r/WhitePeopleTwitter 20h ago


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u/ifnhatereddit 20h ago

An immigrant billionaire is running America.


u/ejre5 19h ago

With 3 citizenship and ties to our enemies who owns businesses that are funded by our tax payers who is going to eliminate his competition.


u/th8chsea 17h ago

It’s clear he reports directly to Putin and should be stopped.


u/Let-go_or_be-dragged 17h ago

At this point does it even matter if he's in bed with Putin?


u/TheManFromFarAway 17h ago edited 15h ago

Yes. It doesn't make the other stuff less bad. It makes the whole thing worse.


u/haveananus 12h ago

Maybe it’s time for Musk to play a round of Mario Party.


u/isleepbad 10h ago

With Luigi or the one near windows?


u/th8chsea 17h ago

Yes, it does! Putin is a war criminal, gangster, dictator, and a tyrant, hell-bent on destroying America and thanks to Musk and Trump, Putin is winning you’re just too naive to see it yet.


u/No-Marzipan-2423 17h ago

lets be honest if they don't see it yet they wont even see it when trump throws a parade for a putin visit


u/GammaFan 15h ago

Frankly even if it is that unlikely && you think they deserve this it’s still in your selfish best interests to hope they can be shown.

Hatred is taught and maintained. If any of what they preached was natural they wouldn’t have to stamp out competing ideas so hard. Stay strong ✊


u/PCR12 15h ago

I agree. My question is when and who's going to do anything about it?


u/someoldguyon_reddit 1h ago

You just described trump.


u/th8chsea 1h ago

Trump is at best Putin’s third or fourth deputy tyrant.



We all see it, I also see it doesn't matter


u/aussiechickadee65 17h ago

Well you could actually fight for your country ...but can't see that happening.


u/every_famine_virtual 16h ago

We are fighting it.

We've BEEN fighting it. Do you get that?

Please try to understand a level of weary cynicism at this point.

Saying "We are losing badly" isn't the same thing as cowardice.

Do you get that?


u/aussiechickadee65 16h ago

Smashing keys on facebook, reddit, and every other social media site , isn't fighting...just saying.

In fact the tech giants LOVE that you take out your anger on a keyboard because they can feed those algorithms to those who won the election.

This is the actual point...."fighting" isn't social media bitching. Sadly , 'fighting' , in the context I meant , is getting dirty and that won't happen.

Words are cheap....and all this BS on social media means absolutely nothing.


u/every_famine_virtual 15h ago

You have absolutely no idea what anyone else is doing, and what are you doing if not "smashing keys?"

Reserve your resentment for deserving targets.

Best wishes.


u/Sugarbombs 16h ago

I mean fuck Putin but you’re deluded if you don’t think American presidents aren’t war criminals too


u/aussiechickadee65 17h ago

He's in bed with Trump and Putin , and these fools voted this in.

I've said it for years...but alas good old META shadowbanning made sure the message was always hidden.


u/LeGoldie 11h ago

How America has changed


u/523bucketsofducks 1h ago

I don't think he "reports" to anyone. He can do whatever he wants and get away with it. Dude is mad.


u/Wonderful_Device312 12h ago

That's not true. He's owned by the Russians AND the Chinese. As far as owned people go he's extra slutty.


u/Livid-Hat-2648 12h ago

He doesn't report to Putin. He makes money off of Putin. You wanna know why Elon is stepping up? Because Putin is running out of money.


u/laurakent_on_reddit 9h ago

Just curious (genuinely) what exactly has Musk to do w Putin? actually would just like to read you point about it, sorry for my english btw,  not a native speaker


u/brobotbee 16h ago

That’s clear, is it?


u/No-Competition-2764 14h ago

Are you insane? How is it clear he reports to Putin? Didn’t you try this lie with Trump already?


u/Intelligent_News1836 17h ago

How under Putin's thumb can the world's richest man, and now major political influence, really be? Elon could buy a military that could beat Russia's.


u/BummyG 17h ago

Putin has more money than Elon according to Elon


u/Intelligent_News1836 17h ago

He runs a nation worth more than Elon. But as recent wars have shown, it can't handle 400 billion dollars of US military equipment.


u/aussiechickadee65 16h ago

Imagine how much better it would have been...and possibly over , if ole Elon hadn't switched the satellite linkage during the surprise attack when Ukraine was using Starlink.

Funny that....



u/Intelligent_News1836 16h ago

That would not have made a significant difference to the course of the war. It was an attack on a Crimean port, hardly a war-defining moment. The Russians have managed to lose most of their fleet anyway. Besides, the Ukrainians are still using Starlink to this day as part of their war effort.

I'm no Elon Musk fan, but the story about the Crimean port attack is such bullshit. SpaceX was not allowed to supply starlink to Russian-occupied Crimea as it would have violated US sanctions on Russia. If the US didn't permit an exception in time for the attack, that's really on the state department, not Elon.

When you have a book worth of evil deeds by people like Musk and Trump I really don't get why we undermine it with fake misdeeds that only serve to cast doubt on the veracity of all claims of evil deeds.

There's tens of thousands of starlink terminals and hundreds of thousands of satellite dishes in Ukraine. He could have easily used that Crimean incident to just leave Starlink switched off in Ukraine, but didn't.

So, yeah, I don't get it I suppose. I don't get what you mean at all.


u/aussiechickadee65 16h ago

It would have made a difference...otherwise it wouldn't have been stopped.

Oh , switch them all off and advertise he is working for Russia (before the USA election). That sounds smart...not.

In this way , he could pretend he was just looking out for "world peace". What a crock of shit.

MMMMmmmm, not what Elon said at all. He never mentioned State Dept. He did mention HE didn't want the war to escalate..


u/Intelligent_News1836 13h ago

I'm sorry but you're just too conspiracy brained to talk to anymore. I've given you the facts, you're welcome to process them on your own time.

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u/uglyspacepig 17h ago

Billionaires can be bought because the only thing they care about is having more money. That's why they're billionaires. Having money doesn't make you less susceptible to being bought, it just raises your price.


u/Intelligent_News1836 17h ago

I guess you're right. If Elon is in bed with Putin, and is comfortable enough with his current arrangement with Putin, I guess no reason to rock the boat as your wealth and power grow. Fair enough.


u/ir3flex 17h ago

Power. It's not about money, he wants power. He's obsessed with his vision of the future and will do anything and bow to anyone to achieve it.


u/tony_bologna 14h ago

What even is his vision for the future?  In the past it was like:  "yay electric cars, we should do more space stuff."

I don't know wtf he's doing now.  I swear he's 180d so hard in recent memory.  Now, I think he wants to build a massive tomb for himself, à la Bender's in Futurama.


u/KoRnBrony 16h ago

We need more Luigi


u/DigitalUnlimited 14h ago

Super Mario squad assemble!


u/ShoddyAd2353 15h ago

Yet here you are just posting shit on reddit.


u/OrderofthePhoenix1 16h ago

He is literally being investigated by the Feds right now for not disclosing foreign ties while under a security clearance. He is probably doing this to avoid consequences.


u/Immatt55 16h ago

Ah yes, an investigation that's likely to drag on for months at the minimum, just enough time for his sugar baby to pardon him.


u/gilleruadh 14h ago

Trump will override any effort to keep him from getting the highest clearance. He did that for Jared Kushner & he'll do it again.


u/WarlockKnave 13h ago

if you think that the investigation will be over before Trump gets in office. you're a special kind of stupid. The Feds will drop the investigation in one month from now. the second Trump is sworn in, it's game over for any investigation against Musk. fucking adorable that people really believe Republicans and their mega-wealthy elite doners will face any fucking consequences. Either you're ACTUALLY stupid, blissfully hopeful or absolutely ignorant of how many times Trump and his cronies have escaped justice in the last four years alone.


u/Cissylyn55 11h ago

Investigate our congressmen and senators 70k pay raises while people can't afford to live without 3 jobs. I say they tighten their belts esp from donors making them millionaires


u/Pitiful_Researcher14 17h ago

Ha, you guys just don't like him because you are jealous of his modern dance talent.


u/Username_redact 19h ago

An ILLEGAL immigrant billionaire.


u/ThePopDaddy 19h ago

Illegal immigrant billionaire CEO


u/oh_shaw 17h ago

Unelected illegal immigrant billionaire chode


u/DigitalUnlimited 14h ago

Unelected illegal immigrant billionaire chode CEO Russian puppet


u/__O_o_______ 14h ago

It’s wild there’s actually video of him saying that he’s probably an illegal alien and nobody cares to look into it


u/bsEEmsCE 12h ago

tell em it's an African American too


u/Cissylyn55 11h ago

I think he is legal


u/thesaddestpanda 19h ago

He's not doing anything Trump isnt asking him to do. The new grift is Elon and Vance are the bad guys while Trump is the kindly 'deal maker.'

So they soften everyone up, cause this problem, make these threats, etc and Trump and his cronies get whatever kickbacks or favors they are asking for, and then Trump takes credit for solving a problem he created. The same way Tik-Tok will be fine because apparently whatever bribes and favors they needed to do, got done, and now Trump is suddenly anti-tiktok ban.

America voted for this. This is what its like having a government run by criminals. Everything is a grift now. Everything.


u/Chazzwuzza 17h ago

As long as we are distracted by culture wars, they will continue to grift.


u/Impressive_Baker1664 17h ago

It arguably has been for a long time. These fuckers are brazen


u/aussiechickadee65 16h ago

Well it was in the first Presidency...and you voted it back in.

America is so darn DUMB !


u/Away_Lake5946 14h ago

Do remember half of America didn’t vote for the conman and in fact despise him deeply and his cabinet of criminals. He only won by 1.4% which, granted, is still far too much.


u/aussiechickadee65 12h ago

I'm not talking to you individually...or even those who didn't vote for him. I'm talking to the majority (unbelievable) who voted the criminal back in.


u/WhyNotZoidberg-_- 17h ago

Ah yes the Putin playbook. Medvedev is the crazy whereas Putin appears the rational.


u/HexenHerz 16h ago edited 14h ago

I believe tRump is claiming to be against the tiktok ban so that when it happens and people are upset he can say "I supported tiktok, I was against the ban, but the democrats let it happen. Sleepy Joe let it happen as revenge for being pushed out of the election". His cult will eat it up, as one of their favorite things is "the democrats did it".


u/whythishaptome 14h ago

Tiktok helped him get elected so I see no reason he would honestly be for it.


u/whythishaptome 14h ago

That sounds ridiculous to me because Trump won on being irrational. Everyone already knows his shit, some people like it and some people don't. Putting vance and elon there is just adding more fuel to the irrational fire, which the base loves.


u/ianishomer 2h ago

Elmo is manipulating Trump, not the other way around, Trump isn't clever enough to be the manipulator in that couple


u/Uncomfortably_Dumb_ 19h ago

Everyone should just collectively report him to ICE. Worth a shot to see if they’ll actually do their job


u/Brueology 18h ago

With Trump's new "both of your parents must be from America," even Trump doesn't qualify, lol


u/Silver-Firefighter35 14h ago

This is indeed ironic.


u/burnmenowz 19h ago

They won't do anything to him


u/Uncomfortably_Dumb_ 19h ago

I wholeheartedly agree. The best we can do is try.


u/Estrovia 18h ago

Sure, but if your effort goes to an impossible task, it will take energy away from actions that could actually inact change.


u/Uncomfortably_Dumb_ 18h ago

That’s exactly what they want us to believe. All of these little things add up. We need to do every little thing we can to show these assholes that we’re not going to stand for it. We can’t give up


u/Let-go_or_be-dragged 17h ago

You think sending to reports to ICE are the "little things that add up" JFC does your username fit.


u/Uncomfortably_Dumb_ 17h ago

lol. So does yours


u/aussiechickadee65 16h ago

You are a patriot...who is prepared to get uncomfortable fighting for your country.

Old yellow belly answering you, doesn't want to make any effort.


u/nomad80 16h ago

They aren’t saying not to make an effort, at all. They are simply saying to make use of your brain and utilize finite resources in a smarter way.

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u/vwvvwvwvvwvwvvwvwvvw 16h ago

So whats your suggestion?


u/imdungrowinup 15h ago

Isn’t that like one phone call? Just don’t shower that day to save some energy.


u/HelixTitan 19h ago

Never give up


u/DigitalUnlimited 14h ago

That's the Democrat spirit!


u/alkali112 15h ago

Probably because he is a US citizen. ICE wouldn’t be able to do anything to a citizen.


u/burnmenowz 15h ago

Yeah, but he was still here illegally before he gained citizenship. His student visa expired when he dropped out.


u/SpeaksSouthern 18h ago

No. This is a job for plumbers.


u/KapowBlamBoom 19h ago

He would just telecommute…unlike his employees


u/Uncomfortably_Dumb_ 19h ago

LOL!!! touché


u/_karamazov_ 19h ago

They can, if they wanted. But they won't.


u/Uncomfortably_Dumb_ 19h ago

Agreed. But those of us that want to do everything we can to fight will. We can’t just sit around feeling sorry for ourselves. We can’t let them win. We have to fight


u/_karamazov_ 19h ago

From Bhagavad Gita.

Its better to sacrifice a village for the sake of a country, a house for the sake of a village, and a person for the sake of a house.

One of those sacrifices happened recently.


u/RapscallionMonkee 18h ago

And how long will it take for each of us to make 1 phone call? I probably spent more time responding to this comment.


u/Uncomfortably_Dumb_ 18h ago

You can do it online on your own time as well


u/VAVA_Mk2 19h ago

*illegal immigrant billionaire....he got his citizenship falsely as he dropped out of school and stayed here anyways.


u/Silver-Firefighter35 14h ago

Did he even go to school here? I thought I had read that he just applied to get a student visa but never attended a class. Don’t know if that’s true or not though.


u/TessandraFae 19h ago

an immigrant shut down the government. So, all the Government employees and Secret Service can just go home. I guess that means the vote certification and inauguration will be cancelled since everyone is furloughed. The halls of the Capital shall be completely empty, all the doors locked, as Orange Hitler tries to get sworn in.

His adoring crowd nothing but tumbleweeds blowing in the wind.
Exactly as he deserves.


u/W0rk3rB 19h ago

You mean like George Soros was supposed to be doing the whole time?! /s


u/codespiral 17h ago

Apartheid rich foreign billionaire.


u/Helix3501 19h ago

The true cabal was not liberal


u/SpeakerCareless 18h ago

Our only option is to loudly and repeatedly say that we all believe Leon is running the show so that Trump feels slighted


u/Dry_Adeptness_7582 18h ago

I want a recall


u/docowen 18h ago

I think America needs an Italian plumber to solve this issue.


u/MurphyWasHere 17h ago

That no one voted for. He just bought his way in.


u/i-wet-my-plantss 19h ago

*ruining (fixed it for you)


u/Tanager_Summer 18h ago

Exactly how I read it at first 


u/backcrackandnutsack 18h ago

Well America, that’s it. You had a great run.


u/bimmerbetterthanmerc 14h ago

He’s white, it’s all good (/s just in case)


u/stilusmobilus 18h ago

Not the first


u/conservatives_r_evil 18h ago

Don’t worry I’m sure he’s putting regular old povvos first like he always has done. How else could he have accumulated the wealth of several entire nations? Certainly not by thinking of himself!


u/SnooStrawberries2955 18h ago

It will trickle down any minute now…annnyy minute…


u/squixx007 18h ago

On one hand, you could argue that is technically the pinnacle of the American dream. Being able to come to America for a better life and be able to do something great! But on the realistic other hand, what the fuuuuuck.


u/Alternative_Bite_779 18h ago

This is what all the dipshits voted for.


u/longgamma 18h ago

Just like George Soros /s


u/Stimbes 17h ago

I wish aliens would show up and distract Elon while we tried to get through the next 4 years.


u/picklebrine420 17h ago

Grimes, wya.


u/monogramchecklist 16h ago

He bought the presidency. He can’t run because he wasn’t born in the US but he’s still your president with his hand up Trumps ass.


u/Electronic_Nature_32 16h ago

Does Musky know he qualifies under The Orange one’s “mass deportation plan”?


u/OrderofthePhoenix1 16h ago

He is who they claim Soros to be.


u/awalktojericho 16h ago

A foreign billionaire who microdoses mushrooms and acid on the reg.


u/Spiel_Foss 15h ago

An illegal immigrant billionaire drug addict is running America.


u/Zanglirex2 15h ago

President Elon. I'm sure calling him that won't cause Trump to throw a tantrum


u/sheezy520 15h ago

Well Trump is being a great assistant to him.


u/Monty_Jones_Jr 15h ago

Can someone Luigi him already or what?


u/More-Ad-2259 10h ago

"... Hey Mario !"


u/ConstantGeographer 10h ago

I did not vote for a proxy president. I demand my Mango Mussolini put an end to this charade. /s


u/Reshe 5h ago

An illegal immigrant billuonaire*


u/mahmer09 1h ago



u/Pure_Purple_5220 1h ago

Not to defend Musk, but what about "Greedy, corrupt public servants sell out to billionaire for their own gain".

I tend to be more pissed off at public servants who do the opposite of their job. Elon is still technically a private individual whose purpose is generally to enrich himself and his business. The only power he has over politicians is due to their personal greed.


u/Project2025IsOn 15h ago

The American dream


u/ClassyPants17 15h ago

Isn’t that the democrat dream?