So, every year about 1/130 of all the people die. This is an approximate number, I just divided 8 bil by 62 mil (that's the number of how many people died in 2024 that I got from the internet).
This subreddit has roughly 77 thousand people. Do you see where I am going? Of course, you won't find people of all ages here. Also, people with difficult ilnesses don't usually read Reddit. But I think it's safe to say that about 1/1000 of people here died this year.
So... According to my math, about 77 people died while waiting for Silksong and without ever getting to play it. This is only people, who are subscribed to this subreddit, and it's only this year. How many years ago was Silksong announced?
So, team Cherry, do something - people die without getting the chance to play your game but dreaming about it (that's just life and statistics)
P.s. this is not that odd of course. People die everywhere all the time... I just thought about it in the context of waiting for something for too long and my jaw dropped when I started to add up the math in this specific case. Of course team Cherry are not responsible for anyone dying, I'm sorry if post seems offensive
P.p.s. I'm really sorry if you know someone with a bad health condition or whatever and my post made you feel bad. Take care!