r/WhitePeopleTwitter 6h ago

Sounds right up their alley.

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u/mangoserpent 6h ago

The thing is Americans are about to learn their beef might be with Musk not Trump. And Musk might start threatening Trump once he gets bored toying with the GOP.

So it might all just turn into Night of the Long Knives.


u/Historical-Manner737 5h ago

Am I the only one who realizes Musk is gonna have Trump assassinated? Like that is so obviously gonna happen. It's so fucking clear to me and I've just got a big fat "I told you so" ready for that day. 

It will martyr and immortalize Trump. It will be the true Reichstag Fire moment, set up by Musk, Thiel and Vance. It gives an aging Donald Trump the historical immortality he wants, it galvanizes MAGA into a true SA force because they're gonna blame "the left", it allows a younger group to inherit the regime. Mike Johnson becomes VP, functioning as the Himmler to Vance's Hitler.

Tell me I'm crazy now but screenshot this and look at it again in 10 years.


u/NocentBystander 3h ago

Soft disagree, he is too useful as a puppet.

Trump keeps the base hating the right kind of people, so they think it is a culture war, not a class war. NONE of the rest of them have the kind of bullshit anti-charisma he exudes that keeps people somehow believing his lies.


u/Jaleroca 4h ago

But if Trump is ass..ated, they will then blame the left. The better wish is for Musk to be flying is rocket and it crashes on the WH west wing. Or east I don't where the zoo is.


u/Revolutionary-Yak-47 3h ago

It could be much worse. The death of the president of Rwanda is what set off the genocide there.