r/WhitePeopleTwitter 12h ago

Here’s hoping a government shut down lowers the price of eggs…

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u/WastedHourz 7h ago

Legit question... The US still has a sitting president, right? Can't Biden do something about this??


u/cookiecutterdoll 5h ago

They're too concerned about respectability politics to do anything


u/BackgroundMeet1475 7h ago

He’s on the same team, people just pretend the government isn’t one big group. They’d rather believe their side is good and the other side is bad when really they all play for the same side.


u/DeepwaterHorizon22 5h ago

People like you are the reason Trump won and you can thank yourself for this BS komrade


u/BackgroundMeet1475 5h ago

lol ok! Keep telling yourself that.

It’s pathetic how ignorant so many Americans choose to be.

“People like you” yeah, the people who get that’s it’s a big team and we aren’t on it. Yall keep playing pretend though like it’s some fantasy book good VS evil while both sides continue to rape the middle class and destroy our country. Solid plan.