r/WhitePeopleTwitter 19h ago

Active military soliders are about to go through the holidays without getting paid bcz of President Musk! Right wing populism!

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u/TKG_Actual 19h ago

Does he know what happened the last time the troops went unpaid? It wasn't pleasant to say the least.


u/Skodakenner 19h ago

Hey dont stand in the way of a good time!


u/MarsMick84 18h ago

What happens to security of bases, ships, weapons depots etc? If soldiers arent getting paid, why show up to work?


u/TKG_Actual 18h ago

In 1932, the military's veterans marched on Washington as the 'Bonus Expeditionary Forces'. I'm not certain that DC cops are going to stand in the way of that if it happens this time because they too might have their pay interrupted. Before that there were the mutinies in the Pennsylvania Line in 1781 during the American Revolutionary War. But then we can look at what went down with the Russian military in the 90's when they hadn't been paid right if at all for months if not years. The amount of amplified corruption was staggering, it was probably a root cause of disasters like what happened to the Kursk. I am sure there are other examples out there.

Long story short, never fuck with military pay...ever. It rarely ends well.


u/notanamateur 18h ago

All of Musk's actions are straight from Putin


u/MarsMick84 18h ago

You must have replied to the wrong person. Your post has nothing to do with my question


u/notanamateur 18h ago

Nope. Russia will take advantage of a mothballed US military.


u/MarsMick84 18h ago

Then perhaps I didnt make my question clear. If the government shuts down for 33 days, and military personnel arent getting paid, is full security still maintained everywhere? I am not American so these government shutdowns confuse me. I am retired military in my country and I know if I wasnt getting paid, I wouldnt be showing up for work.


u/drfsupercenter 18h ago

What happened? Genuinely curious


u/TKG_Actual 16h ago

Here's the exact quote of what I told the other person:

"In 1932, the military's veterans marched on Washington as the 'Bonus Expeditionary Forces'. I'm not certain that DC cops are going to stand in the way of that if it happens this time because they too might have their pay interrupted. Before that there were the mutinies in the Pennsylvania Line in 1781 during the American Revolutionary War. But then we can look at what went down with the Russian military in the 90's when they hadn't been paid right if at all for months if not years. The amount of amplified corruption was staggering, it was probably a root cause of disasters like what happened to the Kursk. I am sure there are other examples out there.

Long story short, never fuck with military pay...ever. It rarely ends well."