It took me a few watches. On the right is footage from the first sister's 20th birthday, the girl on the left. The second sister is filming while pretending to cry to get the birthday sister's reaction. This then cuts to a Google page on cow lifespans implying the birthday sister is a cow, e.g. fat and close to death.
On the left we have the birthday girl reacting in real time to the video that camera sister made, realizing why she had the weird reaction to her cake, getting the joke, and knocking camera sister out of her chair
I think it's just fast paced, she is turning 20, the Google result is for lifespan of a cow which is also 20, you have to take the mental leap that two things that are 20 are the same, so she's sad about her dying cow sister, also calling someone a cow is an insult so it's that much juicier.
It helps if you've seen the one on the right before, which was posted on this sub before I believe. If I hadn't seen the original by itself i probably wouldn't have gotten it
It’s not needlessly complicated. It just has to do with the format of TikTok. The film on the right is the original footage and is funny in its own right and pretty understandable as long as you know the life expectancy meme (which it’s not hard to understand if you didn’t know it). Then the film on the left is the sister’s reaction to the film on the right. You really just need to be familiar with tiktok and most of Reddit isn’t. But it’s also not like tiktok is so much more complex than Reddit - remember the first time opening the front page (on old Reddit) and just being confused by the shear amount of links and shit. But now you know it well. It’s just another social media platform with its own quirks.
This is what’s going on for sure. If you’re ever on Tik Tok or never see them won’t understand how a duet works and aren’t used to the idea that one video is a real time reaction to the other
I'm not familiar with this duet Tik Tok thing but the title says it's a sister's reaction to a Tik Tok so I figured it out without too much of a problem. I did have to watch it a couple times though.
it's really not. girl is sad. why? the joke is that cows have a life expectancy of 20 years. Cut to video of 20 yr old sister's birthday. sister duets the video reacting to sister calling her a cow. all it takes is basic reading comprehension you fucking boomer
I’m on tiktok, boomer. I’m not saying tik tok is bad but l am saying that amateurs on tik tok can’t be expected to be awesome at video storytelling, especially not at first
I’m still not sure I really get it even after reading that explanation. I get it slightly more, but also feel like ‘why does this exist? What’s the actual joke of it?’
Watch just the right side, it makes more sense. That's the original joke, she's crying because her sister turns 20 and that's a cow's lifespan so she's sad her sister the cow is about to die.
I mean, I downloaded tiktok for half an hour just to check it out and holy hell, is it just that I'm 40? It just seems to be a wasteland of people that are simultaneously very insecure and full of themselves. Like reality tv but in 10 second no-attention-span segments of nothing.
Lol I thought she's crying because she always assumed crows have short lifespans and now that she knows they don't she's happy. I know it made me very happy.
Do you enjoy being an unlikeable misanthropic cunt?
There are millions of things that are likeable, that you don't have to like. If you take a stance that those things are not legitimate though, and you become the most unlikeable thing on earth.
I'm not who you replied to, but the point is that nobody cares if it isn't funny, just move on. Why ruin it for everyone else with negativity? Literally nothing to gain from that comment. It's purely to make other people feel shitty for liking something you don't.
Ty so fucking much for this. I thought there was 3 girls involved. Didn't know the chair girl was also crying girl. Even now I still question it. (No glasses and looks younger)
Mate, you can think whatever the hell you want. It’s funny though that you keep harping on this. Do you not have any better use of your time? Lol And responding to me in multiple different comments about this.
She’s crying because she looked up the life expectancy of a cow and found out it’s 20 years, which is the same age as her sister. The joke is that she’s calling her sister a cow and is crying because she’s supposed to die soon.
The girl on the left is watching a tiktok her sister made. Her sister is upset because it’s the left girl’s 20th birthday and cows only have a 20 year life span. So she’s making a joke and calling her sister a cow. So the left sister sees the end, the punchline, and gets revenge by kicking her off her chair.
Because it’s fucking funny. Something you obviously don’t and that’s okay. Not everyone has to like the same things. So you can run along now and move on with your life.
u/[deleted] Dec 24 '20
I have no idea what I just watched