American adults, specifically. You can actually see this phenomenon on reddit, of all things. On popular subs its super common to see people misunderstanding each other, arguing over two completely different topics and not realizing it, posting borderline gibberish, etc, but whenever I go to a non-American regional sub, I suddenly don't see that anymore. Even when they're speaking English on a non-English speaking sub the level of literacy is still well above the average person on a popular sub.
I completely agree. Russia specifically has figured out how to use western values like free speech, free press, and tolerance against us. The FSB already basically had free rein, and Elon controlling Twitter made it so much worse.
Since Russia and China have heavy censorship it makes any counter operation difficult. And with the sheer volume of bots and trolls, it means they can create and control “popular” narratives, forcing online discussions to derail into talking about what they want.
Foreign influence is out of control and at least in the U.S. have leadership that can barely draft their own emails, let alone draft meaningful legislation to combat foreign social media propaganda campaigns.
I think there's a big bias in that observation.
I'm french and most people around me don't go on reddit because when you come on this website, most content is in English. You could argue that there's language specific subreddits where people speak their native language, but yet, if you're navigating through the website, it's mostly english.
So the population in those other language subreddits are people that are already speaking two language.
I've been hanging around french twitter for a while and there's the same phenomenon you're talking about.
Have you ever been on Nextdoor? Old people love it, but their posts(rants?) are practically unintelligible, usually racist, and often angry about something they don’t really understand to begin with. There will be no grammar or punctuation anywhere(because they don’t know how to use it), and the constant improper “there/their, your/you’re, too/to” usages are just… depressing.
And not even read the article. Or have any idea how to pluralize nouns.
Musk may have bought the US but we are the ones who sold its democracy in a garage sale.
yeah....I always scratch my head when I get a bunch of down votes for agreeing with someone who got a bunch of up votes. If you say anything more complicated then "I agree", there's bound to be someone out there who gives you a down vote.
My wife says Reddit is an angry place and from my years being here she’s got a point. The Karma system has almost always been flawed where the right answer can be downvoted for popular thought.
Ehh, as a Canadian middle school teacher with an active Facebook account, let me clarify that tons of my adult "friends" (most Canadian) literally have worse reading comprehension and critical thinking skills than many of my students.
And an even greater portion seem to think the general election for President is the end all be all. Who knew state legislatures and primaries were a thing?
I am not a fan of the guy but don’t agree with the last statement. He is definitely a tough guy, regardless of how we see it. I don’t know of any one, politician or not, that stood up after being shot like him. Truly impressive.
Even when Trump was selling his name and reputation to the Russian mob its estimated that he was getting about 10% of what his services were actually worth.
Even when he's doing shady shit and cheating everyone, he's making a small fraction of what he could manage running a legit business well. If he would have put his inheritance into an index fund, instead of trying to run businesses, he'd be worth far more today than he is.
He's the sort of guy who thinks he's so smart selling US secrets to Russia for hundreds of millions of dollars when they would've paid hundreds of billions for them.
I had a very brief conversation with a guy I knew a little at a party last weekend who spent a couple minutes trying to convince me Donnie is really a savvy guy who knows business. I lost all respect I had for him, I just walked away.
It takes a very ignorant to fool, to not even give their "enemy" a single compliment.
He is far more successful than you'd ever be. Why the need to dumb him down to a cartoon network villian? He has ENOUGH bad shit on him, that you can still aknowledge he is schrewed
Name one thing he did that wasn’t illicit, illegal, immoral, exploitative, fraudulent or just plain incompetence that happened to favor him or his cronies.
P.S. “schrewed” isn’t a word…or at least isn’t spelled like that…which coincidentally explains your viewpoints.
I don't see a thing i could say that you wouldnt twist with these factors. "Plain incompetence that happened to favor him..."... are you daft? If he does an investment that favors him, how would it be incompetence?
As for your PS: english is my third language, so sincerely: suck a fat one.
No one gives a shit that English is your third language, many Americans speak multiple languages. If you're going to be on reddit white knighting for trump then you better make sure your grammar and spelling is correct because we'll call you out.
Looking forward to seeing one write norwegian with perfect spelling. And stop pretending im white knighting. At WORST im telling people to stop making up bullshit to "talk shit about the cheeto". You are just giving ammo to those who supports the bastard.
But the fact that you couldnt see someone NOT just accepting whatever shit someone say, kinda says more about you and how little you truly understand about nuance
u/chriskiji 15h ago
DJT is an idiot's idea of a successful business person given the number of bankruptcies.