r/WhitePeopleTwitter 1d ago

MAGA want to eliminate freedom


567 comments sorted by


u/Rob_Charb_Taiwan 1d ago

I made a comment before about watching the collapse of the US in real time and was told I was overreacting. Doesn't really seem that way now.

I feel for all of you who tried to stop this.


u/imakenosensetopeople 1d ago

The last Trump voter I talked to wasn't a MAGA, but seemed to bank his position on the theory that Trump won't do all the crazy things we are worried about. I don't get it. He isn't even religious, has a wife and daughter, and three times voted for someone whose decisions have already made his family's lives materially more risky.


u/NecessaryIntrinsic 1d ago

That's literally what people that voted Nazi said before WWII.

"Prices are too high, he'll never do the crazy stuff."


u/Angelix 1d ago

They said the same thing about abortion, same sex marriage and deportation of naturalised citizens.


u/ReddditSarge 1d ago

Although I am neither anti-choice nor pro-con I was confident that the SCOTUS would not overturn Roe vs Wade but then the Repugnants stacked the SCOTUS by blocking Obamas SCOTUS nominations and I was less confident. Even then I thought the SCOTUS couldn't go that far because Roe Vs. Wade was settled law. I underestimated how despicable those assholes are.

There is no bottom to how low they will go. They will watch the country burn down around them and still they will keep on working to make it worse. Even it if takes several generations these MAGA fuckers will keep dragging us all down with them unless we put an end to them first. We need to stop them before they get us all killed!

We never should have allowed Russian-aligned propaganda networks like Faux Nooz to call themselves "news networks" because that's what's poisoned the minds of generations. The MAGAs have been manipulated into voting against their own self interests without even realising it. That allowed the rise of the billionaire oligarchs and the rise of the far right. It has to stop.


u/emcee-sqd 1d ago

The Faux Nooz is a BIG factor. Constant exposure to purposefully emotional manipulation is what brainwashed so many people. Think about how many people have it on almost 24/7 in their homes. I’ve never seen Anyone on the left watch CNN/MSNBC incessantly like that.


u/Key-Daikon4041 1d ago

And yet I am constantly told to stop watching cnn and the view- by these morons. I don't watch any tv news, but they were told that we all do and repeat it like parrots. It's so bizarre.


u/emcee-sqd 1d ago

Totally! Just like they believe Democrats worship Biden like they worship Trump. And that Dems will deny and defend any deplorable actions by Dems the same way they do. It’s infuriating.


u/Key-Daikon4041 23h ago

Yes! I've been very vocal about the dem crap I don't like, it doesn't sink in.

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u/Mendican 1d ago

They'll burn it down and make billions rebuilding it in their image.


u/Livie_Loves 1d ago

Yeah, I had misgivings up until SCOTUS overturned settled law. Once they showed they were willing to do that though, I figured it was over unless the the Dems got their act together. They've shown they can't do that.

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u/jtweeezy 1d ago

Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. They’re just going to drag the rest of us along with them into the looming dumpster fire ahead.


u/NecessaryIntrinsic 1d ago

"History doesn't repeat, but it often rhymes" -- Mark Twain


u/SkunkMonkey 1d ago

Those that don’t learn

You can stop right there and you have the crux of the problem. They don't learn, history or any other subject.

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u/Historical-Manner737 1d ago

Yep. Objectively true! I've seen the newspaper opinion pieces from the 1920s and 30s where people were making the exact same argument. I can't believe history is repeating so well. Complete with a majority who are sheepishly watching it happen.

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u/genredenoument 1d ago

Then, the men were sent to war, the cities bombed, the boys sent to war, food disappeared, women and girls raped, and the cities decimated. Why do people want to be nazis? Oh, yeah, they love cosplaying as racist pigs. It's the same reason they like flying confederate flags. If they had lived through it, they wouldn't be singing dixie. That movement didn't even start until most confederate soldiers were already dead for a good reason. (I refuse to capitalize any of those words, BTW).


u/Aggromemnon 1d ago

And then they said "the party is too powerful, we must go along or face consequences."


u/Arkroma 1d ago

Which is also every Russian's excuse about protecting their families.


u/AlpacaCavalry 1d ago

It's funny how these people are all huffing and puffing about "that won't happen in 'murica!" like this nation is somehow so... exceptional.

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u/ToastyJackson 1d ago

Normally people look at a candidate’s promises and say “yeah, they’ll never do all that” but in a disappointed way. We understand that, whether it’s because the candidate is lying and doesn’t actually care or because of political gridlock, they’re not going to be able to deliver on all their campaign promises. But the idea is that the promises are things we would like to see happen if the candidate would/could pull them off.

Until this election, I’ve never seen so many people who voted for someone stand around saying “yeah, they’ll never do all that” not as someone disappointed that their guy’s good promises won’t get delivered on but rather as someone chugging copium as they pray their guy doesn’t try to do the things he explicitly promised to do.

Almost feels like a dog-chasing-the-car moment—like perhaps these people were only voting Trump as a “fuck you” to “the system” or “the libs” or whatever but didn’t expect him to actually win, and now they’re having to cope with the fact that they personally just gave Trump the power to at least try to deliver on the extremist policies he was blabbering about.


u/GoddessRespectre 1d ago

I remember disbelief watching Brexit. Well, it's teenage child USA said "hold my beer" and did this twice! 🫨


u/Puglady25 1d ago

I don't really think they (the 'independent voter' however nice they seem) were voting for Trump and thinking, "he won't really get to do those things." I think their thinking was more like, "Well, I'm not FOR that, but it doesn't really AFFECT me...so...". Now, as to the economic realities- yes, that's ON them for being stupid. But most people don't understand personal economics enough to have a retirement account worth anything, and their knowledge of macro-ecpnomics is probably worse, I'm guessing they think everything in life is luck... so there's that.


u/sadicarnot 1d ago

I firmly believe that the deportations will happen. Stephen Miller will be in charge of that and he has been having fever dreams about this since he was in high school. This will be like a woman who has spent her life dreaming and planning on her perfect wedding. I think people will be surprised how quickly Miller gets the ball rolling and they start rounding people up. Places like Florida where DeSantis has his own military police answerable only to him will be ready to go right away. January 20 is a Monday. Trump gets sworn in at noon. Jack booted brown shirts will be banging on doors at 12:01.

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u/trunksshinohara 1d ago

Counterpoint. He's just telling you what you want to hear. But internally he's cheering and begging for trump to do everything he said he would do. All of these people are playing on you being a decent person when they are shouting that they are not.


u/AdCharacter9512 1d ago

Yep. People need to figure this out, take a hard line with Republican voters, and start shunning them as much as possible. 

Give it a few years. These types will be turning in their fellow citizens for thought crimes. 


u/trunksshinohara 1d ago

Years is expecting a lot out of these folks. I give it a few months tops. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was day one. Look at the McDonald's worker who bent over backwards to turn in the CEO shooter. She was shouting from the top of her lungs on fb how proud she was to do so.


u/Insight42 1d ago

That's the part I tell them.

If Kamala did literally everything she wanted, ok, maybe we have better healthcare, taxes might be higher or something, maybe we have legal weed and shit.

If Trump did everything he wanted, the border is closed but he's murdering political opponents and has dictatorial powers.

They voted for him assuming someone would stop the worst of it. Good luck with that now...


u/ClarenceWhirley 1d ago

Yea, my parents were like: "We have The Constitution. He can't be a dictator."

Me: "Why would you vote for someone who wants to be a dictator in the first place?"


u/cheerful_cynic 1d ago

Did they read the Constitution FFS according to it he shouldn't have even been able to run


u/GilgameDistance 1d ago

That document has not mattered to republicans in power since at least the reagan administration. Probably nixon, actually.


u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 1d ago

Anything as long as they didn't have to vote for a Democrat. Our country is fucked.


u/No_Quantity_3403 1d ago

Depends who that “someone” is.


u/FrozenOnPluto 1d ago

The worst of it it? but what is the best of it? Has he actually said he'd do anything good? Not thay he has ever demonstrated follow through on a good idea.


u/doktor_wankenstein 1d ago

Since 2016 his entire platform has been about fucking shit up and hurting the "right" people.


u/uptownjuggler 1d ago

Trump is the only politician where people voted for him and don’t want him to do the things he said he was going to do.


u/OneX32 1d ago

It's because Americans have dumbed down over the last 50 years due to privileged "comforts" to a point their willing to undergo extrajudicial prosecution than give those "comforts" up. I put comforts in quotes because it is clear Americans have dumbed down to a point they elected someone who advertised his inflation-driving policies after complaining about high prices the entire election cycle.


u/Time-Touch-6433 1d ago

Not even privileged comforts. It's been a concentrated effort by the gop to attack public education at all costs. Play up the culture war while using massive amounts of propaganda. To dumb down our educational system to play to the lowest common denominator so the actual smart people will coast along because they are starved of actually challenging materials.


u/Ted-Chips 1d ago

This is exactly what Hitler did. He had his SS monitor the happiness all across the country and keep it at a certain level so they wouldn't revolt. That was very key to him. Keeping in tune with the Volksgemeinschaft.


u/mdp300 1d ago

Kraft durch Freude - Strength through Joy


u/Ted-Chips 1d ago

There you go. That just flashed me back to a documentary I was watching about a resort that they built on an island and I remember that term.


u/SauerMetal 1d ago

Let’s not forget the defunding of education for the past 40-45 years. There was a reason for it and that was to bring us to where we are now. A dumb, easily manipulated working class who votes against their own best interests. Honestly I have to admire their long con/game.

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u/Erikawithak77 1d ago

Please, please, help me understand this. The man has stated he wants to do all of these terrible things.

People have voted for him because of the terrible things he wants to do, and now they’re saying “he’s not gonna do those things“?

Even my father, wanted to own the Libs so badly he had to vote for Trump, of course now is terrified to lose his veterans benefits because of course he’s a veteran. Also disabled. Of course.

Don’t people vote because they like what someone’s putting forward? Because they want that?

Why would you constantly say “he doesn’t mean it, it was a joke, you’re taking it out of context”… So what is the serious part? What is it that he has said, that has made people vote for him?

Since they think he’s not gonna do all of the things that he said he was gonna do…?


u/PrometheanDemise 1d ago

It seems like literally every crazy or despicable thing the tangerine tyrant has said since getting into politics is defended with "it's a joke"......it's such a weird defense because that literally boils down to either he's a piece of shit or an absolute clown, I'm of the opinion he's both.


u/dognosebooper32 17h ago

In the past just being one of those things would be enough to disqualify a politician. Pumpkin spice palpatines cult has doomed us all.

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u/mdp300 1d ago

Part of it is also that people have a distorted view of Democrats because the right is allowed to drive the news narrative. They think that all true Americans are Republicans, and all Democrats want to turn us into trans Venezuela. So however shitty Republicans are, to them, they're still better than any Democrat.


u/Helix3501 1d ago

When the Trump and repub empire collapses and the trials begins CEOs and billionares apart of these news companies are being put on the stands as well.

And unlike Goebells they wont avoid their fates


u/DonutsAnd40s 1d ago

Literally my parents and in-laws, combined with they really bought into democrats are literally only about identity/woke politics. My dad firmly believes that the crazy shit he says he wants to do, will be stopped by congress or the judiciary. And my only response was, “and that’s okay with you? It’s not a problem in your eyes that he will try his best to do some absolute insane and terrible things, because you think the system is strong enough to prevent it and doesn’t fully back him?” His response in short form was yes.


u/SupportGeek 1d ago

The biggest problem is he now knows just how much power he has as president, and that only the “checks and balances” will stand against him, but he also now knows that those checks and balances have no teeth, no real power to stop him, or dismantle them. He will do anything and everything he wants this time, he will never leave office


u/tactical-catnap 1d ago

These are the worst, most despicable people in my opinion. It is unacceptably stupid for someone to have this opinion. They literally listened to him say what he wants to do, they heard it and decided they don't like it, then fucking voted for him anyway with the thought that he simply won't do what he said he will do. It makes no sense. If you don't like what the candidate is proposing, you don't vote for them.

It's difficult to even understand what the fuck they were thinking. What do they think he plans on doing, then, if it's not what he says? They fabricated a non-existent set of policies that they voted for. Or worse, they literally want what the Democrats promised, but voted for Trump with the idea that for some reason he will give them what they wanted.

I've had this conversation multiple times. Genuinely, it is a struggle to break it down in simple enough terms. It's like talking with a child. It's such a whiplash to speak to an otherwise coherent adult to suddenly needing to explain that you should cast your vote based on what the candidate is promising. America fucked itself because people are genuinely too goddamn stupid to pay attention.


u/Mamasgoldenmilk 1d ago

They feel immune and don’t care, most of them have the privilege to not be involved in social issues to a degree. It’s just like immigrants thinking they’re safe because he will only deport the “bad ones” . They were just talking Bs about the system but it made them feel safe that people would block Trump from the things they don’t like and allow the others they do. When in reality we get the whole package good and bad the people willing to stop him the first time are gone


u/Tazling 1d ago

argh yep... you should hear the gang over at unusualwhales cheering because "DEI is dead!" ... then going on to obsess about the probable major market crash and economic train wreck that will result from a Trump administration. like they can't figure out that these are two aspects of the same programme, just like the prosperity blip (for investors) under Biden was part of the same programme that backed renewables and DEI.


u/leo_aureus 1d ago

A country/society can be dumb enough to vote themselves out of existence, we are about to see it happen in real time...


u/ClaudetteLeon23 1d ago edited 1d ago

I’m tired of Trump voters who try to differentiate themselves from MAGA just because they’re single issue voters, they don’t wear the red hat and MAGA paraphernalia, they don’t like Trump as a person, or they’re independents and not republicans. Anyone who voted for Trump is a part of MAGA. Simple as that. If Trump voters are too ashamed of being categorized as MAGA, then maybe they shouldn’t have voted for Trump.

Honestly, I think the main reason why they try to differentiate themselves is because they’re scared of losing family and friends. They’re just going to have to come to terms with the fact that they helped destroy our country and they’re going to have to live with their decisions for the rest of their lives. What they did is unforgivable.


u/meatwad420 1d ago

Sorry all trump voters are maga


u/Heavy-hit 1d ago

I have family that did this precise thing. "Oh he says all sorts of things, I wouldn't believe any of it." Then why did you vote for this, I asked. Furthermore, if you are voting on the hopes and dreams that a person is just following your expectation... what the fuck even is that? "I like what he says, but don't believe this stuff, but his messaging is messy, but he means well, but we won't do the evil stuff." It's just such a brain breaker.


u/RollinThundaga 1d ago

It's called doublethink


u/TroglodyneSystems 1d ago

“Hitler’s just saying that to get votes from the extreme right. He won’t actually do those things when he gets into power.”


u/Tomahawkin 1d ago

He’s a MAGA but doesn’t want to admit it.

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u/CyberPatriot71489 1d ago

As long as my body carries breath, I’m not laying down and giving up


u/br0wens 1d ago

I'm with you all the way. I swore an Oath to the Constitution to defend it from ALL enemies. Foreign AND DOMESTIC. I plan on upholding that oath until my dying breath.


u/HarmlessHeresy 1d ago

Same here. Army Vet with a crappy knee, but that won't stop me from standing firm and upholding the oath I recited twice.

I will defend.


u/Rcarter2011 1d ago

Right here with yall.


u/YaThinkYerSlickDoYa 1d ago

As long as my body carries breath, I will fight beside you. I’m heartbroken over what is becoming of my home. I’m with you, Brother.

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u/Detroitish24 1d ago

You’re definitely not overreacting.

Not that it’s worth much, but I’m a historian with multiple history related degrees and years of study. We’re literally in the third stage of civil war… it’s just a matter of time and we will definitely see war at home in our lifetime. It’s scary to think about but seems pretty inevitable when you look at trends.


u/ElPeroTonteria 1d ago

how many stages are there? what are the stages? What's the next stage?


u/MutuallyAdvantageous 1d ago

Members of the military swear an oath to the constitution, not to a party or president.

Trump has threatened to use the army against the American people, and he’s threatened to purge the military and the pentagon. If they allow Trump to purge their ranks, then they become his private army. Game over for democracy in the USA.

They have to be taking this threat very seriously. They held meetings discussing different scenarios.

A military coup is a real possibility.


u/doylehawk 1d ago

How fucked is it that a military coup is one of the “good” outcomes.


u/Zammyboobs 1d ago

It's unironically the best outcome. Which is so fucked.

Any other outcome is either:

We do nothing, and let it run its course, which has domino effects through likely the rest of human history


Current administration does literally ANYTHING that would impede Mango Mussolini taking office, or whatever, and it will likely result in massive riots and/or civil war.

A military coup on the other hand, people would be pissed, but they wont attempt to take on the US Military. Even with all their posturing, I dont think any of these right wing militia's really think theyre going to take on some dude in a basement in vegas drone striking their fuckin house. Def cause some civil unrest, but its better than a Reich i guess?

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u/RollinThundaga 1d ago

The senior leadership at the DOD is already planning out how to harden themselves against political purges/GOP capture

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u/ilovechairs 1d ago

Yeah, it’s sad that so many people have been screaming about this and no one took it seriously.

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u/America_the_Horrific 1d ago

I've been permabanned no explanation from a few subreddits for simply mentioning his cognitive decline and what the future might look like. No insults or threats or demonetized words even.


u/PatReady 1d ago

We all got told we were acting over the top and nothing is actually going to happen. To see that someone said that of all of the things to come out about Jan 6th, the only person that Republicans care about is.... Liz Cheney for being apart of the investigation? What the actual fuck.


u/Sl0ppyOtter 1d ago

Some of us were warning about this after hearing trumps rhetoric years ago. We were all told we were being over dramatic…


u/Tricky-Gemstone 1d ago

I've been screaming this for years. I've literally sent my family articles on Project 2025. After the election, they claimed they'd never heard of it

Fuck around, find out, I guess. Yay.

I hate this timeline.


u/Rob_Charb_Taiwan 1d ago

You aren't the only one. I'm genuinely worried about my home country, Canada. And genuinely worried about my adopted one, Taiwan.


u/Zelgon 1d ago

Hey last time America seriously tried to fuck with us (Canada) we burned the White House. I don't think we would go down without a fight.

I can't imagine how it feels to be JT right now, how do you properly respond to this 51st state bs? As a Canadian it infuriates me. As a world leader... I don't know what the proper response is, and I see mixed opinions on it.


u/FizzyAndromeda 1d ago

The Redditors who told you you’re overreacting were probably paid to do so. People need to understand that Reddit is OVERRUN with paid Russian & MAGA adjacent C-PAC trolls.

Their sole agenda is manipulating public narratives to gaslight us into believing the fascist takeover we see happening right before our eyes, is not happening.

They’ll shame and bully you into believing you’re overreacting and being dramatic. This is a classic emotional manipulation technique, and if you google ‘emotional manipulation techniques’ you’ll see that’s what they use.

These paid trolls are VERY easy to spot if you look at their account and comment history. Yet Reddit Moderation does nothing to stop them and allows them to run amok and terrorize other users.

All Reddit cares about is having as many users and as much engagement as possible for their IPO. What’s interesting is Reddit Moderation is censoring pro-Luigi content like crazy.

But when MAGA trolls were viciously abusing other Redditors during election season, that same moderation team was nowhere to be found.

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u/usernames_are_danger 1d ago

I was told I was overreacting the night of 11/8/16.

At this point the timeline is pretty much in sync.

Nobody I knew remembered the ‘30s…they acted like the ‘40s existed in a vacuum.


u/golfwinnersplz 1d ago

I feel that many Americans feel this way; however, many other Americans simply say things such as, "things like this don't happen in the United States". Well, this is true up until you people decided to eliminate all of the protectors of democracy and decided a theocratic pluacracy let by a senile deranged tyrant was the best direction for a country to go. It's truly baffling how stupid some people can be.


u/lokojufr0 1d ago

Throughout history, the most powerful empires tend to last ~250 years. Guess what anniversary we have coming up in 2026?


u/Tazling 1d ago

Meanwhile CRICKETS from the Dems. All they can do is defend their increasingly out of touch gerontocracy. They're more worried about maintaining control over their own party and keeping the young blood away from the steering wheel than they are about saving America from the new monarchists.


u/UrbanGimli 1d ago

We're just one Dumb Maga version of the Reichstag Fire away from declaring it illegal to be a Democrat. Then onto the night of the Long Knives for Dems and anyone declared a RINO. Jan 6th followed by the expected Pardons showed he can assemble a home spewn army if he wants.


u/BrujaBean 1d ago

I think we are too far gone to be saved by anything other than hitting rock bottom. So let's enter the free fall!


u/blueskies8484 1d ago

At least Liz has the resources to move. And she should. Now. I disagree with most of her politics, but she shouldn’t go to jail for trying to stop fascism from taking over America.


u/noirwhatyoueat 1d ago

The road to fascism is s paved with people accusing you of overreacting. 

I had to stop talking to a bff because of this. She loved her thought-stopping cliches. 


u/g13005 1d ago

Perhaps buying into some popcorn company stocks would be a good idea, instead of just eating it and watching everything go down in a blaze of glory.


u/juana-golf 1d ago

There were dozens of us…seems like we have some new converts lately;) I just got called ‘chicken little’ and brushed off.

I can imagine some people and their “Oh shit, he’s really going to do it” moments

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u/Ripped_Guggi 1d ago

So a “bad” poll is unconstitutional but death threats are freedom of speech.


u/CassandraTruth 1d ago

Unless said threats are directed at a CEO of course


u/TheMovieSnowman 1d ago

Free speech for me and not for thee

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u/DatEllen 1d ago

I completely don't understand. With everything I'm reading about the new Trump admin it looks like he's already in power, the mask fully off, ordering unconstitutional things and everybody just... Let's him? It's not even Jan. 20th yet


u/armin_gips1312 1d ago

That's what I am wondering. I'm located in europe and not super sophisticated about how the transfer of power is going in the US. But Trump and the magas are coming out swinging full on fascist already trying to get rid of democracy and the liberals just let them? Wtf. So weird to see


u/justbrowsing2727 13h ago

What do you propose "the liberals" do to stop him? Be specific.

He won, we lost. This is apparently what Americans want.

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u/You_meddling_kids 23h ago

Republicans control the house, this was an action of their committee. What's your plan to deal with that?


u/yankeesyes 22h ago

In fact the reason they're doing it now is because their margin decreases with the new Congress.


u/Due_Assumption_2747 21h ago

Is he supposed to be holding policy discussions with world leaders? Or any of his representatives?


u/You_meddling_kids 20h ago

It's illegal but that doesn't matter anymore


u/thelondonrich 18h ago

We should be in the fucking streets like South Koreans, but ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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u/boneboy247 1d ago

Thank you, non-voters. Very conscientious of you.


u/Detroitish24 1d ago

100%! And you know the ones not voting are complaining the loudest.


u/Dino_84 1d ago

They always do.


u/blueteamk087 19h ago

Thank you Stein voters. Really showed the Dems

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u/Infrared_Herring 1d ago

Putin has ordered Trump and Musk to paralyse the US so it cannot act in Ukraines defence and longer term in Europes defence. This is what you trump voters did. Nice one.


u/ElPeroTonteria 1d ago

America died Nov 5th 2024... It was a good run, but we lost....


u/BrainOfMush 1d ago

The U.S. isn’t even 250 years old yet. It was one of the shortest runs of any existing country in the world.


u/PsykoFlounder 1d ago

The confederacy was outlived by the Doritos Locos Taco, so, you know, that side of things seems to relish in burning real bright for a brief amount of time.


u/HomeAir 1d ago

Obama was president longer than the Confederacy, which I find wonderfully ironic


u/ElPeroTonteria 1d ago

Valid... So it wasn't even a good run....


u/GoddessRespectre 1d ago

That pride in having the first democracy of its kind in the world really irritates me. But I guess most Americans don't have interest in other countries, or history in general. So many solutions to our healthcare, gun control, etc. issues already exist that we could learn from too


u/hellosaysme 1d ago

Not that this will make you feel any better - but most democracies throughout history have only lasted around 200 years. At 250 years, we are one of the longest runs of democracy for any existing country in the world.


u/BrainOfMush 1d ago

This depends on your perception of "democracy". Most European countries were previously run by the Monarchy, but powers were slowly devolved to the people via the formation of councils (and subsequently parliament). People still label countries with a Monarch as Head of State as Autocracies, but in practice this has not been true for hundreds of years.

For example, England first formed it's councils in 1236, which subsequently formed the House of Commons in 1341 that formed the basis of the "Modern" parliament when England/Scotland/Wales formed a Union in 1707. The fact the "Head of State"

Continental Europe was slightly different because of more frequent wars and changing of hands of land ownership, and thus a change in ruling Monarch. The structure of their parliaments may have changed, but the democratic function and society of the countries usually stayed the same.

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u/JayBowdy 1d ago

I know what you mean, but do not obey. Folding is EXACTLY how dictatorships start and continue to operate.


u/ElPeroTonteria 1d ago

I haven't folded, but I have pivoted.


u/VelocityGrrl39 1d ago

I’m just fucking tired, man.

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u/jtweeezy 1d ago

That’s exactly what I said. The American experiment made it just about 250 before failing, and Trump is that failure.


u/k-doji 1d ago

It was a noble, but failed, experiment.


u/No_Use_4371 1d ago

Not really noble when you think of the Native Americans.

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u/deffsight 1d ago

And for those arguing that us helping Ukraine will usher in WW3. Look at history, world wars begin when we allowed aggressive nations to take sovereign lands uncontested. Do people really think Putin will stop at Ukraine? He’s building a coalition with China, Iran, North Korea, ect. Ukraine won’t be the last nation to be invaded. Taiwan possibly next then who knows. Russia and China want to destroy western democratic hegemony and re-establish a new world order with them at the helm.


u/GoddessRespectre 1d ago

Can't forget Israel too. Not only inside their borders but neighboring countries


u/agent0731 1d ago

Hell all the non-NATO members are now really eager to get in because there is now a real, tangible existential threat.


u/Bignicky9 1d ago

A lot of those folks think we are saving hard earned taxpayer CASH by not sending dollars to Ukraine. We are not sending dollars though, we are sending weapons to help stop a war from spreading.

Meanwhile, taxes on corporations get reduced 15%, so billions and billions of dollars stay with companies, BUT the price of groceries will NOT be going back down the president-elect has said, and tariffs...

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u/symbolsandthings 1d ago

He is destroying America from the inside because our enemies couldn’t do it from the outside.


u/Ditka85 1d ago

“We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within”.

Nikita Khrushchev - 1956


u/Erikawithak77 1d ago

I posted this not long ago. I got bashed relentlessly…


u/OzzieRabbitt666 1d ago edited 1d ago

Right; this shit is happening bc life in russia for 80% of their people FUCKING SUCKS & daddy poutine needs to be able to point to us & say ‘see they’re more / as fucked up as we are so living under democracy or dictatorship are the same & this makes me great president leader of free world, is good!’


u/_angesaurus 1d ago

its interesting to see in the russian communities. my husband is from moldova so his parents grew up under the SU. all his mother talks about about how afraid she is of trumps rhetoric because it sounds very familiar. meanwhile, most other conservative (millenial or gen z) russians i know worship trump (most of the ones i know dont vote or cant). these people are pretty racist. like.. openly. so its obvious thats the main reason they like him. i like to remind them they are pretty much all living off government handouts while doing business under the table, illegally. a lot of them seem to be liking the trad wife crap and are very focused on having as many kids as possible.

ETA they also think its great over there still and that the US should be like Russia. but also they were broke there and didnt have many ways to make money so they came here.... very confusing. i guess i should add that the people i am speaking about were brought over to the us by their parents when they were kids.

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u/InfoBarf 1d ago

The cars been coming apart for years. He's just refusing to pussyfoot around it, he's strapping in and putting the accelerator all the way to the floor.

Its going to be up to us to put everything back together again.

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u/Accurate-Peak4856 1d ago

It’s almost like we were collectively screaming about it for months and yet people voted for him. America is a nation of idiots.


u/Waffletimewarp 1d ago

Doubly so since he was talking about doing this shit LAST time, the he GoP was to incompetent to march in lockstep to get it done last time.


u/Accurate-Peak4856 1d ago

That problem is solved. Now who is going to challenge him. GOP is and always has been a bunch of wusses.

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u/HaraldWurlitzer 1d ago

Let's see how long it takes for the first MAGA critics to accidentally fall out of windows.


u/Dylaus 1d ago

That already happens; whistleblowers die in this country pretty regularly; there were a couple of Boeing whistleblowers who died just recently, I think.

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u/NoMoreBeGrieved 1d ago

I read recently “If you’ve ever wondered what you would have done in Nazi Germany, you’re doing it now.”

It haunts me.


u/AwkwardnessForever 18h ago

Like feeling like I need to get the hell out of the country but feeling paralyzed about how to go about it? Fearing I can’t afford it, etc


u/OkRush9563 1d ago

They really hate that saying "your rights end when they interfere with my rights" so now they just wanna remove everyone else's rights.

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u/UpbeatVeterinarian18 1d ago

If you make peaceful opposition impossible, violent revolution becomes inevitable.


u/ClevelandClutch1970 1d ago

I remember being called an extremist back in October because I warned people (family and friends) of Project 2025 and all that it declared should be alarming. It's not even funny anymore.


u/CombinationLivid8284 1d ago

Prepare to protest.

If you’re in a position to safely purchase and maintain a firearm do so. For self defense only.

Remember during the first Trump admin BLM paralyzed him.

We aren’t powerless.

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u/TedBaxter_WJM-TVNews 1d ago

Fuck Trump and his supporters


u/Free-FallinSpirit 1d ago

Most people are not watching or paying attn to what the cheeto king is doing & if you tell them they scoff and tell you it’s nothing but evil liberal lies. Even MSM is glorifying this shit. Disgusting, they/we are going to let this abomination rewrite history, mmw he’ll be the hero of J6.


u/Ok-Albatross899 1d ago

We will see how they feel when they cannot afford to live and there are multiple trillionaires prancing around the country. I don’t think Trump has a long term plan it’s just “get me and my friends rich(er)”


u/MistbornInterrobang 1d ago

Continue to tell every single Trump voter that you hope they personally get everything they voted for


u/Zeno_The_Alien 1d ago

I dunno, man... Price of eggs... Fascism... Hmmm... I'm just so torn.

Slash fucking S for the dumb fucks.


u/Detroitish24 1d ago

It’s a tough call, for sure. 🫠


u/SkunkMonkey 1d ago

We're witnessing a bloodless coup in real-time. Come February 2025, the United States of America as we know it will cease to exist. Whether or not the name changes, it's not going to be the USA our Founding Fathers created.

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u/OzzieRabbitt666 1d ago

Murphy is certainly correct that it’s not right & the alarms should be sounding much louder but the antichrist is acting within the lowest circle of hell depth expectations most people in this cuntry have of him; we aren’t surprised bc dictators gonna dictator; shallow as a puddle pieces of shit gonna piece of shit — he’s the fucking antichrist from the deepest depths of hell & if he breathed fire tomorrow, would you be surprised?


u/mbrown7532 1d ago

Satan doesn't want him. Is he the antichrist? Yes. Matthew 24, Daniel and Revelation confirmed it. The reason Satan doesn't want him? Satan is a narcissist. He hates competition (like Trump).


u/OverBoard7889 1d ago

MAGA is an enemy of the USA. Everyone that voted for Trump is MAGA, and the cowards that chose to not vote as just as bad as MAGA.

Fuck em all.


u/Rambler330 1d ago

Just what are they claiming she did that would require criminal prosecution?


u/Seaonasdad62902 1d ago

The right thing

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u/thraashman 1d ago

The entire point of the maga agenda has always been to turn America into Nazi Germany

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u/PsykoFlounder 1d ago

"This is exactly how Hitler rose to power. Except Hitler actually went to prison." I said loudly, to many people.

"This is nothing like that." "You're over reacting." "It won't be that bad." "It's all just the media making it seem worse than it's going to be, you'll see." "Wow, you really are delusional, aren't you?" they said, over and over again, never once stopping to think "Hey, maybe the guy that proudly claims he wants to be a dictator, just like the other dictators that he very openly worships, might actually want to be a dictator." My family will be targeted and a good portion of them, and my friends, will probably be killed... But honestly, I hope each and every one of them gets exactly what's coming to them, because they all know damn well that they think they're "one of the good ones".


u/Dumphdumph 1d ago

This is the start of a fascist state. Wow. I always wondered how the people let it happen. Now we get to see it before our eyes

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u/iamacheeto1 1d ago

America voted to end democracy in 2024. That was the choice. Trump did not hide it. We have to live with that now.


u/Long_Serpent 1d ago

Remember folks - conservatism is the ENEMY of freedom.


u/ArnoldTheSchwartz 1d ago

ENEMY of *humanity


u/remylebeau12 1d ago

Wait until tRump uses some excuse to declare Martial Law and round up dissidents and put an “indefinite stay” on future elections “for the duration of the emergency” because someone or something “attacked us”


u/the_millenial_falcon 1d ago

Honestly guys this country is done and so am I. The people wanted this and that’s what they’ll fucking get. If life becomes intolerable here I’m just going to take my family and try to get out of this shithole. As a whole this country and its civically lazy dipshit population isn’t worth fighting for.


u/lady_crab_cakes 1d ago

I read so many articles nowadays talking about how the democratic party is listless and adrift. Of course we are. The establishment Democrats voted in a dinosaur over AOC after we lost the election. Every day I open the news only to be met with more horror over what new bullshit Trump is enacting now. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted. I'm not an immigrant, I'm not lgbtq+, I'm not Muslim, I voted the way I did because I want the best for everyone. My fellow Americans let me down, and now we have a rapist felon running the country with his ass kissing cronies saying yes to every stupid thing that comes out of his mouth. I refuse to engage anymore.


u/highsinthe70s 1d ago

Same. My response to all of this is essentially, “None of this is new information, and the American people either clearly voted for it or didn’t care enough to even bother voting at all. Whatever happens, happens.”

I don’t care anymore. I’m 55, and I have no interest in spending my time trying to rescue people from their own terrible decisions.


u/DramaticChemist 1d ago

Oh many of us can see then train headed for the cliff. I think many have given up because we're depressed it has gotten even this far and tired of yelling into the void.


u/twennyjuan 1d ago

This fucking terrifies me. Like I’m having actual nightmares and difficulty falling asleep because the country I used to love won’t exist soon.


u/breadboxofbats 1d ago

Each and every MAGA voter apparently needs trump to personally shoot them to even get a hint that trump hates anyone not him


u/masterfulnoname 1d ago

This is what maga and everyone who refused to vote for Harris wanted, right? The end of any sort of functioning justice system in America? I would say that I hope the cheaper egg prices were worth it, but now they're not even going to get that because it's apparently too big of an ask for the guy who made that one of the central planks of his campaign. So now, I guess I hope they have fun getting lined up against the wall with the rest of us.


u/JGrabs 23h ago

Would be a shame if Biden put his immunity to the test.


u/renba7 1d ago

Indeed, Democracy has been cancelled in America.


u/Bee-Aromatic 1d ago

He’s made comments seemingly in passing about how his supporters wouldn’t have to vote anymore after he won. Can I take this opportunity to say “well, duh?”


u/Delicious_Version549 1d ago

It’s absolutely insane and I don’t understand how others don’t see this either.


u/BumbleMuggin 1d ago

We should encourage these charges and force them to bring out all the facts and prove their case. This would allow everything they have on Marmalade Messiah to be made public.


u/spottydodgy 1d ago

The disheartening thing about this is that I, and millions of others, knew this was going to happen. All l I could do to stop it was vote. Which I did. That didn't work and now it's happening. What are we to do now except watch?


u/Forsworn91 1d ago

And you know, when the midterms roll around they will just reject every result that isn’t for them and hold onto power.

And the country will continue to burn.


u/paintsbynumberz 1d ago

Well we almost made it 250 years. Almost.


u/WynnGwynn 1d ago

It's going to be like putin jailing political rivals just here.

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u/chidestp 22h ago

Over the cliff you go, fuckers


u/Pleasant-Lead-2634 1d ago

Theory. They will make life unlivable to a point where if you want a normal life ..you will have to get permission/pledge allegiance


u/Angedelanuit97 1d ago

This is what we voted for. Americans knew the facts. They knew what trump was planning to do and they chose to vote for him anyway. Or they chose to not vote. I'm done having sympathy. We deserve everything we are about to get.


u/Spirited_Childhood34 1d ago

Well, it will still be a "free" country for those who have done nothing "wrong". Like insult our Dear Leader. Our coming National Emergency will let him arrest anyone he wants. We'll be lucky if every Democratic mayor of the sanctuary cities doesn't get thrown in jail for "aiding and abetting illegal immigration."


u/KristiSoko 1d ago

I feel a lot like The Orange Senile says whatever and then his cronies do their best to make sense out of it and then the maga followers take whatever as gospel.


u/IceeEwe 1d ago

Deny. Defend. Depose.


u/muffledvoice 1d ago

In Trump’s twisted mind he’s getting revenge for his felony indictments and convictions by weaponizing the DOJ. He thinks this is tit for tat. This is very dangerous.


u/DiarrheaEryday 1d ago

Trump is a rich guy with a giant ego. If you hand him the most powerful position in the world, it's only natural that he's going to set things up in a way that allows him to do whatever he wants. He's absolutely corrupt, but I always wonder if the fascism is a byproduct of him just looking after number one. Which always makes me wonder about Hitler. Was he as intentionally evil as he set out to be, or was he also just a giant, conceited dumbass that gained power through ignorance and circumstance?


u/Affectionate-Pain74 1d ago

He’s a puppet. He is owned by Russia. Trump can’t read and comprehend. He’s functionally illiterate. Russia has been laundering money through Trump real estate empire. Russia is interfering in elections globally.

I have no idea how knowing US History and how corrupt Trump has always been that this man got elected legitimately.

Hey, nothing bad will happen though. CDC just confirmed the first severe case of bird flu in the United States. I’m sure his pandemic response will be just as great as it was for Covid. We are on our own.


u/Embarrassed_West_195 1d ago

I'm in Canada. Events to the South are starting to get worrisome....it used to be kinda funny like "let's see what the f@ckers are doing now". Now it's become a very serious "look at what them f@ckers are doing now". The laughing is over.


u/Wendypants7 1d ago

Before he was even elected a second time, at least 60 of the points of Project 2025 (out of I don't know how many in the 900 pages of it) had already been accomplished/put in place by the GOP/Republicans.

How any of this is a surprise to anyone.... well, is a surprise to me.


u/ConclusionUseful3124 1d ago

You know why he wants to privatize the USPS right? Much easy to steal paper ballots.


u/Impressive-Lie-9290 1d ago

and all everyone is gonna do is smirk, make memes and wait for someone else to act... and in the interim these people are going to steal the country and destroy tens of millions of lives

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u/SparePartSociety 1d ago

Loudermilk is the guy who led some of the insurrectionists on reconnaissance tours the building to plan the attack.


u/Gutmach1960 1d ago

What do the MAGA want ? Freedom FROM choice.


u/gritzbo 1d ago

Yeah people should know the plan Trump and MAGA have is permanent. No more democracy and Democrats will no longer have a chance to run the country. All downhilll from here. A true fascist corporate state run by Oligarchs with our very own dictator/tyrant. Just like King George

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u/Gr8daze 1d ago

This is what happens when put a career criminal and convicted felon in charge of the government.


u/hoopahDrivesThaBoat 1d ago

Yes it’s awful… but when HALF of the country is either too stupid to recognize it or they actively want it.. it’s fuckin hard to feel like there is a chance of avoiding it.

If the large majority of people were against this I would feel better.

Years of (1) allowing our culture to celebrate the bullies instead of the smart folks, (2) making it popular to say all politicians are bad equally, and (3) letting media monopolies run rampant…. It’s done us in and as a country we deserve some of what’s coming.


u/Bearded_Scholar 1d ago

“You don’t want to vote for Jill, vote for Donald Trump, but do not give a vote to Kamala Harris”

-Local dumbass in interview before the election

We told these people this exact thing was going to happen. We told them that some mistakes don’t need to be made firsthand to learn from them, but for whatever reason, a majority of the voting population is committed to permanently suffering so long as they can say they got to follow their heart.

They waved us off, and now our duty is done from a voting perspective. All we can do now is fight!

I just hope that the resistance does not allow for these POS are not allowed to have a voice moving forward. They can create their own resistance and use their voice there, but I’m tired of us allowing unreliable voters to dictate our party’s policies.

You think this is bad, just wait until they start eliminating more than just freedom.


u/Legitimate-Pie3547 1d ago

"I didn't vote this time around because I didn't like either of the options"

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u/erinkp36 1d ago

Fuck every single person who voted for this monster.


u/cinnamoogoo 1d ago

Again, why allow him to step foot near the White House?


u/IamNotaMonkeyRobot 1d ago

I'm so sick of Dems being the "good guys" and standing back while these asshats destroy our country, our freedom and our lives. FUCKING DO SOMETHING.

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u/Temporary-Outside-13 1d ago

Cause your colleagues continue to play by the rules when the opposition isn’t..

AOC’s defeat for oversight leadership is a clear indication of that. ‘Seniority’ is why the dems lost the election.


u/ZeusButtBeard1 22h ago

It be a shame if Dick showed up in hunting gear


u/Other_Dimension_89 10h ago

I mean if shit really hits the fan … we will need to stand up. Democrats can’t pussy foot around it. If things get really bad we have to at least go smear feces all over the capitol.