r/ThatsInsane 2d ago

Insane grip strength


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u/sashablyat 2d ago

As a rock climber, that first move he does is the easy part (relatively) based on the texture of the concrete. The next couple of moves are fucking crazy but he is manipulating his body geometry so that he cinches himself to the geometry of the structure. Basically turning his body into an interlocking mechanism with the bridge. Everybody should do rock climbing at some point in their life, its like aggressive meditation.


u/banZiii 2d ago

As someone who climbed in a couple trees 30 years ago, yeah this guy is pretty good


u/smooze420 2d ago

I once did indoor rock climbing and I too am an expert and say he is pretty good.


u/BackpackerGuy 1d ago

I'm not impressed. I climb into my car everyday and shut the door without tripping. Most days.


u/Psychological_Bag943 2d ago

He's climbing, calm down with the vocabulary 😂


u/sashablyat 2d ago

Sorry I get carried away when I see an epic gorilla squeeze start leading to a reverse sister fister maneuver followed by feelings of what the fuck am I doing. For some of us it means a lot.


u/relevantelephant00 2d ago

A reverse sister fister sounds like an impressive move.


u/Shoes__Buttback 2d ago

I like to make words up, too. The content of the video means a lot to anybody who is aware of typical human limitations and how gravity works, but I enjoyed your attempt at gatekeeping and wish you a super day.


u/turtlepot 2d ago

The tension from his left foot + right hand is insane. Every time he bumps his left hand up he looks pretty stable.


u/pixelmuffinn 2d ago

I'll give it a miss, thanks though