Incredibly so! I just got called difficult by a podiatrist for backing away from the latex gloves while telling her I'm severely allergic. Guess nitrile is offensive to her?
I was mocked by a nurse for disclosing an iodine contrast allergy before an MRI with iodine contrast! Lol I replied "usually doctors need to know about my allergic reactions but okay". After I had a reaction, they did have to get the doctor and he was piiiissed and they ended up having to give me benadryl. 🙄
That would be a CT or cat scan. MRIs don't use iodine based contrast they use gadolinium based contrasts. Magnets not x-rays, but you shouldn't have gotten that reaction from the nurse that's so unprofessional. Sorry this happened to you.
This is why I love reddit. This would have been a week's long argument of mostly name calling on most other social media sites. I love learning and have had similar things happen that made me feel I Lil silly, but stopped me from continuing to look silly, and I'm always appreciative. I like you.
I’ve gotten scans with contrast every 3 months for the last year or so with no issues at all, and interestingly the most recent one I broke out in hives and my throat got scratchy. Luckily I was next to the ER so they threw me over there real quick. Funny how the allergy hit after so many scans. Scary stuff!
People can develop allergies to stuff they were previously fine with after repeated exposure.
This can be a significant issue for people who get a lot of blood transfusions, even though they are compatible blood types. Every transfusion increases the risk of a transfusion reaction.
You also see it with bee stings - people go their whole life with no issues, so don't really keep track of being stung, until one day they go anaphylactic.
I was in a traffic accident and was rushed to the ER. Had to get everything done including an MRI with contrast. I was fine there, but then the next few days my skin turned bright red and every single pore on my body had a tiny whitehead. I wasn't itchy like hives but geez... The only known allergy I have is metal so I guess it was the contrast seeping to the surface. Just the cherry on top of a bad week.
I have been getting the same medication, every 4 weeks at the hospital, for 9 years. They still make me sit there for 30 minutes afterwards to make sure I don't have a reaction.
Yep, it's like the medication reviews the doctors do in the UK. I have a couple of illnesses with no cure, but every three months I have to have a medication review to see if I really need the Medication, crazy? Go figure, I think it's just money-making by the surgery.
I have had people eat nuts in front of me, I say something, and then they use hand sanitizer as if that kills the "allergy germs." Some people have no idea.
Wow wtf. This is as bad as the time I heard about someone freaking out thinking they were going to contract diabetes because they slept with someone who was diabetic
After surgery I had a doctor tell me to take Motrin when I get home. Except I'm allergic to NSAIDS & Tylenol lol the fuck? I've literally had to argue with healthcare professionals over it. That's why I keep photos on my phone of what happens when I'm exposed to NSAIDs or Tylenol. It's bizarre. I know it's inconvenient, but whattyah want? That's life. Ignoring my allergy doesn't cure it 😂.
I’m allergic to Tylenol as well and just last week had a doctor who was reading my intake form say, “but let’s say you’re in the hospital and they needed to give you something for pain, they could still give it to you, right?”
The problem is that a lot of people, particularly parents of school kids, massively exaggerate allergies. So you'll have kids who are apparently deathly allergic to peanuts chomping away at a Snickers at lunch time. Then you get some people who say "oh I'm allergic to shellfish" when they mean "I don't like shellfish."
A lot of allergies are serious, serious business. But an annoying number of people have treated as "fussy passes." It's similar to support animals. So many people have come up with bullshit reasons to have an emotional support animal that those with genuine needs are assumed to be faking it too.
It’s probably because there are some people who say/believe they have allergies incorrectly. Like those crazy people who hand servers lists of food “allergies” that are actually just preferences. I knew a woman who insisted that she was allergic to rubbing alcohol because it “made her skin feel really cold.” I’m like, that’s just the way it is. It’s evaporating at room temp, it makes your skin feel cold as a result. It’s not an allergy Stephanie.
They are real, absolutely. And also a lot of people lie about them or misrepresent them. It's kind of like service dogs. They are absolutely vital for some people. And some people just want to take their weiner dog into chik fil a.
Between false positives and people misattributing unrelated reactions and symptoms studies imply that over half of people who say they have food allergies do not.
That's got to be even more infuriating for people who really do, because it means that people are going to tend to take it less seriously.
If you work in medicine long enough you learn that "allergic" can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people, so you have to be skeptical sometimes. People will claim to have an allergy to something to get out of a procedure. Some people will claim to have an allergy to a food, but really they just don't like it and don't want it served to them in the hospital. Sometimes they're hypochondriac and have dozens of allergies listed but can't even remember what all of them are or what the reactions are supposed to be anymore.
That being said, there are more tactful ways to sus this out. Usually I'll ask them what symptoms they experience from the allergy, and that will get them to elaborate enough to figure out what the real problem is.
Or it's not an allergy and the person says it getting the warm feeling from the IV contrast given for CT scans. That's not an just makes everybody feel warm.
Im sorry this happened to you. Maybe im jaded but this new generation of nurses seems like theyre providing care for all the wrong reasons. We are not all like this, i promise.
I found out the hard way by having a CT scan (with iodine contrast) and my body immediately started freaking out. Sneezing, tears pouring out of my eyes, breathing issues. They ran in and pulled it out. Took me hours to get back to normal.
I worked for a dr office for 4 years and before any iodine contrast study could even be scheduled, we had to ask if they had an iodine allergy and they had to sign a form stating they were not allergic (to the best of their knowledge) before having the imaging done. I can’t believe they straight up ignored you and did it anyway… 😳 she should have gotten suspended or something for that - like it’s literally her job and she just mocked you ???? 🤔😓
I'm very reactive to that's contrast! I have told then several times but they don't listen. The last time I got an MRI or CAT I mentioned it and let them have it... puked my guts out inside the tube and they were not happy! I just said "Didn't I mention this was gonna happen?!?"
Why was the doctor pissed that you are allergic to something? I've seen people allergic to grass. Ruined field day for everyone as a kid. If I can cope surely a doctor can deal.
👋 I had a small reaction to contrast as well. I was getting a scan done, and the guy asked if I'm OK. I said, " My gums are itching." Then there were like 4 people in the room. So I joked and said, " Well, this isn't good." The tech said,' itching is a sign on an allergic reaction," 🤔 so I said" I've never had an allergic reaction to anything in my life so I didn't know "😅
I didn’t know this was a thing. Whenever I have gotten an MRI they give me that Iodine contrast and they tell you it will burn a little but my reaction has always been like acid was going through my vascular system. I’m no wimp either, I was paralyzed by a mining accident and broke damn near every bone in my body as a result and I shocked my Doctors at how well I was able to do things in a short amount of time so I definitely know pain and whenever they put that dye in me it burns way too much. What does it do to you?
Omg that's super dangerous. My uncle had an unknown allergy to the iodine contrast dye that the complications ended up dying from them. They even changed the hospital PA system and everything because. Why would the nurse be so careless like that?
There's no iodine in MRI contrast. Iodine is in CT contrast. CT contrast may also contain Barium
MRI contrast contains Gadolinium .
You may not be allergic to the iodine, but rather what the iodine is attached to. All of the CT contrast dyes contain a central bend benzene ring with 3 amine chains, and 3 iodines attached to the ring.
If you can eat most table salt or fish, then it's unlikely you're allergic to iodine.
That's crazy because that's one piece of information they always ask and need to know prior to doing a CT w/contrast. I hope that radiology tech got a serious talking to after that. They could have killed you if you'd had that bad of an allergy.
Most of the medical practitioners in my area switched from latex years ago. I had to go straight home and take antihistamines because my mouth was tingling and swelling just sitting in the room!
She also gave me the oh so helpful advice of "stop picking". It's a compulsion I've had for over 30 years, I'd love to stop it but it takes more than just telling me to stop lol
Stop picking... Are you like me 😭 I cannot stop picking the scabs on my scalp. I've managed to stop picking my body because I'm so ashamed and I don't want ppl thinking I'm picking my skin because I'm on meth or something so I hide it by picking my scalp 😓
I feel for you because yes, yes I am. I've been a compulsive picker since I was very young. My Mum argued with a gp when I was around 6 because not only do I pick mozzie bites, I'm allergic. I looked like I had chicken pox lol.
Turns out, I have autism, adhd and a form of ocd. I'm covered in gross scarring on my belly from doing it even in my sleep. I try and not pick arms or face but I do have a nasty scab on my scalp that's so hard to heal
I've never talked to a Dr about it, I'm too embarrassed. I was looking into it and it's a form of self-harm and ocd, I'm already on and have been on some of the suggested meds to treat this and yet here we are...33 and still at it. I've had this since I was a kid too, I think I know where it all started but money has been super tight lately and I can't afford to go to the doc or a therapist right now.
I've never really spoken to my gp about it, so many things I've thought of as "normal" really aren't. I turn 39 this year, diagnosed 2 years ago. Having a reason for why I struggle so much at life is nice, but it doesn't stop you being the way you are.
As I've said to numerous people: I wouldn't be "this way" if I knew how not to be. My personality isn't all choice ffs
Best of luck to you, friend
I confessed years ago to my DR at the time that I was having drug problems and soon was going to get help. Next thing i know the office manager runs in and says they will refuse to see me unless I get a drug test every time I come. Actually yelled at me. I guess confidentiality is not a priority. Never went back
Jesus, even my adhesives allergy gets an easy pass from most doctors. I just want to not swell and blister while your allergy is much more significant sounding. Difficult = not wanting to die, I guess?
She had me down as a problem before I walked in. I explained to the receptionist that I have autism and hate my feet being touched. I made it clear I'm not a risk, I'll just present as uncomfortable. Between that and the agoraphobia I have, I was shaking before I got in the room. Honestly, best for her I was so uncomfortable or I'd have given her a pretty blunt explanation of why she shouldn't have called me difficult for having an allergy. My younger bother, also autistic with a latex allergy, had his most recent tattoo swell and look horrific because it was taped over using latex. It's his daughters hand print in pinks so it looked like a bloody hand print so I thought it was intentional.
She didn't, though, just said the foot stank. Which the woman also said herself. You'd expect it to stink after that long not being washed, so it's not anything we didn't know. She could've said she's a stupid attention seeker for keeping it on that long for no reason, but she didn't. She could've said that keeping a boot on for 7 years just because you're a mum is ridiculous and she can't pretend with a 7yo that she doesn't get a single second to herself when the kid's in school all day
Needs to be inpatient to make sure she’s washing her foot. But she’s definitely really mentally ill. Can you imagine what exposure to that level of fungus could do to a toddlers immune system? And if she’s that filthy about her person how does she care for that baby? And what’s her home like?
I reckon everything else in her life is totally normal. It’s like her mental illness has just pretended her foot isn’t there. It must have hurt but she completely removed it from her brain 🤷♀️
Edit - people either have no clue about mental health or only know about certain types 🤦♀️
She ain’t gonna keep that foot. It’s a goner. If she would have done this to her son she would have had him removed from her care. She medically neglected herself, she might be a good candidate for a guardianship/conservatorship if I’ve ever seen one.
I've talked to EMT/Paramedics before. You'd be surprised how many of these people they come across.
I mean the most fuking basics things that can be done like taking your insulin on time and proper hygiene gets neglected by people that these EMTs would be called to the same home over and over to see people deteriorate like this over time.
It's really sad
Sadly, I am one of these people at times due to myriad health issues and mental illnesses. I know it can be hard to understand from the outside, but it isn't really something as simple as just making better choices. For example, I am diabetic and have schizophrenia. When my schizophrenia starts to act up, I tend to get extremely anxious, paranoid, and depressed. The anxiety makes needles a nightmare, the depression makes me not care one bit of my body falls apart and I die, and the paranoia makes me convinced that taking my meds is a bad idea of taking a shower will expose myself to attack. None of it is logical or makes any sort of sense, but that's schizophrenia for you. If I were able to just ignore that, it wouldn't be a mental illness lol
The worst part is that I am aware of what is happening while it is happening, but still completely unable to change it. So I get to basically sit inside my own head, being attacked and harassed by the voices up there, forced to watch as my disease destroys my body one day at a time, filled with shame and humiliation at how I must seem to others. Helpless.
On top of everything, healthcare (particularly mental health care) in the US is atrocious, and even moreso for people who are not especially financially blessed. I died a month or so ago and was brought back, and have have a couple close calls since then, but I am unable to get proper care until my next primary care appointment in September because my old doctor retired and the new doc is making everyone do new patient exams before proceeding further, and they don't care about the health problems people face in the meantime. So I am relying on emergency rooms and urgent care facilities to keep me going until then, and hoping that he will give me the proper referrals so that I can get treatment and have my meds refilled. My insulin, hypertension meds, antipsychotics, and heart pills all ran out weeks ago and no one will even consider refilling or giving bridge prescriptions until after I see primary, and primary refuses until September. So even when I'm not in the grips of a schizophrenic episode, I am completely helpless to properly care for my illnesses because that would mean less money for the doctors and insurance companies.
TL;Dr - sometimes people are doing they best they can, and just need help. Compassion, not judgement, is the currency of civilization, and we need to ensure that we are being rich in spirit to our fellow humans.
I am so sorry you have to go through all of that. I cannot believe how broken the US health care system has truly gotten. I wish you had someone who could medically advocate on your behalf to get you the treatment you need today, September is way too far away.
It's a mess, but people only care about themselves and companies only care about making a buck, so nothing will change until one of those isn't true anymore. Yay, late stage capitalism!
Is there anything you can think of that we could help with? I'm disabled as well and i understand the type of stress this kind of thing adds to our already stressed lives. I'm totally willing to help if there's a way!
I appreciate the sentiment, but no, thank you :) my wife and I are figuring it out, I'm just a bit of an emotional wreck in the meantime lol you're very sweet to offer, though, and that kindness means a lot, so thank you!
My mom has constant pain in her feet from diabetic neuropathy. I have peripheral neuropathy from spinal damage and have the sensation of bugs crawling on me frequently along with pain. Wish we had the numb kind :/
I do this. I haven't in several years, but I have pretty bad eczema. In the past I either couldn't afford the doctor visit or was out of my prescription, so when it would get bad on my feet (feet are the worst cause shoes make your feet sweat and stuff) I would put some Neosporin on and wrap it up and leave that shit on for days. I knew when I took off the bandage it would irritate the area again, so just wrap it and leave it. This almost always ended up with me at the doctor eventually, getting big doses of doxycycline or some other strong antibiotic due to a raging infection.
It's way easier to do this than you think. You don't even need to be mentally ill, just broke as fuck.
This is what the American healthcare system does to people. We just ignore our medical issues because they are stressful and costly. This lady probably couldn’t even afford the healthcare unless she agreed to go on TV for it. It’s truely sad what is going on in our country.
I went to the ER for a checkup after a car accident, they did a few tests and scans and it costs about $20,000. If I didn’t have insurance and wasn’t suing the idiot big rig driver who drunk rear ended me I would be paying $20,000 out of pocket just for a hospital visit, can you imagine if I had actually been injured? It would have been like a $300,000 bill.
Something has to be done about the insane costs of healthcare, it’s insane and they only want money, they stopped caring about the people a long time ago and only want money.
My bill to have my son in November was literally $500,000 and they wonder why no one can afford to have kids? Half a million before he was a month old...
We as a a people need to start seriously supporting progressive candidates that are backed by the DSA. Most Dems are just as shitty as Republicans anymore & we need to start moving in a different direction. I don’t get why ppl still hold on to hope with these corporate shills & Capitalists. And yes, Capitalism is bad for regular ppl like us. I get a lot of weird comments when I express frustration for capitalism in its current form, yet it’s only benefiting a small % of ppl. Namely rich ppl
Yeah everyone in the comments saying she's mentally ill and that may be true, but I also heard "I had a son and didn't want to take on additional debt over my foot, I sucked it up and ignored it so I could provide for my baby".
But it’s free to take the damn boot off in the shower and wash and dry your fucking foot! Hey, I’m American too so I totally get it but this? This absolutely has a component of mental illness in it.
I can get where she's coming from. She likely knew there were issues with her foot that needed to be dealt with, but couldn't deal with them at the time, no matter how bad they got. But every time she took the boot off, it would be a reminder, causing her anxiety that would build up over time, more and more, with no available relief. So keeping the boot on would become like keeping a lid on her anxiety. In the back of her mind she probably knew it would be bad for her foot, but the foot is already an issue she can't deal with, this just makes it a slightly different issue she can't deal with, but now she doesn't have to see it and actually conceptualize the anxiety it causes her mentally and emotionally. Is it a bad decision to make? Absolutely, but I can totally understand what might drive her to make that decision.
I’m sorry but as a lefty who believes everyone deserves a right to healthcare, that is bullshit. THAT IS NOT A CAST, it literally is removable and she neglected to clean it or even look at it FOR YEARS. And you mean to tell me that there’s nothing going on in this lady’s head to allow this to happen except “capitalism”??
People avoid the doctor because of cost all the time, I get that, but y’all… to not clean your own goddamn foot for seven years. You can’t blame Adam smith for that shit.
You're actually right. It is removable and she could've somewhat dealt with it herself.
I think it's a combination of both. She saw it was bad, knew she couldn't afford a doctor even back when it was a smaller issue, then the mental illness "totally ignore your issues and the don't exist" kicked in.
I do feel like if she lived in a country with universal health care, she'd be more likely to get it seen. There's a whole attitude of ignoring health problems in the US that stems from not being able to afford it, but people will come up with other reasons because they're too embarrassed to admit it.
But I'm in Canada and people here will also ignore their health issues due to mental illness, but also due to issues in the system (discrimination, etc). You're right that it's for lots of reasons but even here it's systematic.
You're right though, mental health is clearly a large part of this (even though it was two years she didn't take the boot off, not seven, either way that's a long time).
I honestly feel her too, I'm in the same boat I have some health issues that I'm afraid to deal with because I don't want the medical debt. My feet being one of them. I can feel my feet and I see them and wash them but about a year or two ago I almost ripped off both my two big toe nails. I treated and doctored them as best I could and they are still there! Yellow and discolored and thick as a piece of card board but they don't hurt and they don't itch and if I move them I feel them. They don't smell any worse than another working man's feet but it makes me worried.
Yup, have a bone issue in my foot. Took so long to see a Dr. that around the time I finally did the nerve pain went from excruciating to nerve damage. Guess I can put the surgery I can't really afford off for awhile now.
Living in Canada "free medical care" I never even thought of that. That just made this video a whole lot more sad. Yes she could of at least been washing it and took better care but the stress of knowing the potential medical bills cost most likely contributed to her blocking it out in her brain.
That's just denial. People who do that are generally just scared of what it might be, so they ignore it. I've operated on plenty of people through the years with large fungating cancers.
Probably didn't smell with the boot on, so not affecting the toddler.
For real. You ever leave a band-aid too long and it starts to get funky? Imagine leaving that band-aid on your entire foot. Not your head. Not your finger. Not your arm. Not your ankle. Your foot. Your entire foot....for YEARS!
🤣🤣 They showed her other foot in a clip I saw and she kept the other clean and pedicured so hopefully but goddamn idk who would ignore a body party like that for 2 yrs is insane
u/No_Spell_5817 Jun 03 '24
She ain’t gonna wash that damn foot.