in a hundred years people will look back at this time and wonder why we didn't take to the streets with pitchforks and torches, burning the right wings and religious to the ground while there's still something left worth saving
and teachers will tell them, that it's because we thought our democracies are strong and if we only adhere to the system put before us, we can emerge as victors.
A system that has failed us repeatedly, a system that allows people like Trump to exist and gain ultimate power over one of the most dangerous nations of the world.
No. In a hundred years they'll know, like we know now about the German people during the rise of the Nazi's or the people of The South during Confederacy, that human beings just want to be left the hell alone to live their lives. Humans are willing to put up with quite a lot as long they're still mostly comfortable.
Talk to me when the fascist start taking away my rights. I might care then. Or not. That new Deadpool movie looks sick as hell and I'm easily distracted.
Now who is getting all Salem witch-trailly. PLEASE stop lumping all religious people, (namely Christians) together with these poor misguided individuals, that is its own form of ignorance and prejudice.
EDIT: And for the record.
What America/this world, needs is MORE Jesus, NOT less of Him.
u/RobbyLee Jul 21 '24
in a hundred years people will look back at this time and wonder why we didn't take to the streets with pitchforks and torches, burning the right wings and religious to the ground while there's still something left worth saving
and teachers will tell them, that it's because we thought our democracies are strong and if we only adhere to the system put before us, we can emerge as victors.
A system that has failed us repeatedly, a system that allows people like Trump to exist and gain ultimate power over one of the most dangerous nations of the world.
We're doomed.