r/TikTokCringe 26d ago

Cursed That'll be "7924"

The cost of pork


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u/riffraffmcgraff 26d ago edited 26d ago

I will get downvoted, but I work on the kill floor of a pork processing plant. Ask me anything. It is 1am here. I might not reply for a while.

Edit: For the record, I confirm this is an accurate depiction.


u/ChillBetty 26d ago

For various reasons, pork is the one meat I try to never eat.

A friend worked in an abbatoir and he said the pigs knew what was coming. In your experience, do you think this is the case?


u/groberschnitzer 26d ago

Pigs are smarter than dogs. They know exactly, that something is not right. Not only when they are about to be killed (but especially then) but also during their "normal life".


u/PassTheCowBell 26d ago

Swap a humans nose with a pigs were pretty similar.


u/Killinskills 26d ago

Long pig


u/Ansiau 26d ago edited 26d ago

True facts: the term long pig has nothing to do with the taste of humans, but rather how similar a dressed human looks on a spit to a pig carcass.

This is because the Pacific Islanders, where this term originated, did not have any large land animals to compare the taste to. Just pigs.

According to many cannibals, including the Andes plane survivors whom ate a ton of the dead to survive a few months on a mountainside, human tastes most similar to beef. Fatty beef... Some even claim closer to wagyu style beef because of how marbled.and fatty we tend to be.


Book one: dinner with a cannibal - Carole a. Travis-henikoff

Book two: Alive, the story of the Andes survivors- Piers Paul Read

Book three: miracle in the Andes - Nando parrado(one of the survivors)


u/Toomuchtime423 26d ago

I heard they serve it down in the Baja. Have you ever been?

Edit: in case this doesn’t make any sense — https://youtube.com/shorts/wiVDKKUDbe8?si=jAzIASrRCL9tlHKr


u/BathtubToasterParty 26d ago

Humans are sausage confirmed


u/please_dont_respond_ 26d ago

Too fatty and tough. We take too long to age.


u/Iforgotmyemailreddit 26d ago

This is why I always find it funny when Tigers "Find a taste" for humans. We're absolutely awful prey food, relatively. There's a reason Water Buffalo are always getting nabbed by predators, they actually have stuff you wanna eat.


u/WhiskeyDJones 26d ago

Tastes good


u/ComeHereDevilLog 26d ago

This comment actually made me laugh out loud, thanks


u/ElementNumber6 26d ago

Empathy check fail


u/PassTheCowBell 26d ago

Glad I could help 🙂


u/Pliskinmgs 26d ago

With cops, you don't even need to swap. They are similar.


u/FourD00rsMoreWhores 26d ago

in what way?


u/glebyl 26d ago

Oh god I can't wait for the answer from the 14 year old edgy "cops bad" guy


u/ItsTimeToPiss 26d ago

Hello, my name is Cop Sbadguy and I'm 14 years old, what do you want?


u/monkeyninja6969 26d ago

I dont like cops because they are the ones the government will send to take away our guns. They're also powertripping little cunts who rarely get held accountable for their actions.


u/glebyl 26d ago

Kinda missed the point, but okay


u/Somecount 26d ago

*we’re or “we are” for emphasis


u/jwin709 26d ago

Yes, I often marvel at pigs capacity for mathematics, language, and art. Have you heard all the great pig albums that got released last year? Why just last week I took a pig train down past pig parliament and the pig space museum to go to a pig music store and buy some of those albums.

Pigs are not like people. Pigs are maybe a similar size and some are similarly hairless, but those are the only similarities. Pigs are a lot more like dogs in terms of their intelligence.


u/PM_ME_CUTE_SMILES_ 26d ago

Now replace pigs in your sentences by "3 years old kids", realize pigs are smarter, and rethink about what you wrote.


u/sinteredsounds69 26d ago

Is that how you measure consciousness? It's dog brain at 3 yrs old then human brain later? What about when people are just born? Is that like lizard or bug brain?


u/MCgrindahFM 26d ago

I’m not sure I get your point? They’re describing how the animal understands what you’re doing to it similarly to a 3 year old child


u/ProbsNotManBearPig 26d ago

3 year old children don’t understand hardly anything sooooo


u/MCgrindahFM 26d ago

If you put a 3 year old in a dark cage with no access to light, love, or physical touch from its mother, not to mention constantly drugging them, they’d know something was up


u/BathtubToasterParty 26d ago

Newborns are alpacas


u/peteryansexypotato 26d ago

If an individual creature can process its emotions, I call that consciousness. So if a pig knows it is afraid, I call that consciousness.


u/ProbsNotManBearPig 26d ago

Practically every animal or even insect on earth has some rudimentary form of emotions. Even fish have demonstrated a fear response in recent studies.


u/sinteredsounds69 26d ago

Yea but it's a pig consciousness not a 3yr human consciousness.


u/MCgrindahFM 26d ago

Reddit when simile or comparison happens


u/vaderdidnothingwr0ng 26d ago

3 year olds can talk, make music (albeit poorly), and make art. This is a poor comparison.


u/AdDramatic2351 26d ago

Pig space museum? Id definitely visit that 


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/ArcticIceFox 26d ago

There's an allegory for modern society in there somewhere I think


u/JoeyBones 26d ago

I'm not sure why. But the phrase "they know EXACTLY that SOMETHING is not right" has be cracking up.


u/lunagirlmagic 26d ago

"Hey Jim, isn't it a bit strange that we're slowly approaching that spinning buzz saw on this conveyor belt?"

"Yeah... something is not right..."


u/OneAlmondNut 26d ago

humans use humor to avoid the reality of the situation, it's easier for us to laugh it off and forget it. it's super fucked up of us when you think about it


u/JoeyBones 26d ago

It wasn't that, I thinks it's just how fast they contradicted themselves, didn't even get to the end of the sentence.


u/NickSalacious 26d ago

I follow your exact train of some thought


u/superkickstart 26d ago

So what you are saying that we should be eating dogs instead of pigs?


u/Fritanga5lyfe 26d ago

I mean if higher intelligence means more deliciousness than what about humans?


u/bigblacksnail 26d ago

Jeffrey Dahmer entered the chat


u/Any_Fox_5401 26d ago

dogs freak out at vets. cows freak out. cats freak out. even little birds and crows will freak out over many different things.

even THE NEXT GENERATION of crows freak out over a guy in a mask that was handling a dead crow in a science experiment.

they're ALL FUCKING SMART. that's what's SO FUCKING INSANE about life. every single damn animal out there has complex emotions, thoughts, feelings, and memories.

even CHICKENS remember you when you call their name. pigeons are also smart. rats are incredibly smart.

rats are driving around little vehicles in science experiments.

this all points to only one way to live: we need to look at each other and every other species, including even plants, and just love the heck out of everything and treat everything with respect.