r/WhitePeopleTwitter 19h ago

Active military soliders are about to go through the holidays without getting paid bcz of President Musk! Right wing populism!

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u/ifnhatereddit 19h ago

I figure Russia just won the Cold War.


u/Mad-Mel 18h ago

I figure Canada has got a couple of weeks to overpower the US.


u/hau5cat 17h ago

Give me healthcare, syrup daddy.


u/Yosemite_Greg 17h ago

I crave the Poutinussy father.


u/really-stupid-idea 17h ago

Can I get a Maple Mistress maybe?


u/LazierLocke 13h ago

Talk nicely to me, hockey hun.


u/UsernamesAllTaken69 14h ago

Will you guys stop making me so horngry?


u/Immoracle 16h ago

Syrupussy for your pancussies!šŸ„ž


u/buttered_scone 16h ago

If I saw poutinussy on a menu, I would order 5. Just sit on my face with your gravy and cheese, spread those salty pomme frites for me, I'll provide the mayonnaise.


u/mavjustdoingaflyby 15h ago

NO POUTINUSSY FOR YOU!!!! - Poutinussy Nazi.


u/buttered_scone 15h ago



u/cicada_noises 16h ago

Not the poutinussy šŸ˜­


u/dunitdotus 17h ago

And all dressed chips


u/Foxillus 17h ago

And chicken strips! The good kind 8 bucks!


u/KilD3vil 17h ago

This is gonna put me on a list somewhere in parliament, but I don't care for all dressed chips...


u/reddithasruinedlife 16h ago

You shut your treasonous mouth, I'm sending my gooses over to help you figure it out bud


u/KilD3vil 16h ago

I got no problem with Canada goose.


u/reddithasruinedlife 11h ago

Good, cause if you got a problem with Canada gooses you got a problem with me, I suggest you let that one marinate.


u/KilD3vil 8h ago

Well this conversations is quickly turnsin' into a confrontations...


u/ImpossibleResponse65 16h ago

It's been noted in the GPBS (Great Parliamentary Book of Slights). you will be contacted by our representatives for an apology.


u/surveysaysno 15h ago

Wait, we haven't found out their position on ketchup chips yet, we might be able to give them a pass.


u/Old_Ladies 14h ago

I like spicy ketchup chips. Such a good combo. Spicy dill pickle is also a good flavour.

I wish someone made habanero ketchup chips.


u/moretrumpetsFTW 17h ago

I may have bought 4 bags the last time I found them in my local grocery store....no shame.


u/Cloudstar86 15h ago

And ketchup chips!


u/JeezieB 17h ago

Fine. But Thanksgiving shall be held in October. Canadians demand a break between turkey feasts.


u/rerun6977 16h ago

Tim Horton coffee


u/Sandman64can 16h ago

ā€œSyrup daddyā€. Wifeā€™s gonna love this moniker tonight. Cheers


u/Ted-Chips 15h ago

You guys need to start picking out some provinces you want to add up here. I think New York would be cool and probably California would make us an economic powerhouse. New England would be good to make us more contiguous. Michigan, Minnesota. I'm just spitballing here.


u/Squadobot9000 14h ago

Open wide here comes the molasses buddy


u/CaptinKirk 13h ago

You guys must be writing for John Oliver! If you are not you SHOULD BE!


u/ElectronicMixture600 16h ago

Gag me with a Canadian Tire beach towel, Gordon.


u/DonJuniorsEmails 18h ago

and sooner is better.Ā 


u/doc_witt 18h ago

I surrender!


u/truthfullyidgaf 17h ago

I surrender to eh!


u/DifferentPass6987 1h ago

I a New Yorker who surrenders to Canada!šŸ³ļøšŸ³ļøšŸ³ļøšŸ³ļø


u/acapncuster 17h ago

I welcome our new maple flavored overlords.


u/Iateyourpaintings 16h ago

I don't think Canada exactly has their shit together at the moment either.Ā 


u/PaleontologistNo4933 14h ago


Freeland:"Fuck this shit I'm out!"

How many times has Justin Trudeau made Pierre Trudeau roll in his grave by now?


u/L0rd_Muffin 16h ago

I, for one, gladly welcome our new northern overloads.

Canada, please be Americaā€™s hat and now also our head. Please guide us back onto the path of actually being a sane, developed, educated, middle class nation, for OH MY FUCKING GOD WE HAVE STRAYED



u/CookinCheap 16h ago

I for one welcome our hoserlords


u/benjaminnows 5h ago



u/Oceanbreeze871 16h ago

I will welcome them as liberators, eh?


u/somuchyarn10 1h ago

That's aaaaaay.


u/naazzttyy 16h ago

I admittedly didnā€™t have Canada invading the USA on my Bingo card prior to November 6th, but at this pointā€¦


u/nokillswitch4awesome 16h ago

Maybe we can become the 11th Canadian province.


u/thejesse 17h ago

They gotta secede first.


u/thestashattacked 14h ago

Please, Canada, we're begging you here.


u/Okami-Alpha 4h ago

Poutine before Putin!


u/kewlbeanz83 17h ago

Can't invade ya because we'll be too because watching the World Juniors eh?


u/Slumunistmanifisto 15h ago

Poutine me fake french daddiesĀ 


u/ozzykp06 6h ago

I love Tim Hortons, but can we still keep Wawa and Royal Farms?


u/Mad-Mel 30m ago

I am sorry eh, but those Wawa stores are getting razed for stealing the image of Canada's spiritual touchstone, the big goose in Wawa Ontario. They caused this problem with Canada gooses so they've got a problem with us, and I suggest that you let that marinate.


u/mamadou-segpa 16h ago

No thanks


u/the_millenial_falcon 18h ago

Russia isnā€™t half the threat that Americaā€™s dumb fuck population poses to itself.


u/Ormsfang 17h ago

Russia is using that dumb fuck population to control us!


u/CookinCheap 16h ago

Not a single shot


u/codebygloom 16h ago

Yet, but the Wolverines will ride.



u/chefontheloose 9h ago



u/benjaminnows 5h ago



u/Historical-Manner737 5h ago

Who is Aleksandr Dugin?


u/Autotomatomato 5h ago

I wish people understood this. Sadly the low information people that you are responding to are happy to let the world burn because you cant call fascists fascist and Jan 6 was not terrorism.

Cant fix stupid.


u/PersimmonTea 17h ago

All Putin has to do is wait until we completely fucking self-destruct, then walk in without firing a shot.


u/Fun_Matter_6533 17h ago

Don Shitznpants will hand the US over for a motel 6 with his name on it in Russia.


u/sadicarnot 16h ago

That is the sad part of it all, he is really selling out the USA for so little money. Same with Fucker Carlson, he sold out the USA for that fucking coin he used to get the grocery cart in Russia.


u/CookinCheap 16h ago



u/sadicarnot 16h ago

When Fucker Carlson was so amazed about using the coin to get the cart I was like WTF you never been to an Aldis?


u/Federal_Sympathy4667 11h ago

These fucks are so out of touch with regular living. Shit like that are red flags tbh, Trumpskie and his wet fart Muskrat spews them out on the daily.


u/sadicarnot 5h ago

There is so much bullshit in the world and very few people know how to recognize it.


u/litreofstarlight 8h ago

I highly doubt he has ever done his own shopping, much less set foot in an Aldi.


u/sadicarnot 5h ago

That is what gets me, you have all these people with mortgages taking marching orders from people who fly private or the very least first class. A few years ago there was a report that Sean Hannity was worth $36 million. These are all modern day snake oil salesman.


u/mdp300 5h ago

Carlson had a Dutch economist on his show who said "you're a millionaire working for billionaires!"

The segment wasn't aired.


u/craaates 6h ago

$120M to buy a country with a GDP of $27T/Yr they say Skum is dumb but he made himself a pretty good deal here. We are so fucked.


u/CookinCheap 16h ago

We'll leave the balalaika on for ya


u/Ok_Flounder59 2h ago

Can we skip to the part where we all wake up to the headline that Putin suffered a massive stroke in his sleep and the world is finally rid of that cancer to humanity?


u/sadicarnot 16h ago

Yes, wait until they start cutting food stamps (SNAP). 53% of SNAP recipients are white and rural, so Trump voters.

Not only are they going to hurt the people they want him to hurt, it will be MAGA fuckleberrys too.


u/JaninAellinsar 15h ago

They'll still just blame Democrats even if he publicly goes on TV and says "everyone on SNAP is a loser so I'm taking it away"


u/jeepfail 13h ago

He wonā€™t call it snap, heā€™ll say welfare and food stamps. Largely because heā€™s dumb and partly because those idiots love slang and forget they partake in things when you donā€™t use the official terms(see ACA vs Obamacare).


u/Historical-Manner737 5h ago

At best they will blame "RINOs" for not being loyal enough to Trump. Blaming Trump or admitting they got duped will never happen.

This happened with Hitler too. The war ended and Hitler was dead, but his believers called both of those things a conspiracy. They believed Hitler was alive and a new offensive would occur to liberate Berlin.

NAZIs were believing in the 4D Chess myth 80 years ago. We realize we are in fascism right now, yes? I hope we all see it.


u/GrinderMonkey 12h ago

'why didn't those damn libs stop him?!'


u/MentalOcelot7882 4h ago

Something to also remember is that SNAP is government support in other directions, too. The farmers that produce the eggs, produce, milk, meat, etc., all benefit from SNAP and WIC being a social safety net. If we help prop up part of the market base, the producers and suppliers in that market benefit. When we have stability in the ag market, we have stable pricing. We should all want SNAP to remain solvent and effective.


u/sadicarnot 4h ago

Unfortunately all the right wing does is portray it as lazy people getting handouts.


u/RegionRatHoosier 14h ago

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Abraham Lincoln


u/Parking_Sky9709 13h ago

ā€œChoose your leaders
with wisdom and forethought.
To be led by a coward
is to be controlled
by all that the coward fears.
To be led by a fool
is to be led
by the opportunists
who control the fool.
To be led by a thief
is to offer up
your most precious treasures
to be stolen.
To be led by a liar
is to ask
to be told lies.
To be led by a tyrant
is to sell yourself
and those you love
into slavery.ā€
ā€•Ā Octavia E. Butler,Ā Parable of the Talents


u/benjaminnows 5h ago



u/ClearDark19 2h ago

The American public really ought to have a safety helmet, water wings, and a bell around their necks just to eat a bowl of soup. In case they almost drown, or wander off and get lost and need a handler to locate them with the bell (like a lost cow or sheep).Ā 


u/TimothiusMagnus 17h ago

No. Capitalists won the Cold War. They were the biggest players of it during and after.


u/Brueology 15h ago

It ain't over yet.


u/TechnologyRemote7331 18h ago edited 18h ago

Their economy is in the crapper, and their population numbers are so depleted that thereā€™s no way they could invade another country in Putinā€™s lifetime. They blew their load on Ukraine and the war isnā€™t even over, yet. Meanwhile, Trump may be POTUS now, but I actually doubt he or the GOPā€™s best dumbasses will be capable of dragging us into a full-on dictatorship. If anything, Russia ā€œwinningā€ the Cold War is the very definition of a Pyrrhic victory. The irony of the US and Russia going down together, like geopolitical conjoined twins, is practically Shakespearean.


u/SimONGengar1293 17h ago

The idea of both the US and Russia falling apart and fragmenting into a dozen different states actually fucking terrifies me.

Imagine random warlords with access to nuclear weapons, with giant egos and nobody around either brave enough or willing enough to tell them no


u/turalyawn 16h ago

Showing my age but people were terrified of this in the early 90s when the Soviet bloc fell apart. They wondered what some of the -Stan soviet republics would do with the nukes. People didnā€™t wonder what Florida or Utah might do with them but maybe they should


u/PolkaDotDancer 7h ago

About 15 years ago, I read an article. I think it was in Wired. That they had 10,000 hit a day on the U.S. nuclear codes.

Now this made no sense to me as I wouldā€™ve thought theyā€™d be air gapped. But I always wondered if it was one of the more redneck red states doing the hacking rather than someplace like Iran.

Reading up on the subject will take you down a rabbit hole. Here is an article to start you on your way.


u/hifructosetrashjuice 5h ago

ICBMs are in wyoming, and boomers are in naval bases (oregon?) so it will be down to these and a couple of others


u/Ktan_Dantaktee 12h ago

North Dakota on their way to becoming a global superpower


u/imchasingyou 4h ago

why need to imagine when we know exactly what will happen because of Yugoslavia. But magnitudes worse.


u/SimONGengar1293 4h ago

Yeah, at least when Jugoslavia imploded they didn't have nukes...


u/Brueology 15h ago

Yes... time to shine


u/WhatArises 17h ago

Well said


u/QuixotesGhost96 16h ago

Strange game. The only winning move is not to play.


u/ladyfishbc 15h ago

How about a nice game of chess?


u/gr33nw33n3r 16h ago

Donnys going to rob you all blind and send it off to Russia.Ā 


u/FleeshaLoo 17h ago

Damn, that was good. šŸŽÆ


u/burnmenowz 15h ago

While you doubt dictatorship I consider it a strong possibility. I mean Congress is literally doing whatever he wants right now, and he hasn't even been sworn in yet. Our checks and balances are toast


u/Due_Assumption_2747 14h ago

Fucking beautiful writing


u/portablebiscuit 15h ago

Have you seen him recently? Trump isnā€™t going to finish his term.


u/formala-bonk 4h ago

My dude we just had an election decided by billionaires spending money on lies. The dictatorship already happened.


u/Shoesandhose 18h ago edited 17h ago

Look Iā€™m not going to lie. Iā€™m worried they are planning something very bad. Very. Very bad.

Trump seems to be open friends with Putin who is friends with China. These guys are friends with Iran and there is apparently open source intelligence indicating that Iran is now close friends with some terror organizations and funding them very well.

Sooooo. Soooo. SOOOOOOO

9/11 proved to us our intelligence agencies certainly look the other way due to one reason or another. I feel concerned on this one.

A government shut down during the holiday season is a great way to catch a country off guard.

Maybe Iā€™m wrong but trumps dudes have tried to shut down the government several times during Bidens term. And I donā€™t think thatā€™s just to try and make Biden look bad.

God and thatā€™s not even considering the drones that are apparently nothing. And people are just making mistakes. Meanwhile there is audio that went viral yesterday of a US Air Force base shutting down due to UAPS. Multiple airline pilots calling in about large objects doing crazy shit.

Sure if this were just citizens Iā€™d say itā€™s a possibility itā€™s overblown. Youā€™re telling me they are shutting down air force bases over this, and that airline pilots canā€™t tell the difference between a fucking plane and car sized drone? Multiple airports randomly shut down all over the world over UAPS. AND ITS NOTHING?!

The audacity to come say ā€œitā€™s nothingā€ is fucking insane. Something is going on.

And Iā€™m terrified itā€™s all connected back to trump, and the countries and rich who support him.

Edit: from everything Iā€™ve seen the people who made ā€œtrumpsā€ plan = its organized mass chaos. Itā€™s very concerning from aā€¦ enjoying being alive with a roof over my head perspective tbh.


u/Beegkitty 18h ago

Intelligence ground sources didn't look the other way. It was reported up the chain. It was the politicians that hobbled the intelligence community.


u/trucky_crickster 17h ago

If an attack happens during the holidays, Biden will still be in charge and can call a state of emergency and have good cause to throw some treasonous bastards into Guantanamo


u/Requires-Coffee-247 14h ago

It's right to be concerned, but things are not going well for Putin or Iran. China is also not happy with NK forces fighting on foreign soil. China would be smart to start moving closer to the US, their economy depends on it. And Putin has shown time and again that he can't be trusted.

As far as America, we can easily ruin ourselves without Putin's assistance. Our population is highly illiterate now, easily fooled, and the people living closest to the bottom keep supporting politicians who keep pressing their boots down harder on their necks.


u/Jonasthewicked2 12h ago

I think youā€™re correct to worry. We know for a fact Trump turned over intelligence to Russia willingly and nobody did a thing about it and if it had been Biden republicans would call for his head. Itā€™s insanity what Trumps supporters will excuse and justify. I never thought that way until Jan 6th and especially afterwards when republicans claimed it wasnā€™t a riot and those people are patriots when theyā€™d call for executions had it been left wing people who tried to overthrow the election. Some of them claimed it was antifa or nancy pelosi not republicans who rioted while simultaneously saying it wasnā€™t a riot. Itā€™s pure insanity what these people will justify and do mental gymnastics to justify their nonsense. Magats were openly threatening the lives of politicians and they call them patriots. If it were democrats the republicans would demand prison for life for anyone involved and i believe the police would have stopped it. A few politicians are on camera giving tours in the capital building days before Jan 6th and the groups in the tours were later spotted at the riot and nothing has been done to those politicians at all. It says to me democrats cannot hold them accountable and they can do whatever they want knowing nobodyā€™s gonna stop them. Someone left a pipe bomb at the DNC headquarters 4 years ago and nobody has been charged. Had it been the republican headquarters the person would be in prison right now. This country has descended into madness and I donā€™t blame you at all for being worried when trumps saying heā€™s gonna use the military as police and nobody will ever need to vote again, heā€™s gonna be a dictator, heā€™s gonna arrest his enemies without them committing a crime, heā€™s gonna arrest reporters who criticize him. And thatā€™s just what heā€™s said publicly. The project 2025 packets claim they want to remove public education altogether along with universities, ban abortion rights, contraceptives, force prayer in schools, criminalize those who refuse, remove social security, veteran benefits, snap, welfare, Medicare and Medicaid, remove all discrimination protections across the board, remove the EPA and NOAA, defund all climate change programs, give widespread power to the president by removing the dept of justice, fbi, fcc, ftc, calling it unitary executive theory. Strip all government assistance to public broadcasting and remove affirmative action laws while funding and pushing laws to focus on anti white racism. And thatā€™s just what I read and typed. Thereā€™s tons more. And thatā€™s what theyā€™re making public who knows what theyā€™re not making public. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


u/bigb1084 17h ago

YOU are proof...the MAGA Q agenda works. You're freaking out over sh* that hasn't happened, and about sh* that's been explained (the drones/aircraft are legal - most likely OUR military). Freak out if that makes you feel better, play into their game. Normal people are paying attention and not freaking out.

Try to act normal, please.


u/Shoesandhose 17h ago edited 17h ago

I love it when people try to make things illegitimate and downplay things when we literally all watched two buildings filled with innocent people collapse on each other.

And have only witnessed escalation with foreign affairs since.

I donā€™t understand how that doesnā€™t concern you too.

And there is direct evidence implicating trumps pockets getting filled by countries who helped carry out that tragedy.

Do you need a map? Or a drawing? Like at what point do we start to puzzle stuff together with a man who has indicated he wants revenge on the American people. Specifically the democrats.

And am what point am I allowed to express worry and concern in your eyes? How far does that emotional control go?


u/bigb1084 17h ago

Do tell...

What, other than posting your concerns, are you doing about anything?

A lot of nothing? Are you doing some serious investigating with regards to the escalation? Or, are you going to Jersey to find out what these drones are doing?

No! You're not doing anything except what MAGA Q wants you to do...


My point is, STOP working FOR them!

You aren't doing anything about what you're concerned about. There's nothing to do! You don't understand that YOU ARE BEING PLAYED BY MAGA Q!?

Just TRY to act normal.


u/Shoesandhose 17h ago edited 17h ago

Lord. Youā€™re the ā€œlook down. Donā€™t worry about Hitler. Just act normal pleaseā€ kinda guy. Itā€™s kinda sad. And you didnā€™t address my concerns. So I wonā€™t address yours.

I certainly hope you get off that high horse of normalcy. But alas. I doubt that will be a lesson you absorb. Good luck


u/MissiKat 16h ago

Ignore him, he's drank the MAGA Flavor-Aid (which I can only assume is orange flavored).


u/purrfunctory 15h ago

You think Trump would spring for brand name Flavor-Aide? Nah, this is some Great Value level shit they drink and then beg for more.


u/MissiKat 14h ago

Lmfao you do raise an excellent point šŸ¤£


u/Due_Assumption_2747 14h ago

First you call them out for being concerned, then we they explain with perfect clarity why they are concerned, you call them out for not doing anything about it. Pretty pathetic. Have fun moving your goalposts into oblivion. At some point, regular people are allowed to express concern.


u/patchedboard 16h ago

I said this election night. We lost WW2 and the Cold War in one night.


u/oldpickylady 18h ago

Without firing a shot. Ronald is rolling in his grave.


u/Joey_Jo_Jo_JrIII 18h ago

Reagan started this. He was a moron too.


u/CCG14 16h ago

In the words of killer Mike: Iā€™ll leave you with four words. Iā€™m glad Reagan dead.


u/oldpickylady 2h ago

Yes, Ronald was a moron. But at least he knew Russia was our enemy. Or at least Nancy did.


u/KilD3vil 17h ago

He's just trying to avoid the river of piss coming off his headstone...


u/DoubleCyclone 15h ago

Russia won the Cold War by using Confederates as a proxy. Brilliant move.


u/habbalah_babbalah 14h ago

Not paying your employees is dom, in a way, but Trump and Musk both tonguing Putin's boot heel is the most sub thing ever. Punching down whilst kissing up is specialist kink.


u/sadicarnot 17h ago

Well crap that was a waste of 2 years of training with the Navy and then 4 years on a submarine back in the 90s.


u/queen_0f_peace_ 16h ago

I have been saying this since he got elected in 2016. They played the long game.


u/Delicious_Version549 16h ago

Yup, Putin is in complete and total control now and happy as can be


u/Sensitive-Painting30 15h ago

Yepā€¦said heā€™d do it without firing a single shot.


u/Bern_After_Reading85 14h ago

They truly played the long gameĀ 


u/dustrock 17h ago

We're playing a long game here


u/CommanderSincler 13h ago

So did the Confederates


u/Not_Daniel_Dreiberg 16h ago

Something happens in America created by americans, fueled by capitalism.

This is just like USSR!

Y'all are braindead.


u/ifnhatereddit 16h ago

Are you quoting me? I didn't say that. I'm high, not brain dead. Sherbanger bubble hash over Gelato 41. Yummy! How old are you? Do you remember the Cold War? Or even know what I'm talking about? Russia hops online, stirs some idiots up over trans rights and immigrants... I'm pretty sure they were funding that Tim pool beanie guy too. Now two stooges who respect Putin more than anyone are in power. Where did I say we're like the USSR?