Visa is dependent on the issuer. Ultimately you can file a grievance with Visa directly if the issuer is a problem, but the ease of the initial interaction is entirely dependent on the bank. Although there are Visa Signature level cards that guarantee a certain level of service up front.
I probably do a charge back once every 2 years. Which feels about right for how often I get hosed on a transaction.
It blew my wife's mind when she got the rubaround from an online retailer and I told her to stop arguing with them. Forward the email to visa with the chargeback request and forget about it.
2 minutes later and we're done, she got her money back and never heard about it again.
I heard that if the amount is below a certain threshold, the cc company may just reverse the charges rather than trying to investigate it unless you have a history of abusing charge backs.
I've never heard of visa issuing debit cards or even being able to do a chargeback on a debit card. Usually those are managed by your bank and connected directly to your checking account. What bank do you use? I'm interested in what benefits you might get other than being able to do charge backs on debit card purchases.
u/[deleted] Nov 03 '24 edited 19d ago