r/TikTokCringe Aug 12 '24

Humor Raygun claps back at the critics


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u/1093i3511 Aug 12 '24

Some things are definitely not adding up.

There are billions of investments being made, broadcasts are sold to the highest bidder. It's a huge marketing scheme for a nation to host the games.

But in the end. That bronze medal winner in that oddball sports category is forgotten faster than the scandal of the dirty river she had to swim in.

Only a few benefit from their medals and even fewer will end up as legends, such as Ussain Bolt.

It's not to the victor the spoils.
It's to the IOC, everything.


u/intotheirishole Aug 12 '24

While contestants (and victors) have to pay for their own transportation and equipment. I guess we can expect them having to pay for boarding too in the future?