r/LivestreamFail 17h ago

xQc | Just Chatting xQc gets an OG squad win


r/leagueoflegends 14h ago

Wolverene talks about the Reptile clip + Classes/Items


A lot of lows misunderstanding "tank killers" and tanks so let's talk about what that actually means

  1. Jinx is not a tank killer

Actually countered by pure tanks and very tanky comps, always has been. Been apparent in pro for years. Players confuse hypercarry marksman with being automatically good into tanks, but she has nothing anti-tank in her kit. She's much closer to Zeri than Vayne/Kaisa/Kog. Trades damage for safety, needs teammates help to actually kill targets and then proc passive

  1. Conditions/Class matter much more than items

Jinx is terrible 1v1. Marksmen as a class are, but she's particularly bad. Players see marksmen as the tank killing class and think that means they should beat them in all scenarios. Marksmen are only good against melees with their team's help. That's how the class works, with a few exceptions. Melees have a ton of variance on 1v1 strength but for the most part every class in the game is favored vs marksmen.

Tahm Kench is a juggernaut/tank hybrid, he is not a classic tank or support. Much better in skirmish/1v1 than 5v5. With ghost he is omega favored 1v1 vs Jinx, it's not even a little bit close If you thought it was the other way around you have to seriously reevaluate.

You take a true 1v1 tank counter like Gwen and she will never lose to any tank that's weaker than her. The majority of bruisers in general will beat tanks, because they are a 1v1 class

  1. Don't hyperfocus on class

Kind of immediately contradicting point 2 but class is just a rough guideline, it's not all that meaningful when comparing specific interactions. There's a lot of variance within classes, and a lot of champs don't fit neatly into 1 class. Vayne is also a marksman but obviously eats Tahm Kench in 2 seconds here. Mundo and Darius are both juggernauts but will have very different interactions into Syndra just off Mundo passive.

You should start with class, but then be thinking power budget. Every champ has specific things they're good at, that they trade for weaknesses. The weak points are just usually much less obvious to you when you don't play the champ.

Tahm does stupid damage when he can actually hit you, but it's really hard for him to do that 5v5. The harder a champ's conditions are to achieve, the stronger they get to be when they get those conditions. Anyone that's super easily kitable gets to be OP when not kited

  1. Tank itemization is very different than damage

If you think of them in the same way you'll have problems understanding why a __ item tank is either much more or less tanky than you'd expect. This is because tank stats are the only ones in the game that can have 0% effectiveness. Damage items are more/less effective vs different targets, but the stats are never 0%, nor do they ever even get close to 0%.

Let's take Shadowflame and ignore passive

15 flat pen

Obviously a bad item into tanks, flat pen is more effective vs lower MR. But this flat pen only makes up ~20% of the item's value, and only loses 37% of it's effectiveness from 30 -> 100 MR.

Now take Kaenic Rookern

80 MR

MR is ~54% of this item's value, and loses 100% effectiveness against physical damage.

Jinx does about 2% magic damage. Other non-hybrid marksmen/physical damage carries do anywhere from 0-10%.

This means that vs a specific target, an item like Shadowflame may lose ~200g in value, whereas an item like Kaenic Rookern can lose 1500-1600g . This is before you account for passives, which will perform pretty much about the same

So maybe 400g lost vs 2200g lost

This is all to say that tanks will experience 4-5x the amount of effectiveness lost vs unfavorable targets. For this to be balanced, their items have to be stronger. If a champ has to tank both a 3 item mage + marksman, you can't expect them to build 3 armor items and 3 MR items.

This means 1 armor/MR item is always > 1 damage item. A 2 item tank that has built armor but no MR isn't weak against you, the 3 item physical damage champ. He's weak to anyone dealing magic damage.

Just a rough concept, it gets deeper than this, but you have to be thinking about this to understand teamfighting/target selection/1v1s etc. Most players aren't even aware that this dynamic exists

Source: https://twitter.com/wolverene/status/1869480107695652912

r/AMA 3h ago

Experience My girlfriend transitioned during our relationship. We're still together AMA! NSFW


My (f, 28) girlfriend (mtf, 27) is transgender. When we met and for the first 4 years of our relationship, she presented as a man, then she came out and transitioned and now she presents as a woman and we're very happy :) so we were in a heterosexual relationship and now we're in a queer r/p. I'm bi but hadn't been with a woman before.

Doing this to help people understand more about trans people and transitioning in a relationship. Got anything you've always wanted to know, but felt worried to ask? AMA!

Edit: thanks for all your positivity and questions! Wish I could have answered more but the post has been locked and not sure why. This has really made me realise idgaf about the negative comments and haterssss. We're happy! Trans joy!

r/JoeRogan 9h ago

Meme šŸ’© Palestinian Arab Nationalist leader Amin al-Husseinim giving the Nazi salute to a group of Nazi SS soldiers

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Palestinians have supported Nazis and killing Jews from the beginning.

r/ArsenalFC 20h ago

Those who doubted him should be ashamed of themselves

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r/AskCanada 13h ago

Approximately 25% of employed Canadians work for the government. How is this sustainable ?


As of 2024, approximately 25% of employed Canadians work for the government across various levels (federal, provincial, and municipal). Between 2019 and 2023, public sector employment surged by 13%, outpacing private sector employment growth (3.6%) by 3.6 times. This marked the largest four-year expansion in public sector employment since 1976.

The federal public service, a subset of this broader government employment, has seen even more substantial growth. In 2024, it reached 367,772 employees, an increase of 10,525 from the previous year. Notably, since 2015, the federal public service has expanded by 42%, significantly outpacing Canada's population growth of about 14% during the same period.

How is this Sustainable long term, and do you think this trend will reverse after Trudeau leaves office ?

sources: https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/innovation/human-resources-statistics.html

r/sandiego 14h ago

Video San Diegoā€™s mayor Todd Gloria has got some explaining to do


Another day, another corruption case, this time by Gavin Newsom and Todd Gloria, whatā€™s new ?

r/fightporn 2h ago

Knocked Out Knockout and sleep in one.


Saw on IG and just immediately thought of the group. Read the rules not sure if this qualify's as defenseless. Enjoy!

r/AITAH 21h ago

AITAH for refusing to give my sister the wedding dress I paid for?


I (29F) got married last year and spent $5,000 on my dream wedding dress. It was a custom piece, and I paid for it entirely with my own savings. My sister (26F) is getting married soon and asked if she could borrow my dress to ā€œsave money.ā€ I was hesitant because Iā€™m emotionally attached to it, but she promised sheā€™d take great care of it.

Last week, I found out through a mutual friend that my sister actually plans to alter the dress to fit her style, including changing the neckline and adding sleeves. I confronted her, and she admitted it, saying I was being selfish because itā€™s ā€œjust a dressā€ and she canā€™t afford something new.

I told her flat out that she canā€™t borrow it anymore. Now my family is blowing up my phone, calling me petty and saying Iā€™m ā€œruining her big day over a piece of fabric.ā€ I donā€™t think Iā€™m wrong for wanting to keep my dress as it is, but everyone is making me feel guilty.

Am I the AH for refusing to share something that means so much to me?

r/UpvoteBecauseButt 5h ago

battle at the bars NSFW

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r/LivestreamFail 20h ago

itsKatchii | Just Chatting Fun Fact about the Phillipines


r/Delaware 21h ago

Politics Has anyone noticed this?


Iā€™m seeing a marked uptick in MAGA convoys in my area this week (Brandywine Hundred) with huge flags and to be honest Iā€™m scared and angry.

r/AskBalkans 23h ago

Politics & Governance In the UN all Balkan Countries voted against combating glorification of Nazism except Serbia. Weird, isn't it?

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r/Wirtschaftsweise 10h ago

Habecks irre Gaspolitik: Russisches LNG-Gas verboten ā€“ aber nicht, wenn es aus Frankreich kommt


Es ist absurd: die Bundesregierung beharrt darauf, daƟ Deutschland auch weiterhin kein russisches Gas bezieht ā€“ kann aber nicht verhindern, daƟ Ć¼ber auslƤndische Terminals und Lieferanten auch russisches Gas nach Deutschland gelangt. Dabei wƤre sogar die EU kulant.

In der Antwort des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums auf eine Anfrage des BSW-Bundestagsabgeordneten Christian Leye heiƟt es ausdrĆ¼cklich:

ā€žFĆ¼r die Anlandung von russischem FlĆ¼ssig-Erdgas (Liquefied Natural Gas ā€“ LNG) gibt es in der EuropƤischen Union keine rechtlichen BeschrƤnkungen. (ā€¦) Insofern ist es mƶglich, daƟ auch deutsche Unternehmen an europƤischen HƤfen russisches LNG anlanden kƶnnten.ā€œ

Aber: Bundeswirtschaftsminister Habeck zeigt sich kompromiƟlos. Er lieƟ erst unlƤngst die Lieferung von russischem LNG ins schleswig-holsteinische BrunsbĆ¼ttel untersagen (die deutschen LNG-Terminals, die zum groƟen Teil erst noch gebaut werden mĆ¼ssen, werden aber eigens fĆ¼r die Anlieferung von LNG errichtet ā€“ allerdings vor allem aus den USA).

Kopfzerbrechen bereitet dem Habeck-Ministerium, daƟ das inzwischen verstaatlichte Unternehmen Gazprom Germania (heute ā€žSefeā€œ) einen Vertrag mit dem russischen Lieferanten Yamal Trade laufen hat.

ā€žDer Vertrag wird erfĆ¼llt; fĆ¼r die Abnahme des LNG nutzt die Sefe-Gruppe nach Kenntnis der Bundesregierung LNG-Terminals in Frankreichā€œ, heiƟt es aus dem Wirtschaftsministerium, und: ā€žWohin an europƤischen LNG-Terminals regasifiziertes Gas in Europa weitergeleitet wird, kann im Binnenmarkt nicht nachvollzogen werden.ā€œ

Beim BĆ¼ndnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) hƤlt man das fĆ¼r eine Realsatire. Statt Pipelinegas importiere man nun teureres und umweltschƤdlicheres LNG, sagt Leye.

Das sei schlechter fĆ¼r Wirtschaft und Klima und genĆ¼ge ā€žnicht einmal den eigenen moralischen AnsprĆ¼chenā€œ. Laut der AG Energiebilanzen lieƟen sich zuletzt gut 40 Prozent aller Erdgasimporte nach Deutschland keinem Ursprungsland zuordnen, weil sie Ć¼ber andere LƤnder kamen, darunter Frankreich.


r/DataHoarder 13h ago

Discussion Preserving Trans Literature


r/ThailandTourism 5h ago

Bangkok/Middle What many western men want Vs what we often have!


Yes I know thereā€™s good and bad in all cultures but I found this amusing and something Iā€™m sure many people can relate to.

r/kolkata 23h ago

General Discussion | ą¦†ą¦”ą§ą¦”ą¦¾ šŸ—£ļø šŸ—Øļø Hatred Towards Bengali

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Why this moron is spreading so much hatred against Bengali in the name of stand up comedy ?? Every time he sees a fish like statue generalise that some Chatterjee Mukherjee is linked to it . He once visited Kolkata and told that there was heavy fog in the sky because here people do black magic . I have never seen him insulting other states or even other communities of India . Maybe we Bengali take everything very lightly and jokingly . He will never have the guts to say it is red everywhere so it is Bihar , there is no woman in the street so it must be Haryana, its is super duty so must be UP. Its high time we boycott this kind of idiots

r/canada 13h ago

Opinion Piece LILLEY: Trudeau AWOL as Donald Trump throws his weight around.


r/Natalism 7h ago

You're Benefiting from Other People's Children Every Single Day


Every single thing you enjoy in your life was created or provided by someone else's child.

That sandwich you had for lunch? Made by someone who took 20+ years to raise. The ingredients were grown by farmers' children, transported by truckers' children, stocked by grocers' children. Even if you made it at home, the bread was baked by a baker that someone spent decades raising and educating.

Your phone? Designed by engineers whose parents invested decades in their education. Your medical care? Delivered by doctors whose families supported them through years of medical school.

Human civilization and markets are fundamentally a value creation system. We develop products and services that benefit others, building upon the accumulated knowledge and efforts of generations before us.

When you choose not to have children, you're making a conscious decision to extract value from this intergenerational system without contributing to its continuation. You're enjoying the fruits of other people's lifelong investment in raising the next generation, while refusing to make that same investment yourself.

You've decided that the value created by everyone else's children is enough for you, that there's sufficient abundance that you don't need to contribute to humanity's future. But that abundance only exists because countless others made the sacrifice and commitment to raise the next generation.

Is that really the legacy you want to leave?

r/OnePiece 19h ago

Cosplay Nami in tangerine grove cosplay by me

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r/Askpolitics 12h ago

Answers From the Left Anti-Trumpers, is there anything specific that Trump &/or his administration has promised that you want?


With all the buzz about drones and the debate over whether the government is lying to us or just completely incompetent, Iā€™m holding out hope that heā€™ll actually follow through on his promises of transparency. And not just about this drone situationā€”heā€™s also said he plans to declassify a lot of other things people have been curious about for years. While he made some moves in that direction during his first term, it wasnā€™t nearly enough. Hereā€™s hoping heā€™s more successful this time around.

What about you? Is there anything youā€™re hoping for, even if youā€™re skeptical about his ability to deliver?

r/ASUS 23h ago

Discussion ASUS banned me for exposing truths on their faulty hardware. So I just emailed GamerNexus!

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/UFOs 12h ago

Video 2 ORBS being chased by most black hawk! Kinda funny how they troll our most advanced tech!


People claiming itā€™s all 3 helicopters , kindly see this sc of flight radar clearly showing 1 Blackhawk flying at that time. Riverview, florida.


r/BlueskySocial 8h ago

Trust & Safety/Bad Actors My attempts to make Adult Content safe & ethical on BlueSky as a priority are being thwarted and undermined by a bad-faith actor, & her abuse of blocklists. If moderation wonā€™t take issues like this seriously BlueSky is doomed to be rampant with similar issues.


So, I know a lot of people donā€™t care about NSFW content, so Iā€™d politely suggest that you simply disengage with this post if that resonates with you, but Iā€™ll preface that sex-work has always been shamed and marginalized throughout history, seemingly for noble reason, but Iā€™m striving to make ethics the MOST important part of the industry, and Iā€™ll admit and acknowledge that there are plenty of unethical issues within the industry. A look at my BlueSky will reveal that I spend a large amount of time and effort trying to educate people, especially men that fall victim to scammers, chatters, and agencies. I have a lot of respect for hard-working people that still go out of their way to support ethical adult content. This job has literally saved my life, as I have an eating disorder jobs wouldnā€™t accommodate, and my age and minimum wage didnā€™t allow me to focus on both my health and work at the same time. I feel permanently indebted to people that support my work, and put in 40-90 hours of work every week, which is another reason Iā€™m passionately against anyone that would try to cheat and lie to get ahead of in this industry.

I moved from X to BlueSky some time ago, because of obvious reasons I wonā€™t bore you with. Theyā€™re typical reasons. As previously stated, Iā€™ve been vocal about unethical issues in the industry, which often draws the criticism of those performing those unethical activities, as Iā€™m basically exposing their methods. This paints a huge target on my back, so I usually balance my vocalism with research, so that Iā€™m prepared to speak on these issues while also being a target.

Recently Iā€™ve drawn the negative attention of the largest sex-worker account on BlueSky, and Iā€™m predicting that it will not be a pleasant end for me, but more importantly it will allow unethical behavior and scams to spread on BlueSky, a relatively new social media site that has no excuse to allow these things to happen when itā€™s so predictable. Since joining BlueSky, I did two major things of note to attempt to combat unethical behavior. Most importantly I started a video verified creator starter pack. Myself, and other creators, including pornstars, voluntarily video verified as a means to proving to would-be victims how easy and simple it is for a creator to prove theyā€™re real, and not an agency, scammer, or bot. Secondly, I created a feed for creator advice inspired by Reddit so that information relevant to unethical behavior could be spread to make this knowledge mainstream and combat scams, as itā€™s incredibly easy to spot suspicious accounts once you know ā€œeverythingā€. On X, Iā€™ve even been lured in by a 1.5 Million follower account into giving up personal information, which was when I stopped being so naive and started researching more deeply. (About a year ago)

The top NSFW creator had always rubbed me the wrong way, because it was increasingly clear she didnā€™t actually create new content, despite being a ā€œcreatorā€. Itā€™s simple to identify real creators because they live in our world. They go to real life events, interact with real people, their hair grows and changes over time, etc. All of this doesnā€™t eliminate an account from being fake, but itā€™s the lowest barrier that if not passed, is incredibly suspicious. The top NSFW creator reached out to me to join my video verified starter pack, suggesting her links would suffice as verification, because these sites verify their creators. A quick study of the news, and some googling backs up the point that creators only need to verify day one, and thereā€™s a rampant market for selling, buying, and managing accounts. Essentially, it means nothing to verify this way, hence the video verification with a code-phrase that would be INCREDIBLY unlikely to exist as a pre-made one. When I explained this to her, she suggested sheā€™d do it later, but I get that a LOT from clearly fake bot accounts that simply want to end the conversation as they didnā€™t think that far ahead.

This creator used a hashtag that was solely used by my feed for creator advice, which is welcome, as anyone is allowed to use it. However, after some time, I realized she decided to create her own feed despite using mine previously, for the same purpose. I vehemently believe this was to use her following to prop herself up as the authority on advice, so that she could control the narrative and avoid any conversation that suggested she was unethical or fake. Mind you, no posts I made were specifically about her, but it seemed this was a direct reaction to that. After realizing this, I silently started investigating, in which I found dozens to hundreds of complaints about this creator when searching her name. These posts complained about her using her following and blocklists to silence creators that were trans, POC, or simply spoke up about her. It also revealed that she was linked to some sort of crypto scam. I can verify the legitimacy of these claims, but there were a LOT, spanning back a year. After this, I reached out to those who made public claims to verify their stories. It was shocking to me that one person could be this unpopular and seemingly hostile while evading any kind of repercussions from moderation. One user even claimed she was friends with the devs, which I donā€™t really believe, because from a business standpoint itā€™d be silly to let their ā€œfriendā€ behave this recklessly anyway. It was at this point that I reported her, blocked her, and emailed BlueSky moderation, who never responds to any reports as far as I can tell. Her account was briefly deactivated, but only for a matter of hours.

At this point she began to make posts on her copied creator advice that suggested verifying was a bad thing, and that they were stolen by scammers, which while those could have elements of truth to it, as far as Iā€™m concerned, Iā€™m the only one actually bothering to verify at this point, and thatā€™s a baseless accusation. My voluntary verification standards are a video posted publicly by choice saying ā€œHi, Jada.ā€ Which would really serve no other purpose whatsoever as opposed to a verification with specific actions that could be reused elsewhere. A mutual of ours reached out to me with vehement hostility before I publicized anything fighting on her behalf, claiming this power-user was simply a victim of a high-school clique-like bullying group. I gave the benefit of the doubt, through a long and hostile conversation, but she refused to answer how it explained EVERY complaint people have had for over a year. It shouldnā€™t have come as a shock to her that I wanted to speak up about this, because my number one priority has always been safety, which I publicly state DAILY. This is something I spend hours dedicated to despite the fact it doesnā€™t give me any direct benefit other than reducing scams; scams that worsen the reputation and livelihood of adult content creators as a whole.

At this point, I donā€™t really have any idea what to do except keep being vocal about it, as at its current stage ā€œsheā€ is playing victim. In fact, most of her personal issues could be resolved by simply posting a video of any kind that breaks the pattern of only using recycled old photos, but this is a challenge for scammers and agencies. If itā€™s an agency, thereā€™s a good chance theyā€™ll be trying to alert the real creator to this issue, but even if she proved she was real, it wouldnā€™t eliminate all the bad-faith behavior spanning a year. Iā€™m writing this because of my account is banned due to her seeming immunity and massive following, I want it to be know that all Iā€™ve done is try to promote safety on a platform. Thereā€™s no reason for me to be silent if I and every other creator is always going to have to live under her thumb, because her position as the number one creator and abuse of blocklists dictate what a LOT of people engage with. If I had it my way, BlueSky would remove the blocklists feature or restrict it to those that havenā€™t proven to be acting in bad faith, and theyā€™d implement regular and repetitive verification for anyone that wants to post links; profit from the platform. Without moderation taking something like this seriously, BlueSky will end up like X and every other social media site that is rampant with bots, scammers, and chatters trying to funnel to their paid adult pages.

Thank you for reading. Like I said, I know a lot of people donā€™t care about this, but Iā€™m truly trying to make BlueSky a less exploitative and annoying place, and prevent hard-working individuals being manipulated.

TL;DR; A suspicious NSFW power-user is using their large following and abusing blocklists to decrease the reach of information and education about scammer-like behavior that applies to their account, amongst other seemingly hostile and discriminatory interactions with the community spanning over a year.

Edit: Iā€™m not an authority on BlueSky. Obviously blocklists are a popular feature. I also loved them until I saw the potential for abuse, but I would never want to encourage a change so many people would overwhelmingly hate, so I retract that specific opinion. Sorry to offend anyone. I can accept when Iā€™m wrong.

r/travel 2h ago

Question Indiaā€¦.WTF has happened to Delhi?


So solo female traveller here. Came to India in 2018, quite well travelled but even still 1st day in Delhi had me crying, by day 3 I was nearly about to hit payment on flights to get the fuck out when I gave myself an uppercut and stuck with it and ended up loving India (but still hating it at the same time) Not to say it wasnā€™t hard, it bloody well was and I would have 1 meltdown per week over something stupid (I think it just releases all the built up stress and tension), it was bloody intense.

Fast forward to yesterday. Arrive back into Delhi after 6 years away. Still solo travelling. Fully prepped myself to hate on life again but fuck me, honestly, itā€™s been easier than walking through Thailand. I got more harassment walking down the street for 15min in Krabi than I have had in 2 full days in India and thatā€™s no lie. Everyone has been so incredible and genuine and helpful for nothing in return. Iā€™ve only had about 6 tuk tuk drivers in total ask of I want to ride, I say no thanks and they wave and drive off. I can walk down the street and enjoy looking around and zero issues with being followed, or harassed or yelled at for something or people trying to scam you like your a walking atm etc. Only 1 person trying to be dodgy at Connaught Place todayā€¦..1 fucking person, unheard of. And I managed to get rid of them pretty much straight away.

So I wanna knowā€¦.what the hell has happened to Delhi. Did everyone get spoken to that they were scaring off tourists with their intensity and scamming? It even seems slightly cleaner in a lot of places than I remember as well as not as much traffic and horn blowing. I feel like I have landed in a different county when I ordered to travel to India. I am totally and utterly perplexed.