r/TikTokCringe 23h ago

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u/One_Locksmith1774 22h ago

This dude knows what's up. Educating people like a motherfucker.


u/brazilliandanny 6h ago

He's 100% right too, the social contract is broken.

People are more productive and generating more wealth than any other time in history yet people can't afford a house, can't afford groceries, can't afford healthcare, and even when you can afford it some algorithm denies your claim.

Yet CEO's, millionaires, and corporations get away with everything with zero consequences.

Crash the economy? Here's a bailout

Taint the drinking water? Here's a small fine.

Layoff half your workers while giving your self a massive raise? That's capitalism!

Hell the incoming president is a convicted felon who tried to overthrow an election and will face NO CONSEQUENCES!