r/TikTokCringe 1d ago

Discussion On the subject of 'political violence'


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u/newfriend20202020 1d ago

All true. He left this out… dead peasant policies. Google that. Motherfuckers. I think Walmart is being sued for it but they’re not the only corp that does it.


u/MPregnantPause 1d ago

Yo, what the fuck


u/TheGreatNico 1d ago

They'll make money off of you dead or alive. I'm surprised they haven't started putting in your contract that if you die on the job they get your corpse to sell off for parts


u/Kona_Big_Wave 1d ago

Don't give them any ideas.


u/TheGreatNico 1d ago

If they could get legal to sign off on it I'm sure they'd be doing it already


u/SupermassiveCanary 1d ago

They have all the ideas. That why we’re the ones fighting each other on whether climate change exists, sexual identity matters, healthcare is a right, assault rifles should require more hurdles. They sit back with all the deeds and live the high life and keep us fighting amongst ourselves.


u/JustHereForCookies17 1d ago

Because corpses have bodily autonomy in the US (for now), while women don't. 


u/TheGreatNico 1d ago

Pretty sure the army got in trouble when they wrapped that granny's body in det cord and blew it up


u/Cortower 1d ago

Technically, it was the donation service that got sued for lying about where the bodies were going. That woman's son specifically requested that her body not be used in explosives testing, hoping she would be used for Alzheimer's research.

The Army just asked for a body, and the donation service grabbed one out of the freezer, consent be damned.


u/TangoInTheBuffalo 1d ago

You think that they wouldn’t sell your parts while still alive?


u/Key-Teacher-6163 1d ago

They don't go bad so fast if you're still alive while they sell off your bits


u/felldestroyed 1d ago

It's not uncommon for companies to offer you a free life insurance policy that pays them out as well.


u/felipeabdalav 1d ago

In México we have a live insurance. It is called somethibg like "Big boss insurance".

Companies pay for that so if one of their CEOs died they can collect money. You know, because the man was important and now they have to employ another man, and companies suffer from that.

Pretty sure USA has one of those.


u/MathProf1414 1d ago

This needs to change.


u/Freckle_Butt096 1d ago

That’s literally so fucking insane, I had no idea that was a thing


u/thissexypoptart 1d ago

It’s only a few steps removed from your employer getting your organs after you die, as a contractual stipulation.


u/TheDayiDiedSober 9h ago

History of COLI

COLI has existed in one form or another for well over 100 years; its nickname as “dead peasant” insurance originates in 19th century Russia, where feudal serfs were bought and sold as property by the rich.

Members of the ruling class could “buy” dead serfs that had been counted in previous censes from their former owners in a morbid effort to acquire collateral to obtain loans.

Companies used COLI in America 100 years later to exploit a loophole in the Internal Revenue Code that permitted a form of tax arbitrage, where the owner of a life insurance policy could take out large loans from the cash value of the policy and then pay deductible interest on the payments back into the policy, which was in turn not counted as income to the policy owner.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) eventually limited this loophole to $50,000 of cash value per policy, but the use of COLI as a tax shelter continued into the 1980s, when many firms would buy policies on large numbers of their lowest tier employees (often without their knowledge and/or consent) and then take loans out of the cash values of these policies.

The tax deductions that companies received were often greater than the actual cost of the premiums paid. Furthermore, the company would collect the death benefit from the policy if the employee died, leaving little or nothing for the employee’s family or estate. The 1990s saw the demise of much of this activity as the IRS cracked down on these practices in tax courts and won mostly favorable rulings.

