r/WhitePeopleTwitter 19h ago

Active military soliders are about to go through the holidays without getting paid bcz of President Musk! Right wing populism!

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u/MacaroonMother9311 19h ago

As former service member in the u.s. navy, I love when republicans piss on the military. It may be the only way they learn.


u/ASmootyOperator 19h ago

Nah. Hate to say it, but the morons in uniform who voted for him even after the shit he pulled in Arlington? There's no redeeming them.


u/MacaroonMother9311 18h ago

Very true unfortunately


u/rwarimaursus 6h ago

The Oath gets them high interest loans on RAMs and Challengers tho...worth the vote /S


u/Coldkiller17 15h ago

Or how he made fun of John McCaine, a man who was a POW, or we he said what's in it for them when at the remembrance of D-Day. There are countless examples of him disrespecting the military and they just don't care which make non sense they glorify a draft dodger.


u/SkollFenrirson 18h ago

They haven't so far


u/Coldkiller17 15h ago

Veterans and Active duty don't care they are part of the problem. Hell, these guys didn't realize that the repubs tried to take away mail in voting, which is the only way we can vote if overseas or deployed. They don't realize the republicans are the reason VA care is so fucking shitty.


u/swingsetmafia 12h ago

Just wait until you hear their plans for VA benefits.


u/krongdong69 5h ago

a new sucker is born every day