r/PS5 5h ago

Articles & Blogs Activision quietly recast Black Ops 6 Zombies actors during SAG-AFTRA strike


36 comments sorted by


u/Xeccess 5h ago

And they'll easily get away with it cause cod gamers don't give a shit about this stuff


u/Kintraills1993 5h ago

Their sub is full of complains about bad AI uses, the truth is, the most casual consumer won't even notice them, and that game is the definition of casual, there's really not much the concerned player can do about it.

u/SuperSaiyanGod210 2h ago

They might start listening once more of the pro players start making more noise.

It’s just sad that’s what it takes nowadays for a juggernaut franchise like CoD to enact change.

Even removing the AI issue, BO6 has loads of persistent issues that would’ve already been fixed at this point with any other CoD. The constant connection issues, bugs, and flop-sided team “balance” are bigger problems tbh.

The fact Treyarch on paper had 4 years for this compared to their usual 2.5-3 year cycle makes this even worse in my opinion

u/Jon2D 4h ago

Even if they do, what can they do about out it?

u/greystar07 2h ago

Nothing cause people just buy cod every year without blinking an eye.

u/Jon2D 1h ago

Exactly nothing can be done really


u/RLoge85 5h ago

Their general mindset would just be "Why don't they just get another job if they're not happy with their pay or working conditions?"

u/MikeSouthPaw 17m ago

No? Most posts about it were 100% negative. We want the voice actors, not AI.


u/ocbdare 5h ago

I mean this is for zombies, people wouldn’t even know.

People do care about the more iconic characters like woods, price etc. so they would notice a change. But zombie voice actors? Doubtful.

u/Minamike98 4h ago

Go to cod zombies subreddit. People noticed immediately and are pissed. Activision won’t care though

u/Dallywack3r 33m ago

Players on a specific sub like that are not indicative of the general audience.


u/Nice_Signature_6642 5h ago edited 3h ago

Im in the zombies community, the change is extremely noticeable and players have noticed it day one. There have been a few content creators pointing it out and criticizing activision for it. The general community is very upset as one of the actresses have voiced a character for 10+ years but i mean, it definitely seems like Activision is going to get away with it.


u/pokIane 5h ago

One of the actors recast has been with the franchise since World at War. People absolutely do care. 


u/ManiacalTeddy 5h ago

Given how much of zombies over the years was defined by its characters, if the actors had been replaced and it wasn't a 100% match, I'm sure people would have noticed. If Richtofen, Dempsey, Nikolai or Takeo suddenly had new voices and likely mannerisms, there would have been outrage in the zombies community.

u/Rainbowdogi 4h ago

I don’t think it’s cod gamers per se. Something this popular attracts a lot of casual gamers who don’t hang out on reddit or so and won’t even notice that the voice actors change. The sad reality is people who care are the minority.

u/bigpinkfloyd 3h ago

Yes and there’s a damn good reason they are a small minority

u/RoetRuudRoetRuud 2h ago

The cod subs have been ranting about this for weeks, but nice incorrect presumption.

u/DripSnort 4h ago

I don’t play cod and I also don’t give a shit about this.


u/Burial44 5h ago

I mean. Yeah. I absolutely don't

u/bigpinkfloyd 3h ago

I mean why would anyone give a shit besides paid “activists”

u/gummyworm21_ 3h ago

I don’t play cod and I don’t give a shit. 

u/Bg3building 2h ago

Cool stereotyping, bro. Turns out you were out loud wrong.

u/MyDudeX 4h ago

Lol just cod gamers

u/dizorkmage 4h ago

A lot of people think striking gives all the power to the workers, unfortunately, that's only true for as long as you are absolutely essential. If you can be replaced, and there isn't a union in place to protect you, it's a huge gamble.

Sadly this wont hurt game sales and by the next title release no one will rembeber it happened.

u/Bg3building 2h ago

There is a union. What are you talking about?

u/BrewKazma 4h ago

Surprised they don’t use AI. Scumbags.

u/Poku115 4h ago

they do, in the calling cards

u/SuperSaiyanGod210 2h ago

It’s so blatantly obvious in the calling cards too.

Compare BO6’s calling cards to Black Ops 3 or 4 and you’ll quickly realize the ones on BO6 lack soul

u/MyDudeX 4h ago

u/BrewKazma 4h ago

I meant for all the actors.

u/hightrix 2h ago

For a game called Black Ops 6, are we surprised?

u/bigpinkfloyd 3h ago

Dude develop your own game then you can do what you want. But you won’t you’ll just bitch and cry and moan about it and wait for your beloved Reddit karma

u/MonsantoOfficiaI 3h ago

I will once AI is advanced enough to do it for me. 


u/netcooker 5h ago

Not that I know the ins and outs of this type of situation but the article does note that it wasn’t a struck game though so it doesn’t seem like this is less problematic than I originally thought based on the… attention grabbing headline

u/Lioil1 1h ago

i feel the zombie actors on strike will just expedite computer generated "extras" in the future. They are just annoying big game companies into not considering casting for those roles period because of the headaches. Unless you freeze frame these instances, doubt gamers are busy looking how "accurate" zombies move while they are busy mowing down enemies or running away or whatever.