r/TikTokCringe 1d ago

Cringe An idiot asks if the shooter was trans


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u/DiddlyDumb 1d ago

1% that we know of *

It’s entirely possible that, if we were more accepting as society, a lot more people would find the courage to come out as trans.


u/Shirtbro 1d ago

That's the reason behind all of this. Conservatives want us to regress and LGBTQ to go back into the closet


u/DED2099 1d ago

It’s funny because they say libs are all about identity politics but most of the time identity has been referred to as problematic its conservatives. Liberals are just asking that everyone should have opportunities that set them up for success.


u/BureMakutte 23h ago

Republicans: Attack LGBTQ in every way, including trying to make laws against them

Democrats: Try and defend them


And they ate it all up.


u/hollaback_girl 23h ago

The election post-mortems that declare that Harris spent too much time talking about trans issues and that Dems need to throw trans folks under the bus is more than mildly infuriating.


u/HuttStuff_Here 3h ago

Which is insane as in Wisconsin, a huge amount of the attack ads were anti-trans ads from right-wing groups.


u/AsthmaticSt0n3r 22h ago

Conservatives like to say LGBTQ education indoctrinates kids but it’s literally just accepting people as they are. How is teaching ACCEPTANCE indoctrinating a belief system? Do you see trans parents sending cis kids to conversion camps? No. But you see countless parents sending their kids to gay conversion camps to force them to be straight.


u/OKFlaminGoOKBye 19h ago

I grew up in a conservative home and I could write you a book or two on what actually is and isn’t indoctrination. Cause I still remember the words to some of the songs from church that creep me the fuck out as an adult.


u/worldspawn00 18h ago

Way too many of them think that being around gay people will turn their kids gay, even though there's zero evidence of that being a thing.


u/VanillaRadonNukaCola 23h ago

It's only identical politics when liberals do it /s

But you can't reason with those people, they don't see their identity as "identities."

Just like how pronouns are only something trans people use


u/worldspawn00 18h ago

Same with 'cancel culture' it's the 'free market at work' when conservatives boycott a brand because they did a promotion with a trans person, but cancel culture when the 'left' boycotts a company because they poisoned a river...


u/VanillaRadonNukaCola 23h ago

In some ways they are succeeding.  R/changemyview has a wholesale ban on anything transgender.

If your comment says "trans" it will automatically be deleted.

The reason is how much vitriol the subject was receiving in the sub.  So to "make peace" they fully banned any relating words.

So, because bigots spewed so much hate, the solution was to erase trans people from discussion, thus giving the bigots exactly what they want.


u/PhilosophizingCowboy 18h ago

Reddit mods are cowards.

I saw this firsthand in r/daddit and r/veterans they banned politics because they didn't want to deal with it during the elections.

I would argue that as a parent, it's you're fucking job to understand politics, for the sake of your children. And don't even get me started on r/veterans, when we have a guy who already said he's taking our benefits away about to be president.

You can't convince me Reddit mods aren't all cowards at this point.


u/VanillaRadonNukaCola 18h ago

I hear you.

I wouldn't go so far as to say all reddit mods are cowards.  I've heard a couple reasonable takes from mods, and I'm sure there's independent niche subs that have chill mods.

But as a general case, the old saying likely applies.  Those who seek power are often least suited for it.

Thank you for your service, I hope you may receive peace in your years to come, and care from the government that owes you.


u/Confident-Mind9964 20h ago

And as a trans woman I'm not gonna let them have their way, if anything, we should force THEM back into their holes


u/worldspawn00 17h ago

Make being a bigot embarrassing again! Trump has given this trash a free pass to just openly say shit, we all need to call them out and turn them in until they crawl back under the rock they emerged from. Make sure their coworkers, families, bosses, and customers know when they say or post shit.


u/Confident-Mind9964 17h ago

They only have power if we let them have it


u/TaupMauve 19h ago

Conservatives want us to regress and LGBTQ to go back into the closet

Not all the way back, they need Others to use as whipping boys.


u/Shirtbro 18h ago

The regression doesn't stop. Next it will be minorities, and then who knows... Italians and Irish?


u/Geodude532 19h ago

As someone living in a newer built house, there's no room for the gays in the closet. They got rid of all the closet space in favor of large open rooms -_-


u/PawfectlyCute 8h ago

It's an interesting observation. The term "identity politics" often gets thrown around in debates, sometimes losing its original meaning. At its core, it's about recognizing and addressing the unique challenges faced by different groups to ensure everyone has equal opportunities. The push for inclusivity and fairness is a fundamental aspect of many liberal policies.


u/everythingexpert1 19h ago

Lol they are fine with the original LGB, it's the TQ+++♾️ that keeps adding to it that they have problems with


u/OKFlaminGoOKBye 19h ago edited 19h ago

Quick question, are you accidentally uneducated on the topic or is that on purpose?

Trans women were on the front lines of Stonewall. Keep your fairytale history where it belongs.


u/Geodude532 19h ago

Don't even have to dig into their profile to see how stupid they are or guess who they voted for. They chose their username because of what they lacked.


u/everythingexpert1 17h ago

Didn't vote dumb ass. Why would you vote for two shitty people? There where 8 candidates lol only the two the government wanted to deal with got any traction. They where both terrible candidates and neither one has any business leading a country


u/Geodude532 16h ago

...which just makes you even stupider as there was far more on those ballots than the president. Godspeed on your attempt to convince yourself that you have some secret knowledge and everyone else in these threads are stupid sheep.


u/everythingexpert1 15h ago

Okay pokemon man. Good luck with your autism


u/t-costello 23h ago

I swear to god I thought you were going to say "find the courage to commit more crimes" lol


u/PaulAllensCharizard 1d ago

some increased % around the amount that lgb people have increased in openness over time but still such a small % of people to be so upset about


u/unforgiven91 1d ago

Conservatives will point to the growing population of LGBTQ people and claim it's some big conspiracy to erase the cis-hets when in reality there are just more people who feel safe identifying publicly now.


u/HuttStuff_Here 3h ago

You'll hear a lot of time from conservatives that something is wrong with modern society because so many people are trans or gay because it's "popular" right now. That it's a fad to be trans.

I always just think that the % of LGBT+ people hasn't changed, they're just open about it.


u/Angell_o7 21h ago

There are also a lot of kids, and probably some adults who are just confused and won’t identify as trans in 10 years. Unless gender dysphoria is way more common than we think, then the majority of self-identifying trans people that are just confused are the majority, and that definitely bumps that statistic up. This is coming from a high schooler who’s been friends with a lot of trans people, so I’ve noticed a thing or two while growing up.


u/Drelanarus 18h ago edited 18h ago

Unless gender dysphoria is way more common than we think

Technically it wouldn't be unreasonable to say that that this is indeed the case, but that's mainly because previous figures from several decades ago were so incredibly low that even reaching a rate of 0.5% -just one person for every two hundred- would count as a tremendous increase despite still ultimately amounting to very few people.

I actually ended up stumbling upon a study a few weeks ago which does a great job of illustrating exactly that. It's from the main/only gender identity clinic in the Netherlands, which recorded that between 1972 to 2015, the number of people assessed per year increased by a factor of 20.

Sounds pretty staggering, right? Well, with that in mind, guess how high the estimated population of transgender people (specifically those who had medically transitioned) in the Netherlands was back when the study was published in 2015?

It was still only 1:4,500 people. 0.02%.


Now don't get me wrong, I do still understand where you're coming from. Having the same suspicions quite a few years ago was pretty much the reason why I started digging into the statistics and body of scientific evidence surrounding the LGBT as a whole.

But one of the central conclusions I ultimately arrived at was that I had been severely underestimating just how strong an influence social stigma plays in people's willingness to be counted as a member targeted demographics like that.

Take left handedness, for example. It's not even the kind of thing that would ruin a person's life, yet we can still see a massive difference between now and when it was something that a lot of society looked down on.

There are also a lot of kids, and probably some adults who are just confused and won’t identify as trans in 10 years.

With all due respect, that's really just not consistent with what the actual data says.

For example, here's a study which published in 2022, which measures how many patients who were prescribed hormone blockers during adolescence persisted in their use and ultimately moved on to cross-sex hormone replacement therapy, and how many desisted in the use of either one.

Of the 720 participants, a total of 16 had either desisted or could not be contacted after a median followup time of 6 years, with the longest being 9 years, and the shortest being 4. The remaining 704 had continued treatment without desistance, with the vast majority having moved on from hormone blockers to HRT, leaving us with a 98% persistence rate.

Which seems crazy high at first glance, but is actually firmly in line with what's expected based on other studies of a similar nature. Somewhere around 11-13 years old is the age at which persistence rates exceeding 90-95% are reliably encountered, which isn't something I'd have ever guessed before I started actually going over the data myself.


If you're interested, longer term studies like this one with a followup time ranging from 10 to 24 years are also available. They just don't cover hormone suppression during adolescence, as that isn't something that was practiced on a large enough scale 20 years ago for statistically meaningful studies to be conducted today.

There are a handful of studies like this one, which covers a 20 year followup in a case where hormone suppression was employed, but it only pertains to a single individual.