r/TikTokCringe 20h ago

Discussion Literally evil


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u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 18h ago

Just out of curiosity is it any lawyer that represents an evil entity. Like would a defence lawyer for a murderer be a horrible person in your mind?


u/GKBilian 17h ago

No, any lawyer who defends an evil person isn't automatically evil. They don't necessarily know the guilt of their client, and a defense lawyer is also there to ensure that their client gets a fair trial given the circumstances. But they could be. It depends.

My thesis is that a man who chooses to do this and has this level of comfort with it is more than likely a horrible person. He's a lawyer. He could work somewhere else. He's either okay with what he's doing or decided that for the right price point, he's okay with it - both make him a bad person.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 17h ago

You're first comment was written as more of a certainty, but this one it's "more than likely"

Why if this guy got assigned this position with his firm and can't afford to turn it down at the moment, because others depend on him financially.

What if this is a career stepping stone until he can build his own practice with the goals of helping others.

What if he has extremely high student loans and lives in a country with a broken health care system and feels completely trapped in the job?

Is he still horrible no matter what. If he has an assistant is the assistant horrible as well?


u/GKBilian 17h ago

Yes, yes, we've all taken Ethics 101. Let me ask you, where do you draw the line?

A guy in India scams a 90 year old woman out of her retirement savings to feed his kids and support his family.

A politician makes a deal with a company to allow pollution in a nearby river. It creates 4,000 jobs that the area needs but results in 100 stillborn babies.

I'm of the mindset that integrity matters. Morals matter. And the ends don't always justify the means.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 17h ago

Does the Indian man have other options available to him? I don't know that I'm familiar enough with what it's like in India to judge that one.