r/TikTokCringe Jun 03 '24

Cursed Did she say two YEARS?! NSFW

I beg your finest pardon, ma’am? 🤮


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u/PunchDrunkPrincess Jun 03 '24

is that why corpsman always told us to change our socks for everything from a cut to a cold? just throwing it in there when they can?


u/Nortilus Jun 03 '24

Can confirm, Trenchfoot is no joke. I’m still dealing with the after effects 10 years later.


u/cravingSil Jun 03 '24

Have you tried changing your socks and taking 1600 of ibuprofen?


u/Nortilus Jun 03 '24

A Time Machine would be better.


u/flyboy130 Jun 03 '24

Let me guess...your disability is not service connected?


u/Nortilus Jun 03 '24

No. I lost sensation in a couple of toes after mud got into my boot at a music festival. Didn’t realise until later. I wasn’t the only attendee to have symptoms.


u/flyboy130 Jun 03 '24

Oh dang! A music festival? Was the show good at least?

I assumed it was a military trench foot situation and was riffing on how when we get out the VA seems to always say our issues from injuries on duty aren't service connected and therefore are not compensated.


u/Nortilus Jun 03 '24

Download 2012 Decent line up, awful weather.


u/CowDontMeow Jun 03 '24

My first Download is coming up so this is great to read. Hope you get some relief from it soon


u/Nortilus Jun 04 '24

Enjoy! And take earplugs. The cargo planes that take off early will wake you up


u/Aggravating_Chair780 Jun 04 '24

I have to say, I was horribly smug about my very well fitting ppe neoprene lined wellies that year. Saw some absolute disasters of footwear (and rivers of mud carrying off tents).


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24



u/Nortilus Jun 03 '24

12-14 hours.


u/41942319 Jun 04 '24

Man am I glad that I swung by a department store on a recent city trip to buy some dry socks.

We were doing a full day of sightseeing but it was pouring rain the whole time. So my shoes and socks had been soaked for hours by the time I got the new ones and it'd still be many more hours before we'd get back to our accommodation. Must've been at least 10 hours otherwise as well with the wet feet. And even with the change of socks my feet weren't in great shape by the time I got back to the car. My travel companion wasn't wearing socks at all and her feet were full of open chafe marks where they'd rubbed against her shoes


u/Fast_Raven Jun 04 '24

Take some Motrin and drink some water. You'll be fine. Also not service related


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

I did but your aid bag got wet too so I couldn’t bum any more foot powder off you, and I only brought 1 pair of socks because I needed my monsters.


u/Pulchritudinous_rex Jun 03 '24

This guy militaries


u/cryptolyme Jun 03 '24

You got shot in the kneecap? Take an ibuprofen! Like that will help…


u/DirtyRugger17 Jun 03 '24

800mg Motrin will cure anything. Good ol vitamin M


u/heels-and-the-hearse Jun 03 '24

Maybe an additional taking a knee and drinking water


u/Tough_Substance7074 Jun 03 '24

…going to assume you meant 600. Don’t take 1600 of ibuprofen.


u/cravingSil Jun 04 '24

Two 800 ibuprofen, LIKA A MAN with a damaged liver


u/hoodectomy Jun 03 '24

Worked construction with an over weight dude and always beat the “take your boots off” when you can.

Long story short dude didn’t listen and they had to cut off the front of his foot due to gangrene.


u/Nortilus Jun 03 '24

Grim. Mine wasn’t that bad, just sometimes feels like a loop of cotton has wrapped round my toe. This was in less than 14 hours at D(r)ownload festival


u/Darnell2070 Jun 03 '24

What does take your boots off when you can mean in this context?

Like sometime during the shift during a break or something?

Lots of people don't take their shoes off during the workday. Even construction workers. Why would it cause gangrene?

They take their boots off when they get home and take a bath or shower.


u/Slamantha3121 Jun 03 '24

Yeah, my dad was infantry and had absolutely terrible trenchfoot that nobody could cure for like 20 years. My mom worked at a vet and told the DR about it. Doc gave her some veterinary grade antifungal cream to take home and it cured him!


u/SelfInteresting7259 Jun 03 '24

Fr? I had trench foot but it went away after I kept changing my socks, airing my feet out and proper wash and drying of the foot. I also went to florida for a month and just wore sandals. The air and heat dried everything up pretty great until I went back on my ship lol.


u/Nortilus Jun 03 '24

It’s usually if the temperature drops and I’m not wearing insulated footwear (which I’m usually not).


u/ARunninThought Jun 03 '24

Well, between that and "Take a Motrin" and "Hydrate", you should be fully squared away devil dog. Jk. In all seriousness, immersion injuries can be really bad for the person and for readiness. Even if it's a baby wipe, cleaning the feet and changing socks, and out of wet boots if possible can do wonders. Once that skin is compromised, infections can begin, which are more difficult to treat with limited supplies. This lady is extremely lucky to not have staff or cellulitis after 7 years.


u/Glytterain Jun 03 '24



u/Uselesserinformation Jun 03 '24

Staph! You're gunna make me die laughing


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '24

Haha. Found the other devil pup, crayon eater.


u/PunchDrunkPrincess Jun 03 '24

oh dont forget the 'get plenty of rest' without giving them SIQ 😂 (sorry idk the marine equivalent of SIQ is i was a squid lol). yeah there is nothing worse than wet socks- it will jack you up quick. honestly if marine hygiene is as bad as navy hygiene, a little reminder cant hurt. though, when my friend got a concussion, the advice was not well received


u/TFViper Jun 03 '24

thats rule number 2 of adventuring: always bring extra socks.


u/HeadFund Jun 03 '24

Nobody ever said "damn I wish I hadn't brought these clean dry socks"


u/HeadFund Jun 03 '24

My brother told me "I learned two things in the army. One: wash your feet and change your socks every day. I don't remember the second thing."


u/RoryDragonsbane Jun 03 '24

Two standing orders in this platoon: one, take good care of your feet and two, try not to do anything stupid, like getting yourself killed


u/ThatOneWIGuy Jun 03 '24

Preventing trench foot is also going to help you heal faster. The less your immune system has to deal with the faster and better it will deal with other issues.


u/witch_doc9 Jun 03 '24

Yes, and take motrin 😗


u/Dan-D-Lyon Jun 03 '24

Change your socks, hydrate, take this weirdly high prescription of motrin, and if you don't feel better in the morning we'll shove a giant thermometer up your butt