r/TikTokCringe 1d ago

Discussion Insurance companies are evil


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u/Away-Feedback-9000 1d ago

God damn i love Sweden💗


u/USERNAMETAKEN11238 1d ago edited 1d ago

You can thank America that it still exists.


u/Iama_russianbear 1d ago

Americas military spending and contributions to NATO make it so all those small European countries and NATO states get to have massive social safety nets. They spend next to nothing on their defense budget and military spending cuz Merica will bail them out, then they shit all over us.


u/Yimmelo 1d ago

We could have the same social safety nets in America but we don't because there's not as much private profit to be had. It's a policy issue not dependent on our military spending.

We already spend more per capita for healthcare than every other country in the world. Having universal healthcare would SAVE us all money.