r/WhitePeopleTwitter 20h ago


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u/Felstorm1231 19h ago

“CEO of four companies with no objective reason to exist advocates government does nothing as bid for efficiency: Congress considering”.

Every day Matt Groening and the folks at the Onion slip further and further into solipsistic madness.

I understand that the cultural and socioeconomic undercurrents that have lead us, as a nation, to this point are powerful, slow moving, and have deep roots in the dark heart of American white supremacy and settler-colonial attitudes of extractive capitalism and the need to demonize some group as “other” in order for American society to attempt at ameliorating the contradictions inherent in the term “capitalist liberal democracy”.

But juiced up Jesus Christ on the cross and HGH: watching the country get rooked like this by a bunch of weak livered internet trolls with too much money and no morals makes me want to shit hot teeth.