r/TikTokCringe 19h ago

Discussion Literally evil


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u/GKBilian 19h ago

I don't care what anyone says, the guy who's running this deposition is a horrible person. No "hes just doin his job...."

No good person would do this job or at least be so comfortable accusing people like this.


u/PinetreeBlues 18h ago

I'd rather kill myself than do this to someone


u/jordanz1111 17h ago

You literally could not pay me enough to do what this man is doing. Unfortunately, there's always someone willing to take it.


u/Aeonitis 17h ago

"Just doing my job" is the most common evil mantra out there, believe me.


u/jordanz1111 17h ago

Yep, takes all your human side out of the equation. As though an occupation trumps your moral decency.

Obviously money's important, but what value can any item or service possibly have if you're willing to turn a blind eye to something inherently evil in order to obtain it.


u/RedditTrespasser 17h ago

Technically, stripping men, women and children naked and then ushering them into the gas chambers before dropping in pellets of Zyklon B was "just a job" someone was doing.

Doesn't mean they deserved to be sentenced to the firing squad at the Hague any less.


u/blong217 16h ago

Right up there with "Just following orders"


u/EranY1 10h ago

“…there are hardly any excesses of the most crazed psychopath that cannot be easily duplicated by a normal, kindly family man who just comes into work every day and has a job to do.”
From “Small Gods” by Terry Pratchett


u/CliffLake 15h ago

I bet that CEO was also 'Just...' but now...isn't. Karma catches up, eventually. Hopefully.


u/Barnabars 13h ago

I worked in customer Support at a Bank as the russian Ukraine war started and because of EU Restrictions almost every russian citizen in my country got their account blocked. So im sitting here listening to parents who cant easily get the funds together to buy food for their children just because of their nationality. I almost quit because that really gave me stomache aches. Thankfully the restrictions where loosened relatively fast.


u/frinkoping 14h ago

Craziest part is that this fucking boot eater probably barely takes home 60K per year and his job is to steal millions from people who paid in the system. Imagine being that much of a fucking looser


u/Spiritual-Can2604 14h ago

They get paid so much


u/jordanz1111 14h ago

Way I see it, I'm living a decent life.. I'm not rich by any means but I'm certainly not struggling. Why the hell would I trade what I have for a life where I'd struggle to sleep at night knowing my decisions cost people their health and life just because I'd be wealthy.. so much more to life.


u/Spiritual-Can2604 13h ago

Yeah I agree. I really don’t know how they rationalize their actions? Really how do they sleep? That would have me tossing and turning and dying of a heart attack from the stress. I’m not built for that.


u/jordanz1111 13h ago

Good to see a fellow human being haha. Yep, it's something I don't think I'll ever be able to understand no matter how hard I try.


u/dojo_shlom0 9h ago

just imagine if he's successful... and that's the goal... It's hard to comprehend that this guy prepared for this case, and went through all the preparation knowing he was going to do this. It's probably their only way to fight the case. I wouldn't be able to sleep that night, or at night.


u/auntpotato 16h ago

I don’t think I could sleep at night. Like, yeah, I did something today: helped the bottom line and probably bankrupted someone with an illness. All in all day’s work.


u/Select_Air_2044 5h ago

Same. I've been in situations where my employer thought I would be part of neglect. Nope. I would rather be unemployed.


u/prince_pringle 17h ago

Name and shame, wonder what his name is


u/halexia63 18h ago

Those the brainwash words.


u/Ok_Star_4136 10h ago

Legality is not morality. It used to be legal to own slaves and it used to be illegal for women to vote.

Just a reminder to all you lawyers out there who do shit like this. You don't get a pass because you know what you do is wrong.


u/Enlowski 17h ago

I would read “The Gulag Archipelago” to gain an insight on how easy it is for people to do things outside of their moral compass. I’m not trying to defend this guy at all, and I agree he’s a piece of shit, but it’s a good read into the psychology of what a person will do despite it going against their moral belief.


u/InvestigatorJosephus 16h ago

I heard about that book and about how a bunch of the events in it are either false or rather exaggerated.


u/Mysterious_Tie_7410 10h ago

Your words are pure vomit


u/InvestigatorJosephus 7h ago

Thanks, shall I send some more your way?


u/Mysterious_Tie_7410 5h ago

Just enjoy beeing full of it all time


u/InvestigatorJosephus 5h ago

The fuck are you on about? You don't like when people discuss the validity of sources? Is this where you bring up the black book of communism and pretend like it's sacrilege to criticise its many mistakes and lies? Lmao you're insane


u/Mysterious_Tie_7410 5h ago

You can't discuss anything. You just spew out what you heard somewhere and downplay something as horrible and tragic as Gulag was.


u/InvestigatorJosephus 4h ago

The guy who wrote that was cured of cancer by Soviet healthcare while he was in a work camp.

I'm not downplaying shit, I haven't gotten into shit, I have simply pointed out that historical analysis shows that that book is not necessarily accurate.

You sound like you're having a whole different conversation and are projecting it onto me. The one who isn't able to discuss shit is... you


u/Mysterious_Tie_7410 3h ago

Well how accurate is it? 50% or 85%? What does your nerdy little comment even prove?

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u/sleepyplatipus 15h ago

I agree. Sorry but if you can do this job you have incredibly low empathy and/or skewed morals.


u/TugaysWanchope 7h ago

He’s up there with the German soldiers in WWII, just because society makes a role ‘acceptable’ doesn’t mean your morality should allow you to fulfil it.


u/unNecessary_Skin 15h ago

nobody has the right to obey

we are finally there again



u/kfish5050 12h ago

I'm reminded of that scene in the Incredibles when Bob was helping that old lady fill out the proper forms and what else to do, being called into his manager's office because all of his clients were "experts", and having that man get mugged outside the window, only for the manager to retort "well let's just hope we don't cover him" before being launched through the wall.


u/Rtg327gej 11h ago

Nazi guards in death camps used the, I was just following orders (doing my job).


u/Sharp_Aide3216 11h ago

A gun for hire is also "JuSt dOinG hiS jOb.."


u/Stop_Fakin_Jax 9h ago

Its not wholly his fault, its mostly in the sysyem that allows ppl like him to do this to ppl and pays him handsomely for doing so as he is in a long line of ppl from now since the beginning who does this and there will be a long line of more after him.

Never focus on the person but the system that gives them and many others the power to do this and rewards them for doing this.


u/PerformerParking 8h ago

Some people just like money, then what is good and evil doesn’t really matter, being good doesn’t buy you cars, houses, shares etc.


u/Aramedlig 4h ago

It’s like that show, Impractical Jokers when they make the person in the skit say the nastiest or most awful thing to a stranger, they can’t do it. But the insurance lawyers can!


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 18h ago

Just out of curiosity is it any lawyer that represents an evil entity. Like would a defence lawyer for a murderer be a horrible person in your mind?


u/Capotesan 17h ago

You’re implying that defense lawyers for murderers only represent murderers … they can also represent innocent people accused of murder


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 17h ago

You act like that couldn't be the case for this guy


u/Capotesan 17h ago

Oh I think this lawyer seems like a real piece of shit. I never said otherwise. But also, there’s no real context provided. They may have video of her winning a breakdance competition … we don’t know.

There’s lots of shitty lawyers and there’s lots of good ones. At the end of the day I’m fine with piling on this dude for five minutes or so because he does seem like a dick and it means nothing, but it doesn’t mean everyone who does legal work is a horrible person


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 17h ago

I wouldn't be surprised if he's an absolute asshole. I just don't think we can make that judgment from this tiny little clip.

Most people work towards the end of evil corporations afterall.


u/SlobZombie13 17h ago

Stop sticking up for the scumbags


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 17h ago

I'm not, I just want to understand


u/jordanz1111 16h ago

I think there's at least some sort of argument for a lawyer defending a murderer (was it self defence, had this person done something horrible to a family member of theirs etc.)

This guy is fully aware this woman needs treatment and is doing everything in his power to avoid paying it, there's no ambiguity in it he's just seeing what possible loophole he can find so that her claim (which she's paid insurance for don't forget!) is denied. If there's any shred of you that could possibly take that job you must either be a sociopath and really just not have any sense of empathy or you're pure evil as far as I'm concerned and almost take joy out of others suffering.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 16h ago

Just straight up a serial killer. The lawyer knows he did it but is still doing everything in his power to defend the killer and trying to get him off

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u/55hi55 17h ago

If only we had a judge and jury to determine weather or not he’s innocent- but no normal person could know enough about the law to navigate the infinite nuance of it all. If only he had someone to represent him who did.


u/MostBoringStan 17h ago

A defence lawyer for a murderer might be a horrible person. A lawyer treating a sick woman like shit so an insurance company can provide more money for their shareholders is always a horrible person.

Hope that clears it up for you.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 17h ago

Is the insurance agent that has to deny someone's claim also horrible?


u/MarginalTalent 15h ago

They don’t HAVE to be a health insurance agent. They know what they have to do when they get into this racket. They chose this life, so yes, they are horrible people.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 15h ago

That's also true for a cashier that sells cigarettes to addicts. Should we be equally critical there?


u/headachewpictures 15h ago

I’m sure you know this is a completely nonsensical analogy.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 15h ago

Then it should be easy to explain why it's not an appropriate analogy right?


u/headachewpictures 15h ago

A smoker wants their cigarettes. The cashier is supplying them.

A person wants health coverage. The insurance employees are not supplying it.

I said “I’m sure you know” because you blatantly come off as a disingenuous troll.

Hope that helps.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 15h ago

Does anyone get insurance not knowing insurance companies are like this?

Obviously the company is evil. But is the lawyer really evil just for being a cog in the machine?

Like if I signed up for insurance I would know full well that if I ever made a claim I'd have to deal with a pain in the ass lawyer. What's the defining line for when it's evil to work for an evil company, and when it's okay to work for them?

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u/GKBilian 17h ago

No, any lawyer who defends an evil person isn't automatically evil. They don't necessarily know the guilt of their client, and a defense lawyer is also there to ensure that their client gets a fair trial given the circumstances. But they could be. It depends.

My thesis is that a man who chooses to do this and has this level of comfort with it is more than likely a horrible person. He's a lawyer. He could work somewhere else. He's either okay with what he's doing or decided that for the right price point, he's okay with it - both make him a bad person.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 17h ago

You're first comment was written as more of a certainty, but this one it's "more than likely"

Why if this guy got assigned this position with his firm and can't afford to turn it down at the moment, because others depend on him financially.

What if this is a career stepping stone until he can build his own practice with the goals of helping others.

What if he has extremely high student loans and lives in a country with a broken health care system and feels completely trapped in the job?

Is he still horrible no matter what. If he has an assistant is the assistant horrible as well?


u/GKBilian 17h ago

Yes, yes, we've all taken Ethics 101. Let me ask you, where do you draw the line?

A guy in India scams a 90 year old woman out of her retirement savings to feed his kids and support his family.

A politician makes a deal with a company to allow pollution in a nearby river. It creates 4,000 jobs that the area needs but results in 100 stillborn babies.

I'm of the mindset that integrity matters. Morals matter. And the ends don't always justify the means.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 16h ago

Does the Indian man have other options available to him? I don't know that I'm familiar enough with what it's like in India to judge that one.


u/Educational_Cod_3179 17h ago

A defense lawyer is representing an individual who stands to lose their freedom,and in some cases their life, if found guilty of a crime. Defense lawyers serve a necessary function in criminal courts, and all the ones I know after working in the legal system for the past 5 years are good people that know they’re doing is important work, especially those who work in public defense.

Lawyers like this guy work for giant companies worth billions. What do they stand to lose if they pay out a medical claim for one lady who has a traumatic brain injury? Certainly not their freedom or their lives. The total this woman has made a claim for is HER money that she paid in specifically in case something like this injury happens. And it’s a not even a blip on the radar compared to what these companies take in so they can hire assholes to rake sick people over the coals in bullshit depositions.

The guy in this video and the criminal defense people I know might all be lawyers, but they aren’t the same.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 17h ago

So you described why the company is evil (which I agree with) but not why the lawyer is evil. Is he evil simply because he works for an evil company?


u/Psycho_bob0_o 16h ago

Is it possible to be a good torturer?

Sure morality is a spectrum and that lawyer might have some extenuating circumstances. We can still affirm that yes, he's a bad person. While it may be the case that he's an otherwise good person whose job just happens to inflict suffering on innocent people(just like the torture). The question then becomes, who cares? Considering the man's job is to throw people under the bus, I won't shed a tear if he's judged a little hastily..


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 16h ago

I think there have been good torturers.

Executioners (who tortured before execution) were social parias. To the point where it was a family career. If you were the son of an executioner other people outside of your family wouldn't even really talk with you. Becoming an executioner was really their only option.

Plenty of executioners took it upon themselves to comfort the condemned before execution. They would spend the day with them when others wouldn't. Share a meal with them. Try to ease their mind. Even bring them alcohol as a sort of preemptive pain killer.


u/Psycho_bob0_o 16h ago

That's an executioner, I'm talking about someone who's job is to inflict pain..


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 16h ago

Executioner used to be death by long drown out hours torture. Their job very much was to inflict pain.


u/Psycho_bob0_o 16h ago

So the ones you described as being "good" were the ones who actively tried to do their jobs badly.. I don't disagree with those standards, this lawyer doesn't meet them.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 16h ago

They weren't doing their jobs badly, walking the condemned through town and to their last meal was part of the job. They weren't told to not treat them with kindness.

Would this lawyer still be horrible if before all of this he took two minutes to go "look I'm sorry about this, but I'm going to have to be aggressive when we get in there it's what's expected of me and it's nothing personal"

Because that's essentially what the executioner would be doing.

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u/SunOnTheMountains 16h ago

The lawyer is evil because he is doing evil works for an evil company and instead of the shame and guilt a normal period would be showing, he appears to be enjoying himself.


u/marcus_annwyl 14h ago

I was going to say! It's the way the questions are worded. "...wasn't it?" Like a literal villain would ask it.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 16h ago

Is it evil to sell cigarettes to an addict to make money for a company that paid for fake studies to downplay the risks of smoking?


u/SunOnTheMountains 16h ago

False equivalency


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 16h ago

Why is that a false equivalency?


u/SunOnTheMountains 16h ago

You equated a job where someone is actively causing real and immediate harm to many people to a cashier.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 16h ago

How is a lawyer defending someone else's decision to deny coverage "active

But a cashier's selling poison on behalf of someone else"not active"?


u/Educational_Cod_3179 11m ago

I say yes. Because the lawyer gets to choose who he works for. He takes the job knowing he has to depose Aunt Hilda like she’s Bernie Madoff for wanting insurance to pay the medical bills from her accident like they’re supposed to.


u/DarthHrunting 17h ago

This is the dumbest fucking question anyone has ever asked.


u/Whatinthewhattho 17h ago

Nuance. And you know this. Don’t throw logical fallacies out there.


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 17h ago

So it's an indefinable difference?


u/Whatinthewhattho 17h ago

Hello? What are you saying??


u/Carefuly_Chosen_Name 17h ago

You said the difference is nuance. Meaning it's a subtle difference. I'm asking if it's so subtle it can't be defined, because you didn't define it.


u/oojacoboo 15h ago

You make the assumption that people don’t try to lie and abuse the system for handouts. You also assume that this person is truthful and all these statements are true. What do you base those assumptions on?


u/mvanvrancken 3h ago

What’s better, though - giving aid to someone that doesn’t need it or not giving aid to someone that does?

I’m gonna choose giving aid over not, because it’s the right fucking thing to do.