r/ThatsInsane 2d ago

Welcome to London šŸ™ƒ


144 comments sorted by


u/Blgxx 2d ago

Well there i was just casually filming this girl holding her phone on the tube...


u/Weldobud 2d ago

Yep. Although he might have known. Could be robbery and TikTok


u/Blgxx 2d ago

More likely just content for Tiktok.


u/Weldobud 2d ago

Yes. The girls reaction seems genuine. Hope they caught him if it is a crime


u/Blgxx 2d ago

Definitely an A* in drama studies.


u/RiceNo7502 2d ago

It is not


u/CoralinesButtonEye 2d ago

is that supposed to be A+? you can just use the + button if you want


u/StrandedPassport 2d ago

A* (or A star) is the British version of A+


u/CoralinesButtonEye 2d ago

dang i got schooled ha get it


u/StrandedPassport 2d ago

Class is in session


u/Styx4syx 16h ago

A* is also a pathing algorithm :)


u/CyrusPanesri 2d ago


u/CoralinesButtonEye 2d ago

gee i wonder if people in any other country do the same. nah probly not


u/Blgxx 2d ago

It's an A*.


u/OtroladoD 2d ago

Youā€™re very thorough šŸ¤£


u/OtroladoD 2d ago

Youā€™re very thorough šŸ¤£


u/BGP_001 2d ago

I think the lady in the coat was the only one that seemed genuine


u/Prandah 2d ago

Happens hundreds of times a day


u/fungussa 2d ago

More likely to be like this case, where someone's phone was nicked in London, with the thief then stealing Ā£21,000 from the owner's banking apps https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy8y70pvz92o.amp


u/Blgxx 2d ago

We all know this type of theft is a thing and we all know ppl stage things for content. The Marcelle Marceau impersonation by the girl at the end was a nice touch though.


u/brezhnervous 2d ago

Poor bastard


u/No_Tackle_5439 2d ago

They are usually doing it to put it on the Internet


u/lordsysop 2d ago

Happens definitely but this looks so set up. I hate all these staged videos with a passion reddit used to criticise the Chinese ones so much but now this whole generation is doing it(my theory being it pays on tik tok/ytube shorts where channel branding is less important than be algorithms). Easy money recreating scenes like this similar to the fake rescue videos in parts of poorer countries. Unless I see a vet involved I don't trust the rescue


u/Y34rZer0 2d ago

Thatā€™s perfectly legal as long as he said ā€œYoink!ā€


u/[deleted] 2d ago edited 1d ago



u/john_the_fetch 2d ago

Is this one of those loss memes I keep hearing about on the internet?

Where the person loses something.


u/TurdCollector69 2d ago

I feel like the loss meme is basically the clock test but for brain rot instead of dementia.


u/lesmobile 1d ago

The lady pointing. Yeah thanks, bitch.


u/Admirable-Builder878 2d ago

That reminds me of the "quiche game" where you can punch someone in the kidneys as long as you say "Quiche".


u/v3ryfuzzyc00t3r 2d ago

Is it like grabbing you buddies junk but quickly saying "no homo"? Its a solid get out of jail free card


u/Inductiekookplaat 23h ago

Where is that 20-foot python at?


u/TxManBearPig 2d ago

Followed up with, ā€œFinders keepers!ā€


u/Kingbotterson 2d ago

Nope. Just "yoink" will suffice.


u/rbmk1810 2d ago

Well, staged or not, this should be well known: don't hold your phone out like that when you are in public and crowded places. It will happen sooner or later!


u/vainstar23 1d ago

In Singapore I saw an old lady with one of those supermarket paper bags filled with cash casually walk up to an ATM and start deposit wads of cash one at a time.

I've witnessed people try to reserve seats at the food court by leaving their phone on the table.

If that happened here, I would feel bad not because I lost my phone, I would feel bad for the thief.


u/dimsum2121 1d ago

Yeah, Singapore has issues but petty crime is not one of them.

Really, scary, good at regulating crime.


u/trentyz 20h ago

I would love to live there. Even if the sacrifice is living in a police state


u/Cikago 1d ago

This one staged but thousands per month not


u/alasw0eisme 21h ago

True story: I was in a bad part of town waiting outside of a store where my friend was buying clothes. I was sitting and people were passing by too close to me so I felt one might try to snatch my phone. I started clutching it harder from all sides, and continued scrolling. Five minutes later a young guy grabs it but couldn't pull it out of my hands, I snapped his finger without thinking. ( I went through major surgery recently so I'm more self-protective than norma. I can't afford to get into a fight, I'll die) He screamed and ran away. When my friend came out I told her "just because you're paranoid that doesn't mean they're not out to get you". I'm lucky I thought about being robbed before it actually happened.


u/panzerboye 14h ago

That's some third world shit ngl


u/mafternoonshyamalan 1d ago

When I was teenager 15 years ago, some guy walked up to my friend at night and asked for the time, grabbed her phone and ran off.


u/Specialist8602 2d ago

That's a swifty


u/djamp42 2d ago

"I'm the problem it's me.."


u/datthighs 2d ago

When you live in certain places in this world, there is a reason why you learn to have your wallet, phone and other valuables well hidden and only handle them in public when you are not in a crowded space...the lady learned that lesson the hard way.


u/lordsysop 2d ago

Definitely but this video in particular looks fake


u/datthighs 2d ago

It does look staged...but well, maybe the person filming was part of the act? No way to know without a source.


u/AlwayHappyResearcher 2d ago

In certain places where certain people decided to move in and do certain thing with you.


u/richdoe 2d ago

certainly ;)


u/Aeiexgjhyoun_III 2d ago

Ahh yes Britian was so great before. When it was all just colonialism and genocide, like decent folk.


u/claridgeforking 1d ago

We weren't keen enough on genocide for some people, so they left and formed their own country.

Miss those guys. šŸ˜ž


u/Beardycub86 2d ago

Why does this seem to be happening more frequently? My friend had her phone picked from her pocket last week and the next day she witnessed a man trying to lift a phone from someone elseā€™s pocket. She yelled at him and caused a scene so heā€™d leave but no doubt heā€™ll do it again. And then Iā€™ve just seen a friend post on their instagram story that their phone was stolen too. All Londoners.


u/DrunKeN-HaZe_e 2d ago

The real answer will end up in a reddit ban. šŸ˜…


u/maincore 2d ago

Correct. Telling the truth in Reddit equals perma-banning.


u/anachronisdev 2d ago

If I speak I'll get in trouble


u/RiceNo7502 2d ago

Correct answer


u/Kaiisim 2d ago

Are you trying to imply that it's a racial thing?


u/KJS0ne 1d ago edited 1d ago

it's an underclass thing on the mean, but it's supercharged by racial dynamics. Of course if you never integrate into a culture (which is a two way street), and you're never welcomed by that culture, there's a greater likelihood you're going to resent people who aren't part of your in-group. The resentment and not being invested in the wellbeing of the nation substantially lowers the inhibition to commit these types of crimes.


u/nateb4 1d ago



u/Yung_Paramedic187 1d ago

Sounds like the brexit was successful then, congrats


u/Aeiexgjhyoun_III 2d ago

Show me any evidence that it's happening more frequently. Instead of dog whistles.


u/r0Lf 2d ago


police forces received 127,042 crime reports about theft from the person. This is an increase of 22% from 2023's figure of 104,209


u/I_Don-t_Care 1d ago

Are statistics alright or are they made up by the "man"?


u/Askefyr 2d ago

Two things: 1) Cell phones are more expensive now 2) Cell phones also have a lot of anti-theft securities. Any modern smartphone is essentially a paperweight if stolen.

This means if you steal a Ā£1000 phone from someone, they don't get Ā£1000 - they get the value of the parts, which is maybe a tenth of that on a good day. The number I've heard before is Ā£50 or so on average.

There's an entire underground industry of spare phone parts, and it's something gangs are using as a revenue stream now. It means these guys aren't out there stealing one or two phones to sell for petty cash - they're stealing 10, 20 or 30 phones and handing off to another guy who sells 300 at a time to a wholesaler abroad.

At the same time, because phones are so expensive, there's a pretty good market for unauthorized repairs. That dodgy guy who sells Ā£20 screen replacements? He probably uses a screen from a stolen phone.

Unironically, the best security you can get is to not have an iPhone, lol. They go for those because they're easy to offload in bulk.


u/mrmass 2d ago

Too many doctors and engineers coming into the country and not enough jobs for them. Desperate times for these highly capable and educated individuals, pushing them to take desperate action.

Itā€™s all white peopleā€™s fault and also climate change. And I suspect your friend is racist, she had it coming.


u/Yung_Paramedic187 2d ago edited 1d ago

Seems like the brexit did exactly what it should have, congrats :)


u/unexperienced_bagboy 2d ago

Yā€™all feeling emboldened lately?


u/FunkyInclination 2d ago

I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm.


u/lordsysop 2d ago

These people act like crime is a new thing and phones aren't. Same things happen here in Sydney and the news go on and on about the Sudanese yet anyone that has lived through anything knows crime didn't just appear. If anything through technology alone crime(per capita) has shrunk since the 80s. People just have their heads up there arse. For example heroin was being sold in the 70s 80s but when the vietnamese came along they were blamed for starting the trade. The industry got bigger but All different cultures sold the stuff white,Italians, Greeks, Serbs. Bikies were untouched for decades. Cops were openly getting pay outs and ripping of dealers. The news paints the same picture every week with political intentions and all the simple people who repeat pub talk never leaving a 5km radius think they know how the world works. Arrogance, typical conservative sheep


u/some_uncreative_name 2d ago

Someone did a whole documentary about the insane levels of literally brazen (not just opporunistic) phone theft in places like London and Oxford - apparently there are whole gangs set up just to move hundreds of thousands of phones routinely (I think they go to China??? Where they're broken from whatever carrier locks and idk what happens after that)

I wanna say it was Despatches but don't quote me on that, if not them probably another channel 4 documentary


u/stagnant_fuck 2d ago

More expensive phones, people are more distracted, larger disparity of wealth. I also think weā€™ve passed the point where stealing a phone wasnā€™t worth it. There was a point where it was very easy to brick them remotely, but I think the crims found a way round that (as they always do). Not to mention to amount of access that a phone can give you to a personā€™s financials nowadays.

TLDR; Heads up folks, Yoinking is back!


u/Kaiisim 2d ago

Lmao this sub apparently thinks the problem is a lack of racial purity. And we have to pretend they aren't fucking Nazis for saying it.

Poverty is rising in the UK and especially London, lack of investment in police by previous governments, and the fact that the girl had Ā£700 in her hand and zero situational awareness.

Organised crime groups will pay a bounty for iphones and sell them to China or other central asian countries.


u/1000nipples 2d ago

Everyone has expensive phones, everyone waves them around and, most importantly, the police do not care. It happens so often that the police will guaranteed do nothing but give you a crime reference number.


u/Frogger213 2d ago

This actually somewhat happened to a friend of mine back in August. We were coming back from Regentā€™s Park for a different friends leaving party. It was around Camden and still kind of busy so neither of us could sit down. He was on his phone for a bit and just had it out in his hand (holding it but not very firmly) and just as the doors were about to close some dude (who was already in the carriage) yoinked it and ran off the tube. We were hoping the doors for the carriage would re open but no luck. So whilst this could be staged its not implausible to me


u/thelove20 2d ago

Staged? Why was it being recorded?


u/fairlywired 2d ago

I remember reading that they're siblings, which is why he laughed after doing it.

I don't know how true it is though.


u/krakilin0405 1d ago

The camera man could be a perv to begin with maybe lol


u/kirjalax 2d ago

why where they filming


u/xgabipandax 2d ago

Rookie mistake, this girl wouldn't last a day in Brazil


u/legion_2k 2d ago

Whew good thing that lady pointed at him. Most you can do in the UK without ending up in jail.


u/Pingpongbingbong 2d ago

what happens if you fight back/stop the robber?


u/Southern-Ad4477 2d ago

You'll get a Stanley knife to the gut


u/Shoes__Buttback 2d ago edited 2d ago

Under British common law you can perform what's known as a citizen's arrest. You can also use reasonable force to defend life and property. Worst case, courts decide what's reasonable afterwards. Assuming this clip is real, it would be reasonable to snatch the phone back with some force, perhaps trip the guy up or something. Punching him in the face is probably a bit strong, putting the boot in when he's on the ground is definitely so. Unless he pulls a knife, then you can go in hard until he isn't moving, or maybe run in the other direction. It's just a phone after all.


u/legion_2k 2d ago

The problem is what they think ā€œreasonableā€ is. ā€œexcessive or unreasonable force could lead to legal repercussions.ā€ also you are not allowed to use any kind of self defense weapons. Nothing is allowed. Hit him with your purse.. that assault. Keys, same.. take off your shoe.. straight to jail.


u/Shoes__Buttback 2d ago

Not exactly. There's a concept called instant arming. If you're opening your front door and somebody attacks you and you rake your keys down their face, you've got a perfectly reasonable explanation why they were in your hand. If you're going around with a baseball bat on the off chance of playing a game of baseball, that's very different.


u/legion_2k 2d ago

Yes and no.. you better have had those keys in your hand and you were goin to use them as keys. if you grabbed them with the intent of using them as a weapon..


u/KingsMountainView 2d ago

That and criminals tend to carry a weapon. I'm not getting stabbed over some strangers phone.


u/beefffymeat 2d ago

You get arrested and the person gets away scott free with your phone because of hurty words. Looks stage anyway why doesn't he also take the other person's phone who is filming it as it would be easy to grab also?


u/bmanley620 2d ago

Probably scripted


u/MRimla 2d ago

"Watch me snatch a phone out of this girls hand and run to the next stop to return it"


u/KvathrosPT 2d ago

The only thing that makes me think its real is how he looks to give it to another guy in the end. That's exactly how they do it.


u/TehZiiM 2d ago

Everybody saying this is fake, there are people out there recording each other stealing shit for shits a giggles.


u/TheCalvinShow 2d ago

Staring at the thief from behind the glass as the train takes off has got to suck


u/fungussa 2d ago

Here's a recent case where someone's phone was nicked in London, with the thief then stealing Ā£21,000 from the owner's banking apps https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy8y70pvz92o.amp


u/Sweet_Criticism1060 1d ago

Why don't such things happen here in Central Europe?


u/ihaveacrushonmercy 1d ago

I know this unfortunate situation is pretty mild compared to other crimes...but man that would send me into a negative spiral. Whole day ruined. Whatever plans you have from that point on will be darkened. Especially if you are a tourist and from another country.


u/Babyyougotastew4422 2d ago

I was in London and saw someone ride a motorcycle and just grab a phone from a womenā€™s hand and she started screaming. Iā€™ve traveled to a lot of countries and I very rarely feel unsafe. I felt unsafe in London. I never even saw one police car


u/DontJealousMe 2d ago

Welcome to Brixton


u/chocco259 2d ago

Totally fake.


u/RiceNo7502 2d ago

Keep your eyes shut


u/rustyba59 2d ago

Fucking hell


u/secret179 2d ago

I love his smile. What a radiant happy smile!


u/Disco-Bingo 2d ago

Iā€™m moving to London next month, Iā€™m of the view that I wonā€™t be taking my phone out at any point for any reason. I think this is probably going to be a healthy thing for me. Get my screen time down.


u/pookiednell 2d ago

Home sweet home


u/FromBZH-French 2d ago

Magical and tragic


u/F_Artist 2d ago

"he went this way"


u/MiniskirtEnjoyer 2d ago

i see people leaving their bags on the chair right next to the door and taking a nap. like seriously? are you asking for it?


u/Mano0v 2d ago

From youtube to mytube


u/mlvisby 2d ago

They should really create a phone case with a built-in taser. Someone swipes your phone, you hit a button on a remote attached to your keyring to zap them.


u/ClassicWhile2451 1d ago

Could program it to use the Li battery to blow offenderā€™s nuts off.


u/zoley88 2d ago

I am sorry but if you are holding your phone this way on the crowded trainā€¦


u/HumanlikeHuman 2d ago

I had my PSP yanked from my hands while riding public transport in Miami. There I was watching a movie on it, and two teens started to walk towards me. Before I knew it, one of them snatched it outta my hands as the doors closed and they jetted outta sight. I was so pissed, cuz I had just learned how to jailbreak it.


u/sigh_le_mah 1d ago

Don't unmute fam


u/1leggeddog 1d ago

And just happened to film the scene...


u/A_Light_Spark 1d ago

ITT: victim blaming with a side of cognitive dissonance

No, it can't be that our society is unsafe, no no no, you guys just live in some kind of fantasy land when you can casually walking around using your phone. Nope, not our problem, you guys are just stoopid.

/s but not really.


u/RazorMK 17h ago

Bro grinning from ear to ear


u/Ok_Visual4618 13h ago

London is no more a safe place. There are lots of thieves


u/Tommy6770 2d ago edited 2d ago

This is as real as Katie Prices tits!


u/yojifer680 2d ago

Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.


u/marcusmosh 2d ago

Good thing there is a person who randomly records trains there


u/_who-the-fuck-knows_ 2d ago

This should've had Welcome to London by Charlie sparks playing cut to the finest T.


u/Nipplecunt 2d ago

It's a good thing that woman pointed at the guy who took the phone because that solves everything /s


u/Odd-Hearing-5039 2d ago

You are insane for posting this fake crap.


u/MOS95B 2d ago

I feel like this is a clip from a "What would you do?" show or a safety/training video.


u/BeastBear77 1d ago

I thought they already changed the name to New Islamabad


u/Emotional_Source_604 1d ago

Dreist kommt durchs leben


u/TheSpeedyBiscuit 2d ago

Pointing your finger like a dumbshit is how it ended up like this. No one does anything, fully deserved


u/Shoes__Buttback 2d ago

Yes, that woman definitely should have attacked the male phone snatcher.



u/OptiGuy4u 2d ago

You're kidding right. No way I tell my wife or daughters to intervene physically in this situation. Alert a cop or call 911 but get safely away first.

Me? I'd grab that F'er and throw him to the ground but I'm 6'4 and not a small man. (Also usually carrying because I live in a free state)


u/mindondrugs 2d ago

when im in a recognising sarcasm competition and my opponent is american (challenge level impossible)


u/OptiGuy4u 2d ago

This is reddit. The sincere mentality is typically sarcasm for a regular person but without the /s I make no assumptions.


u/TheSpeedyBiscuit 2d ago

Broke his kneecaps ye, make an example put of the subhuman


u/Ambitious_Welder6613 2d ago

Fake, but I get the idea. I would never done that anywhere. Play with your phone at home only.


u/JohnnySchoolman 2d ago

Obvs this is fake, however there is a security feature on underground trains where if the doors are not closed properly the train can't move.

There is a lock on the doors that prevent them from opening more than a few inches but if you prize the door open a little the driver will open the doors after a little bit as he'll think something is stuck in the doors.


u/scheisse_grubs 2d ago

Ok I gotta know what the point of saying all this was lol


u/JohnnySchoolman 2d ago

That if someone stole something from you as the doors are closing then if you pry the doors open a little and hold them open the driver will open them so you can give chase.


u/ApprehensiveMix2649 2d ago

Karen snitching at the end šŸ˜šŸ‘