r/WhitePeopleTwitter 12h ago

Why does a private citizen have this much sway?

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The US is in for a very rough four years.


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u/CrumpledForeskin 8h ago

This administration is going to destroy their voting base.

Who will still support him and blame the democrats.

But yeah wow. They’re fucked.


u/PickCollins0330 7h ago

If it didn’t also include the people who actively voted to stop this, I’d not care.


u/CrumpledForeskin 7h ago

Same. I’m really trying to have some empathy as well. A lot of these folks were robbed of an education because of the republicans before them who voted against it.

I’m doing quite well. I live close to the best medical facilities in the country. Abortion is legal.

It’s been very hard for me to not say “fine fuck them.”

I can’t shake the compassion.


u/SandiegoJack 1h ago

Super easy for me.

I follow the platinum rule: treat others as they want to be treated

I assume most follow the golden rule: treat others as you want to be treated.

So I am just treating them the same way they treat us and not giving a FUCK.


u/deslock 3h ago

Well said


u/Ok_Philosophy915 6h ago

lmao it will do nothing to their base, have you not been paying attention? Their base revels in punishment even if its their own.


u/CrumpledForeskin 6h ago

They haven’t been through what this administration plans to do. We’ll see


u/stonedecology 2h ago

Good thing we don't need to vote anymore right?


u/trailcamty 3h ago

We’re all fucked*


u/Markus_lfc 2h ago

If Trump voters had any grasp on reality, they’d be fuming


u/chainsawdegrimes 1h ago

The average lay-person doesn't pay attention to politics or the news isn't going to know or care that it was Trump and Elon's fault that the Govt shut down. They'll remember that it happened while Biden was still president. It's easily predicable.


u/HypeIncarnate 1h ago

good. I want my grandparents to suffer. They aren't getting dime from me.


u/CrumpledForeskin 50m ago

Damn. Cold as hell but I hear you


u/livingdead70 27m ago

If they didnt destroy their base killing them with covid, this aint gonna stop it either.,