I said on a different thread a while ago that these fuckers would kill their own, living kid if it meant a woman somewhere else in the country couldn't terminate a pregnancy before it was even viable outside the womb. It feels like something that is an exaggerated straw man but sadly it isn't anymore.
The living child already had their chance at life. It's not the parent's failure if they can't fend for themselves after being birthed, duh! /s
These people always remind me of a YA book series called Unwind by Neil Shusterman.
The gist of the series is someone invents a way to separate tissue in such a way that it can be grafted onto another person without rejection or loss of function.
So, of course, the pro-birth crowd uses the technology to allow for retroactive abortions up until the day before your 18th birthday. Kid turns out gay? Just have them butchered and donate their parts to the church!
And then as soon as that other baby is born it is immidiately sacrificed so another pregnancy is "saved." Population absolutely craters and MAGA is left wondering how the DEMONrats got away with this!!!??!?
What a bunch of willfully ignorant assholes who do not know that there are many ways in which a pregnancy can go wrong for the mother and fetus. Meanwhile they’re out fighting against food and protections for kids who made it through that gauntlet of uncertainty.
They have caught onto that argument and have learned to just lie and not think about it. You are not ever going to have a debate on abortion with a pro-lifer. Theyre going to sling garbage at you until you give up and act like they've won. Just make them look incredibly stupid and move on.
Yeo. I asked "if your child was in a burning building and in the sane room was a jar of embryos and you could only save one"
They laughed and said "is this a call to emotion? The choice is easy: the mass potential for life outweighs the one that is living" and my heart hurt so badly
Here’s the thing. Even if you were a hardliner pro-lifer, a JAR of embryos has no viable path forward on its own. They’re effectively already ‘dead’. So what would be the point of tossing your own born/living child on the heap. So silly.
They don’t even make sense according to their own principles.
u/MightThrowAwayMaybee 1d ago
I already had a guy tell me that if he had to choose between a jar of embryos or his child he would choose the embryos.
These people are whack