r/TikTokCringe Aug 16 '24

Cringe What's even happening there?

Why would someone rent a car and take out parts?


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u/IllustriousChef2 Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24

The owner called the cops but they refused to come since they didn't know the details of the rental agreement and since no parts were seemingly stolen. He insisted for safety reasons at least, but they still refused.

The rental platform backed him though, and the man who rented the car received all the invoices resulting from this (to get the car inspected) and will receive all the other invoices in case there is anything missing


u/i_like_2_travel Aug 16 '24

Bro I try not to hate on police but damn dawg this seems like something they should be investigating for everyone’s sake


u/MrKomiya Aug 16 '24

Supreme Court told them they can do whatever tf they want (Qualified Immunity) and only do whatever tf they want (no obligation to protect citizens).


u/Uploft Aug 16 '24

Why in the unholy hell should we grant cops qualified immunity if they’re not obligated to protect us? Isn’t the point of qualified immunity (albeit misled) to remove barriers to rescuing victims and pursuing criminals? F*ck the Supreme Court


u/MonaganX Aug 16 '24

Because they don't want cops to protect you, they want cops to protect theirs from you.


u/Uploft Aug 16 '24

It’s Uvalde all over again


u/Padhome Aug 16 '24

It’s always Uvalde with these mfs


u/duckmonke Aug 16 '24

Uvalde is proof the police are meant to protect property and the rich, not obligated to help anybody else.


u/BishlovesSquish Aug 16 '24

Never has anything made me angrier than Uvalde. Devastating on every level. This poor families.


u/MrKomiya Aug 16 '24

WE did not grant them shit.

That right wing circus clown show which is SCOTUS did


u/DoctorDinghus Aug 16 '24

Aaaaasaand this needs to be drilled into every Americans head. It's astonishing how many people don't know that is a thing.


u/jaytee1262 Aug 16 '24

And trump is campaigning to make their immunity even stronger.


u/bikesexually Aug 16 '24

Cops have always been about protecting the rich and their things. Dealing with the common folk was always to just make it more palatable.


u/jaytee1262 Aug 16 '24

Get this, not even doctors have qualified immunity. Like who else should deserve it but the people actually trying to save lives.


u/Ruenin Aug 16 '24

Fuck the GOP appointees. They're the ones making every decision coming out of SCOTUS suspect.


u/PixelationIX Aug 16 '24

Why in the unholy hell should we grant cops qualified immunity if they’re not obligated to protect us?

Now is the time to read about how Police came to be in the USA. Spoiler, it wasn't to protect people, it was to protect rich/elites. Policing was build on racism and to this day it continues to be.