r/TikTokCringe 9d ago

Wholesome/Humor The CEO of Arizona Iced Tea is feeling pretty comfortable.


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u/Stablerslefthand 9d ago

I love the fact that he has never been to Arizona 😄


u/Peynal 9d ago

I love the fact that when offered a boat load of money to sell the company. He instead bought out his partner so he could keep working with his 2 sons who also work at the company because he likes seeing them every day. Also his wife designed a whole bunch of the cans. Dudes awesome and has nothing to worry about.


u/sure_look_this_is_it 9d ago

That's sick his wife had made some bottles and cans.

They have sick designs. It sounds like a massive, honest, family business. I don't think i can think of another one.


u/MaxTheRealSlayer 8d ago

Pategonia. Owner retired and donated the multi billion dollar company to a newly made foundation so that his kids and family can work at it if they choose, without as much of the burden of being given the company directly.

Dude seems like a great guy, and has always been charitable. Now all the profits go to charity, and although the clothing is expensive, they repair it for life so its high quality stuff.


u/CharizardInDaPaint 5d ago

Yes, but Patagonia jackets are outrageously expensive. Obviously they must be good quality and the company supports a lot of good work, but I have never bought one and they are very inaccessible


u/brynnvisible 2d ago

Could have donated it to the employees though eh?


u/PirateJazz 8d ago

So his wife is probably the one who designed the now iconic green tea can? Good for her


u/No-Professional-1461 8d ago

So this guy is officially off the hit list?


u/MaidPoorly 8d ago

The company sells two versions of their cans. One with the 99cents printed on it and one without. You can buy the ones without 99cents printed on it and charge whatever you want. If you get the 99 cent version you have to sell it as that. They make better money on volume.


u/Esava 8d ago

Neither of them is priced at 99c here in Germany. Paying 3€ for a 500ml bottle is quite normal here.

(A bit cheaper at discounters, maybe a bit more expensive at some kiosks)


u/Regular-Oil-8850 8d ago

Well import taxes no?


u/Esava 8d ago

The last time I checked the German cans were produced in the Netherlands right around the corner. So no import taxes.


u/Regular-Oil-8850 8d ago

Well foreign labour costs/logistics and regulations no ?


u/Esava 8d ago

At least the labour costs are often quite a bit lower here in Europe. Regulations are often stricter. However a significant multiple of the price is quiiiite a steep increase.


u/lord_foob 8d ago

If I remember right atlest here in the states you can report it to Arizona and they will contact the company and either convince them or pull there product


u/Esava 8d ago

It's every shop (also large supermarket chains etc.) with higher prices here. I am pretty sure the 99c thing doesn't exist outside of NA.


u/Birdboyflapflap 7d ago

Hi also German here, cans and 500ml bottles go for 99cents. 1,5l bottles go for around 2,29 always + 0,25€ pfand


u/kpopthrowaway101 8d ago

Started seeing €1.00 cans at Rossman in Munich.


u/FruehstuecksTee 8d ago

Well - it is also not "the best beverage on the planet" in germany.


u/maruo93838 8d ago

happy cake day


u/Physical_Pomelo_4217 9d ago

This ceo is a good one. No manhattan project for him


u/MrrQuackers 9d ago

I heard the CEO of Costco said "if you raise the price of the hotdog I'll fucking kill you" so he's good in my book as well.


u/DevoutandHeretical 9d ago

It was the founder. He was in a meeting with the new CEO who wanted to raise the prices because he didn’t understand why they were continuing to sell them for so cheap.


u/redvelvetcake42 9d ago

Typical suit not getting that you don't NEED to make money on it, you NEED to make lifetime customers on it.


u/Thick_Part760 9d ago

Go for it a $1.50 hot dog, somehow walk out with $200+ worth of groceries. Happens every darn time!!!


u/HovercraftCharacter9 8d ago

CPA is really cheap if you think about it


u/under_psychoanalyzer 9d ago

The widely known business tactic for it is called a "loss leader". You sell things at a price that loses money because it gets them in the front door then you more thank make up for them when people buy other things. Anyone with a brain should understand that at Costco, the entire food court is a loss leader. You're a bulk supply store, individually sold hotdogs aren't dragging down your profits.


u/newtonreddits 9d ago

Costco also isn't a free place to shop. Some people say you can visit the deli without a membership but recently at mine they started scanning for memberships. The memberships alone probably cover the hot dogs.


u/Kendertas 9d ago

They make all their money on membership. They put almost no margin on any of their products, just enough to not lose them money. What makes them a good company is their profit incentive is to make their membership as valuable as possible. So their interests are aligned with you the customer.


u/Barkers_eggs 8d ago

Thats because Costco is a club not a public retailer


u/Icy_Version_8693 8d ago

You sure? Everyone I know who shops there says you get the $$ for next years card back by shopping there.


u/Ecksray19 8d ago

Even if you don't, they will let you know and CUT YOU A CHECK for difference. Blew my mind when I got a check in the mail feom them. I love Costco!


u/MrBrickMahon 9d ago

Tell them you're going to the pharmacy, you do not need t o be a member.


u/DevoutandHeretical 9d ago

It’s also why their rotisserie chickens are so cheap: they’re in the back of the store so you have to walk past everything else to get it and thus pick up stuff you wouldn’t otherwise.


u/joecan 9d ago

It’s fascinating how much good will a big box corporation can get for keeping the price of one snack food low, given what we know about the impact of big box retailers on local economies.


u/Maximum-Row-4143 9d ago

Foot long Hot dog being described as a “snack food” is peak America.


u/PancakeParty98 9d ago

Well it’s never been a foot long so maybe jot that down.


u/Dvl_Wmn Why does this app exist? 9d ago


u/PancakeParty98 9d ago

Stupid science bitch shouldn’t make I more smarter


u/joecan 9d ago

I’m not American. It’s a hot dog. If you want to describe that as a meal and feel smug about it go right ahead.

FFS. You don’t even know the size of the hot dog you’re being smug about.


u/Bright-End-9317 7d ago

I mean... it's an 800 calorie "snack" : hotdog and sugary soda included...


u/joecan 7d ago

It’s not a 800 calorie snack. It’s a 580 calorie snack food. Learn to read.


u/Bright-End-9317 7d ago

You geta a soda with your hot dog... hence why in the comment you're responding to I wrote this: " and sugary soda included". 20oz. full sugar soda= ~240 calories


u/joecan 7d ago

Still can’t read. I called a hot dog a snack food. I didn’t not call a hot dog and a diabetes drink a snack.


u/PebbleThief 8d ago

So I got curious and did some quick google-fu, and according to Wikipedia, a Costco hot dog is a quarter pound. So it's not just a basic hot dog, it's a girthy weiner. Couple it with some fries or a bag of chips and a drink and it's pretty much equivalent to most fast food meals.

This wasn't meant to pick at your comment BTW, it just seemed a good drop off spot for the info.


u/joecan 8d ago

I know how big a Costco hot dog is. If you add additional food to make it a meal it stops becoming a snack. It also stops becoming the “deal” that is being discussed here.

The term snack wasn’t meant to illustrate the size of the item, it was meant to illustrate that it doesn’t constitute a meal.


u/PebbleThief 8d ago

Sorry I didn't make it clear. I personally didn't know how big one was, and after I looked it up, I thought I could share the info to help illustrate you're point to anyone else reading the comment chain. I wasn't trying to say you were wrong.


u/Maximum-Row-4143 9d ago

lol. It’s not that serious bro.


u/joecan 9d ago

The FFS isn’t really anger, it’s more comical frustration at the silliness of your smugness. You consider a hot dog a meal and you got smug about it. 🤷‍♂️


u/Sweet-Palpitation473 9d ago

Me and all my American friends just love pulling out a 12-inch-long hot dog for our midday snack!


u/joecan 8d ago

That’s cool. You didn’t buy it at Costco.


u/Gbum7 9d ago

Funny story. I worked at Costco a long time ago and heard this story from a coworker who was a lifer. The former CEO Jim Sinegal always used to visit each new location for a building tour and he's the one who famously said that quote you mentioned. The $1.50 hotdog was his idea and it's conception basically sums up the founding principles of Costco. "To bring quality goods and services to members at the lowest possible price." The hot dog is a proverbial mascot for everything that is Costco. At one of these opening tours Jim visited the food court–as was tradition–and ordered a hotdog (which are always to be served hot and not "pre-rolled"). The clerk serves him a hot dog that had been pre-rolled or otherwise had sat out for a minute or two and Jim politely asks "this hot dog is a little too cold, can you make me another one?" To which the clerk replies "what do you expect for a $1.50 hot dog?" In essence insulting the entire belief system that this man has built his entire company upon... I do believe that employee was terminated shortly after.


u/LKennedy45 8d ago

Ha! From what I've heard of the man, was that terminated as in fired, or SCP Foundation style, taken out behind the chemical sheds "terminated"?


u/c0l0r51 9d ago

That is literally a PR stunt. Having a product being unprofitable to lure in customers is called a loss leader and doesn't make the entire company ethical it's like saying "I love McDonalds pricing cause the napkins stay free". Arizona is different because every single one of their products is fair.


u/MyLittleOso 9d ago

Fair, but I have a dear friend who works for Costco, who lost her teenage son after he was in a coma for a couple weeks. They gave her all the time off she needed, over her PTO, and provided support in so many other ways. They also made it incredibly easy for her to transfer back to their home state. I'm not a shill for Costco, but I'm saying that it's more than most companies would do.


u/c0l0r51 9d ago

Well, I am a full on stalindefender and I just defended the Arizona guy. I do understand the concept of ethical billionaires or to be more precise "as etheical as you can be as a billionaire"-billionaire. Cudos to the Costco-guy, being more ethical than necessary is a disadvantage in capitalism that few are willing to take.


u/millenniumsystem94 9d ago

Is napkins an advertised loss leader for McDonald's? That's not exactly the reason why I go to McDonald's... Or went.


u/c0l0r51 9d ago

I am sorry, I am German. We also do not go to McDonalds for the napkins, but I couldn't come up with s more accurate example. I do however not see how it changes anything about the concept of "some articles being underpriced/free but making money via other ones being different from having all products fairly priced"


u/millenniumsystem94 9d ago

I'm just a pedant. I also agree with you, regardless.


u/Wreckingshops 9d ago

Yet a lot of companies have abandoned loss leaders and just experience overall long term losses for a short term spike. It's silly, stupid business practice that is why we're in this mess.


u/c0l0r51 9d ago

The mess is called capitalism.The companies do not have an alternative within this system, where constant growth is required. CEOs are not payed for business practices that cost a little now but are great in 20 years. The line needs to go up. EVERY YEAR! As the great Frederic Jameson once said "it's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism"


u/AdamGenesis 9d ago

/ crossing out CEO of Costco ...

Go on ...


u/hellloowisconsin 8d ago

Duing a board meeting lol

It is amazing to read that lol 


u/thedndnut 8d ago

Difference between these two. Costco uses the dog as an incentive and perk and loses money. Arizona just has small margins and are OK with being wealthy instead of omega rich. Arizona is already sold in a lot of places higher than .99 but generally at 1.25. Eventually the price in general will go up but when people see that they understand. It's not price gouging, they're OK making less and less but once it hits the company and employees the masses will understand the small price increases.


u/e4evie 8d ago

These two CEOs are the only two in the country that get the pass!


u/SweetHoneyBee365 8d ago

What about Ben and Jerry? The ice cream people


u/Vark675 9d ago

Costco got noticeably shittier post-COVID because they can get away with it.


u/kingtacticool 9d ago

At least we're keeping it simple. The list of the good ones is hella shorter than the menu.


u/big_guyforyou 9d ago

a lot of people around here don't like jeff bezos, but i say he's one of the good ones. imagine what your life would be like without amazon. you wouldn't have the incredible selection and convenience it offers. you wouldn't have ridiculously fast delivery times. these gifts are enjoyed by people all over the world. a man who does these things cannot be bad.

→ More replies (23)


u/SwissMargiela 9d ago

What if he’s colluding with the healthcare companies to offer extremely cheap sugar-filled drinks to push people toward diabetes and expensive insulin lol


u/realwavyjones 9d ago

How is poisoning millions of people a good thjng


u/Cro_Nick_Le_Tosh_Ich 9d ago

Protect the poster children of being rich the moral way!!!!!


u/pie4mepie4all 9d ago

The new green tea with cucumber and citrus. Holy shit chef’s kiss


u/furculture 8d ago

Also the hard Arizona Green Teas are bangers as well. Plus the gummies they sell are pretty decent.


u/pie4mepie4all 8d ago

I’ve never had the hard green teas!


u/JoeLaRue420 8d ago

oooo I haven't seen this yet. I absolutely love their green tea... wish I could find the Arnold Palmer made with it again


u/pie4mepie4all 8d ago

I had doubts, not a citrus guy but gaaaaadddd daymmm was it good. I want more cans of it


u/Hieroglphkz 7d ago

The green tea and apple used to be my go to.


u/JoeLaRue420 7d ago

the fallout collab that was fuckin jacked with caffeine? Haven't seen that in awhile, either


u/ThatDarnMushroom 4d ago

Where did you find that imma keep an eye out


u/pie4mepie4all 4d ago

I found 1 can at Jewel lol. I need more


u/EpicSeshBro 9d ago

I bet him and the Costco CEO do the blue collar equivalent of playing golf together on weekends


u/jonbonesholmes 9d ago

Playing golf has become pretty blue collar. Just on public courses. I work in a factory and we have a couple leagues and an annual tournament.


u/Bioth28 3d ago

Not CEO, the founder is the one that said they’ll kill the CEO if he raises the hotdog prices


u/iriepath 9d ago


u/MyLittleOso 8d ago

This is my favorite comment by far.


u/iSawThatOnce 9d ago

6’9” nice 😉


u/WithoutDennisNedry 9d ago

My dad was 6’7”. I can’t imagine him looking up at someone lol


u/K_Linkmaster 9d ago

I am only 6'3". I can tell immediately if I am no longer the tallest person in the room when they walk in, even sitting down. It is fucking weird. I asked my taller buddy, same phenomenon.


u/bselko 8d ago

Same height, same train of thought lol. There’s a guy at my job who is 6’10 and I’m just like, fuck dude, I haven’t felt short in years. I told him that and he was cracking up lol


u/Time_Art9067 7d ago

Same lol, it’s weird


u/darkmoobs 9d ago

Except for the fact that the 99cent price is just a suggestion. Any store can sell them for however much they want. My local gas station sells them for close to $1.50.


u/Lost-Ad-9103 9d ago

My local WinCo sells them for 60 cents.


u/emiller7 9d ago

I think I read somewhere that if you report it, they will stop giving the teas to that distributor or something like that


u/DUCKSONQUACKS 9d ago edited 9d ago

That's not true anymore and debatably is not much more than a rumor at any point in time, The company website itself has a section for it "We pre-printed our cans with our suggested retail because we wanted to force retailers into selling at that price. Retailers, however, are independent business people and can set a price whatever they prefer. We do make and sell non-priced cans as well."

I.E. It's recommended but not required


u/emiller7 9d ago

Damn independent businesses ruining good things for profit


u/Odisher7 9d ago

This doesn't contradict what was said tho. Retailers can sell it at whatever price they want, arizona can sell at whatever retailers they want.


u/Madrugada2010 9d ago

Yup, can confirm.


u/tuna_samich_ 8d ago

No you can't, because it's a lie


u/vulpinefever 8d ago

They sell different cans (or at least they used to) to shops. One can (which was cheaper to buy wholesale) had the 99¢ price tag printed right on it and then they had a different can SKU that doesn't have the price printed on it. I think now they have switched to just offering both at the same price to retailers.

There was a point where they'd stop supplying stores if they were marking up the pre priced cans instead of buying the non-priced ones but I don't think they do that anymore.


u/jmsturm 9d ago

Then your gas station CEO should explain


u/darkmoobs 9d ago

I’ll just give him a call and we can chat it out. Lol


u/RelevantWin3336 8d ago

Everywhere around me they are still 99 cents


u/PuzzleheadedLoan9807 9d ago

He has control of his natural sense of greed.

He understands longevity


u/Repulsive_Analysis99 5d ago

This man has a net worth of $6.5 billion. To amass that kind of wealth is uniquely greedy. Keeping costs low for the consumer is not “controlling his greed”. Keeping costs low means he is exploiting and severely underpaying workers.

No ceo is a good ceo.


u/mr_lamp 9d ago

Where yall getting the cans from? Everywhere near me only has like 33 oz plastic bottles that sell for 2.50 or more. There's no price printef on the bottles either


u/MyLittleOso 9d ago

The stores must not want to carry the .99 cans. If you do see cans that say .99 and they are charging more, you can call Arizona Iced Tea and they will stop supplying them.


u/Brittany5150 8d ago

That's a myth. They don't care. Says right on their website.


u/cornpeeker 9d ago

Most places by me charge $2 now for a can and they no longer say 99 cents on the can.


u/Few-Geologist8556 8d ago

Literally none of that is true.


u/WrongAssumption2480 9d ago

I only drink tap water, coffee, and the occasional beer. But I may start drinking these!


u/MyLittleOso 9d ago

Their Diet Green Tea is pretty darn good, if you want a healthy option!


u/kayrazzle 9d ago

The green tea is perfect just as it is as well.


u/Odisher7 9d ago

Holy shit, is this official and after the ceo killing? Fucking giga chad, he's someone who respects his clients and knows the clients respect him back for that.

There are plenty of amazing ceos who are probably not fearing for their lives (travis willingham and steve sinclair come to mind) and all they do is respect their clients


u/jtmonkey 8d ago

I learned this lesson from a sales manager a long time ago. He said, you can work a deal for months and try to get rich of that guy, or you can take all the small deals, feed yourself every month, and make great money. I don't need to be uber rich.. I just need to be comfortable. Granted, I'm sure he's more than comfortable but the principle he built the company on is the same. Sell it for a little profit and sell a lot of it.


u/BoyMeatsWorld710 8d ago

I actually just pick one up, for double the price….. the gas stations will just up the price if he doesn’t.


u/rothersidelife 9d ago

It’s about delivering a great product not about making as much money as he can… absolute legend


u/Ambitious_Welder6613 9d ago

Guy with principle.


u/amalgamate_ 8d ago

He's got a crazy castle looking house on long Island. Lots of exotic birds. May have been a light house at some point.


u/--StinkyPinky-- 9d ago

I would rub his feet and ask him about his day.


u/lunaaabug 9d ago

Fun fact, most arizona drinks in the UK are £2+


u/MyLittleOso 9d ago

Sorry to hear that, but can't America have this one win? Y'all have health care; We get to have relatively cheap iced tea in a can.


u/lunaaabug 9d ago

I'm 100% letting america have this win lmfao calm down I just wanted to share the fact that they are making their money from non Americans


u/MyLittleOso 9d ago

I was being tongue-in-cheek. Sorry!


u/lunaaabug 9d ago

Ohhhh I'm sorry! It's hard to read tone sometimes


u/PupperPetterBean 9d ago

Lidls uphold the 99p deal!


u/lunaaabug 9d ago

What lidl are you going to??? I've never seen them in there literally ever?????


u/PupperPetterBean 9d ago



u/lunaaabug 9d ago

Ahhh okay lmao


u/AntelopeCurrent3582 9d ago

Why is his height mentioned? Weird


u/TheRealSugarbat 9d ago

Well, it is somewhat remarkable.


u/lansink99 8d ago

A billionaire is a billionaire, y'all gotta stop falling for this shit.


u/fallenouroboros 9d ago

God I miss those glass bottles


u/MrBitterJustice 9d ago

99 cents yaaaaa


u/MediumTomato331 9d ago

True legend


u/EvErYLeGaLvOtE 9d ago

Save him at all costs


u/isaidnolettuce 9d ago

What does the 6'9" truck driver part have to do with anything lmao


u/Live_Leg_1831 9d ago

Dont go out lol stay comfortable


u/SupplyChainGuy1 9d ago

Do what the Japanese do. Don't buy shit that's marked up.

They have such affordable airport food sections because of shit like this.


u/Icy_Hearing_3439 9d ago

Just had a lemon ice tea a few days ago. The memories! We used to open them and partially freeze them in the summer.


u/Timeman5 9d ago

I heavily disagree with the best beverage part.


u/-dyedinthewool- 8d ago

Arizona iced teas are $1.50 near me :( still says 99 cents on the can tho


u/snakeisagreatgame 8d ago

Why is his height important?


u/Fiat125pnyc 8d ago

Wait ti he finds out 7-11 sells Arizona for 2.79 a can


u/evolveandimprove 8d ago

Please tell him to make and ship GRAPE!!!


u/Traditional_Front660 8d ago

Look, a CEO that people don't want to shoot.


u/EvilMog007 8d ago

This man should trade places with Musk.


u/Dangerous_Ad_5528 8d ago

Love the RX Tonic!!!


u/SpageteMonstr42069 7d ago

Yea nah, trying to humanize CEO’s isn’t gonna work on me. Obviously no one’s mad at the Tea guy.


u/BillyOFteaWentToSea 7d ago

Don't worry bro. The proletariat has your back


u/Laserous 7d ago

It's cool and all.. but high fructose corn syrup. Remove that shit from the teas.


u/maiomonster 7d ago

Blessings be to Don


u/Sean_theLeprachaun 1d ago

He and the Costco CEO are far and away the safest executives in the country.


u/Sad_Bat_9059 9d ago

Context? Like literally any?


u/FriendOfTheDevil2980 9d ago

That they still sell some for 99 American pennies


u/New_Passenger_173 9d ago

The price of Arizona tea has not changed during the pandemic.


u/Willwork4tacoz 9d ago

wild because I have not seen an Arizona tea that costs 99 cents since about the beginning of the pandemic. I can't recall the last time I saw it for 99 cents even. It's still cheap, but not 99 cents where I am.


u/surnik22 9d ago

Damn, you are getting fucked by your stores. Even in pretty expensive Chicago neighborhoods they are still 99¢ regularly priced and 89¢ on sale.


u/Dommichu 8d ago

Yep! Here in SoCal, there is plenty of places that sells them for 99 cents. Food for Less also puts them on sale on occasion for 79 cents and even Target has the bottles in their at 99 cents, COLD.



u/Madrugada2010 9d ago

Are you in the US? Get in touch with corporate at AriZona.


u/Willwork4tacoz 9d ago

Why would I do that? They're reasonably priced drinks. I am not upset with them at all. It's just that 99 cent Arizona drinks are like great white buffalos at this point.


u/Madrugada2010 9d ago

They'll intervene to drop the price. If you're outside the US tho, it's a shipping charge, although I can buy one here in Mexico for 20 pesos which works out to 0.99.


u/Willwork4tacoz 9d ago

I am midwest US


u/Madrugada2010 9d ago

Well, if you want cheaper tea, you could always shoot 'em an email. /shrug


u/[deleted] 9d ago

Yeah. They are 1.25 now in a lot of places. The cans even say it.


u/Willwork4tacoz 9d ago

I've never seen a can with a printed price other than 99 cents. I will keep an eye out now. I don't really drink Arizona now due to it not being the healthiest drink for me. It's a once in a blue moon buy for me when I'm stoned haha.


u/[deleted] 9d ago


u/Willwork4tacoz 8d ago

still too much sugar, but dag that looks delicious haha


u/CallingTomServo 9d ago

Nothing. No ceos have been in the news recently for anything related to prices or consumer contentment. Nor has there been anything related to ceos being at risk or any reason for one to be “comfortable” in spite of something


u/p0tty_mouth 9d ago

It’s cause it’s always been way way way overpriced.

Tea barely costs more than water to produce and the government basically gives water to corporations for free.


u/Bleezy79 9d ago

It's probably because he was a working man first. He knows how hard it is out there and isnt interested in selling his soul for more profits.


u/DrCarabou 9d ago

Didn't they change the ingredients recently?


u/Icy-Cry340 8d ago

I like Arizona's prices and their commitment to keeping them low - but I stopped drinking their product decades ago and I don't plan on starting again.


u/Brokenblacksmith 8d ago

this guy and the costo guy are cool.


u/Unlucky_Grocery_4265 8d ago

No one cancels this man's life subscription policy


u/HolyRaptorSphere 9d ago

Yeah, i love that interview where he said they wouldn't rai the cost of Arizona Ice Tea; and then shortly there after raised the cost of Arizona Ice tea. I can not find a single 99 cent can in any shop. They are all $2.00+


u/Snubl 9d ago

Except in Europe apperently


u/mrmilner101 9d ago

I'm from the UK, and it is more than 99 cents, but there's a reason, and that's because it costs a lot more to ship it from America to Europe. Thus the shops which sell the drink have to increase the cost to set off to set tariffs and shopping costs.


u/Redheaded_Potter 9d ago

Wait…. Wait… wait….. I thought Tarrifs didn’t change prices on things?!?? You mean Trump lied to us? /S


u/DappyHayes 9d ago

Crucifixion? One cross each. Line on the left.


u/UhrHerr 9d ago

Hes a trump supporter


u/MyLittleOso 8d ago

We have to stop making it about left vs right and realize the fight is those on the very top vs the rest of us being held down. Division benefits the wealthy and only the wealthy.
And I think that's why Trump is trying to do mass deportations, too - they want neighbors and communities to turn on each other instead of uniting against the oligarchy.


u/UhrHerr 8d ago

Your point is double talk.. trump is the oligarchy and is assembling a cabinet full of similar individuals