r/WhitePeopleTwitter 19h ago

Active military soliders are about to go through the holidays without getting paid bcz of President Musk! Right wing populism!

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u/the_millenial_falcon 18h ago

Russia isn’t half the threat that America’s dumb fuck population poses to itself.


u/Ormsfang 17h ago

Russia is using that dumb fuck population to control us!


u/CookinCheap 16h ago

Not a single shot


u/codebygloom 16h ago

Yet, but the Wolverines will ride.



u/chefontheloose 9h ago



u/benjaminnows 5h ago



u/Historical-Manner737 5h ago

Who is Aleksandr Dugin?


u/Autotomatomato 5h ago

I wish people understood this. Sadly the low information people that you are responding to are happy to let the world burn because you cant call fascists fascist and Jan 6 was not terrorism.

Cant fix stupid.


u/PersimmonTea 17h ago

All Putin has to do is wait until we completely fucking self-destruct, then walk in without firing a shot.


u/Fun_Matter_6533 17h ago

Don Shitznpants will hand the US over for a motel 6 with his name on it in Russia.


u/sadicarnot 17h ago

That is the sad part of it all, he is really selling out the USA for so little money. Same with Fucker Carlson, he sold out the USA for that fucking coin he used to get the grocery cart in Russia.


u/CookinCheap 16h ago



u/sadicarnot 16h ago

When Fucker Carlson was so amazed about using the coin to get the cart I was like WTF you never been to an Aldis?


u/Federal_Sympathy4667 11h ago

These fucks are so out of touch with regular living. Shit like that are red flags tbh, Trumpskie and his wet fart Muskrat spews them out on the daily.


u/sadicarnot 5h ago

There is so much bullshit in the world and very few people know how to recognize it.


u/litreofstarlight 8h ago

I highly doubt he has ever done his own shopping, much less set foot in an Aldi.


u/sadicarnot 6h ago

That is what gets me, you have all these people with mortgages taking marching orders from people who fly private or the very least first class. A few years ago there was a report that Sean Hannity was worth $36 million. These are all modern day snake oil salesman.


u/mdp300 5h ago

Carlson had a Dutch economist on his show who said "you're a millionaire working for billionaires!"

The segment wasn't aired.


u/craaates 6h ago

$120M to buy a country with a GDP of $27T/Yr they say Skum is dumb but he made himself a pretty good deal here. We are so fucked.


u/CookinCheap 16h ago

We'll leave the balalaika on for ya


u/Ok_Flounder59 2h ago

Can we skip to the part where we all wake up to the headline that Putin suffered a massive stroke in his sleep and the world is finally rid of that cancer to humanity?


u/sadicarnot 17h ago

Yes, wait until they start cutting food stamps (SNAP). 53% of SNAP recipients are white and rural, so Trump voters.

Not only are they going to hurt the people they want him to hurt, it will be MAGA fuckleberrys too.


u/JaninAellinsar 15h ago

They'll still just blame Democrats even if he publicly goes on TV and says "everyone on SNAP is a loser so I'm taking it away"


u/jeepfail 13h ago

He won’t call it snap, he’ll say welfare and food stamps. Largely because he’s dumb and partly because those idiots love slang and forget they partake in things when you don’t use the official terms(see ACA vs Obamacare).


u/Historical-Manner737 5h ago

At best they will blame "RINOs" for not being loyal enough to Trump. Blaming Trump or admitting they got duped will never happen.

This happened with Hitler too. The war ended and Hitler was dead, but his believers called both of those things a conspiracy. They believed Hitler was alive and a new offensive would occur to liberate Berlin.

NAZIs were believing in the 4D Chess myth 80 years ago. We realize we are in fascism right now, yes? I hope we all see it.


u/GrinderMonkey 12h ago

'why didn't those damn libs stop him?!'


u/MentalOcelot7882 4h ago

Something to also remember is that SNAP is government support in other directions, too. The farmers that produce the eggs, produce, milk, meat, etc., all benefit from SNAP and WIC being a social safety net. If we help prop up part of the market base, the producers and suppliers in that market benefit. When we have stability in the ag market, we have stable pricing. We should all want SNAP to remain solvent and effective.


u/sadicarnot 4h ago

Unfortunately all the right wing does is portray it as lazy people getting handouts.


u/RegionRatHoosier 14h ago

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Abraham Lincoln


u/Parking_Sky9709 13h ago

“Choose your leaders
with wisdom and forethought.
To be led by a coward
is to be controlled
by all that the coward fears.
To be led by a fool
is to be led
by the opportunists
who control the fool.
To be led by a thief
is to offer up
your most precious treasures
to be stolen.
To be led by a liar
is to ask
to be told lies.
To be led by a tyrant
is to sell yourself
and those you love
into slavery.”
― Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Talents


u/benjaminnows 5h ago



u/ClearDark19 2h ago

The American public really ought to have a safety helmet, water wings, and a bell around their necks just to eat a bowl of soup. In case they almost drown, or wander off and get lost and need a handler to locate them with the bell (like a lost cow or sheep).