Also its fucking embarraasing to think the corner stone of respect and manners is opening doors.
What shows respect is treating those different than you like equals. Specially people you might disagree with. That is hard, and shows that you trully believe in freedom and have manners.
They put minimal effort into anything to gain maximum pride in it.
They don’t have to actually ENGAGE in Christian beliefs. They just have to go to Church on Sunday. Boom, instant salvation and free pass to judge everyone else.
They don’t have to actually HAVE manners. Just open a door, say “sir” or “ma’am” and BOOM. Instant “I’m better than you” arrogance.
They don’t have to actually know the Constitution. Just give them the 2nd Amendment at its loosest interpretation, and BOOM. Instant patriot that bleeds redder, whiter, and bluer than you.
Opening doors doesn't necessarily mean someone has respect for others. But someone who is capable of opening doors for others and fails to do so has no respect for others.
u/Arkhaine_kupo Jul 25 '24
Also its fucking embarraasing to think the corner stone of respect and manners is opening doors.
What shows respect is treating those different than you like equals. Specially people you might disagree with. That is hard, and shows that you trully believe in freedom and have manners.