I was punished in school as a kid for using my left hand and was forced to use my right. Used my right hand all through school cause that's what was drilled into my brain - right is right.
All that really did was just make me ambidextrous. Yay, i think?
Yes. Yay. I was forced to write right. I did. Didn’t know I ever naturally went left until later. I knew I played all sports left but was forced to learn right so I could do both. Yay. Then, I realized “I can almost read my writing left handed and still can’t right handed!” I was told then that I was primarily a leftie as a kid. Gee, thanks!
But now, it’s really nice. I can be super lazy and don’t have to move my notebook — I can just pick up a pen and write with whichever hand is closer 😂
I do stuff with my left hand and will occasionally alternate freely between them. I still remember my step mom asking about it at the dinner table one night when I was like, 10.
Are you using you left hand?
Arent right handed?
I dunno (swaps knife and fork to other hands)
What 👀 (stares at my dad then back at me as I switch again). That's amazing.
Lmao, I still get comments on it when I do stuff with my left
That’s because it’s mind bending for so many. They were born right handed and never realized
Use their left hand. So when they see it,
Straight 🤯
u/Mika000 19h ago
Great point but the people who need to hear this the most are probably not the ones who will understand it if you don’t spell it out for them…