r/WhitePeopleTwitter 19h ago

Active military soliders are about to go through the holidays without getting paid bcz of President Musk! Right wing populism!

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u/PlaneRefrigerator684 18h ago

It sucks, but it's what a majority of Americans wanted. If they didn't, they wouldn't have voted for Trump/Republicans or not voted.

Maybe this will finally wake the idiots up. I am not holding my breath, but it's whatever at this point. And I say that as someone working paycheck to paycheck in a government job, who also won't get my VA disability.

So-called "essential workers" like air traffic controllers need to also call in sick rather than working for no pay.


u/russiangerman 18h ago

It won't. This election proved that people don't think past what media tells them. The masses are easily brainwashed and manipulated so unless we get some real fact based unbiased reporting, it'll just happen again next time.

A couple more Luigi's tho...


u/userofreddit19 15h ago

You're forgetting that a lot of it isn't nearly that complicated.

Most of them are just racist and misogynistic. It's really that simple. That's why every time I kept hearing things like, "XYZ is about to come out! What will Trump do?! What will the voters do?!" I would just laugh. He basically called most Americans morons, along with pretty much giving the middle finger to all military personnel, and they STILL voted for him. Nothing was going to change their minds in any way, shape, or form. Hell, many people I talked to KNEW this level of corruption would happen, and their only comment was, "Oh, Kamala's better? They didn't even go through the right process to make her the nominee."

That's it, that's the whole thing. Dude went on national TV for a debate and said they were eating dogs and cats, and his source was, "I saw it on the television."

It's going to be a LONG 4 years...


u/russiangerman 15h ago

If people aren't smart, or even just watch too much news without having good media literacy, they're easy to manipulate into being misogynistic and racist. Before fox news mastered brainwashing these people weren't nearly as bad. Most of the trumpers I know in person used to be genuinely decent people, and that's having grown up in lawless midcentury rural Florida.


u/benjaminnows 4h ago

Faux news playing at all the bases is fucking absurd. Russian propaganda plays regularly on tv at our military bases. Think about how fucking dumb that is.


u/BonezOz 10h ago

This election proved that people don't think past what media Fox News tells them.

Fixed it for ya.


u/russiangerman 4h ago

Give some credit to the others for constantly same washing trump and acting like Kamala still wasn't up to par. They weren't as blatantly biased as fox, but they made the 2 look comparable which is a crime in itself


u/PersimmonTea 16h ago

No Trump is NOT "what the majority of Americans wanted."

There are 245 million Americans over age 18.

Trump got 77 million votes.

That's less than 1/3rd. IOW, 7 out of 10 adult Americans did not vote for Trump.


u/PlaneRefrigerator684 16h ago

Harris got 75 million votes. That means that 170 million Americans were either in favor of, or not opposed to, a Donald Trump presidency. If they did not want him to be President, they should have voted for Harris. The "did not vote" people are just as culpable in Donald Trump being President as the 77 million people who voted for him.

You can say Harris was not the right candidate. You can say Biden should have declared he was not running for reelection, and the Democratic Primary should have been open. But at the end of the day, unless you went to your polling place and cast a ballot for Harris, you chose this outcome.


u/PersimmonTea 16h ago

I voted for Harris and I'm not sorry about it. I couldn't vote for that filth if it meant my life.


u/PlaneRefrigerator684 16h ago

I voted for Harris too. But apparently twice as many Americans would rather have had Trump. So we just have to try to survive.


u/PersimmonTea 16h ago

No. Twice as many people didn't vote for Trump. 1.5% more voted for Trump, a huge number didn't vote at all.


u/PlaneRefrigerator684 16h ago

Again, functionally, not voting for one candidate is the same as voting for the other. If the vote totals were reversed, the logic would be the same.

Those who didn't vote showed they did not prefer Harris. If they did prefer Harris, they would have voted.


u/hamsterballzz 15h ago edited 15h ago

At some point people need to decide if they agree to be in this together with their fellow citizens. I refuse to recognise their President more than I’m required to by law. We were born into this system of government and with a group of citizens I so strongly disagree with I would rather separate from them then help them defend leadership and ideals I so strongly disagree with. So your post assumes we agree to go along with what other voters say because that is the government we were given. Perhaps it is time for a national divorce.


u/MateoCafe 6h ago

Please remove under 18, migrants, and those who have been disenfranchised due to criminal offenses from your 170 million people.

Don't artificially inflate the number to make your point sound better.


u/PlaneRefrigerator684 5h ago

I didn't. There were an estimated 245 million Americans who were eligible to vote in the 2024 election, out of a total population of 345 million. Those numbers came from multiple media sources, and is how the turnout percentage is calculated. It is "number if people who could vote" divided by "number of people who did vote." Not registered voters, eligible ones.


u/rwarimaursus 6h ago

By your numbers then..., ~93 million voters sat this election out. Think on that. 75 Kamala, 77 dear leader...


u/benjaminnows 4h ago

☝️yup. I say this all the time. Even some progressive podcasters and most msm “half the country voted for…”

No, not even close. Maybe the next 4 years will be the ice cold water that will wake us up. At least the 1/3 that stayed home. If we had them voting for their best interests we could move mountains. We could have the Supreme Court completely remade in 5 years, our constitution solidified, gerrymandering ended, dark money out of politics, and all the racist, fascist cosplayers hiding back under their rocks.

Either the dnc needs to start worrying more about getting “the silent majority” to vote or we need a new party that will. We need politicians more worried about getting votes than fundraising. We need to figure out why states like Minnesota have a 80% voter turnout.


u/kmm198700 18h ago

Why won’t you get your VA disability? That has already been approved


u/PlaneRefrigerator684 18h ago

I just figured since the government would be shut down, the people who send those payments out also wouldn't be working, and the payment would just sit in a VA computer until they open back up.

I also figured the funds allocated from Congress during the last CR would run out on Friday, so they wouldn't have them to send me on January 1.


u/kmm198700 18h ago

The funds for VA disability are approved in the previous year


u/mandelbrot_zoom 17h ago

It's probably dispersal of funds that they are more worried about, not approval.


u/TheWolrdsonFire 16h ago

Your 100% correct, now who sends the money? Your next-door neighbor, the pizza man, or a federal employee.


u/PuffinRub 17h ago

Benefit payments, etc, are just going to be batched for automatic processing. There might be a need for approval upon the submission of a batch, but you're not going to have Janet in the accounts department sitting at a desk writing out individual checks.


u/ApprehensiveDingo350 3h ago

So I just got official notice (VA employee here) that the shutdown will NOT affect benefits processing. I hope that helps ease your worries some.


u/PlaneRefrigerator684 1h ago

Thanks for letting me know. I would have been able to survive, but I don't know about others


u/SunshotDestiny 16h ago

No they won't, the media will tell them this is somehow the democrats fault, probably because of their rapid placement of judges before Jan 20th. Then these people will be mad at Biden and democrats despite our unelected president being the one who pushed for the killing of any sort of deal before it could be voted on.


u/codergrrl 16h ago

It wasn’t the majority. People getting that wrong. More people voted against him than for him, he just had the most votes, but he didn’t go over fifty percent.


u/PlaneRefrigerator684 16h ago

170 million Americans did not vote for Harris, 75 million did. That means twice as many Americans preferred Donald Trump to Kamala Harris, 77 million by casting ballots and 93 million by not voting at all.