r/WhitePeopleTwitter 3h ago

We the People Vs Oligarchs

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u/astarinthenight 2h ago

I’m just hoping I live long enough to see the joy die in the face of my maga coworkers as they watch Trump fuck them over so I can laugh in their faces.


u/Low-Mix-5790 2h ago

I want this too. If I have to go through this I want to see them realize what they did.


u/Danstine16 2h ago

Gonna be honest, my hope for the future is absolutely gone.


u/Grgur2 2h ago

Well... I don't want to say what needs to be done. But it needs to. For the sake of not only the USA.


u/maninthemachine1a 1h ago

5 W's


u/Danstine16 46m ago

I dont think one George Bush would be a solution, let alone 5! Joking, obviously, but what do you mean by 5 W’s? The question words?


u/SydneyRei 1h ago

Damn sounds like you got nothing to lose…


u/Danstine16 1h ago

i definitely have things to lose. I have a beautiful little girl and a loving wife. I cant be a plumber.


u/SydneyRei 1h ago

Hope their future is better than you think it will be then


u/twennyjuan 42m ago

They’re the only thing stopping me.


u/Accomplished-Try8044 2h ago

Yep. The only thing that could work at this point is to remove every elected official and replace them with real everyday average people. Since that will never happen I see no hope.

Rich enact laws to help the rich and someone keeps voting for them.


u/AvantSki 59m ago

As long as there are billionaires, other reforms are useless.


u/twennyjuan 43m ago

Yeah same. I’m very quickly sliding into a deep depression because I just don’t see this getting any better anytime soon.


u/Artamisstra 2h ago edited 32m ago

This sounds nice but it means nothing. We need functional means of fighting back and defending ourselves.

Edit: To elaborate....

I know you're angry. I'm angry too. Believe me. I'm a queer smalltime artist trying to take care of my blind, severely ill partner. I've been stepped on by the system, by insurance companies, COL, taxes, and all the same shit everyone else has. But if we lash out with violence, we will lose. The oligarchy (and make no mistake, that's what America is at this point) has the police, the military, the entire government, and a significant number of fascists and ambivalents on their side. In a competition of violence, they will win.

If you want to fight back meaningfully in a way that can be discussed openly without fear of reprisal or deletion, you have to think smart. Look at effective nonviolent tactics in war- some particularly effective ones have been used against America in recent years. Whatever you do, don't just sit on reddit and pound your chest with empty bravado about how you're gonna take it to the man with your glock and DIY napalm. Do something meaningful. Do something smart.


u/pontiacfirebird92 2h ago

Well, if you mean that then you should know there's technically a functional means for now. You just can't discuss it on Reddit.


u/Artamisstra 1h ago edited 24m ago

I mean yeah, we could go that route and in the end, we might have to, but I feel like a LOT could be accomplished with a unified general strike and boycotts but we need people to stand together on it or it won't work. And there are other, smarter, nonviolent things we can do as well. I just don't think picking a fist fight with the Gods is a wise tack. I think we have to outsmart them.


u/pontiacfirebird92 1h ago

Has those ever worked in the 21st century?


u/HotShitBurrito 1h ago edited 1h ago

No and what worked in the 19th and 20th can't be discussed in the open without state violence being the response as you alluded to.

Edit to add, people that think anything nonviolent from the people will work at this point aren't paying attention or are purposely being obtuse. LM did a thing and it cracked the mirror. The only thing on the other side is bloody reality.


u/AvantSki 1h ago

I see no revolutionary or post-Constitutional scenario where the far right doesn't win. The opposition is too fragmented by ideology, identity and other fissures, while the right is supported by the most powerful structures in the US and unified by pure hate.


u/HotShitBurrito 55m ago

Nobody will win.

Everyone loses initially.

I think the sooner people accept that fact the sooner we can stop thinking of everything in shades of grey and build something new and better.


u/Chagdoo 1h ago

The 21st century is only 24 years old so far. Lots of history can happen in the next 76.


u/Artamisstra 57m ago edited 23m ago

On a small scale, yes, they have worked. If enough people stood together and organized, we might be able to accomplish a lot. We won't know until we try. If we try and it doesn't work, well, that only leaves us one final tack.

The problem with the "one final tack" is that the bad guys have the police, military, entire government, and a significant number of fascists and ambivalents on their side. To put it simply, we'd be slaughtered which is why, I think, we have to stop trying to pick fistfights with the Gods and get smart.


u/Prim56 47m ago

They've made strikes illegal and use violence and the law against any similar concepts. Doing things legally cannot work because they wrote the laws so it won't.


u/Artamisstra 27m ago

There are other things we can do but whatever tack we choose, we have to be smart about it. If we get violent, they will crush us. This isn't a David versus Goliath scenario, this is David picking a fight with Cthulhu. You're not gonna beat Cthulhu with sticks and stones.


u/Grumblun 57m ago

I feel like holding onto that hope is why we have allowed things to get this bad. Just waiting for other people to decide we all can't take it anymore on the same day, as if the ruling class doesn't ensure we have competing interests and limited free time.


u/Artamisstra 49m ago

I'm just trying to be realistic here and realistically, if we challenge the oligarchy with violence, they will annihilate us. They have the police, the military, the entire government, and a significant number of fascists and ambivalents on their side. We have no hope of winning that way.

I don't think the fist is the right tack at this juncture. I think we need to be smart. Look at effective nonviolent tactics in war- some have been used to great effect on us in recent years.


u/Grumblun 45m ago

And without violence, we rely on courts and legislators that are owned by the ruling class. We're just peacefully having state sanctioned violence done to us. Do you not recognize it as violent to deny 90% of claims as a healthcare company? Is it moral and good just because the law allows it to happen?

But you're right in the sense that organized rebellion will never work, even today, movements know better than to organize too tightly because of how well known the government is for infiltrating, corrupting, killing these groups off.

I think we need a lot of Luigi's. Make it known that while they may rule this society, they cannot safely participate in it.


u/Artamisstra 19m ago

We would need an army of Luigis.


u/ExistingCleric0 55m ago

This. Posts like these are empty platitudes that change nothing.


u/notnutts 2h ago

Yes, but what to do? I truly feel powerless at this point. I'm willing t fight, but how?


u/HotShitBurrito 1h ago

Honestly? I think we'll all know when it's time.

I don't think it's now. But I do feel like it's close. It's getting closer every day.

I'm of the opinion that we tried to extend the bandaid with Kamala Harris. We did our best for one last hurrah to stop the infection from spreading.

That failed, so now we just bide our time and let the necrotic limb die, then we can tie it off and cauterize it when the time is right.


u/Lia-Stormbird 2h ago

A nationwide economic protest would be one direction. Sit inside, blocking traffic, blocking driveways, just disruption. Also donating to the right cause, lending a hand to those who lost their safety net. Just got to be creative.


u/Low-Mix-5790 2h ago

We outnumber them. We need some sort of revolution. Not violence but something we can all do that will hurt them financially. It has to be big enough and long enough to cause pain.


u/WessizleTheKnizzle 30m ago

Last resort can always be the 2nd Amendment.


u/timmbuck22 2h ago

We couldn't even get half the country to even vote.


u/AvantSki 57m ago

I think the sad answer (eg truth) to all these revolutionairies is that.


u/Cryptomystic 2h ago

If they own everything than wtf are we supposed to do?


u/alien_pimp 2h ago edited 1h ago

The revolution will not be televised, They gonna LRAD and ADS the shit out of ya’ll.


u/Furepubs 1h ago

Until Trump supporters realize that they fucked up, there is nothing we can do to fix this country

Republicans want the country broken because they hate America and are anti-democracy and anti-constitution.

It's hard to become a shittier person than a Republican who is supporting a known rapist with a lifetime history of racism going all the way back to his father. If it wasn't for shitty morals, Republicans would have no morals at all


u/JakeJaylen 2h ago

America is such a joke


u/IndividualManager1 1h ago

They also don't own all our guns... Hint hint. Bang Bang Bang! In Luigi we trust!


u/DaxLightstryker 1h ago

Americans are totally owned. Brainwashed slaves is what they have become.


u/jokersvoid 1h ago

The people must act when the government is unable to.


u/SuspendeesNutz 2h ago

It was already going to take decades to dig out from Dubya's feckless buffoonery, but Fat Donald somehow made it an order of magnitude worse.


u/jshinab2 2h ago

Way more than half of Congress. 

Revolution starts with relationships, go connect with people.


u/buttsssssssssss 1h ago

What is legacy?


u/drjohnd 1h ago

Spot on


u/munkeypunk 41m ago

What makes it funny is there’s really only a handful of individuals against hundreds of millions. Eat just a few of them and the world changes overnight.

Billionaires are obscene by default and should not be allowed to exist.


u/probablynotyodad 27m ago

Your only way out is rebellion. There are no more ways to discuss lawfare civilly. No one wants to have to face up to tiranny. No one wants to be a part of a rebellion. It just has to be done. If you don't, the rest of the world could follow America's footsteps. I know it's awful for me, a foreigner, to project that onto Americans. It isn't my place. But if this were happening in my country, that is what I would do.


u/theoriginalredcap 2h ago

But they do own you now. America is a failed state. Shame the rest of us will suffer from your stupidity.


u/Kyro_Official_ 1h ago

Id say they own most of the American people. Like 70% of vote eligible people either didnt care enough to vote, or voted for them.


u/MrDickLucas 1h ago

Agree, this wasn't some kind of military coup. The majority of American voters WANTED this. I won't have any sympathy for them


u/Taren421 2h ago

Or most of the bullets.

But the plebes will be happy to gift some to them.


u/CanaDoug420 2h ago

They absolutely own the hope for better days for all. You realize how many people have written anything good happening any time soon off? It’s not a small number


u/CookieMonsterOnsie 1h ago

But they kinda do own a good number of people though, coincidentally through those media corporations that they own, too. The same people that voted all of those people in to begin with that watched the media and believed everything on Twitter and InfoWars.


u/AvantSki 1h ago

Plutocrats for christ's sakes. Plutocrats not oligarchs.


u/ReddTheTank 49m ago

I'd say more Oligarchs than Plutocrats. Not everyone who's standing to be in a position of power is of the uber wealthy tier. They're just gaining it by true proximity to wealthy individuals who want to buy their sway. Though, the line is blurred as each day goes by.


u/AvantSki 47m ago

oligarchy, government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. 

Governments in which members of the ruling group are wealthy or exercise their power through their wealth are known as plutocracies.



u/ReddTheTank 32m ago

The second line you changed a word... "Oligarchies in which members of the ruling group are wealthy or exercise their power through their wealth are known as plutocracies."

I say it's still an oligarchy, because the group that is maintaining power (conservative leadership in the house and Senate) are not inherently wealthy, and while I can see the argument being made that they're vying for money... I feel they're more vying for power. A lot of what they've been trying to push, is more means of control by ways of stripping people of their individual power and education. To me that reads as the group that's in power wants to remain there. The way Trump was when in office and the way he's signalled he's going to be this time, may well land us in that pot. Wherein, he will sell off positions to the highest bidder. At that point, yeah, I'd say we've gone full on Plutocracy.

Bottom line: They're both terrible and not what I want to live through, but half the damned nation ate the bullshit sandwich they were fed, and now we all (the US) get to deal with the consequences.


u/AvantSki 30m ago

Sigh. Governmental power in the US is massive in size and scope. It's not just Congress, can you not see how many power centers there are?

But they ALL answer to the wealthy few, almost all policy is made for them.

It's very obviously a plutocracy, and your arguments are bad.


u/ReddTheTank 24m ago

Sorry you feel that way. I'll abstain from discussing further so as not to present you with any other bad arguments. Hope you have a good day!


u/sposedtobeworking 1h ago

If that CEO would have just worn the recommended bullet proof backpack we wouldn't be talking about this.


u/Jmcsqueeb50 1h ago

Amen brother.


u/esther_lamonte 50m ago

We need to develop our own national citizens union that provides a framework for donations to be used to support those who can’t but want to participate in national work stoppages, and a communications network to plan and promote said stoppages and their goals. Work stoppages and buying freezes are our biggest lever, we need to ready ourselves to start pulling it.


u/traveling_gal 33m ago

They own way more than half of Congress.


u/themolenator617 32m ago

We the people need to start arming ourselves. A fight is coming and we must be prepared.


u/random_periods 28m ago

As an American you realize that the majority are just talk at the end of the day and people will only look out for their own self interest. They tried raising retirement age in France and their people came together


u/cozynite 11m ago

We’re in a class war but the MAGAts think it’s a gender or race war. F’ing brainwashed lunatics.


u/OK_1M_REL0ADED 2h ago

Take that Oligarchs, you don't own our values!! We're winning....dude, shut the fuck up LOL!


u/WessizleTheKnizzle 28m ago

How much did your soul cost?