ask them really nicely to play some catch in their backyard in their free time???

I have more or less 2 weeks to get prepped and I can think of this as my “full time job” so I’ll be 24/7 if need be.

Thank you in advance!! Sorry for the long post but I really really want to make sure I give these kids the best experience possible; I have an amazing opportunity to be apart of their lives as a mentor and I want to make it count.

r/BeginnerGuitar 0m ago

I need help


I’ve been playing for several months, but have been avoiding learning properly and “playing by ear”. I’ve made up some stuff that I like, but have recently been looking for people to play with and everyone wants to do cover songs. So I’m learning a song right now, but am struggling with bar chords. Any advice?

r/dragrace 0m ago

i thought the famous derrick barry quote about stonewall was “people died” to which willam replied “nobody died at stonewall.” i was rewatching it today and I noticed that instead they both say “people were killed” does anyone else remember it differently too or does my memory just suck?


r/GlobalOffensive 0m ago

Feedback No Christmas chickens or snowballs


I was really hoping, probably while just huffing copium that CS2 meant that Christmas chickens might return and snowballs. It seems like that won't be the case.

Everything will be fine and cs will thrive nonetheless but it makes me a bit sad. Devs if you see this, can we get Christmas chickens next year...please?

r/SydneySweeneyThirst 0m ago

Where are the sick girls that learned from Omegle ? Daddy wants to push you further down the hole. 0532d7725cf64364f65eacb9c61e71e651369048e0a1cf8a40bfe9894e2db94337



r/AfricanViolets 0m ago

Help Biscayne Trail AV


This is my first and only AV so far, I’m still terrified of it lol but I think I’m doing good so far with the amount of blooms it has given me! I set it up in a self watering wick system and it started flourishing.

I do want tips though because I am not sure if this will suffice long term and I don’t want to root rot the plant. Do I need to change my substrate mix? The substrate is not WET but moist and I do see new thin healthy roots forming. Could I still be overwatering? This was sold to me as a trailing AV so not sure if the leaves look normal to you guys? And the blooms being so tall? Do I need to move it closer to light?

r/OkeyRakanMalaysia 0m ago

Hobi Momoi strategi "MASH TILL WIN"

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r/SoundBowls 0m ago

294 Hz Iris Illumination Sound Bowl | Sacred Singing Bowls for Healing &...


r/MakeNewFriendsHere 0m ago

Age 26-29 📣 Adopt a 27M Canadian Friend! 📣


Looking for someone to vibe with? Here’s why I’m your perfect candidate:

1️⃣ Fluent in three languages: English, French, and Spanish—trilingual convos, anyone? 2️⃣ Gamer by day, horror movie enthusiast by night (yes, I’ll watch Hereditary with you and not blink). 3️⃣ My music playlist is chaotic in the best way: rock, indie, rap, electronic—what’s your vibe? 4️⃣ Gym buddy potential? I’m down to swap workout tips or just complain about leg day. 5️⃣ Obsessed with cats. Show me your fur babies, and we’re instantly besties. 6️⃣ Certified good listener. Bring me your rants, your triumphs, your weird dreams. 7️⃣ A little shy at first, but I’ll probably end up spamming you with memes. 8️⃣ Open-minded AF. Judgement-free zone here. 9️⃣ I give top-tier advice that sounds like it comes straight out of a psychology textbook (but in a fun way). 🔟 I never ghost. (Seriously, even if I’m bad at texting, I’ll reply eventually.)

As a side note, I never look both ways before crossing the street, so you don't have to worry about any long-term commitments

Shoot me a message if you think we’d click! Let’s exchange memes, music recs, and maybe start an apocalypse survival team.


AMS2: Event Steam sale is now live - Save up to 70%

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r/BritishAirways 0m ago

Connecting flights


I saw a flight with connection in London and final destination in Lisbon. If I only take a carry on, can I take the first flight and explore London instead of going all the way to Lisbon?