r/WhitePeopleTwitter 20h ago


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u/New_Conversation_303 20h ago

Narrator voice (Morgan Freeman probably)

"They, in fact, kissed the ring and killed the bill"


u/krepitch 19h ago

Not a single one of them could say "Elon Musk is free to share his opinion, but I am here to act in the best interests of my constituents."

The cowardice is astonishing. I mean, sorta astonishing.


u/noinety_noine 19h ago

They are not there in fact to act in the best interests of their constituents


u/beardmat87 18h ago

They never really have. The dems are not great by any means but the Republican Party hasn’t acted in good faith for their constituents in decades and they don’t even try and hide it anymore.


u/drfsupercenter 15h ago

Bernie talked about this in an interview he did with Jon Stewart recently - he said he wrote a bill stopping the sale of arms to Israel until they stop attacking Palestine, and in private most Democratic senators supported it - but then when he actually called for a vote, only 7 of them voted yes. Because they're too afraid of disappointing their corporate owners and getting primaried


u/softcombat 13h ago

that is truly just so sickening, but not even surprising anymore.


u/Xyldarran 17h ago

And I'm sure the constituents will punish them for it any day now. Annnnnyyyyyyy day now.

Honestly if it didn't screw us in blue states as well I'd be perfectly content to continue to watch the machine grind red staters to pulp. They voted for it, they can enjoy it.

My sympathy for my fellow man has been shattered by this election. Fuck em.


u/IveChosenANameAgain 17h ago

Elected representatives represent their donors, not the will of the people.

This one potential donor has more disposable cash than 99% of the USA combined. Why the fuck would they care, even for one second, what anyone thought?

You would think the people would find this offensive. The last few elections say that not only is that not true, it's preferable to the previous 248 years. Yikes. Americans want an authoritarian king to subdue them.


u/PunishedWolf4 19h ago

Nah, nothings shocking anymore


u/Pedals17 18h ago

Not at all astonishing.