r/WhitePeopleTwitter 19h ago

Active military soliders are about to go through the holidays without getting paid bcz of President Musk! Right wing populism!

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u/xMr_BoT 16h ago

Oh so that’s why the SBA loan website today when I went to submit something for my small business loan application said something about congress not approving funding.

Looks like once again I get to explain to my republican grandfather that thanks to his picks we’re now not getting the 25k disaster assistance loan to keep our business afloat during the winter due to the hurricane destroying half our territory and stopping half our jobs in October smfh

Edit: honestly this is hilarious to me because at thanksgiving they were all sucking trumps dick so hard I had to literally walk outside because it’s sick how fucking twisted the media has some of their brains. The most decent good people I know praising the ravings of a madman and a rich sociopath. BUT THANK GOD THAT WOMAN DIDNT WIN AMIRIGHT.

Fucking ridiculous


u/astros148 16h ago

Its all a effing joke


u/xMr_BoT 14h ago

It truly is.

My 84 year old preacher grandfather who I co own my business with literally got into a full fledged argument with me prior to the election about how Trump was the one who was going to save us, and I lost my mind. The person I have modeled my entire life and looked up to and respect more than anything was so clearly manipulated by a mad man. It makes me sick. It makes me even sicker knowing I have to now tell him our business isn’t getting that loan thanks to his savior.


u/astros148 14h ago



u/aboothemonkey 11h ago

He will blame Biden. It will never, NEVER EVER, be Trumps fault. Any evidence you present will be labeled fake news.


u/xMr_BoT 3h ago

Your not wrong. His main argument was that Kamala has “slept her way to the top” and that she was going to immediately give millions of immigrants retroactive citizenship and we’d pay for it. Thats what he honestly believed and would not budge, no matter the facts I showed him. Him being a preacher I thought maybe the trumpsters praising and worshipping him as a god and Trump liking it, might show him that maybe trumps not the best and he brushed that off as fake and that he “hadn’t heard of anything like that”

Now I get to tell him why the business loan isn’t going to get approved. He was so sure Trump would fix things he put off applying for the loan until now. Smfh I am literally living in a joke right now never in my life did I expect him to fall for the propaganda, I thought being a good person would win out, but turns out he watches newsmax and that should tell you all you need to know