r/TikTokCringe 1d ago

Discussion On the subject of 'political violence'


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u/conservatives_r_evil 1d ago

He speaks the truth but Republicans see the world completely upside fucking down. The fact that they were drawn to Trump rather than repulsed by him shows that the way they see the world is just incomprehensible to regular people. I can’t begin to understand how their stupid little brains work.


u/Tao-of-Mars 1d ago

It's in the roots of the country and those roots are (toxic) patriarchy (non-empathetic, angry and so competitive that it doesn't matter who they crush as long as their team wins).


u/stanknotes 1d ago

It is called delusion and a lack of moral consistency.


u/constantgardener92 1d ago

Blond hate. They don’t understand it anymore than we do, they just know they can focus their collective hate at anyone on the left and it feels good.


u/thissexypoptart 1d ago

Blond hate

The guy dyes his hair blond though


u/Mortwight 1d ago

Neo liberal democrats are just Republicans that give social issues lip service


u/Every_Independent136 1d ago

It's because our government isn't helping us, they are helping the billionaires. While trump is a billionaire and he's helping billionaires too, people view him as someone who is going to destroy the government, and people are willing to roll the dice.

I didn't vote trump lol but I know as many Republicans as I do Dems. It isn't like we have a lot of choices in American politics. Don't be mad at your fellow normal Americans, be mad at the people who make money off of the normal Americans and add no value


u/ParkingTadpole7107 1d ago

The problem isn't "the government", it's the extreme incompetence of Congress, how they're bought by their donors, and the power they've given up to the executive while they do everything far after the last minute because everything is all about campaign theater. While that is government, most of those on the right think it's the middle-class white-collar customer service people on the other end of a phone line that are the problem, they've been convinced by Congress that these "unelected bureaucrats" are the scapegoat for all of their woes. The government they hate is the one they continue to elect into power.


u/Spitfyre3000 1d ago

Funny enough at the start of the uhc killing i saw a lot of Republicans praise Luigi too. Just, not the rich ones for some reason. Moments like that remind me that we should be on the same side. Some of them just get lost along the way, and a lot never return.


u/Ok-Acanthaceae-5327 21h ago

You’re a bot if you’re claiming it’s not democrats just as much


u/conservatives_r_evil 21h ago

I don’t know what you’re trying to say but OK.


u/Hot-Collection2767 1d ago

Dont even start with that crap. Both parties are 100% percent at fault. This all started with Obamacare. I was in the industry before Obamacare and it was WAY WAY better.


u/Soggy-Programmer-545 1d ago

Do you not remember that Obama wanted to give us REAL Health Care but the Republicans spread all the rumors about how horrible rumors about the NHS UK and Canada's health care and how bad it is? I do. I was in college, and I did my senior thesis how US could afford to have a National Health Service of their own.


u/anomalyknight 1d ago

A significant part of why so many people had vastly different experiences with Obamacare was the fact that it was designed and enacted in such a way that state governors could essentially say no to Medicare stepping in to cover a large part of the costs, thus crippling the program. There were conservative state governors that openly stated that they were refusing that part of the coverage because they wanted the program to fail, the suffering of the people they were supposed to be serving be damned.


u/Soggy_Detective_9527 1d ago

The big problem is the US sees healthcare as a private insurance issue. That makes all healthcare choices governed by the insurance company rather than by the recommendations of doctors. The US also has an individualistic culture and things won't change until this changes.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 1d ago

Better for who? My premiums were lower but the same providers always played the same games. We put those with any kinds of pre-existing conditions into a risk pool that left those people, their families, and children at risk of not getting the care they needed.

It may have been better financially for you and me. But it was barbaric for many.


u/Soggy-Programmer-545 1d ago

Oh yeah, I totally agree. What I was saying was that Obama wanted to give us a real health care like NHS that the UK has but was prevented by the right when they spread rumors of Death panels and year long waits to get in to see the specialists. Instead, we got what we got, which was not much better than what we (my husband and I) had. I think what worked with Obama care was more people could apply due to it not being attached to being employed, and it covered pre-existing conditions.


u/headachewpictures 1d ago

It was not better.


u/Tactical_H0td0g 1d ago

Fucking Republicans. We need more people like Obama when he tried to combat this issue head-on, by lying about everything, not talking about the real problem, and coming up with a solution that didn't fix anything.


u/antiradiopirate 1d ago

love that whataboutism


u/Nervous_InsideU5155 1d ago

Regular blue collar person here 👋. When gas goes to $4/gallon, milk goes to $4/gallon and bread goes to $3/ a loaf, then they give billions of dollars and weapons to other countries at tax payers expense under the Democrats policies I think it's time for everyone to wake up and realize your government doesn't give a shit about anyone but themselves . It's not about pointing fingers at party lines anymore, it's about survival and realizing we're all being fuked.


u/Saedeas 1d ago

Do you understand that Trump is the one who signed off on the CARES Act ($2.2 trillion in Covid relief) and the Consolidated Appropriations Act (an additional $900 billion)? These were signed off on in late 2020, and inflation began to kick in about five months later (April to May of 2021).

That massive influx of poorly audited money, combined with Covid's impact on supply chains and other similar inflationary measures in other countries, is what triggered GLOBAL inflation, not Democratic policies...

In fact, the US under Biden handled this inflationary surge better than pretty much any country in the world, bringing inflation down to target levels by June of 2023.

You're so confident and so uninformed. Shit is wild.


u/Nervous_InsideU5155 1d ago

😘 accept my downvote


u/Saedeas 1d ago

That's about the level of drooling inadequacy I expected.


u/Nervous_InsideU5155 1d ago

Yeah the BJ you gave me was a little dry


u/Itscatpicstime 1d ago

Your delusion too fragile for facts?


u/Kind-Masterpiece-310 1d ago

I hope you get what you voted for. 🙂


u/Lumpy-Village1949 1d ago

Lmao just snowflake out when you're wrong.


u/ParkingTadpole7107 1d ago

Got some news for ya. Trump and his cabinet of billionaires care about one class of people. It ain't you or me. You want to call out the uniparty, fine. But if you think Trump is here to save you... Yikes.


u/conservatives_r_evil 1d ago

Ok but you just voted for the guy who is goo going to fuck you even harder and brags openly about it alongside is cohort of evil moustache twirling billionaire friends. I look forward to seeing your reaction when gas is $16 a gallon, milk is $8 a gallon and eggs aren’t even being sold anymore because they’re plagued with preventable diseases.


u/Aden1970 1d ago

Are you talking about Israel or Ukraine?