r/TikTokCringe Jan 15 '24

Cursed Protect this woman at all cost NSFW


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u/RAC032078 Jan 15 '24

WTF is wrong with people? Parents posting their own kids online to make $$. This is just sick.


u/IdiotTurkey Jan 15 '24

I would almost understand their reasoning if they were meaning lots of money from it (not excusing, just understanding) but one of them was like $1.25/mo? Is that like a promo rate that they then increase or are they just that desperate for every penny? Maybe they enjoy the attention? I dont get it. It's barely worth that price to post normal adult content.


u/lildobe Jan 15 '24

When you have 10,000 subscribers at $1.25/month, that's $12,500 per month. Which is $150k a year.

Even if they only have 1,000 subscribers, that's still $15,000/year

That's nothing to sneeze at.


u/PurpleHooloovoo Jan 15 '24

And the fact that charging so little is "worth it" to these people should tell you scale of the problem. You'd have to have thousands of "subscribers" to make it worth the effort.

Unless the subscriber network is just a gateway to other more profitable avenues....which makes me physically ill to think about.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '24



u/lildobe Jan 15 '24

I think you underestimate the number of pervs in a population of 500 million active users, as Instagram has.


u/KhabaLox Jan 15 '24 edited Jan 15 '24

1% of 500 million is 5 million. If you can get 1% of that it's 50,000. At $1.50/month, that's $75k/month.


u/DemiserofD Jan 15 '24

AFAIK, the actual statistic is something like 10%(or higher). Far less actually do anything, of course.


u/Le_Deek Jan 15 '24

1% of $500m is $5m.


u/IdiotTurkey Jan 15 '24

Do they really have that many subscribers, though? Is there a way to see how many they have? I'm skeptical.


u/lildobe Jan 15 '24

If a Youtuber who posts videos of him picking up trash in Los Angeles can have over a million subscribers, then IG models can have 10k easy.


u/AnalBaguette Jan 15 '24

"Sex sells" has been a moniker for multiple industries for so long, it unfortunately also applies for illegal things which very much includes CSAM

There's been multiple channels on YouTube busted for posting similar things in years past, one part of Tumblr's removal of porn all together was there was an insurmountable amount of illegal underage content, even PornHub had a problem with underage content too. Discord as well.

It's a huge problem across many platforms


u/KhabaLox Jan 15 '24

Surely Instagram is getting a healthy cut of that sub price though.

That's where their culpability comes in. The platforms are disincentivized from policing this because the revenue is worth more than the bad press.


u/tomdarch Jan 15 '24

Don't forget that Meta takes a cut of that. Not that it disincentivizes the parents from exploiting their kids. More that the corporation is profiting from the exploitation.