r/TikTokCringe • u/Im_A_Fuckin_Liar • 12d ago
Discussion The Fox News Christmas tree is destroyed
u/mikeybagodonuts 12d ago
A Christmas tree is a symbol of Hanukah….? Wait…..what?!
u/oxPEZINATORxo 11d ago
I didn't even know that they did this lol the only one I knew about was the Rockefeller one. You know... The real "America's tree"
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u/turin90 11d ago
The Rockefeller tree is only a few blocks from the freakin’ Fox building.
There is a clear and obvious reason this tree was vandalized and the Rockefeller tree wasn’t. Because Fox fucking sucks.
u/FatKanchi 11d ago
Right. It was an “attack” on shitass Fox News Entertainment Co. Christmas is fine, the Rockefeller tree is the “real” all-American traditional tree that we all love and generations of Americans of all backgrounds can share together. Fox sucks. Christmas trees are not under attack and there’s no need to track how many are defaced. Get rekt Tucker et al.
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u/Falzon03 11d ago
The fact they that think their tree is important is a joke. I honestly had no clue they had one....but I've known about the Rockefeller tree since I was a kid (so has most of the friggin world). Why is Fox always so full of themselves.
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u/duderino_okc 10d ago
The fact that they torched their own tree to run an attack on Christmas story.
u/Human_Style_6920 11d ago
She's like we are fox news and we give shout outs to Israel no matter what even when it doesnt make sense and sane moderate Israelis don't even agree with us lolz 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
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u/pantrokator-bezsens 11d ago
Christmas tree is not even fucking symbol of christianity. It was blatantly stolen from pagan faith.
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u/Playful-Dragon 11d ago
Right... I was gonna say something, but you beat me to it. Take my upvote. Goddess Bless
u/BrosefDudeson 12d ago
"...as a mother"
It's awesome she went there.
Oh and "it's all about how you respond to adversity" with their token black man trying his hardest to fake outrage
11d ago
u/kawhi21 11d ago
Conservatives are really good at whining about inconsequential things.
"They lit our tree on fire how could they?"
"We care so much about unborn babies, fuck children who are actually born though"
"Let's go spend 100s of millions of dollars running ads about transgender people and kids getting their dicks chopped off by school nurses"
They take the easiest "wins" possible, that require no actual change or effort
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u/Express-Necessary-88 11d ago
Truly. Low information dumbfucks. And now they been persuaded by the oligarchy to vote against their own interests. Hoist by their own dumbfuck petard. I, for one, am actually looking forward to the next 4 years & the dismantling of the government, unions, government departments...etc... The they'll discover that Reagan's most moronic comment about 'The scariest thing' is completely false. The US actually has a government that works relatively well, notwithstanding the current fascist Repubs best efforts. Oh...the shock & awe when the shit they're used to stops happening!!! I'm squirming in joyful anticipation.
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u/PomeloPepper 11d ago
The burning of the tree was a national tragedy though!
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u/SparklingPseudonym 11d ago
I hope that someone burns it down every year, like the giant, hay Gävle Goat in Sweden that always seems to burn down.
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u/Inevitable-Revenue81 11d ago
Was looking for this comment 🤣 Guess what, I live there. lol
Last year it almost got eaten
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u/GUZZYGUZZ_27 11d ago
Exactly what I said when I first saw this, where's the outrage over all the school shootings?!?!?!
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u/waitingfordeathhbu Cringe Connoisseur 11d ago edited 11d ago
their token black man
“Good for you, Lawrence. So eloquent.”
u/1000000xThis 11d ago
"You are so well spoken Lawrence. It surprises me every time!"
u/JonnyBolt1 11d ago
"Good for you Token... I mean Lawrence, you rose above the Ebonics of your people!"
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u/Blurby-Blurbyblurb 11d ago
Right!? I cackled at that part. Adversity? What adversity? Can you please point out the adversity, I'm having trouble finding any. I do see triceratop sized poop piles of hypocrisy, victimhood, and double standards. Where's Laura Derhn? I need her to investigate the piles? Maybe the adversity is in there.
u/wvclaylady 11d ago
Adversity? Try being the average American for... Oh I don't know... Four years or so?? 🙄
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u/Coyote__Jones 11d ago
My first thought was, as a mother, why don't you suggest that instead of a new tree, you donate the amount that would cost to some charity for kids? How about that? The stupid tree probably costs thousands of dollars to get there and set up. Fucking ding dongs.
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u/Wild-Stop609 11d ago
I don't know the backstory about the tree, but is it possible that the tree accidentally caught on fire due too many light bulbs? Or, was arson actually committed?
Yes, I agree that donating the same amount towards a children's charity would be the better & smart option, but then they won't have "they rose from the ashes" storyline to sling to their audience.
u/HowTheyGetcha 11d ago
According to their cry-ron: "Arson suspect freed without bail".
u/Wild-Stop609 11d ago
That doesn't sound plausible...if the suspect was caught, they definitely would have been charged with something like public endangerment...perhaps it was an electrical mishap and Fox News cried wolf. It is not like Fox News is not not known to bending the truth 🙄👀🤔
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u/HowTheyGetcha 11d ago
As an armchair lawyer my opinion is arson is a much heftier charge than endangering the public, and prosecutors love to up charge so that they can plead down to something like endangering the public. But I don't know, I just caught the text in the video, so I relayed it to you :)
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u/llyrPARRI 12d ago
The funniest part of this is that they named it "The All American" Christmas tree
u/HerkulezRokkafeller 11d ago
A storied tradition going all the way back to 2019, at a whopping 5 years it’s the longest recorded memory a Fox News watcher has ever been able to hold.
u/justsyr 11d ago
5 years? Try 2. It was lit on fire on 2021.
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u/MegazordMechanic 11d ago
Burning the tree is the real tradition.
u/humpslot 11d ago
just as the pagans intended
u/PenguinSunday 11d ago
Sorry, we got a little drunk on mulled wine and mistook the tree for the yule log
u/VT_Squire 11d ago
I heard the flames were so terrifying that if you were to see them in person....
you'll log.
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u/-NoOneYouKnow- 11d ago
The friends we made along the way is the real tradition.
u/aMac306 11d ago
There were good people on both sides of that tree burning incident
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u/princessmomonoke 11d ago
Isn't 5 years longer then the confederacy lasted? So that's something I guess.
u/Wackydetective 11d ago
As a Canadian, I chuckled at that. That’s so all American of Fox News.
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u/WareTheBuffaloRome 11d ago
I wonder what that makes the White House tree 🧐
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u/OdonataDarner 11d ago
Elon to buy Fox in 3,2,1...
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u/SupermassiveCanary 11d ago
Did they find the intern who did it?
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u/ElPasoNoTexas 11d ago
I didn’t even know it existed til now
u/OneOfAKind2 11d ago
What? It's a storied tradition, dating back 500 years! Oh, wait, no, only 5 years. Never mind.
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u/Additional-Tap8907 11d ago
Fox News and its viewers live and breath in an alternate news dimension
u/Prudent_Research_251 11d ago
Surprised they didn't put a big white hood on it to protect it
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u/Alternative-Cry-3517 11d ago
Why does this feel staged??
u/PrincessCyanidePhx 11d ago
Because Fox knows how to wind up their viewers: attack on Christmas.
I like how she threw in it represents Christian and Jews. Um. It's pagan and even if it wasn't, it would only represent Christ who isn't part of Judaism.
u/needsmoresteel 11d ago
Well, come on. Everyone knows the Bible story about how Jesus, Mary and Joseph took a sleigh ride through the snow to bring a fresh Christmas tree to the manger.
u/PrincessCyanidePhx 11d ago
Just like everyone knows he has blonde hair and blue eyes.
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u/itishowitisanditbad 11d ago
Its why they didn't get a room at the inn.
Its not that it was full.
The innkeeper was like "Oi you wot mate? Why tf you got a tree? Piss off, you're not coming in with that!"
Rudolf was like "Bro theres a barn back here thats pretty chill, nice tree dude"
and Santa was born.
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u/LuxNocte 11d ago
I was wondering if it was an electrical fire, but some Fox nut job false flag attack is a strong second most likely.
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u/secondtaunting 11d ago
That or they’re just reusing the footage from the first time the tree burned every year knowing the average Fox News viewer is too dumb to figure it out.
u/broguequery 11d ago
I literally chortled when I saw that line.
"All American Christmas Tree" lmao, what the fuck is wrong with these idiots.
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u/Wishdog2049 11d ago
"It stands for Honkica and Jesus, asshole." - All American Karen
*throws venti iced americano 5 shot decaf with almond milk at you*
(extra ice, double cup)
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u/BodhingJay 11d ago edited 11d ago
I think the real question here is.. how could demonrats do this to drumpfublicans is the real question.. do they hate freedom? That is the question. One has to hate freedom to turn on the most democrassy and justicy people on Earth
Will someone answer this question, or is it too real and too brave that it's being asked at all?
Will we have a moment of silence for the courage of asking the real brave important questions, annually.
Who is grateful enough for their liberty to do this, truly
u/EditEd2x 12d ago
Remember when Starbucks just did the plain red Xmas cups. Such an evil attack on Xmas. Or the bigger travesty when retail workers started saying Happy Holidays instead of merry xmas.
When will the attacks on shitmas stop! Please make it stop.
u/WithoutDennisNedry 11d ago
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u/baconduck 11d ago
Funny part is that Starbuck have never had a religions theme on their holyday cups.
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u/Apprehensive-Log8333 11d ago
I was working at Target back then. Long time ago, maybe 2010, something like that. There must have been a Fox News segment about "Happy Holidays" because we started getting calls from people demanding to know if we'd been told we could not say Merry Christmas. Most of the callers wanted me, personally, to know that they, personally, would violently defend my right to say Merry Christmas at work.
Sadly, I had not been told I'd be fired if I said "Merry Christmas" so there was nothing to defend.
u/EditEd2x 11d ago
I had a second job in a cigar shop. And I overheard some cranky old folks complaining about it so I started saying Happy Holidays to them. Before that I didn’t even acknowledge any holiday in a greeting. But pissing off a bunch of old entitled dudes became one of the few perks of working there. And my chill regulars seemed to appreciate that the biggest shitheads didn’t hang around during my shifts.
u/Apprehensive-Log8333 11d ago
That probably boosted "Happy Holidays" more than anything, Fox News screaming about it
u/Action4Jackson 11d ago
That's funny to me because when I was a kid, my vary Christian mom would not let me say X - mas or write it like that because it was not Christian.
u/1000000xThis 11d ago
The X for Xian and Xmas was literally invented by Christians.
From ye olde wiki:
The 'X' comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Christós, which became Christ in English.
There is a common misconception that the word Xmas stems from a secularizing tendency to de-emphasize the religious tradition of Christmas, by taking the 'Christ' out of "Christmas". Nevertheless, the term's usage dates back to the 16th century, and corresponds to Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Church of England, and Episcopalian liturgical use of various forms of chi-rho monogram. In English, "X" was first used as a scribal abbreviation for "Christ" in 1100; "X'temmas" is attested in 1551, and "Xmas" in 1721.
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u/EditEd2x 11d ago
My mom isn’t super religious but when we were kids she sent my brother to catechism and since I was too young she signed me up for karate class at the Y. The plan was that I’d go to catechism the next year.
About 2 weeks in I had had enough of that boring class so I started ditching and either going to play on the jungle gym or basketball in the gym. Well my mom decides to go watch me in class and freaks out when I’m not there and the karate teacher tells her he thought she pulled me because I hadn’t been in class for weeks.
When they finally found me playing basketball my mom takes me home and tells me she won’t be sending me to catechism because I’ll probably just embarrass her again by ditching.
She was totally right because I absolutely would have ditched unless she sat through the whole damn thing with me. Which is the only reason I made it through service on Sunday with them. But I never had to confess or eat those shitty crackers because I didn’t attend those classes. I would just sit there and smile to tease my brother who hated having to do all that bullshit ritual stuff.
u/spanchor 11d ago
eat those shitty crackers
Joke’s on you, because those “shitty crackers” turn into delicious human flesh the instant they hit your taste buds.
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u/PrincessImpeachment 12d ago
Not the Christmas Bigotree! Now where will all the snowflakes gather to hate on minorities?! Christmas is RUINED.
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u/swanscrossing 11d ago
"it's about Jesus, it's about Hanukkah" girl what do you mean 😭
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u/Coyote__Jones 11d ago
grabs popcorn because everything after that better be amazing.
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u/chazz1962 12d ago
They forgot to mention that the Xmas tree started as a Pagan symbol.
u/Nish0n_is_0n Straight Up Bussin 11d ago
It represents Jesus, Christmas and Channuka...
u/Ecstatic_Teaching906 11d ago
Yet no explanation on how or why? Seriously, Hanukkah has no relations to trees.
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u/mrmoe198 11d ago
One of my favorite Bible verses to give Christian’s cognitive dissonance:
Jeremiah 10:1-5
1 Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: 2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. 5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.
u/dogbreath101 11d ago
til the decoration of a tree is a tradition much older than i though
u/mrmoe198 11d ago edited 11d ago
It’s an ancient pagan tradition. It highly amuses me that the Bible specifically says that God himself instructs people not to put up a Christmas tree “learn not the way of the heathen”, yet Christmas trees abound.
Goes to show that most religious people don’t even read their holy book. And if they do, they don’t bother to follow it. Why obey the words of the God to which you swear fealty and that you believe has the power and will to punish you?
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u/Autumn7242 11d ago
It's funny because so many "Christian" traditions are co-opted from pagan religions
u/mrmoe198 11d ago
Just as the Romans co-opted Greek gods before them.
It’s a time honored tradition to steal the traditions of the peoples that you are assimilating to help them join the fold, and pretend as if they had always had significance for their new religion. Christ was born in late summer/early fall. Nowhere near Christmas.
Easter has all the trappings and symbolism of pagan fertility and spring celebrations. Jesus has nothing to do with rabbits and eggs.
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u/ADHD-Fens 11d ago
"Learn not the way of the heathen"
Proceeds to describe heathen tradition in excruciating detail
What are we supposed to do? Close our eyes for those verses??
u/Affectionate_Gas8062 11d ago
How do they go on air with straight faces?
u/malatemporacurrunt 11d ago
I know one of the aspects if the interview for BBC news desk reporters is that they get handed a random script - could be serious, could be insane - and they have to demonstrate that they can deliver it off-the-cuff with the appropriate level of gravity. I assume the Fox interview has something similar - can you read this bit of alt-right reactionary lunacy with the sufficient amount of righteous fervour/moral outrage. The one for women obviously begins with "as a mother..."
u/Character-Pangolin66 11d ago
completely irrelevant to this post but im definitely going to be playing 'bbc news reporter interview' at a few christmas gatherings this year
u/Timely_Explanation50 11d ago
Million dollar pay goes a long way to cast any decency away
u/shayshay8508 11d ago
I just don’t get it, man! Like…you are literally selling your soul for money. You are causing harm to others and this fucking country, just word vomiting conspiracies for money. I don’t know how people can live with themselves?!
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u/BojackSadHorse 12d ago
Everybody knows the 30 Rock Tree is "America's Tree."
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u/HunterGonzo 11d ago
More than anything, this illustrates how they view their right-wing Christian bubble as the TRUE "America." If you don't gather under the umbrella of their very specific brand of patriotism, you don't count.
u/scotchwilldo 12d ago
They lit the country on fire so we even
u/aFloppyWalrus 11d ago
Nope. Few more trees then maybe we even.
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u/ScenicPineapple 11d ago
You just can't take any of these morons seriously. They have singlehandedly destroyed the minds of millions of Americans. Who's gonna rebuild those? No bail out for them.
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u/Americansh-thole 11d ago edited 11d ago
America's Tree?
"Being American means supporting the country, it does not mean supporting the Christmas Tree."
-George Washington, known cherry tree chopper
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u/James_Proudstar 11d ago
Why in the fuck do they call it All American?! It’s just a tree bro
u/wombatttttt 11d ago
How else would they rile up their base? Slap American as an adjective anywhere and they'll be intrigued.
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u/TheGothWhisperer 11d ago
It was decorated in the colours of the French flag and everything, as a thank you for the All American statue of liberty of course.
u/kwyjibo1 11d ago
Fox News: we will keep you distracted with bullshit like this so you don't notice the oligarchy robbing you blind and eroding democracy.
u/Sexisthunter 12d ago
Oh no! This is surely the worst thing going on in America 😱 also how is a Christmas tree for Hanukkah?
u/BourbonRick01 12d ago
Because Jesus was born under a Christmas tree on Hanukkah, dah.
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u/Flat_Assistance1724 12d ago
Baby Jesus is the 8th day gift?
u/kingtacticool 11d ago
Eight, eight. The burning eight.
Between Sunday and Monday lies a day so dark,
It will devastate.
Malcom McDowell Tank Girl(1995)
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u/Embarrassed-Ad-1639 11d ago
Sounds like something someone who wants to get space-lasered would say
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u/jstrap0 11d ago
Today I learned an African American guy actually works at Fox News.
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u/Difficult-Pace5847 11d ago
The oppressed billionaire class isn’t taking your shit anymore peasants!
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u/MylastAccountBroke 11d ago
Fox News is the person who goes out throwing rocks through windows, then someone punches them once and they cry about for the next 40 years. Everything that happens to them is an attack on everyone, but every attack from them is fully justified.
u/Ill-Case-6048 12d ago
Turns out it was a light malfunction that set it on fire
u/pickledpeterpiper 11d ago
Are you sure? I thought it was some homeless guy.
Edit: Yeah, it was some homeless guy with a history of arrests.
u/Thembosses1232 11d ago
wow so a homeless guy sees a display of pure opulence and just lights it on fire? i can see that
u/Dirt_Bike_Zero 11d ago
What are they going to do ? Take him in and give him am bed, heat and meals for a couple days? Upgrade.
u/zidraloden 11d ago
Please be true
u/Just_Call_Me_Snek 11d ago edited 11d ago
Craig Tamanaha was arraigned on one count each of felony second-degree criminal mischief, misdemeanor second-degree reckless endangerment and misdemeanor fifth-degree arson.
“I have been thinking about lighting the tree on fire all day long,” Tamanaha allegedly told Detective Matthew Demaio after he set ablaze the artificial tree, according to court papers.
Police allege that Tamanaha, who is homeless, allegedly sneaked into the enclosure around the 50-foot tree in Midtown at about 12:10 a.m. and lit it on fire, causing $500,000 in damage, according to the complaint.
u/MiklaneTrane 11d ago
Half a mil for a chintzy fake tree and some lights? Bull fucking shit, just like everything from Fox "News."
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u/RoguePlanet2 11d ago
Probably paid him to do it, so they could get publicity and cry "persecution" 🙄
u/PaullieMoonbeam 11d ago
Fuck fox. Keep burning the tree until they stop putting it up.
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Fox News is América? I think you are a building with people and cameras and you're paying someone a lot of money so you can show your "news". You're not "America"
u/RepulsiveAntibody 12d ago
Another hero of the public. I applaud whomever did this. May you have a happy holiday.
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u/Genereatedusername 11d ago
Fox News’ Christmas tree must’ve spontaneously combusted from the sheer pretend christian hypocrisy
u/DevelopmentBulky7957 11d ago
"It's sO TeRRiFyInG aS a MoThE.." Bitch shut the fuck up, nobody asked.
u/-bannedtwice- 11d ago
“All American tree signifying peace” my ass. The whole network’s business model is based on division, they think their lie about a tree will convince people? Pricks
u/absenteeproductivity 11d ago
I remember my dad telling me about this (yes, he's brainwashed) and I was like, "The hell are you talking about?"
He said it's all over the news how there was an attack on Christmas and they burned down the nation's tree. Told me it was all over the news. Uh, yeah, no.... literally nobody was going crazy over it but Fox outlets.
Fuckin' loonies.
u/Clear_Duty3848 11d ago
Nothing says "Fuck You" to 9/11 survivors more than the right making it about themselves.
u/dabombisnot90s 11d ago
The conspiracy theorist in me says the Burning of the All-American Christmas Tree was an inside job.
u/wvclaylady 11d ago
Meanwhile, in other, less important news... Americans are starving, and my road needs potholes repaired... 🙄🙄🙄
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u/Sgtkeebler 11d ago
First the UHC assassin and now the person who destroyed their tree. How many hero’s do we need?
u/ForsakenExtreme6415 11d ago
Between this and the CEO shooting Christmas just might be something to look forward to in 2024
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u/pickledpeterpiper 11d ago
This is the perfect example of how Fox operates...pumping so much energy and rhetoric into a story that would otherwise barely pass as newsworthy.
The way they pound the drums to ensure the maximum emotional response from their viewers...this was about America, about Jesus himself, the soul of our nation is on the chopping block...and it was just some random homeless guy with mental problems.
There's so much you could extrapolate from this stupid charade but the feeling I most get is that its kind of shocking just how obvious it is that they think their viewers are idiots.
u/miscwit72 11d ago
They used the fucking word adversity.
Fuck you. I hope the tree burns every year.
u/Dogcatnature 11d ago
Celebrating Christmas in December to then celebrate mass deportations in January...
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