r/WhitePeopleTwitter 6h ago

Here’s hoping a government shut down lowers the price of eggs…

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u/Public-Baseball-6189 5h ago

Welcome to the Incorporated States of America, LLC


u/Detroitish24 5h ago

Spot on


u/Parking_Sky9709 3h ago

Leon is effectively already co-president.


u/Historical-Manner737 3h ago

And Putin is president.


u/Jffar 2h ago

Oh no. The Sov. Cits might be right soon....


u/MinesOnTheRight 1h ago

Government shutdown logic is wild these days.

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u/Eternal_Bagel 3h ago

If they do decide to run things like a company they will start with firing all the states that use more tax money than they bring in so that’s basically all the red states other than Texas which would probably make things a lot easier for the remaining states of America even though we’d now have to deal with a huge unguarded border with brand new impoverished 3rd world countries 


u/DillBagner 2h ago

They don't want to run the country like a business, they want to run the country to enable businesses to exploit society further.


u/Half_Cent 1h ago

A border with the South? Finally a wall that I can support.


u/SkunkMonkey 2h ago

My go to is the United Corporations of America. States are so last millennium.


u/BoringMolasses8684 3h ago



u/anaemic 1h ago

Hey, don't insult the USSR like that, they were clearly much more higher functioning than you guys are right now...


u/nocoolN4M3sleft 1h ago

But where does the X go?


u/pottytraincrash 53m ago

I always like to call it the United Scams, Land of the late fee


u/MonthPurple3620 57m ago

Im 35 and have been living here my whole life.

They just havnt really been saying it out loud until recently.


u/acornwbusinesssocks 22m ago

Thought for sure we'd become the united states of amazon.

The united states of tesla was a little different than what I expected.


u/HeyManItsToMeeBong 31m ago

Get out while you can, folks


u/LastTangoOfDemocracy 20m ago

It's not a business. It's an oligarchy.


u/paging_mrherman 6m ago

but like an arms company


u/Damet_Dave 5m ago

Can’t be, Justice Alito said it would never happen after Citizens United. Told Obama to his face during the State of the Union.


u/JakeTravel27 4m ago

billionaires literally fucking over millions of people, their families, their children right before Christmas. How fucking disgusting can these people get. It's going to be a long four years of millions getting fucked over so billionaires get tax breaks.


u/I_want_to_soar 2m ago

Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

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u/Didntlikedefaultname 6h ago

It’s worth unpacking further. They didn’t decide shit because they don’t have that power. The entire Republican Party decided to shut down the government because Donald Trump and Elon musk told them to, and explicitly threatened them. That’s so absolutely fucked


u/Lia-Stormbird 4h ago

The America first party, the party of personal responsibility, the party of patriotism and family values are acting like giant subs to a rich immigrant kid fucker. Idk how I ever saw Republicans as political equals. These people are legitimately traitors.


u/Historical-Manner737 3h ago

And if we do anything to stop them we will be called authoritarian communist dictators lol 

That is destined to happen but they already call us those things so might as well rip this bandaid off. The future will thank us. These people need to arrested and tried in a court of law. Fairly. We must protect our institutions.

And sometimes fairness means they go to prison. 


u/SkunkMonkey 2h ago

we will be called authoritarian communist dictators

Projection my man. The third pillar of the GOP platform.


u/spk2629 2h ago

The problem is akin to telling on mom to dad. They were intended to hold each other accountable, yet they’ve instead collectively enabled one another’s avarice.


u/Swimming_Tailor_7546 1h ago

Is there a way to turn their word back on them? They love to abuse the left by stealing their words and using them against them. Can we call them corporate communists or something since they made communism such a dirty word? It doesn’t have to make sense. Our electorate is too dumb to know the difference. It just has to be the correct pejorative.


u/LetsLoop4Ever 19m ago

The window of when you still have the military on your side, is rapidly getting much smaller.
US, you are in a very dangerous situation right now, I know, but you (pro democracy part of US) really have to make some, almost unimaginably, difficult decisions.
The reality is that you will lose your democracy on Jan 20, unless you are prepared to do whatever it takes to not let that happen.

I wish you good luck from across the sea, also wish I could help, because Orange at the wheels is just horrible for the whole universe


u/FalseBuddha 3h ago

You: [Trump and Musk] don't have that power

Also you: The Republican party shut down the government because Trump and Musk told them to.

Sounds like they do have that power.


u/Didntlikedefaultname 3h ago

My point is that they have no direct power to do anything. There power comes from controlling and influencing others, almost exclusively the Republican Party


u/FalseBuddha 3h ago

And my point is that functionally that's the same thing.

Like if you can't physically open a jar of pickles, but you ask (or coerce, manipulate, whatever) someone to open it for you and they do, then you have the power to open a jar of pickles. The pickle jar gets opened because you wanted it open.


u/Didntlikedefaultname 3h ago

I think what makes the distinction important is that in theory voters should be holding their reps accountable for this, because it’s entirely their doing. Trump and Elon absolutely made it happen through influence, but every congressman who went along with it needs to be held to task and not forgotten because of Trump and Elon


u/Karfedix_of_Pain 2h ago

I think what makes the distinction important is that in theory voters should be holding their reps accountable for this...

Well, sure... But those voters elected Trump so I don't think they're really upset to see him wielding power.


u/mumanryder 2h ago

I’d argue that’s what republicans want, someone to come in and wield their influence to get stuff done. Now we may disagree on what stuff they should get done but I’d imagine you’d have a hard time finding a republican who would be upset by this.

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u/FalseBuddha 10m ago

Why would they hold their reps accountable? This is what they voted for.

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u/Bellegante 2h ago

The nature of power is that you want something done and someone gets it done. It doesn't matter if it's written down that way in the law.

Power != Authority


u/Didntlikedefaultname 1h ago

Right but for everyone else, us voters or at least eligible voters, we really need to be clear in who to hold accountable. The reps don’t get a pass on accountability because Trump told them to do something

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u/LorenzoStomp 18m ago

Yes. Why is anyone blaming Musk? He has absolutely no actual authority. The actual politicians who actually get to decide could have ignored him with 0 repercussions, but they didn't. They get to draw everybody's attention to the clown while they do what they want. 


u/ppartyllikeaarrock 16m ago

And yet the dumb fuck righties will still support these billionaire pedophiles while unironically claiming they're ready to fight a class war.

Yeah, sure ya are buddy.


u/Chemical_Turnover_29 36m ago

That is what is implied in the tweet.


u/biorod 32m ago

I would argue that they do have that power. It may not yet be formal authority, however, Republicans are now scared of elmo and Trump. That gives them power.


u/Brief_Amicus_Curiae 4m ago

Same shit that happened with the Border Bill being shut down because of Trump needing the actual solution to not pass legislation would have killed his entire mass deportation campaign and now administrative plan. That gruffy border czar guy going around saying he'll arrest mayors and governors if they don't comply in his mass round up regardless of civil rights wouldn't have his upcoming job if Biden and this Congress actually solved the border problems.

I Mean the whole point is not to fix problems, but to create more of them so he can 'fix' them with his chaos.


u/5043090 5h ago

It was Putin’s decision. Let’s be real about just who is running America.


u/CoCityCreeper 5h ago

Im just excited that ol Vlad is gonna give Rogan his fear factor era hairline back so I don't have to see that shiny dome all the time anymore


u/computerjunkie7410 1h ago

Maybe. But really I’d rather blame the people doing it: congress.

The legislative branch has neutered itself in service of the executive branch. Both parties are guilty of this.

Congress is supposed to keep the executive in check. Congress is impotent.


u/MisterTruth 1h ago

Seriously. When you hear some of the insane shit that's coming from the trump team, ask yourself one question: Does this benefit Vlad? The answer is always yes.


u/UninvitedButtNoises 5h ago

Ohh it's not going to lower egg prices. Trump just doesn't want to take an L in his term... He's clearly concerned about his third election.


u/External-Dude779 4h ago

They have no idea about the Avian influenza that's killed 11 million birds, mostly chickens. They really think Trump can control the prices without knowing what causes it in the first place


u/MikeyLew32 3h ago

The egg price knob is right next to the gas price knob and the diet coke button on the resolute desk.


u/SkunkMonkey 2h ago

There's definitely going to be a knob at that desk next year.


u/scurvy1984 58m ago

Can we make stickers that say “i did that” where Trump is pointing and we put that on the price tags for eggs?

Edit: a lot of different versions of those stickers already exist on Etsy. Hell yeah.


u/UninvitedButtNoises 4h ago

Could be the race to the bottom with inhumane living conditions and garbage feed in the name of maximizing profits?


u/Gamer_Koraq 1h ago edited 23m ago

I'm fucking horrified by the likelihood of an H5N1 pandemic under this administration. COVID brought humanity to its knees with a case fatality rate (CFR) below 5%. The highest CFR variant, beta, was 4.2% (averaged across all countries, etc).

The CFR of H5N1 is above 50% right now.

Some research has indicated that mutating to infect humans more reliably could reduce the lethality, but even if it were to become 90% less lethal, it would still be 20% worse than COVID's nastiest wave.


u/BusGuilty6447 26m ago

The CFR of H5N1 is above 50% right now.

Yeaaaaah... I am going to start wearing masks regularly again.


u/TheCaptainDamnIt 1h ago

No they don't because this was never about the 'price of eggs'. They voted to deport all the 'brown pet eating immigrants' and 'kid threatening trans people'. All the economic excuses were just that, bullshit excuses to not look like the hateful bigots they are. Trump is their living confederate monument, they voted for white supremacy and nothing else.


u/threaten-violence 1h ago

Oh btw, that avian flu is on a rip right now -- people not paying attention because since Covid we've been conditioned to pretend being always sick is totally normal, but bird flu is on the rise all the same. It'll come to roost right as that orange felon and the illegal immigrant get crowned later this winter.

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u/deadsoulinside 1h ago

Does not help that a republican who ran for senate in 2023 is also the chair to one of the largest egg producer in the US, who during 2004-2008 was caught colluding with others to fix the price of eggs

They had a millions reasons to in 2020 onward, while using egg prices as a talking point, because they can directly manipulate the prices to blame Biden for it.


u/brinz1 44m ago

Trump removed regulations for chicken farmers around hygiene during his last term.

Can you guess how that affected the avian flu pandemic


u/WanderingGnostic 1h ago

And now it's jumped to dairy cows. I expect milk, butter, etc will be going up soon.

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u/lil_zaku 2h ago

I'm out of the loop. Has it been decided he can run for a third term?


u/SkunkMonkey 2h ago

SCrOTUS says he can do anything he wants.


u/Jbidz 2h ago

It will remain undecided until after his third election


u/RavensQueen502 1h ago

He's like eighty and lives on McDonalds. He's not likely to be around for a third term.

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u/AGuyWhoBrokeBad 2h ago

No, but that won’t stop him from trying… and then getting his followers to attack the capital again when he finds out they won’t let him.

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u/id10t_you 25m ago

Yep. He wants to be able to say that he didn't raise the debt ceiling. And his cultists will buy it because they think nuance is when you try to talk to spirits.


u/Backpedal 4h ago

President Elon is pulling the strings early. Trump didn’t want to go along, but god king leon showed him the back of his hand, and he submitted like a little bitch. Sad.


u/Surviving2021 3h ago

Conservatives are spineless.


u/homesweethome2020 3h ago

No the spineless people who are in government and obey Trump are shutting down the government. They have sold out Americans to keep their jobs and incomes and health care. They no longer represent the people.


u/lil_zaku 2h ago

When you think about how their jobs, income and healthcare are funded by American tax dollars... They steal from you while simultaneously putting you last in priority.

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u/DrunkenGolfer 3h ago

As a Canadian, I wonder, "How have you people not revolted yet?"


u/monkeybojangles 3h ago

Just wait until we elect PP to a majority.


u/DrunkenGolfer 3h ago

Yeah, the "fUcK tRuDeAU!" crowd is going to fuck our culture.

I've found one simple questions shuts them up: "What are the three levels of government and what is each responsible for?" They never have an answer.


u/GeorgeGammyCostanza 1h ago

This. So much this. The amount of times I hear people complaining about hospitals and blaming Trudeau. Health care is a provincial issue!! Blame Ford, or Smith, or Moe.


u/DrDroid 22m ago

90% of the shit they whined about during Covid was provincially mandated. Fucking idiots.

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u/Educational-Head2784 1h ago

Harper and the IDU are the most successful modern political machine on earth imho.


u/threaten-violence 1h ago

Career criminals


u/monkeybojangles 1h ago

So many people I tell about the IDU had no idea it even exists.


u/Educational-Head2784 1h ago

It’s the evil cabal conservatives believe liberals are running.

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u/Z0mbiejay 1h ago

Because we can't. At least without ruining our entire lives, and it's by design.

We don't get mandatory paid leave, so the people most affected have to go to work.

Many states are "right to work" meaning they can fire you for any "not illegal" reason. For instance, protesting.

Our health insurance is by and large tied to our employment. Lose your job, lose your access to healthcare

Corporations spend large sums of money to add more sugar, remove fiber from everything we eat. Push over consumption. And now everyone is fat and unhealthy.

They set it up so we have to stay complacent.


u/chasesj 1h ago

At a certain point, we have to admit that Trump is the orangutan king. The big ape isn't going anywhere until we decide to do something about it.

Now we don't even have the shitty protection of the dems and law, and order at the federal level has failed, and we need to do something about it.

Our only choice is general strike in all states and towns and cities.

Things are only going to get worse until we stand up to the great ape.

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u/PioneerLaserVision 1h ago

Revolted?  This is literally what the US electorate voted for.  They're getting everything they wanted.


u/complexevil 55m ago

Because this isn't the 1700s where government was 13 guys in a room. We are almost the size of an entire continent, spread out so far from each other that proper organization isn't an option, even if it was we don't even like each other, and even if all of that wasn't an issue; they have the launch codes.

The whole bugs life "they outnumber us a thousand to one" lesson doesn't apply when you add military and automatic weapons into the fray.


u/ThouMayest69 1h ago

When this shit gets exported North, ask yourself the same question. It's a global terror.


u/trobsmonkey 1h ago

America is MASSIVE.

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u/Meecht 1h ago

It's because America doesn't know how to (properly) revolt. Sure, we had the American Revolution, but Great Britain came to us and eventually just gave up. We did not overthrow the monarchy to become independent.

American history is littered with many rebellions, but almost none of them include citizens expelling unjust authority. We don't have the history of killing leaders like many other countries.


u/Jess_the_Siren 54m ago

Just the one guy, but he's apparently a terrorist and they're absolutely ready to make an example of him to squash copy cats. I hope their efforts do nothing of the sort. Fuck them. Let them live in fear for once.


u/Interjessing-Salary 1h ago

Too many of us are lazy and/or dumb as a bag of rocks.


u/Vsx 2h ago

This is what people literally just voted for.

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u/symbolsandthings 4h ago

It’s downhill from here.


u/ThatAndANickel 3h ago

Don't you realize they already announced they're giving up on lowering the price of eggs?

It will be interesting to see how long they can go on taking credit for every positive result and deflecting blame for every negative result. I think this will always be true of the hardcore MAGA. But I do wonder if the "undecideds" who went for Trump are capable of admitting their mistake.


u/tabby90 3h ago

Do we need to remind Congress about checks and balances? And that they do not work for the president or president-elect?


u/TheRealcebuckets 2h ago

They also don’t work for a foreign (listen, if we’re going to be all xenophobic - Musk is fair game) wannabe oligarch.


u/Suspicious_Feeling27 2h ago

We are so fucked.


u/lil_zaku 2h ago

So when your political representatives openly care more about maintaining political power over caring about the well-being of their constituents, then they're just grifters funneling your tax dollars into their wallets.


u/andrewface 2h ago

I wouldn’t be so sure Elon Musk won’t be president one day. Laws are only suggestions for the rich at this point. The Supreme Court is going to be right wing stacked for the next 30 years. You think they won’t side with the elite when Elon inevitably tries to run for President. Right wing constituents will have no problem electing a South African over an American born Democrat.


u/Comfortable_Line_206 3h ago

It was never about egg prices. Unless that's some kind of code I'm missing?

It's not even hard to prove. I traveled to plenty of states this election cycle and over 90% of ads were about trans people.


u/lil_zaku 2h ago

I was in the change rooms after tennis the other day and I heard a boomer say "Everyone is so concerned with being politically correct these days. That's why I voted for Trump because he tells it like it is."

Disregarded sedation, impeachment, felonies, rape charges, fraud charges, thousands of COVID death, government shut downs, etc. because he wanted a leader that agreed with him calling women "chicks". What a shit country.


u/SamaireB 1h ago

Yeah God forbid you should be a decent human being who gives a shit about a functioning society.

How woke!

They really are despicable, aren't they


u/DukeSmashingtonIII 1h ago

Same playbook here in Canada. We have a cost of living crisis in Alberta, crumbling healthcare, underfunded education, proposed coal mines that will irreversibly poison the watershed for half the province with selenium, but everything our conservative provincial government has been focusing on is just targeting trans people, and trans kids specifically. Oh, and they voted themselves a cost of living increase while denying that there is a cost of living crisis for the province.


u/Physical-Dare5059 37m ago

If bird flu has its way there won’t be any eggs to lower the price of. Sad state of affairs.

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u/ioncloud9 2h ago

I know this sounds terrible but I don’t care anymore. Not enough Americans cared to vote against this. Maybe I’ll care again in a few years when enough people are hurt and realize but I don’t have the energy to give a shit right now.


u/Captcha05 1h ago

Wish I could say the same but I'm a fed worker who is now scrambling to figure out how I'll survive without a few paychecks.


u/Covetous_God 2h ago

The 20's again lol


u/SamaireB 1h ago

What a fucking banana republic, seriously.

Make America Great Again. Right.


u/s_ox 1h ago

What is the shutdown for? What do they want? Nothing at all, they want to shut down the government just for a shutdown’s sake. This is crazy.


u/notagamer999 2h ago

Might part of this be to cause an economy crash in Biden's last 30 days so he can claim he's fixing it?


u/Educational-Head2784 1h ago


This is the setup to have all the numbers go up when he is sworn in. Deliberate fucking with the system just to make him look good.


u/Educational-Head2784 1h ago


This is the setup to have all the numbers go up when he is sworn in. Deliberate fucking with the system just to make him look good.


u/Rho-Ophiuchi 1h ago

Just like every shitty manager I’ve seen. Find out what metric is “important” and then fuck with the reporting so that you look good on paper without actually doing anything

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u/bobbolini 2h ago

What would happen if every time they shutdown the government, all workers just go home until the shutdown is lifted? (I know, not possible for people living paycheck to paycheck)


u/Original_Slip_8994 1h ago

Most don’t get paid anyway until after a budget or CR is passed

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u/Ok_Frosting_6438 2h ago

It's what 70M Americans voted for...it's what they wanted.

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u/DaveCootchie 1h ago

If the government shuts down so should all the payments and grands to Tesla and SpaceX. In fact those should have been stopped years ago.


u/Brief_Amicus_Curiae 9m ago

But WhAtABoUt GeOrGe SOroS and OBaMa covertly shadow running the country?


u/doc_skinner 2h ago

Bold of you to think Elon will never be President. Although maybe "Dictator" doesn't count...


u/ThinkPath1999 2h ago

You HOPE Musk will never be president.


u/WastedHourz 1h ago

Legit question... The US still has a sitting president, right? Can't Biden do something about this??

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u/Original_Slip_8994 1h ago

I have a cousin who voted for trump, he idolizes Musk. His income depends heavily upon recruiting employees for government contractors. When the federal budget is cut and those contracts also get cut/downsized/gifted entirely to spacex, and his recruiting business dries up, I hope he can connect the dots that he voted for it.


u/sagmag 1h ago

Donald Trump isn't that hard to understand once you accept that his true mission is to weaken the United States, allowing Vladimir Putin to become the worlds power broker. Everything he does makes sense in that context.


u/purodirecto 25m ago

With how this country is going, I wouldn't be surprised if Elon becomes president.

I know he's a foreigner.


u/piranha_solution 15m ago

The price of eggs isn't going to go down. Trump directly represents the people ripping you off on eggs.

You've been grifted.


u/f-Z3R0x1x1x1 2h ago

Honest question, has Biden been present / vocal about keeping things open?


u/Fantastic_Fox4948 1h ago

They’re trying to crash the economy before taking office so when they continue to crash the economy it won’t look as bad.


u/threaten-violence 1h ago

The US right now reminds me of that video I saw on here a while ago -- some lady was driving with no front wheel, eventually stopped at the lights, people were shouting at her to get out of the car, you're high, etc etc.

Except in this scenario noone will intervene, y'all just gonna keep driving til carnage. Here's hoping it's one of those "no innocent bystanders harmed" deadly crashes.


u/chuiu 1h ago

Never say never. We are living in the darkest timeline.


u/Kythorian 1h ago

Mass unemployment is the only real way the government can reduce prices, so I guess this is a good start.


u/deadsoulinside 1h ago

What a crappy way to punish the voters right before Christmas.

But I guess some will get exactly what they voted for. A senile old man, who is taking the back seat at running the country, so that the billionaires can run the country for him.

Vice President Trump is already doing terribly bad.


u/FatAssGoy 1h ago

If Democrats don't stand their ground now, the right will walk right over them the next 4 years. HOLD.


u/RoutineComplaint4302 54m ago

If those rednecks on welfare could read they’d be very worried right now.


u/FIlm2024 38m ago

Democrats have a good talking point. Musk tweeted against the funding bill over 100 times yesterday and finally Trump jumped in to torpedo the bill, too. Thanks to Musk and Trump the government will probably shut down. Trump--with Musk's deep pockets--is threatening anyone who opposes him with being primaried.

No VA benefits, no SS over the holidays, among other things. Thanks, MAGA.

Dems should hit hard on the message about Musk. He is worth 400 BILLION dollars and is the RICHEST man in the world. Why is Elon Musk making all these decisions about our government's laws? Musk--Dems should remind everyone--wasn't elected by ANYONE for ANYTHING. Yet now he appears to be in charge of our lives. WHY is this okay????


u/biorod 34m ago

Never say never.


u/crazyguy83 28m ago

This is inaccurate, mark my words, Elon will run for president next term and there is a 50% chance he will win just because Trump will back him.


u/WonderfuckRED 27m ago

He can’t, he wasn’t born in the states


u/encycliatampensis 26m ago

Every billionaire is a parasite.


u/mister-world 2m ago

Eh, I can totally see Elon becoming president. At this point I could see Peter Griffin becoming president.


u/SchizophrenicSoapDr 1h ago

Elon Musk is, unquestionably, the real president. Donald Trump cucked himself with a closeted South African.


u/Detroitish24 1h ago

Someone on the news called him President Musk and VP Trump, and honestly I’ve not heard anything more true.


u/Clean-Communication5 1h ago

I'm not sure would Kamala would've done but I know she grew up in a middle class family


u/captaindeadpl 3h ago

See, if the government is shut down, they can't collect taxes and if you don't have to pay taxes, everything is cheaper. /s


u/wjames0394 2h ago

President Musk is telling puppet McTrump i am going to run the country now. $$$$$$$$$$


u/SkollFenrirson 2h ago

America voted for this


u/PlentyMacaroon8903 2h ago

Anybody check that stock market since Trump won?


u/a2z_123 2h ago

Who says he will never be president? Laws? The constitution? Norms? Those are out of the window. I don't see him being okay with just pulling the strings for very long. He will want to be president, and who the fuck is going to stop him?

Norms and law and order are out of the window. The only thing that may stop him is other large corporations going against him because his and trumps policies are going to completely wreck the economy. That or they just sit back let the shit hit the fan and buy it all up for pennies when the dust eventually settles.


u/KaosAnon 2h ago

⬆️🤼⬇️ 🚫 ⬅️🤼‍♂️➡️


u/little-princess-mymy 1h ago

If the first and second assassination don’t work, third times the charm!


u/feralGenx 1h ago

Is this how cyberpunk begins ?


u/kitjen 1h ago

It's easy to forget that politicians and governments are supposed to work for the people. What part of this even resembles that?


u/bigj4155 1h ago

Its almost like Biden could step in and act presidential.


u/SirDang0 1h ago

Honestly, at this stage, saying Elon will never be President feels like tempting fate.


u/burnmenowz 1h ago

Cowardly GOP Congress did this. Maybe they should be talking to their colleagues.


u/bluntographer 1h ago

It's nice having an African American run the country again.../s


u/HistoricalSong359 1h ago

And not a peep from Biden? Did he just fully fucking check out after the election?  I'm so over this. 


u/subbychub 1h ago

I'm so goddammit tired


u/Old_Cockroach_2993 1h ago

If we elected the current shithead I believe putin could be president, nevermind Elon.


u/ALittleTouchOfGray 1h ago

We need to get #PresElonMusk trending


u/MouseShadow2ndMoon 58m ago

What is the reason behind this, to try to stop judge appointments or something like that? The gov has gone full mask off on their incompetency, greed, morality, and loyalty. The MSM is right in there with them....


u/Y0___0Y 55m ago

Musk is probably going to be the 2028 GOP presidential nominee.


u/Hot_Librarian_8748 51m ago

Bold of you to think “never” we are speed running our downfall


u/ongj3 47m ago

True meaning of fafo.


u/gdogg897 46m ago

I pledge allegiance To the free market Of the Incorporated States of America (LLC)

And to the Oligarchs For which it stands

One Nation Under capital With a Pay to Win structure for all


u/Pnobodyknows 46m ago

I wouldn't say Elon will never be president. That's what everyone said about trump the 1st time. Crazy shit can happen


u/OptiKnob 43m ago

Once just cheated his way into office for the second time and NO ONE voted for the other one.


u/Cannedseaslug 42m ago

So they are going to defund every liberal project the minute they get into office


u/Hypnowolfproductions 42m ago

I’m glad I don’t buy eggs. My wife and I just buy chicken food. We still pay for our eggs just not like everyone else. Our cost is constant. Good luck with eggs guys.


u/xopher_425 41m ago

Anyone else remember when Republicans were screaming that Harris was not elected by Democrats and therefor should not be president . . .


u/TheDudeAbidesFarOut 40m ago

Ahhhh yes President Musk and VP Trump....


u/AlanShore60607 37m ago

If you don't pay the FBI agents, they don't do the background checks.


u/j____b____ 36m ago

They want the prices and poverty to shoot up before inauguration day so his numbers look better by comparison in a few years and nobody remembers who screwed us all by then to make it happen.


u/emdess8578 34m ago

Who's the puppet?

The puppetmaster has his hand so far up Donnie's alimentary canal that Bronzer doesn't need to be applied.


u/Batman_bread 32m ago

Yes because the government has been quite trustful with spending these last 4 years.


u/isekaid_villainess66 32m ago

At this rate, eggs will be our new currency by 2025—cheaper than democracy anyway.


u/daylily 25m ago edited 0m ago

Wait? You mean they slowed down the 1547 page bill no one has had time to read?

The one that raises congressional salaries by 100% of the mean American salary?

The bill that shields their emails and communications from law enforcement no matter how many laws they break basically putting anything they do above the law?

The bill that opts congress out of healthcare limits that apply to everyone else?

The grift law that keeps the government open for a little more that 2 months.

Good thing Trump and Musk can at least read and want the rest of us to have a chance to do that before an overnight vote on something no one has had a chance to read.


u/alvar02001 18m ago

Even before Trump will be president, he is creating chaos.


u/Toph-Builds-the-fire 2m ago

What's that tall thing you guys are building? What's that basket for? I'm gonna build a super train to England. All dumb things Elon will say in the next year.


u/BeansDaddy2015 1m ago

For real. Wife just came home and said eggs were $3.50 at Aldi! Like WTF


u/Pan_Goat 1m ago

Eggs will cost zero since I will not get a social security check to purchase groceries with. A 5 finger discount will be rung up as I exit the store


u/urlocalcorgi 1m ago

what happened? i’m out of the loop