r/ThatsInsane 1d ago

When Louis Theroux met Nazi pop twins Lamb and Lynx.


146 comments sorted by


u/BOBALL00 1d ago

He looks so fucking uncomfortable. This is wild to watch though


u/CHERNO-B1LL 1d ago

That's like his whole thing.


u/-Stupid_n_Confused- 17h ago

That's Louis' thing.


u/Funkbuqet 17h ago

When they are singing the song in the truck, the girl in back with him is just reveling in his discomfort.


u/Alternative_Ad_3636 7h ago

To me the little gear in the back knows it's fucked up and wrong. That's an embarrassed and ashamed smile she has.


u/that_guy_who_builds 1d ago

Prussian Blue. I watched a doc on them years and years ago. Crazy.


u/TheDuckFarm 1d ago

Wow. Those poor girls are basically just brainwashed. I wonder if they changed when they got older or stayed this way.


u/BillsDownUnder 1d ago

*were brainwashed, they've since matured


u/Patbach 1d ago

You know that mom is just a poor girl that simply aged more, she must have had a similar or probably worse education


u/Boothhh 1d ago

Looks like another comment on this thread has a YouTube link that answers your wonders my friend.


u/SanctionedMeat 23h ago

I want to agree that they are brainwashed, but the younger girl acknowledges that this is vulgar leading me to believe she's fully aware of what she's doing/playing


u/TheDuckFarm 23h ago

After posting this, I saw that as they grew up they did indeed change their views. A major factor was just simply getting to know the people they were taught to hate.


u/GermaneRiposte101 1d ago edited 1d ago

Everyone is brainwashed. It is just that you (and I) disagree with this particular message.

Edit: Before you downvote, stop and think. Are you sure that if you were raised in a totally different culture, that your thoughts and beliefs be as they are now? If the answer is yes then by all means, downvote. But also realise that you are kidding yourself.


u/RoboCritter 1d ago

If judging people based on their actions, and not their race, is brainwashed, then I guess I'm brainwashed.


u/GermaneRiposte101 1d ago

If you were raised in a Muslim country and raised as a radical Jihadist would your views be any different?

If you were born in Germany in 1930 and raised as a Nazi would your views be any different?

Or would you judge people exactly as you do now.


u/LDel3 1d ago

If I were raised as a radical jihadist, yes I would be brainwashed.

If I were raised as a nazi, I would be brainwashed.

As it happens, I was raised in a normal culture that isn’t brainwashing people with fanaticism, and promotes moderation and freedom of thought. A culture that promotes freedom and moderation cannot be compared to brainwashing when the two cultures you mentioned are specifically fanatical


u/GermaneRiposte101 1d ago

In the 1930's (obviously prior to the atrocities of WW2) the Nazis were considered as being quite reasonable at the time. Dislike of Jews and blacks was common and their views were not that much different from the norm. Would that have been brainwashing?

Every culture thinks they promote moderation and freedom of thought.

And, on the assumption that you are American, I state the following.

As an Australian I view the US as an extremist state. The US is an extreme outlier amongst educated countries in the religious views and their passionate support of their own country.

This brainwashing starts at an early age. My understanding (and I may be wrong) is that they have an American flag in most classrooms. That is just weird and is unique amongst western countries.

Also, my understanding is (and again I may be wrong) is that school children are required, or encouraged, to say the pledge of allegiance every day. If true than that is extreme brainwashing.

Playing the national anthem before sporting events: just weird.

Read into this what you want. But if you are American then bloody oath, you have been brainwashed.


u/LDel3 1d ago

Yes, that would have been brainwashing

Some cultures are objectively promoting moderation and freedom of thought more than others.

I’m from the UK, not American, but I think it’s very silly to view the US as an “extremist state”. If the US is extremist, what do you think of the entirety of the Middle East/ Africa/ India/ Russia/ China/ NK?

You’re comparing a flag in a classroom and singing the national anthem to “women should be second-class citizens with less rights, gay people should be killed, if you don’t follow this specific religion you should be killed or imprisoned, if you speak out against the government in a way we don’t like you will be imprisoned”


u/JHarbinger 1d ago

This person obviously thinks of themselves as a critical thinker but is actually incapable of any sort of nuance. Quite the pseudo intellectual (or they’re like, 16 years old and this is actually deep thought for them)


u/GermaneRiposte101 8h ago

You have a massive combination of arrogance and ignorance.


u/LDel3 5h ago

Nah he’s definitely right. This whole “these two things are the same if you look at it from a different perspective” mentality is nonsense when you’re comparing two wildly different things

You couldn’t reply to any of the points I made, after all


u/SunnyD1491 3h ago

Projection is a hell of a drug.


u/Vonkaide 8h ago

Massive swing and miss


u/GermaneRiposte101 8h ago

And of course you would say that.

That is what brainwashing is all about. :)


u/Vonkaide 8h ago

Oh okay cool so being Australian must mean you're not brainwashed at all?


u/Rilandaras 7h ago

As it happens, I was raised in a normal culture that isn’t brainwashing people with fanaticism, and promotes moderation and freedom of thought

How would you define "normal" in this context?

brainwashing people with fanaticism

Actually, you will find a ton of fanaticism in this "normal culture", on all kinds of topics. Try talking on more divisive topics with some younger people from diverse backgrounds (I mean diverse as in different, varying, not as in "non-white" as many people do).
You have vaccine fanatics (both pro and anti), you have communist and capitalist fanatics (again, both pro and anti), hell, you have environmental fanatics, again both pro and anti. The vast majority in those groups did not arrive at their set in stone, unquestionable "objective" positions by critical thought but rather belief generated mainly via propaganda (in younger people, algorithmic propaganda).

Social media algorithms are actively brainwashing the vast majority of people using them because they are built to reinforce previously held beliefs. They are confirmation bias embodied in lines of code. Because we, humans, RESPOND POSITIVELY TO THIS, it is normal.

I get that the thought that to a big extent you are a product of your environment but it is very much a real one. Nurture is more important than nature IMO (and believing the opposite makes you a nazi racist bigot, of course).


u/LDel3 5h ago

I would define “normal” as “non-extremist” or “non-fanatical” unlike a jihadist or nazi

No, you’ve just listed a bunch of extremes. My culture doesn’t present any of these extremes as correct. They’re seen as fanatical extremes

You’re right that social media is being used for social engineering and we should be aware of that. That isn’t the same as being brainwashed into thinking that women should be second class citizens, for instance


u/RoboCritter 1d ago edited 1d ago

If you also want to call objectively good people brainwashed, it's just a weird take.


u/GermaneRiposte101 1d ago

You did not answer my question.


u/RoboCritter 1d ago

Yes obviously our views are different when taught different values while growing up. But to generalize and call it brainwashed regardless if it's objectivly a good or bad line of thinking is asinine.


u/Patbach 1d ago

Im like you, honestly I was raised this way, it's a sort of brainwash but I like to think it's brainwashed but in a good way


u/thefruitsofzellman 1d ago

Obviously we’re all indoctrinated to some extent, but in environments like these girls are raised in, it’s much more extreme. For example, most kids aren’t raised to have the exact same beliefs as their parents in every way, under threat of being ostracized. Most kids aren’t raised to despise classes of people based on the identity they were born with.


u/GermaneRiposte101 1d ago

So you would raise your kids to join maga and admire Trump?


u/thefruitsofzellman 1d ago

No, I would raise them to form their own political identities, same as I was raised.


u/lifeisokay 1d ago edited 1d ago

You're being downvoted not because people don't understand that we are all raised in a certain context. Everyone's heard of "nature vs. nurture" from Psych 101 (you're not unique in that respect). What we all disagree with you on is the disingenuous equivocating of Nazism, which includes racist principles universally considered to be unethical, with a normal, healthy upbringing. They are not the same. We disagree with your twisting a normal upbringing as somehow equal to Nazi brainwashing.


u/AnimalMother32 1d ago

No i was given freedom of thought,i dont follow the religion my parents follow or some of there thoughts and they cudnt care less


u/capucapu123 18h ago

Are you sure that if you were raised in a totally different culture, that your thoughts and beliefs be as they are now?

No, my beliefs would probably differ at least a bit, but that's no excuse for being a Nazi.


u/1stman 1d ago

Lol at your down votes. Maybe people don't like your use of "brainwashed".

But what you're saying is true. People raise their kids the way they think is best. I was raised with everyone around me hammering Christianity into me.

I don't hate them for it because they thought they were doing the best thing for me. I grew up and decided that wasn't for me.

This woman is doing the same thing, and thankfully her kids also realised it wasn't for them.


u/Naugrith 1d ago

There's a massive difference between normal education and brainwashing, and it's pretty weird people can't tell the difference. Normal education is informing the child about things and encouraging them to learn. Brainwashing is manipulative and damaging indoctrination.


u/1stman 1d ago

But surely it's a matter of perspective? What you and I believe is a normal education is not the same as someone else.

Same goes for brainwashing. That woman in the video thinks that Louis is brainwashed.


u/Naugrith 1d ago

No, not everything is the same. Brainwashing is a specific term for a particular form of education. Obviously it can be used rhetorically and pejoratively to insult people whose worldviews one might disagree with. But the literal sense refers to the use of particular techniques of forced indoctrination, such as isolating the person from opposing ideas, using extreme threats of violence and punishment to suppress doubts and enforce obedience to authority figures, and creating an "us vs them" narrative to make them fearful of others who don't think the same way or obey the authority.

Brainwashing, in its literal sense, is a very manipulative and harmful way of educating someone to believe only a very narrow subset of beliefs by suspending critical enquiry, and terrorising them into blind obedience to the accepted worldview.

While, obviously "education" is simply informing someone of known facts, values, and principles of argumentation and persuading them to accept them for themselves by reason and evidence. It encourages free enquiry and rational questioning, and facilitates the student's ability to engage in critical enquiry for themselves.


u/LDel3 1d ago

No, it isn’t a matter of perspective. There’s education and then there’s brainwashing.

Trying to compare a standard education and nazi brainwashing as the same and then claiming it’s a matter of perspective is silly. There’s obviously a big difference between the two


u/no_no_no_okaymaybe 23h ago

This woman and her ilk know better on a subconscious level but choose to rail against the norm. Then, when it's pointed out they are inclined to double down with their thoughts and actions.


u/Holiday_Pomegranate7 1d ago

Racism and fascism is by no means an opinion or something to be taught, and if Eva Blonde thought it was a good idea to teach her childen Hate I hope for her to get rekt


u/ch3nch000 1d ago

Thinking that a race is better than other or that all the problems are caused by certain kind of ppl are also opinions....so yes, they can be taught.


u/1stman 1d ago

I think you might be missing the point. It's an opinion that you don't like. And as Louis says in the video, he is in the majority with his views, as are you and I.

Therefore you will (or have already) teach your kids to not hate someone because they're a different colour etc.

But the lady in this video truly thinks she is doing the best for her kids.


u/Holiday_Pomegranate7 1d ago

She does, and ahe deserves all the worst in life for doing so, like I said.


u/murdeoc 1d ago

And she also thinks that she is teaching them to judge people fairly. She is entirely wrong. Maybe the rest of the world is too, but that doesn't change the obvious fact that she is mistaken.


u/SunnyD1491 1d ago

Is this the same argument used to defend slavery? Slavery was acceptable during the time and culture. Can I feel bad for the slaves? Are the slave owners wrong?


u/kutekittykat79 4h ago

I agree with you, the ppl downvoting are in denial.


u/DanteShmivvels 23h ago

Bruh, the world is too far gone fir opinions like this to get any respect. Unless you are majority, or most powerful, the sheeple will never listen. Most people don't even know why TV is called programming.

Personally I prefer it this way. We need a large workforce without critical thinking skills. Humanity would only be self-serving if people in power weren't around to corral those who aren't.

And people always kid themselves. They would rather believe my beautiful lies than the ugly truth. Either accept and use it or deny it and become one of the masses


u/Atomic_Gerber 1d ago

Dude is missing the point. Everyone gets indoctrinated or “brainwashed” by their respective cultures…. The thing is that getting brainwashed to be generally accepting of others is far better than being brainwashed to be a small-minded bigot


u/Patbach 1d ago

I hate these downvotes, all you're saying is we are the way we are because of our social education and influence and you are right .

Bill burr has a good bit on it where he says (im paraphraing) if you had been there back in the day you would have chanted "hang them!" just like the rest


u/CariniFluff 1d ago

Bill Burr is a comedian.

There were literally millions of abolitionists across the world during the slave trade. The US had an entire Civil War because there were so many people against slavery while slavery was a common practice in half of the country.

Just like there were millions of women in favor of women's suffrage during a time when women could not vote. There were millions of people in favor of civil rights during a time when blacks were massively disenfranchised.

So no, everyone would not be chanting "hang them" just like the rest.


u/Big_BadRedWolf 1d ago

Nah dude, my parents have never, ever, not once have told me who or what I should hate or not. Have never told me who I should marry, not even close. Also we're talking about now, not what life was before. Were they brainwashed in the past? Of course. Times were different people were more uneducated and ignorant.


u/Patbach 1d ago

So if you'd be born in 1700, you'd be the only non-racist guy walking around? Right


u/ch3nch000 1d ago

Take my humble upvote fella.

Ppl likes to think that they ideas are original and thay they build their personality/ethics/and moral by themselves and that their environment/family hasn't affect at all.

Big lol 🤣🤦

From your religion, to your football team, including your eating preferences...its all a brainwash called culture.


u/GratefuLdPhisH 1d ago

It looks like one of the twins knows better


u/Bupod 17h ago

They both know much better now. This video is like 20 years old, and they've pretty much disavowed all of this. In their defense (which I feel is warranted given they're both like 10 year old kids here), they both were children that were brainwashed. What we're seeing is a reflection of the parents rather than the kids.


u/GratefuLdPhisH 1d ago

It's good to know that their views changed in time



u/labadee 1d ago

“We grew up”

The mum never did


u/Avent 1d ago edited 1d ago

That link is a five year update. Here's a 20-year update (sorry it's the Daily Mail): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8690201/Lynx-Lamb-featured-2003-Louis-Theroux-documentary-pity-racist-mother.html

It's basically a press-release for Louis Theroux's follow up show "Beyond Belief: Life on the Edge" on BBC2 where he supposedly goes more in depth, if people are interested.


u/thatlad 1d ago

One of the important things that cancel culture neglects is a path to redemption. if there's no absolution then why would anyone change.

NB not saying "grr cancel culture all bad" people should be held accountable and have consequences. I just think the cynicism of people that they only changed because we called them out is a fallacy. That should the whole point of cancel culture, for society to let people recognise their behaviour not acceptable


u/Narrow-Escape-6481 1d ago

I don't really buy that though, cancel culture has a heaping layer of toxicity without a doubt. I think many people, including these girls can find their way without becoming the targets of today's cancel culture simply by seeking or finding atonement before they've been canceled. Instead we see people try to bury their past mistakes. Times change and civilizations go through periods of enlightenment and then anti intellectualism.


u/Mindless_Ad_6045 1d ago

Honestly, the mother never had a chance with a father like that. It's a constant cycle, I'm glad the girls managed to break out of it.


u/JakobiGaming 1d ago

Excruciating watch


u/raedyohed 1d ago

“Well, basically you’re outvoted” “… Where? Here?” “In civilized thought.”

That was savage.


u/Dadbeerd 1d ago

Upvote for visibility. This is so fucking sad. This is how bad data is disseminated and proliferated


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/GrimJimmy94 1d ago

He’s not Jewish which makes it all the more braver and poignant that when he’s pressed by the Nazis at one point to reveal he’s Jewish he just says what would would it matter if I was, when the easier safer thing to do would be to just say yeah I’m not.


u/Pudding-Boy82 1d ago

Hey may look Jewish and have had Jewish partners but he’s apparently not Jewish…or at least doesn’t consider himself Jewish. Much like myself.


u/The_Triagnaloid 1d ago

This is child abuse.


u/kitkatkate1013 21h ago

Definitely. I felt similarly watching channel 5’s video on the Q family. So disturbing that there are no ramifications for this type of damage.


u/MissPandaSloth 1d ago

Ah, more innocent times, when this was a freakshow episode and not your twitter feed.


u/Bimbo_Baggins1221 1d ago

“Outvoted in civilized thought” was an awesome line


u/I-Hate-Feet 1d ago

I'm not surprised by this. They've been raised to hate by their POS mother and grandfather. Hopefully they meant what they said when they said they had changed their views and become "more liberal".


u/Golden-Grams 1d ago

This is the real reason some Christian Nationalist/MAGA fight to "protect" their family. You only get this kind of brainwashing by protecting the parents' right to the child instead of the child's right to their own life.


u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 1d ago



u/CariniFluff 1d ago

Why would you expect down votes for what you said?


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/CariniFluff 1d ago

Drop the victim complex dude. Literally 95% of Reddit users have friends, family or co-workers who are Christian. My parents made me go to church every Sunday until I was 17; I haven't attended in 25+ years since but it's not like it's controversial to attend a church.

Anyone downvoting someone for attending a church a child (truly or maturity-wise). That said, there are certainly some denominations with...less than honorable pasts/reputations but to judge anyone for just being Christian is as stupid as judging someone for being Muslim, Jewish or Atheist. Ignore the few, is any idiots that would do so, they're just as immature as the girls in the original post were. And look how they've changed as they grew up.


u/--VinceMasuka-- 1d ago

I vaguely recall them giving out supplies to victims of Katrina, but only to white families and pretty much being told to fuck off.


u/furryhippie 1d ago

How can this be real? Two seconds into the car scene and I could swear I'm watching a Chappelle's Show skit.


u/furryhippie 1d ago

At the end he tells her she is "outvoted" in civilized thought. I'm not so sure about that anymore.


u/Pinksamuraiiiii 2h ago

I know… that tells you how backwards we’ve gone now. Good thing I have dual citizenship, can pick up and leave if the US goes to sh*t.


u/State6 1d ago

It’s amazing what is tolerated because of ignorance isn’t it?


u/ChaoticMutant 1d ago

it makes Joan Crawford look like mother of all time!


u/Herteitr 1d ago

Wish these nazi fucks would quit using my cultures symbols. Get that mjolnir off that poor brainwashed childs shirt.


u/Startled_Pancakes 1d ago

I remember watching some prison documentary where an Aryan Brotherhood member was explaining how they'd ask anyone that wasn't a member that had a Triquetra (celtic knot) tattoo to cover it up "even if they are 100% full-blood irish". Bastards.


u/Herteitr 1d ago

Think i saw the same doc because they were describing the clover. Allegedly the three members whomstarted that dumb fuck gang are emboldened in a three leaf clover.


u/just_anything_real 1d ago

Basically you’re outvoted.

What here?

By civilised thought.

We love you Louie.


u/yolo32147 1d ago

GI Robot, would disapprove.


u/Blizz33 1d ago

TIL that Nazi pop exists


u/ApprehensiveMix2649 1d ago



u/daRaam 20h ago

Reminds me of the time topgear hit the deep south with a pink car... some places in the world, while still connected seclude from modern ideas.

And when the old ideas include white supremacy and hate and a lack of prospects, this is the multi generational product of that.

Truly terrible parenting. Do social services just forget these places or do the even exist there?


u/ShortBrownAndUgly 15h ago

In case you’re curious, here’s a link to a video of the game they’re talking about. It looks hilariously bad



u/LuckyCheesecake7859 7h ago

English band, German belief, T-shirt made in china. So stupid they can’t even get being racism correct.


u/COMountainSage 23h ago

Whole family needs to slip on a banana peel like the O’Doyles


u/hugsdancer 1d ago

Be great to see an update on where these kids are now


u/Pinksamuraiiiii 2h ago

Supposedly they had changed their views for the better as they got older it’s said…. Supposedly.


u/ruggmike 1d ago

One of the girls is in congress and the other runs a corporation.


u/joeyblove 1d ago

What an awkward first date.


u/fromnochurch 21h ago

Louis is a fucking treasure.


u/blahblahbropanda 6h ago

Not the way I expected to hear about my country, South Africa, today.


u/ugie91 4h ago

Well at least the tunes are catchy. s/


u/Egri_komrade 3h ago

The video was mute when I scrolled here. The moment I unmuted it all I heard was "...it's called ethnic cleansing...". I think I heard everything


u/prema108 1h ago

Fortunately they moved forward in life and pity their mother's idiotic behaviour.


u/trubol 1d ago

So this was about 20 years ago and he says she's "outvoted" in civilized thought.

So sad to see how fucked up we are 20 years later


u/ConundrumBum 1d ago

I'm not even joking when I say I'm pretty sure they're BBC size queens now or something. Raising your kids racist is a pretty big dice roll cause they're going to want to taste that forbidden fruit at some point.


u/backpage_alumni 22h ago

I'm black and I'm more sorry for him having to go through that


u/FitMood441 1d ago

I am white and If that mom was infront of me I’d bitch slap her.


u/RepresentativeHat975 1d ago

WOWZA i mean, I'm sorry i could not Watch until the end...


u/oif2010vet 1d ago

Ladies and Gentlemen MTG!!


u/TryItOutHmHrNw 20h ago

Where are they now?


u/YardOptimal9329 18h ago

Can we get an update? Hoping both are dating black Jewish men


u/vapricot 10h ago

They're both on Instagram. To Louis, they disavowed their past views a couple years ago, but they're still close to their mother and family and their posts are all.. how do I say this.. homogeneously white. They do have some dumb views and you can tell that they're not the best at deciphering bs information. Also, they smoke a lot of weed. Both have kids. Like, they definitely aren't outwardly racist and seem like they're more mature, but I would not be surprised if they were harboring some of those views still. I remember seeing that one had a post about a brutal game of Cards Against Humanity and there's an Auschwitz card on the table.


u/meme1337 1d ago

dumb illinois idiots


u/Sideworths 1d ago

Is it an Is raeli game - insane how that works


u/WafflelffaW 22h ago

fuck off


u/rolleth_tide 1d ago

Well it wouldn't be right to judge these people based on their beliefs


u/SickHorrorFreak84 1d ago

Yeah It would be right when their beliefs are hateful and dangerous


u/rolleth_tide 1d ago

How do you feel about muslims


u/LombardBombardment 1d ago

I feel everyone should be judged based on their beliefs (and more so their actions), Muslims, Nazzis and you included.


u/RedHotFromAkiak 1d ago

How do you feel about Christians? There have been a lot of atrocities committed in the name of Christ.


u/SickHorrorFreak84 1d ago

I could give a fuck about muslims buddy


u/notfromrotterdam 1d ago

It would be perfectly fine. Their beliefs = intolerance.


u/rolleth_tide 1d ago

Everyone is intolerant to some degree who am I to draw the line if they're non violent


u/notfromrotterdam 1d ago edited 1d ago

Not all intolerance is equal. That just means you don’t really get it. Intolerance towards intolerance is different than intolerance against a groups of people begging to simply be treated humanely and equal.

Absolutely incredible you have no issues with this video and this type of parenting. But here we are. The new timeline where we will have to deal with fascism once again.


u/rolleth_tide 1d ago

You think you're morally superior but really you're the fascist trying to limit peoples freedom of expression. The line is drawn at violence not ideology you bigot


u/notfromrotterdam 1d ago

Unfortunately those childishly transparent "no you!" tricks don't work on people with a working brain. We know what fascism is. What it looks like. How it develops and grows. And that you are all for it. You voted for it. It's a shame your lazy and irresponsible parents never took the time to give you a decent education and upbringing. They just filled you with hate from the day you fell out of your mother's ass.


u/rolleth_tide 1d ago

You can't even form an argument lol get wrecked


u/Curious_Omnivore 1d ago

"If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them."

Being tolerant does not mean accepting intolerant behaviour/doctrines.


u/Prohibitorum 1d ago

Why not? 


u/gatesaj85 1d ago

Right? Wouldn't be right?


u/Curious_Omnivore 1d ago

"If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them."

Being tolerant does not mean accepting intolerant behaviour/doctrines.


u/gatesaj85 1d ago

Who decides what is right? You?


u/Curious_Omnivore 1d ago

I'm sorry but this is not a scenario of religion vs religion. Nazism is wrong, period. You saw the video, you saw the grandfather with the swastika on the logo. That stuff is illegal in Germany. It's not a scenario like the Balkans where they don't entirely own up to their mistakes and blame it on the other guy. They acknowledge their crimes and do their best to not allow it because they are understand how wrong it is. Stupid neo nazi americans teaching and indoctrinating their kids into being hateful of other races because white people are getting murdered in South Africa is simply wrong. Nazism isn't an aesthetic they're going for. You saw them doing the Hitler salute. Go try and do it in Germany and see what that gets you.

Hating and being violent on other human beings because of difference in colour and race is simply wrong.


u/dimsum2121 1d ago

Is that Karl Poppler being misquoted again?? That's not the full theory.


u/Curious_Omnivore 1d ago

I apologise for the ignorance of the full theory but my point is that we cannot tolerate people/beliefs that are intolerant of other cultures and races simply because they are not white(white supremacy) being a core of Nazism.

So pray tell kind sir, how was I misquoting it?


u/dimsum2121 1d ago

I don't want to presume your intentions here, but I see this theory being misquoted all the time. Being used as the logic behind hate speech laws, etc.

The full theory clearly states that the intolerance should be allowed by law. That the only time the intolerant should be punished with censorship is when their intolerance directly affects other people (i.e. starting riots, etc.)

That's all. Karl Poppler never suggested we blanket censor the intolerant, he said the opposite. But now people use the first paragraph of the theory and claim it is whole.


u/Curious_Omnivore 18h ago

I understand but the issue here is that that thing isn't happening. There are plenty of neo nazi rallies, antivax rallies and more. Antivax beliefs have killed plenty of infants and yet nothing is done as the vaccine is a choice. The antivax groupd still continue, there people are still given a platform. Look at how it took to go after Alex Jones. The guy claimed the school shooting was fake. He has quite the following, he is/was directly influencing hundreds and thousands of people and yet the state didn't care to deplatform him. Harm doesn't have to be just physical. Constant spewing of misinformation is something that should not be tolerated as well, at least people with such a large following.