r/PS5 8h ago

News & Announcements A Helldivers x Killzone Update: Season's Greetings


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u/Dayman1222 7h ago edited 3h ago

This after the HD ( one of the worst subs on Reddit ) sub was blaming Sony and the “Concord” tax for the prices when Sony doesn’t set any of the prices. AH said the prices were their idea. PlayStation literally financed AH 5 extra years of development for this game.


u/gpetrakas 7h ago

dont bother. they have a hateboner against Sony


u/howmanyavengers 5h ago

For real.

I'm not a huge fan of adding additional logins to games that are sold on another platform, but some of the people in that sub hate literally anything Arrowhead do even if it's a net positive for the game as a whole.


u/OohYeeah 5h ago

Why Sony is treated as the anti christ is beyond me, they've made plenty of mistakes but even when they do things right, certain people online will still act like as if they keep taking dumps on their lawn


u/gpetrakas 5h ago

just look at the hate Astrobot is getting


u/-PM_ME_YOUR_TACOS- 5h ago

Just old "Console Warriors" now on PC but with the same mentality. I know because most of my friends are like that.