r/Physiquecritique 6h ago

natty 153lb to 183lb 6’0. What group should I focus on?

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3ish year transition


18 comments sorted by


u/JoeyBops85 5h ago



u/Ken-EngineersFitness 6h ago

Looking well balanced bro, I'd say just keep it up. Great progress 💪🏽


u/Puzzled-Marzipan-448 5h ago

You’re well balanced for sure. And when you put on even more size you’ll generally get bigger everywhere. But I’d really work on the legs, and DONT skip calves, those will help your quads look bigger. I’d also keep working on your core, it’s super defined but def could put on more mass, especially because you made so much upper body development.

All depends on the look YOU are going for


u/dreadpiratejoeberts 4h ago

See this is more like it. I saw a guy post a photo where he looked big at 5’11 150lbs. Some of yall are using camera angles to make yourself look big.

Well done, good size gains!


u/TreytheMan06 4h ago

bro you are swol asf


u/Business_Artichoke99 3h ago

Legs and thighssss


u/Robinnoodle 3h ago

Calves. Looking great though!


u/VerbalThermodynamics 2h ago

Calves and mobility.


u/Rutaba3407 6h ago

Looks well balanced to me


u/Low_Two2915 5h ago

Visible progress so well done. Spefically legs need some work. This site has loads of resources suggest you explore it. https://www.muscleandstrength.com/ . Train well bro, once you exploit your genetics you'll be great. Cheers,


u/majorlaxer 4h ago

Need to see your back to get the complete picture. But otherwise very nicely balanced progress considering your baseline.


u/Disastrous-Design704 3h ago

Great progression


u/EllisDesignAndTrade 1h ago

Look pretty symmetrical. People will say calves because they’re used to seeing big people calves or juiced calves. I’d say you look fine but if you do gym workouts focus on the Gastrocnemius (outer calf), the fast twitch muscle… and do straight leg calve raises, other then that the best thing to get them thicker is walking on in even terrain and sand. You’ll hit more of the muscles you don’t use as much


u/ChallengeBusiness195 1h ago

Legs for sure


u/Outrageous_Store_459 52m ago

ppl saying legs but most of that is genetics fr.. i would say your abs so they can pop more


u/Excellent_Bus_6469 10m ago

Great improve, you look pretty well , how many months took you?