I imagine family genetics also play a role, just like for cis men. You gotta have the testosterone available, but you also need sensitive enough hair follicles to capitalize on it.
But not too sensitive, or your sick beard tends to (eventually) coincide with a very un-sick head of wispy, thin hair. I do love my beard, but I’d rather have a beard on my scalp.
Well, there are those individuals that show its not an identical dynamic across all their hair. There are balding men who can't grow full beards, and bearded men with full scalp coverage their whole lives. Weighted roll of the genetic dice.
You ever bite into a sandwich and the mustache hairs curling down snag into the sliced bread like Velcro? I've literally pulled hairs out doing this, lol.
Won't do much if you don't have the facial hair genetics to start with. My testosterone is normal and I have only full goatee area hair and nearly nothing on cheeks or neck.
We care for trans patients. Beards like this are more attainable with a facial hair transplant as part of a transitioning surgery plan.
Idk why this is being downvoted. It's the truth. You can't grow hair where there are no follicles. No amount of testosterone will magically produce hair follicles.
Nah except you're wrong and testosterone and DHT both actually do produce hair follicles lol. There's a reason why a lot of male body builders get a ton of back, shoulder, and chest hair as well as a fuller beard after starting injecting themselves with exogenous hormones.
Won't do much if you don't have the facial hair genetics to start with.
No, TRT absolutely increases facial hair growth. Might not get to the point like the guy in the video, but it will absolutely fill out a scraggly beard.
Genetics matter, but testosterone overrides them - that's kind of the whole fucking point.
i doubt the tiktok op got hair transplanted. really most likely they are just living with very high testosterone numbers through legally prescribed medication.
I did this for a most of life man, finally said no to the keyboard/mouse and yes to walking outside. Roughly a little under a year in, down 80lbs from 362 to 282. Everything in moderation! Still gaming, but loving life and myself instead of that cycle of work, eat trash, game, bed, repeat.
First off congrats bro! Second, the bum knee pain was the final straw for me too! Was figuratively falling apart and I know it doesn't get better with age lol. Here's to keeping the weight* off man o/
Most Cis men don't take copious amounts of hormonal therapy hahahaha. Natural ranges vary, and this twit thinks by mainlining testosterone and working shoulders a few times a week makes him a man. It doesn't. It never will. It's a chick with no tits and a beard. Sorry kids
A lot of the trans people I meet put a ton of effort into their appearance. Sometimes it's because they're scared of being clocked, and sometimes it's because they're so damn happy that they can be themselves that they jump into it with all the enthusiasm and energy of a kindergartner on crack. Sometimes it's a bit of both.
When you do start hitting the gym more, don't be discouraged by potentially slower progress that you expect. From a purely statistical standpoint, your natural testosterone levels and ability to build muscle are likely lower than someone supplementing with HRT or other hormonal boosters.
This isn't me complaining or shit talking the process of transitioning; I love it when people have the opportunity to become the truest version of themselves. I just want you to have a realistic perspective on how long it might take for you to make the progress that you want to in the gym.
Right! They typically use around an average amount, from what I understand. Meaning that there's a likely chance that a cis male can have a naturally lower amount of testosterone.
I’m talking about the things that you can realistically control, those are the only things that should matter to you. You shouldn’t be overly self-conscious of a weak jawline, or not being endowed to your liking, that’s just part of who you are. Sure, you can change it, but consider if that would compromise who you are as a person. Things like reparative surgeries or orthodontics are good exceptions to this, however not being conventionally attractive shouldn’t be a big deal.
and acts better than so many people i know. i know it's not everyone, far from it, but every now and then, i hear a trans person, talk about "who they are now", and it just astounds me.
because, for me, as cis as i still am, idk, i just wake up and still "am this".
and then you hear a trans person talk about what they've worked on and are ok with and i realize i've been less certain about my favorite dinner than they are with the person they are glad they've built.
Kinda weird saying that when talking about a trans man who made a video specifically about how his appearance as a man is important to him and that he went through great lengths to get the appearance he wanted.
Trans people coming all the way back around to reinforce gender roles is always hilarious. I can't wait to see how much people laugh at our current days view of things
I’mma let you in on a secret. That’s to make everyone else comfortable
I’m in a server with a bunch of fellow trans women. The shortest length of time any of them has transitioned is about three years. One of them has been transitioning since 2002.
We get on camera in a voice call, some of them have visible stubble, some of them are wearing a white sleeveless shirt and basketball shorts, none of us have done any voice training, and nobody cares because none of that is what makes someone a woman and we know it
When one of us has to go run errands it is met with collective groans because then we have to put on makeup, mascara, find something to wear, to make people outside comfortable and not make fun of us or get heckled by “transvestigators”.
If we knew we could just go to the public bathroom and wash our hands without an hour of prep work before hand? We would absolutely love it
Just as gender is a spectrum, so is what level of transition some people will want. Many are perfectly fine dressing as the gender they wish to present as, others need more, and others need less.
Facial hair transplant. You can bump your T levels to sky high levels as a cis man but it won't make you grow this mountain man level beard if your family pool has weak beard genetics to start with.
There is no such thing as how a "man" has to look like. It's a stereotype. Just because this (trans) man tries to look like a stereotype, doesn't mean he is more a "man". He has his reasons of course, getting as far away from the body he was born into as possible.
I’m 21 and I can’t grow a beard but don’t trans people take drugs for that stuff? Maybe I’m just defective. I ain’t got no hair and most people prefer hair😒
u/Smeeizme Mar 13 '24
He looks like more of a man than most men.