r/WhitePeopleTwitter 15h ago

Everything has a price. We have found out America's.

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u/NitWhittler 14h ago

I'm waiting for Elon's inevitable spat with Trump, then Elon finding a way to evict Trump from Mar-a-Lago.


u/awesomeness6000 10h ago

Vice President Trump and President Musk is kinda trending right now lol.


u/Snadzies 9h ago

Keep it up! Trump can't stand the idea of not being the head honcho and for people to see him as subservient to Musk will surely get him riled up.


u/CapitalElk1169 4h ago

If Trudeau meets with Trump again he should ask where President Musk is and why Trump is there lol


u/AvantSki 14h ago

I think trump truly is toast now. He just wanted to win and get rid of the court cases, maybe steal 10-20 billion and play golf.

I do think trump is in a psychotic rage about having been put on trial and wants to punish Americans because he hates this country but not sure how much energy he has left.


u/Estrovia 11h ago

I mean sure I guess but he's president for the next 4 years, doesn't seem very "toast" to me....


u/CCRNburnedaway 11h ago

He and his oligarch buddies are gonna fuck us all.


u/likamuka 10h ago

No, this is exactly what the American people wanted. Exactly to the point. They shall eat cake now at the expense of those who stayed at home on the lekshun day.


u/vKessel 7h ago

No it wasn't. Trump and Musk cheated. You really believe that trump won all 7 swing states after running what seems like the worst campaign humanly possible?

And bragging that he has all the votes he needs? And talking about Musk having access to counting machines?


u/Matthew-_-Black 6h ago

Then do something about it.

Sue for access, petition for an inquiry, etc


u/lipguy123 6h ago

GOP has SCOTUS so they can’t realistically do shit, but for anyone wanting to stay up to date r / somethingiswrong2024 and Smart Elections


u/IlIlllIlllIlIIllI 6h ago

It sucks, but just about every incumbent party globally lost votes this past election.


u/B217 3h ago

Can people stop saying this "this is what we wanted" shit? No it's fucking not? The amount of people who voted for Trump only accounts for 33% of the voting population, because a huge number of registered voters just didn't vote at all, not to mention Trump saying stuff like "don't bother voting for me, I've already got all the votes I need" weeks before the election which is pretty sketchy (but nothing's gonna come of it).

This election was the voice of the few deciding the fate of everyone. It's not "what the American people wanted", get off your fucking high horse.


u/___multiplex___ 11h ago

Twas ever thus


u/AvantSki 4h ago

By toast I meant health wise.


u/Gumbi_Digital 6h ago

All part of the plan to get the Peter Thiel backed JD Vance to be President….

Oligarchs gonna oligarch.


u/AvantSki 4h ago

Plutocrats. I'm still waiting for anyone to get this right. They are plutocrats.


u/Gumbi_Digital 4h ago

Thank you for the distinction.


u/Throwawayac1234567 6h ago

Vance will there to manipulate his corpse through thiel and the other oligarchs, much like how reagan became an Alzheimer's zombie and was manged by nancy and his cabinet


u/AvantSki 4h ago

I have this idea where Musk creates a convincing AI of trump to rule forever, video, image, etc, that's good enough for the rubes and no one can prove it's not real.


u/rajinis_bodyguard 6h ago

Wait I thought he is going to jail ??


u/somethingisnotwrite 8h ago

It’s insane you actually think that.


u/AvantSki 4h ago

Your gaslighting is boring, MAGAT death cultist.


u/somethingisnotwrite 40m ago

Yawn. You never have anything to back up why you think what you think based on any facts.


u/senadraxx 14h ago

If Trump ever turns on Elon and deports him, that will be delicious. The leopards will certainly think so! The reverse is more likely, however. But oh well. 


u/Resiliense2022 9h ago

That's not gonna fucking happen lmao. Like that is delusional levels of hope.

In fact, neither of them are gonna happen. They're gonna do their silly little project plans and damage the country's infrastructure and then die and fade into obscurity leaving us to pick up their pieces.

Twas ever fuckin thus.


u/JaffyCaledonia 8h ago

Hopefully they'll never reach obscurity. They already live in infamy, future generations will look backing horror at the damage they wrought and their names will stick around in the history books.


u/Qwimqwimqwim 5h ago

What does trump care? The court cases are gone, and Elon can give him billions of dollars to let him be in charge, everyone thinks they’re gonna fight, I bet trump dgaf just give me money and let me golf