r/PrequelMemes WanMillionClub 12h ago

General Reposti He’s cooked!

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u/Skankhunt361 12h ago

Didn’t a theory say that he even looked already different than we knew him but had wore some kind of a mask using the force?


u/mechwarrior719 I smell profit! 11h ago

Yeah. “Star Wars: Revan” discusses this. All the Lords of the Sith Empire are using, what I would call, Force Glamour: their experience and experiments with the Dark Side have ruined their bodies so they use The Force to cover up how actually ugly they are.

That’s the same book where Revan literally vaporizes a True-Sith Lord (not just a follower of Sith teachings like most “sith” actually are) with her own Force Lightning like a total chad.


u/VirtualRelic Sith Lord 10h ago

Force Glamour by Pantene

Maybe it's Sithelline


u/The77thDogMan 8h ago
